Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 34

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ClO Tise Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., November 29, 1972 KiIbride Visit home of future on trip ta Florida By Mes. P.D.J. Senses Durisg thse past fese weeku tise staff of Kîiseîide Publie Sehoot. iie ) onüvr alented parents have been devotîug finie fa iiiowiog the cisldre tise ridtst of carpeotry, casdtn mabîng, first aid aod art appreciatson. Principal Norm Howellandbhis stafflarrangedoan esesting progeamsme, and seere seel renarded for tiseir efforts isy Use response ot baUs parents aod cisildeo. B. Pillas tsois thse chltdren on visîtu ts local art galleries, and to artists tiseaselves. Me. Pillas stuosud tison good origisal art and pomnted out ta tis cildren Use eoninectîoo isetsee tise ortist and tis mediumu tisp osed, and tisis suay tise cisildeen udd sen just how moisbornaneffort went unts tise eomploted wors oI Use Paissions honse ltoceutly rotueoed frons a visit taiser sister's in Florida is Mes. Ralps Ralps Serneels. Wile w seere viesesof oser rois sodden gardons Marpînu wms iatbing is temporatuces of tis 80's! On bier iuit tisce sise managed ta taise a tsar of Use Wostsugi,.use Electea Home of tise future. Tbis basse is loeated in CuraI Siprings, Use Do-tt-Different City! Tise bosse s most elaterate sulUs tas aod bier contrnta tbat operate draperies, radio, television and readiog sîgist figis You suave ,îwr baud ind the lîgbts gi nut and fh ho n are calfod cenlovu, sucis au, aduit conter,' cisildeen's centsr, the estiseor eiue entoe bas a pool tbat atso cmn is eonverted lio a taortais seben sot; su use, mnd wisen pou rosses seisi Use ssoýppisg pos press a baton mnd a cart comen out on a rail ta store poor groceries)! CnIIee Pariy Mes. Chsstopiser Beckett ws Use isoStens ai tise Tuesday Mnsoosg eoflee party iseld for Use Ponton St. 8 Sideroad residents mnd t ws derided tisot for Use tiune isurtg Use Toosday mocoiog coller groop seoold sot meut onil alter fis Cisristmnas festivities Proîties Kîliseide residents bave been aouweeisg tiseir dones tisse tant 10w days ta cootenders in Use Ward 3 division. Tom Patience whn resîdes on Paoton St. Eiseido aloog sesUs tas siell Teresa aod son Alan ban been bany eampaignng. Mes. O. Ella Fmote bas iseen vîsîting ratopopers an seil. Sise is iseen a resident ofWard 3fort19 ears. Mes. Fonte is a isband ond wo daugistors. Drumcjuin School bus upsets on trip to school Bp Mes. Ceril Patterson Congratulatinm to Me. and Mes. Glenn Lister a bride andl geroom of Saturday Nov. 25. Tise yeng cnuple sueee maeried in BtieUel Unitedl Cisurei bp Roc. Lymoe Adams. Tho isde sa Use daugister uf Me. and Mes. eo I.aurien of Oufîvîlle mnd Glenn sa Use oldeut uon of Me. and Mes. L.eoned Lister, Trafalgar Rd. Ttie eceptinn wsea beld ut Piue Rono. Oubvîlfo. A largo bues on Use farm jut soutis nf leitannia Rd. on Trafalgae Rd. suas cnmpltelp demislid isy tire llatuedap ovenmng. No anonais seere in Use baildinig but a qsaistity of ap ald strae suas desteoped. Tise cause of tise blase bas not beon detenuned. Congratulations to Miss tibersu Donovn on bomng auearded Use Noran Mager Memorial tenpby and $25 peine fnr weiting Uso prise ioîoomingoesuny entitlod sebut Use Nuvy means bo me. tshe s Use dugister of Me. and Mes. J.t,. Donovan an d a student ut Montelaîr Scbuol Oubville. Wrîttees teom aIl parts nt Ontsrio compleiod su Uso ouaay cootout. A uchonl bon deivon bp Russell Coleofn Honoby and Inaded iUs stadentu for Perey Meeep Seteot ws oupset recently on Oeeep Rd. secause nf ulippey conditins as sucv ie eoad. AI seore ubabon up but nly tive nome taten ta baspîtal for troatment. Oui of tosen guests foe Use usterLaurion suoddirg on Nov. 25 . uadltater weebesîd visitoru mUsh Me. and Mes. Lennard Lister sueee Mes. Margaret Csutert, Me. and Mes. Tom Tenant and ion KeiUs, Me. and Mes. Coten Kellose, Mes. Laura Csutert, and Me. and Mes. Harold McKay and Tom CuUsbert ail of CisaUs River andl Me. and Mes. Glon Couteet of lleocbuillo, Gordon Luteet oI Norths Bay, Me. andl Mes. Meeven TueS, Kîrilietl. Tom Cuteet wsea guest soloist at the îeddîng and also suof ut Usoseddng o Glenn's parents 23 peurs atm. Tise young couple seilI teoneymoon su Use meUsh and ml iuit Usoîr geandparents Me. aal Mes. John Lioter le. sete resîde as Boteapgenn bat seere mnable to attend the seeddisg. Mes. Oîlly Cisse, Trafalgar Bd. s enjoysug a seseter vactio vîsitsug relatives and triendu in Vîancouver, San rancsco, and Lai Angeles. Mes. D. Oundeeber oI Siasksatoon, Siaskatcewoan wsuo a recent vîsitor seîUs ber sistar andl beotaer-in-lau N Coovan. Henry Nowak wa Use intensive cure ville Trafalgar Feîday but is stil bospital. Me.f ueriuul mjued cîdont Oct. 31. Frien cpeedy ecovoey. Ocianquin titaes weeklp got tagelth Mereptiebsol on Ms tieutseeigt lmeof Mes. Oînny Oulipe ineeting 0ec Il ai tintâ Use New eua r[Yamîo7 Omagh Barn is destroyed by f ire Ihursda Bp Mes Cecl Palleeson on Montday NonS>. Me. Fiee dssteoyed a barn on Use left for a six mentit toaro corner of Tisird Lioe and [terp Taisem, Cina, sere Rd. early Tisursday moreisg. Milton Fiee Departmeot seas R en callodith snene and kept busy Bo r foc fene of flying sparlis startiog a lire ina hsome and lare approves bialdigs on Use nearsy east rr corser. Tisoosonds ot bates of bay and stease sere tn thUe blase, agreemer bat ns mnimais. Tise many lrends oI Harvey atnConyB Campisll sel te ploased ta teaco Hltn Csnp B Usat be eeturnod bosse f o Education lormally p Toronto Generat Hospitat on jonst ulm of reereatban Saturday ondina eooesvng at agtreement seith Use nu; home on Use FourUs Lie. Me. Milton Tisursday a Camopisllsminjured in a car etg accident on Oct. 31. Tse agreement povide Halton 4-H Homemabing Clubs frease o reaio late mIll bold Useir Actaeemoot Oay teons rran freecnsmie as tise ticisol for tise Doaf Miltansch sadfe uu on llataeday 0e. 2. Motisors andi of Use sebanta by Use Cos Iriendu are iovited to attend Use ta btU istances ouf alteromon progeami ut 1.ts pan. activîtien Usas don't col item Use club girta seil shose cuerent progransdn cotisits andl demronsteations on onplemensed. Use rocont Orjc.«Dessisgp Ocoupo seising ta on Vegetables." P fclte a A sarrinebîethay doner arrangements titroîg th Aot sueril se b.ass of Me. receoation commisse and Mes. Cisarles Parceisoo agreement i considered Campiselîville to bonne ssei! sigodicont one iseamse geandmoUsee Mes. C.L. Pococs, the dooc for fstsre en-o Haemony Court, Milton, on bier agreenments msc ans upoviai day. Tise purty ws ebld Isartetton and Oabvitie. Nov. 19 seitisamont memsers of tw tas agrrangeme bier lamily attendiof. Mes. isen made sebereby s Pueuis bs te sns.tse pools are bissU on ocisol Pocok ba twosons w isy the tosea and miaisis daugissers, eigist grandeblldren UsbodfEuti. and eîgbt great geandetaldeen. th or fEuain Maoy beautiful gîfts seere of agreemesnt provis peesenteil toier înclodmng a clîest scisonîs seiti a pool duri of sîlver, place uetuongn for eigist teurs mnd Use cosuanl nI ciînaseare. OUser gift, floral pool su oUser tisas aisae arrangements, cards and goal mutses. Thse lrendu as Omags osteod gond seisises ta bier for POLLOC maoy more hsappy amiveesorien A wis er busbaud and tarnsly. Me. mnd Mes. Poeock eetîeed eeenlp C M B ta Milton. C M B Me. mnd Mes. Paul Club, M.naf.etaensn Angola and Jetleey of Cobourg Migh Gole Mn suere lSunday vîsîturs seitis Useir M.so. n-i parents Me. and Mes. Jote Woldgoso, Stevon and Jili, Ïeaesaan Foorts Lne. 6178 Ion Lister tO its broUser-is- EIGALT -- Ian Tom Teonient 'ofCUIsti Biner *HB6 easer st. North ta International Airport Toronto = y Tannant I duty is hisis 't ard aI srove a fa in tan aI t tiseir na r Use Id ailier sby the nty use ssssnity. p timan filet slUs nill te maise se taen's e. Tise it opmmi ~eative In tialle sta bave property sisal by tisas sort des tise )g ociool ws elU a ni bass. mol yet bp omie Energy of ineore sympathisu extended ta Mr. and Mes. Jacis McOougall, Filt isnie on the passing if their noilser, Mes. Jtack Meoougall of Milton. Aaalversary Me. and Mes. Blik Basean Fourts Lise entertalned at a dinner and a pleasant get- togetiser of tse immediate, family ta Inan lieir parents Me. ami Mes. Lloyd May on tise occasion ofliseïr 3tti sedding mnniversaey on Nov. 21. Me. and Mes. May are anse living at Arias, but fas-ssed for .ay pears on tise Fiflis Lise. andihave tisee dasghters (Betty) Mes. Craig Royee, (Merilyssi Mes. Bill Loekie, iJoyi Mes. Nanan and a son Roy and savent grandehitdren. Tlsey reeived gifts, gosl seisises and carda for tise sperial day. Friends jon in wishisg tison many more mmnversaries. Tise Women's Association of Omags Presberytorian Cisseel onvened a ssccesslsl banoar ai the Boyne Centre on latsrday alteensn Nov. 25. Well stocked bsouii;of homnse battiog, lssittieg, losey seori, and beautifol jewelleey seere seon sold oui. A fiit pond and sehite elepisant table wao a non venture. Bev. R. Lewis seelcomed tise mas>' ussitors and opened Use banae. Ossesto alteoded iron Toronto, Oaisvitte, Buelington, Milton, Streetoville and district. Word 3 Burllngton .e Responsible local gomerment ePreservation of our rural environment VOTE 'emFOSTER COUNCIL TOWN 0F BURLINGTON DECEMBER 4. TO THE Elootors of Esquosing Township Your Vote and Confidence to Elect Me DEPUIT-REEVE WiI Asure Experience and Public lnterest with the Concern of Ail Taxpayers in Mind VOTE LEN COXE - X le.J.L SALES and SERVIO Cm moved leoso % suard of Oaks- Il Hospital on vSpeial OlsaIranos 1conîsueil to Nowalsseas on '172 du s int tis models lendtbi No. 0 LISSAI TWIN SEASONS thde Novk 25 826-3609 au. Tie neut Winston Churchill Blvd. d ten cose Siu of40-5mies So oisnos Don't blow your chance ta save. Gel White Swan Facial Tissue ai a new special price. r c FOR 2 ply 180's box Tun tai page B5. You'll tind more of the right prices. LLoblaws M~ore than the price is right. EiFEFECTIVE UNTIL DEC. 5 ýýM1RT C11R1S'[Ml1eSXP -UWl mK*c>ski'

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