Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 4

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I - 4 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. November 29, 1972 Flyer fumble Frilday top Mohawks Sunday An early 4-1 lead tiazled Friday Flgitl on Mîllon Continenal Fleaadil waa ail lin Flyers coald do t0 alt tram beîng rn ont Of Oakvile Arfeaa by lte lime lte final banner itîto. Flyers dropped te caatmst lt-t bal nlarssed bock Saaday nigit on tome ire and iteld lthe Oralt place Burlinglon Moitawkm la one goal and delealed ltent 3-1. Friday'a gaine oaa maed by penallies wilb 103 mnues beiag levied belore lte gante waa avor. Milton served .5i naut obile lte itlades tervedl 45. Belte lte gaine oas aver Greg Walntaley. Bill Presaîak and coacht Bert Brown hiadt ail iteea ejocled tramn lte gamne. Wabaaley gaI lte gale daring lte second perind obea ie oes asaesaed an elbong penly ad a major mmasconaLrfoUlaod. Preutiait gaI jalo troable ia te lird periad wbea ie and oa Milford engaged in a acalite. Hockey trip Preaaiait claimed Milfard puaclod bita and tea be it lte Oakitvlle player li ith lC i on lte bead. Preaaiak lak ita tor toardiag, Oive miaules foc tlgbliag ltaI taaowtd aad a miaconducl pentalty and a suspeasiont. Milford gaI fine amnutes fo, is part in lte Ogit. Lead 4.1 Flyera led by Daag Anderacait ltrme gaadaprl intefinral;periad vientead 4-1 oiith Preazlia Oiral perîad goal aI 15.tt of lte Oiral periad. Belare lte periad eaded Flyera lrafled 5-4 and Bladin punped la tour gaals la llsre and a bail miautes. Biade aiotoaera cntlluedl lteir prolifi acormng and leOt Flyera bebiad during lte secoad and tbird perioda. Bait iukantl acorcd Mlilon't only goal of lte second and lird periada. Ivan DtgoJohnt Tonell, George CaetGearge MiDa aad Crlag Flemng ail picked op assista. Ray Cisitan acared bar goals for Oaitvile ob ie Di Biilld 011 ieract. Briat BenDionis Fooler, Collait Simpnp aad Citria illeenitat sitsgled. Maaie bal tapent gaalleitdiag Suaday igt ity Terry Maaliae itepl Flyers inaconlentian ith thbe bigit Flying Moawks duriag lthe tirait andasecoitd periad. Maline camne ip with a ieaal bail a domei aenaaioital tavea and field Burliaglon la oite goal dariag Bhe gane. Kmn Grivela tirait period goal prassded lte vistlra w0101a lead unittl Ray Lace apeaed lte acarlag la, Milton aI Bhe 15.36 niant of Bhe seconid periad tram Bab liait ami Bab Fubamola. Craig Fleming drove a laite pucit belaad Maria MacDonald la lite Birdpriad ait ait asaist tram JaaAoId ami Gary liant Dog Anderson îcared lte Hockey, hospitality mix weII at Millis Gos Mobray, Pretideat aI odalîgroap Oaaenterlalaed taan cbaoged olit Doit Mobray Itonl Mior Hockey antd Joe eveaaing of daacng by Milita matîog lte preaenaaiaa on Wilson, a rgatuer of Bhe trip 101 fiesta. Pretealatioan oere ex- doehl aI Milton. four 5-ana Irant ilt la Miillia, Mass. foc an ealai sorris and afficiai apetaag af Bhe aeo MiBai Conmaunily Areito receitly. Thetinvilaion oaaltwalald, aa reciprocaiait la, Bhe Milia van.... la Miltontelat backey teamon ami Bheocal apeoing aI Bhei, ae Toama tint jaaraeyed sauBh at Bhe barder oere Bhe Major MgesMonor Bailants Miaur PeeWeeu and Mate Nov c~ ibarog Bhe oeekmnd oaa by litea dent gus Mobray woa said! tee are repreaeitativea of analin, coatannty in aotBer country au Bherelare, ow oe play TOULASo l r ae Bhe came comms finiat so Bhat oe TW ,LSo lyer, at and caches trovelel la moay retamn home praad af bing Mils Mtass. (near Boston) recenlly la parltie la lthe official Irtie sportamea. fiaI is more openang otf lthe aeo areno tbere. Stilia teonta piayed bare lait lImportant lhin oaalg". yeor andl inviteil Milton tiiere for hockey ami ta aasit un lin Gond wlIl officiai opening. Thte front of lin Millis arent la pictnt-ed heme. Iis 000 daae darlag every gonte front lte Midget game ou P'riday eveaiag, Nov. 17 obea local baya woni ity aa 11-0 score l a turday olea Bhe rentoolag Brin gantan oere played by ov rkf MilIon Banlam wiBh an 8--2 viclary. Peeatees oere aI lin big adpoe gag, lthe Novicea itepl lte r o maalang treoit abve olith a big 6-1 viclary. tipai campletion af ract lamte ail lin Millia boys and Millan v baya exchtangel reala aI Beir reapective leoguco. Tie "GO MILTON GO" badlgesaO broagit dooa by Miltn oral ovrbig ast Bere oaaso no ne la baetsen comiag ora orth of the COUINCILLOIR- barder. Too busea teere clî,rlared for ON MoI 60 hockey ploycrs plan 40 adut < * obîcit conaîaled af roaches, managera andl pareats of Bhe The buses lelI Mltoi Frîdoy atra, Nov . 17 att- ont0a.. for Bhe long trip dooa and urrived aI MILTON____________________ P__ Bhe Müis Arena ai 7:30 pi. aonid o fanlasit oelconte of Staio citazem, hockey playera, civil attîiciala, chearleadera. Eocb Mîilt hockey ployer oas Ollacated a hante îBh Bhe parentsa (I Bhe Milia hockey piayers ami every boy enjoyed tise opîtliy. They oere oalertained andntosy given gifla Lestons to beattered: tAIll Leasova one (b) Ad and saveotera and pached hoar in length).8,ssn s lunchesaftatBe reloca trip toise.8 esnad fie offîiil apeaîag (a)JUIORLESO 2000o mOoncenced îBh Bhe Servace ao <>f.*..1tSO Haaar Goardi, Bhe preamltation i(16 yrs. af age or onder) - Lettons 8 Lestons an of teL S 1;lFag andBe Canadian $150 $20.00 Flag it theNatioal AnBhens. Tinte:-Satarday,. Jasaary 110h, 1973, TIME:- Toe Mt.large peianta at 2:.t0 p. m. Taesdoy Even alrMitofcai paant p PRE-REG Wednesday M la Be ne= uea"nt logie Ben PR-EISTRATION IS NECESSARY trs-Te Cazodian Flag. Regitter atîthe Town Hall, Mosday ta Friday-10:o fie odoila oere iteideil dama or mail Registration Form ta the tollowing adidrî aI lin Holiday Ina Hatl onMlo ak ndRceto ea Faringbam, a auhuof a Boston. Mti ak n eranD~a Upaa campletuon ofthli Midgel P.O. Bax 3, Mit, Ontario gane lte adolit oere lad and Ericiasechaqoo or eonc rduLayabin.c ta Lo mlterlained ol Bhe honte af Dans NAME__________ ADREîSS - Toitsmd ohîcit Oaa huit la 1734 aid oaa loaaeil on lte Chtarlest River aad Oaa origimilly an Aaicii Leasovo Sac lirne - Indient Trading Post. At Bhal ___ _____ _ ime, Bhe Toonteade lad 80 Jcnior Lestons - OAg ocres af land obicit Millas Area et aow aiiald an. ____ Sigblseeiag and visitation 0101 Bheib olotigbbigitthe tip tocrEDIEFRROaRTOaFIA.DC Milton baya during li time Bhey Far farther Iniormaion cntact R. OrnaI-f teocen't plapine hocktey. The imraegoal ami bis torB goal la-a gaines tonday aI Bhe 1.0mark aI Bhe Bhird perad. Arnold and Ivant Darigait asiaed. Wbiit i1iyera itled aid contrlraieda gad abare oftBe play durlag Bhe gante, Maittne oas alUd upai t lakie 36 atops and il Oaa le wo alymled Bhe Buritngtot shtera. Cieaithockey Ualite lin gaime Friday ami mnite Bhe lait lime Barlinglait andillt piayed mdih aBer, Bhe gante Oaa toul o laI of pealties. Asiamolat o ac oly aoal of eigbl minutes teere aaeaaed during Bhe wole gane. Wbde Bhe on didolif1 Million 00t oI f1601 spot il caonsedl ituiglait la have la aitare linit w101 treeavle. Blue Unaebaaler Ray Love, o oeoly acquireil rigit oiag seentu lin tillitg Bhe lau aicely according la, Flyer ecativin oy oaa acqoired iron BDiJa.unior tOit and itaa Georgetowo ... Flyera teere tited la play in treeaville laeolay tigt and Bhea bail Bramplaon bore Pridoy... .Friday igit la ladiea' nigit la Milton Area aitd Bhe featiaine fia oitl neoaditlelforbhall price. . Dec. 6 Ih Junior eaecalive oi baid o laritey and bain rotlla inh Bear Rag Itoon aI ttc Clarles Halel. Mites bow ouf 1-O The Milon Mitas tere adged i-t by treeavie la Milton Friday angit. litreelavitle acareil aI lin 10 second marital Bhe fral periail and Bme bang ai tol regislar linir Bhird victocy oI Bhe Thte Milton Mites oatlayed Bhei, appanenla bal juat couldolt pal Bhe port la lte aet ai Bhree tintea Bey liadt Bhe park la treeaville goal lion but loiled lat moite il couail. Coacht Kea 'llianpon a oquile pleaied w101 hlas ai Bhey stiai oeil aad Derrickt Neeladaplayed a alroag gante in lthe net. ne imnportant TOWN OF MILTON ElDAT. DEC. 4 salop ANDteCrvon-l3 PH N EDE IMBR siTU1002 .m daJnar. t, 93 BURUINGTONSHOOTER winda uplor a diveoitileblt to wlngers circle in the Milton zone. AUl five Millon defendera are AmTtUSBC ed t 8:/2 Prîc Tlrod of DULL SKA TES M sd Edges, SIonted Bladesa Try Brownio's Sports Skates sharpenel hollow ground. We also shellac toes ot skates for protection against moisture. t"s- TIiW. E dotho Real Thing" Whim you Wait 150 Mill St. Milton 878-40 shoata getting ready for the abat frozo juat Inside lte bine lino. (P"otby B. BarIl) 40 OIUCEa of COKE with every FAMILI MA or PAETY MA 0F FUVOR GRISp OHIOKEN Famai" Fait Parir Fai iliplaces 4.35 21 placet 5.50 MURRAY NOG1I0 DRIVE-IN % LaaaiitOvmad and oparated B."eoLineoadWeStat PHlON E * i ReadyFor * Ofto, Effective tpal te 8:0p.a. ndV12n * Noc.295throcigh Fidayto ta2tI0 anm. and Stladay ta * Sc.3 1.0PM 'ÀIi,#* Nov. 3Oth IiLI JJDec 1 sf Dec. 2 nd SKI-D00 MILTN MAINEthe machine that MILTN MAINE »' chong.od wln ter SPORTS, YORhshne RECREATIONi CENTRE (oa in aa s aar hobb 25 COMMERCIAL ST. TpT 93 < ~ .6 MILTON 878-6521 T T1-3Ride the iverBult Snowmobile 10% off Suite Gloves, 13Daa iiy Accossorles Etc. BILL Tri-( cavel logic prean ir Hock bicia fans Bhe s gantE diapo coact way pare# sayuo sit 1 Caffl pers( mai keen Bhe gond Bhe 1 ai Na .e plei N ir mi Eve Bhe 1 o Dai Gul -am Chri final pa r17ili i

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