Ce The Champion, Moltion, Ot, Wed. November 29, 1972 Specialist speaks on farmn valuation By Henry J. Saey Faoin valuation and capital gaina oece snne ot tce tapies dioscsed i u a mceting in Stewacttoo Conunity Hall on Toeoduy evenîng, Nov. 23, oponuared top tlie Halton Federation of Agriculture. Principul speaker tousa Lyall MacLuchlan, Furo Management Speciuliol from tce agricultoral otfice in Anccuter. Thone unsiotig oece Don Younigcr and George Beecrott ut C.1.A.G., Guelpht. Mc. MucLachllun disrnssed te vulution ot te turo and other asorto toc V-Duy porposen. He ulso ictroduced thse oco publicution toc tacm peuple on lis lopic ohirhis available at ecaugrîcoltocal ottice. He stresse(tat in preparing yoor V- Day vains ot yoortfacm, yoo monst ta certan tu liane a compocisun oith allcer tarma sld in your orea ins recent years. 'Itis most be oeIl doromented as0 il may ext ta needed toc many yearc, until New class ut Royal 'Me 1972 Royal Wintec Fuir aildeil a neo cloa tu te nlieep division, kown as the "adileu' t.ead Clans". 'Thi olijective 000 la present a classof uthleep in tce Mont uttrctive manner, to aoprv tce image ot u nlieep sho, and ta asiat la tce promotion ut oool. Eartocontestanloao dcesed In aowool gucment and led hecalieep nsouad the ring. Thse age limil oas 16-22 inclusive. Judgutg hy a panel othreeouas ased Untce estruotos costume. poise, appearance. and control and pre- Octitio ut tce animal. 1 olasete lattercct Lte clanoowas very pieasig as 18 yoong ladies compeced toc tep honora. Ttcey led eoesuround thelingtiat had taco cccditioed and fttel tu compete in the regotar classex. Ibis' a long oit taaulitul garmeols made ut os and tce display ot youtotul temriinse taauly dreo a capacity audiece la tce judging auditociumx. The w cer of ibisnew "LAdiea Lest!Class" oua Mi Jacqlueline Gacîstoore ut Dondas. Stor receivedteA.G. Humter Tropiy. Mis Karen Livingsonee, Mach- date, Ontario oa tce ruaor-op, ceceivoog a sheepskio cug fom, lhe We stern Ontario Sheep Producers' Association. Contesteass [rom tIultao ocre Sandra Bennett ut Buclioglan and Joauina Pujor ut Ouloville. The millier Miss Gartstace un oseil as severul ut the other contestants had made teir oon dresses. Thsc Royal Wîntec Far plans lu contimue tîs clans cn fture yens s. you oeil te lacet or pnnnily ut your dealli. Sueessindoies Lyall ctatedi that ait entaten ot gînion or lesa are exempt troua Ontario Succession Doutes. An colala o u p la issete cor lie pauaed on la te lIone milliout incurrîogasccession dulies. tlemever, tliey would enter olien titis csale pannied la te nent generuttua. Titon, il la important taon;paents plan now iftheywili te pans on choir tarot la their chlidren. Followiag thse questin and ansoer period, cotfeo and danoIs ocre oerned. Another meeting oit ta sclicduled la te mioter on tao muanement. Horses wln for Taylor Standardbred beries ownted liy Jacik Taylor, R.R. 2 Bourlinglt wereoloniea ut tlie Royal Winder' Fair. Mr. Taylor's ntioes t fin for get of sire, second it tlie peur- long cloaie and silli it te tlty claux. Bowling Ladies' Olel, Olafle Loraiioe cocotu'. 244, lîies' 4 triple, 0.11l Oiiorr gocd uilals, a. Tindale Z337. tcco nooelit 224, Helena Todd O01h-un c=ripli.., HOeîc. Todd OItl. Lcccî oaol I 0. Lunitie Mtoueryc 562, Lorraine Veectri .aiswn7 for 13, Shiroz fcor o1. Mo,'dccAtts or 9. Le 'amtior t, suaIn otcc. Krnac'sOtort., eocî's Halton approves building Dexpite ctcong oppoition tront Depaity Reene David Coona ut Buclioglon and Reeve Alan Masnon of Qalivitte, Halten Couaty, Ceancil lins apponedi tce building ot a neo central garage tac lis monda depactaceut. Conntruction ot tce garage imu been debated by County Counscillurn toc o yeua nom. Some memtacn ut Council have teit tce creatiun ut a HalImo Itegion govecoment nigin malie tce garage construction a coatlp ad oselcua venture. Cotons and Masson again brougt up tins argument olien Nasuagaoeya Depotp Rorve Don McMüIlao, chuo'mac ut te couds deportasrecc, askcd Council ta approve tccontroction at a meeting ot Cuard last oceli. Bot mec telt it oald ta tooli ta bidd a garage, nt! tce Coooty oas tc learn tlie requiremeotu ut a neo cegional goveroment. Hooccer tce ocher memtarn ot Courd disagreed. "The roada ontl stil ta tece, nu mattar oliat type of goveesmeut oe have," poinîrd olt McMitlan and Georgetoon Reeve Iticti Morroo. Couriors from Halton CUter' munîcîpalîicae ssîd a neo central VOTE "BEST"P FOR MAYOR ISEE PAGE 8t2) Become an R.1 .A. Management Accounitant Vou'Il be at the center of tha action where the biîg decisions are made. Graduate Reaistered Industriel Account- acta become controllers, Management consultants, teachers, general managers or civil service professionala. Our course of sludy as avoutable throogh evening lectures at 40 oniversities or collages, and through correspondance. Ast nom. Courses allat Imetediatelyl O . M, Ai - - -'"I _ . Move û l in busQiness and gove.nmen garage garage coud vecp onsl ser've a large portion of tse Coantp. Dcpntp Reene McMillan aliao pointed ont tcgaage mdt1 ta expaniidd n i I l a talIr Abter a deliala olieli lateil toc aliout tree qoarteo alan liens, Couardl voted tac tce project. Advertise tax plan Nansagaoepî Townnhip intexdi to place udvertlacmexla in local ocoapapera draing attention la tce provintons ot tce Otario Proporty Tex Credit Plan. 'flos neoly cccated plan allemo peopecty oncr to dedact a portion ot teir propertp taxex truex their income tax, it çn'operty taxesare ot in acceara. At te orging ot Cleck Earl Cuddîe-oho mentioned tarm, and rexiiextial taxes are due lip Dec. 31-Conri agreed la place tce advcclinements doring o meeting tou mccli. Dec. 4th vote GEORGE MALTBY ESQUESINO OUNOIL Strong Local Governexent tmproved Communications Another Ford ý'73 Better Idea FORD TORINO The solidi mid-size car. Smooth, Strong, and Quiet 'The 1973 Tortea combines btg-car featores wtth smatter car aize aod handttag. ltlssmooth-ridtng, strosg and qutet--becous It'a a Ford. You caln drive It wtth conftdence .,..n corrfort. The desige accommodates stx. tf manoeovres easîtylIn trafftc and exhen yoo park. Wtth atl that If of fers, Torîno Is a lot of cor tor a prîce. See ail the better ideas from FORD for '73 this week ot the friendly dealer TRAFALAR ILMORTOjU0 LD 409 Main St. East MILTON _ Phono 318-2319 OAK VILLE BARRETT FOR MAYOR BILLIS AUTO BODY '269MAIN STREET, MILTON 878-2721 878-3251 a fo Acti, finteres te ot ¶bnrsd The I mcccl rteint ~Nantie power expert .initate nle maCciv envire Obj AGo .1 earni1 th 010 $Hszala Dialcic pear. liad lin pents. survon Alan, Milton ut Sca Mca. tome a Manor Fumx Paalcs et Eve o tli Eclien Stewu I i q Hat' andarel day. i À, ss Rhysic j = d 9oe Mrie Aile~ Tmgai Religha orgait. lOn attend - plaqat Se