6 Tisa Champion, Milton, Ont.. Wed., November 29, 1972 '15)'rIE MOTORIST, s00W is slippery roado. Pedestriaus sisun il und cisildreo love it but Use pisotugrapiser secs lise wshite osuf as a orb of art whien il ondtes aiootid tboruy buobes sscb os Staff changes Haltos Csuoty Hoard of Educabson Tbursday occepled reolgoallus iroso leacisers Mes. Gail Corrne ut Spnyside, Mes. Judy Hibsou ut Orobville, Mes. JO-An Hansen ut J.M. Droyes We're available Ye, pose Champion isaat abobin WedrescOay si the tui oisoîv nesdesies; IIALTONVILLE Jennings Generoi Store B ROOKV ILLE MoLeod's Sore AC TO N Acton Sesohe Sbop Adams Bus Depot Royal Mih Store G EORG ETO WN Stîees Store Fendies, sStore ,ioo's Tack Shop Onero Sm.oke Sinop SPEYSIDE Seoode Genoro Store I4ORNBY bloroise Generai Store Couotry Faire DRU MOUIN Dromqar, Store OMAGII Omargh Genrol Store PALE RMO Poiermo G00.101 Store NELSON Coilogo Sersice Staon$e Mount Nemo Variety LOWViLLE Loosîlle Vaorîsty Rlobertoun il Cuson', KILERIDE Coole'o Gnoera i Store CAMPBELLVILLE CoEars Garage Curtls Curner MILTON IE IGIITS Filtinr Variets Parkside Generol Store le and Aroaed MlILTON Chalet estlaurant, Dom Droplon, floodos Restaurant. Bonînos Esse. Alooso, sFruit Market, West End Meols. Milton Corsets, Joe's Gesterol Store, HSarris Sfotiaey, Jim's Bîl1liars, Tise Champion, Elsienos Pisseeacy. Leditis Saper Savo, Miln Deiicatînsen. milton Orug Mari, Carasova Resi.î..sîîl Ma' Meoîso OSOuol Milton Distrit Hospital, 10-m-..I "eivi Sttion.s, Tight budget for hospital province Is cutting costs brs. The seusoo's first soowstorm descendeol receolly catchinog mot o s sososare but pisotogrupiser Jico Jeoniogo 00W il as sofi, billooy coto os ibis picture. Mlitce District Hospitlt Board wei baveta=ert ons a 1veey btei aonbd elet, Board membees learoed aI s receot meeting. Ostios bleallb Minioler Dr. icbard Potier bau declared o sone ear moorotorisum on provincial aid for oew or nspaonded ortive-lreatmenl iaclbbies. Tise budget squeeze aso affects tise expansion of coilegno aod onivnrsitieo. lu a letter oddrnseed t. Board ChairmaO.K. VanSicisie, Poltar nid ise os reiying oo tise Board "luo noore essenti econoosies are mode ositisoot p.'ejodiring tise otaodard ut rare you bave acievnd." Tise Minister pointed out tise bespidal wud have luZde longl becaose ooiy l2oild rtd onill be avalaisie "and mainly b. complele new projectot atready starlnd. " As a port ufthi 0bu0odget squeze, orme redurtion ln lb. total volume ut in-patient servicms mdl b. oecensary. tise Board memisero inaroed. Essentb.l services In tes 11110e Poller naid, '"lThe & lT. MOORE INSURANCEI CAMPBELLVILLEI 854227 anise Leois Coo ofMrinS.NME HINDI Mss da MHl s oa MAN'S PERFEOT appsoned t0 brooks lle Publie ADDITION: FORR MAORE DOINONHADWR )lSEEOR PAGEH -s2 Str fieanciai coasotralola seul ne Ili becesaary tee unis balplet b., logis tor ways te noabtalo eoseotielioervices,oand reopood to lise need ofthIe eommooity witbsut additîsonl coul," PoIler pouined out tsaI tbe Board bod an imortant roe and repoeoibiiity te tise iseats progrom. He ased tor tise ce- =operati and &insistace afthe b. pronidýe for qoaiity aore, tise mobltes dirlote tisaI oe must do ou svitbo lise iOI ot tise finances avaîlâble." Puller, soroig wau quietly accepted by tise Board memisers. Goàiirmao VaoSicste nid 10 wao, "a aisadow of tisinga b. mome.' Vote to Re-elect CHARLES THOMSON for MILTON HYDRO COMMISSION Ron Harris hasthe time Sto spare to do the Job Swith 'lovin' care' Vote "Harris'- 'ea' SElection Day And put hi n the Mayor's chai r. TOWN 0F bURLINGrON MUNICIPAL ELECTUONS Advance Poil On. poletn station ai b. opeoed lne.ach osard on Moiday Noveteber 27th and Saturdoy Deoember2nd, 1972 -Poii. open 11:01)a.m. ,, 8:00 te. Wa'd 3. Location-Fabole Public School, 2596 Brittania Road. Voting Day Atonday, December 4th os poiling day-pols wiii b. open tromn 11:00 arn. untIl 8:00 peti. Notification of Voters Cards oi b. sent by mal t0 ail lhe electors soon heb uotlei 19. This ca'd miii Indlicate whereltheeaieco's can vot. ai tb. odcance pol or on Oecemb.r 4th. lbe Eleclo,', oi b. voting for candidates for the foiioosInt offices: Reeve--eected at lare Councliior'-one t b.eieced i. each olWards 1, 2, 3,5,6, Public Ulililies Commision-tour lo be eiecled at large. Ha110e Co nt, Board of Educlon ---neobo=ioletdlineach oflsixareo, as Public Scbool represnsltsivse (trcstees) as flos Ares i ýWordc lý Areai 2iard2iý Arna iWard 4 -Area5iWard 5 Ares 7 iWards 7si9). AresaeiWord 8) --on0t be elected ai large os Separate tchoo reprîn- ollIative (truistea). Nantes flot on polling list Any person obo was qiiailied 10, bave bils name eterled on the poiiing Il si dsrng the period of etsumerallon-September Sth 10 Oclober 139h and tinds Ihal bils nome Is not entered thereon or wbo bas no01111.6 the necessery formntsla hase hils namelenl.red dringte periodfor corrections to sc list lending Nocîmber 8), can attenrd at my office lo secare a ceetilucaîl ,chish miii ailoos hi, loIn. ta b. entered et the poliing station. In addition Il ibis, quaifit eieclor, loy be mltiled 10 bave their nMre sdded t0 the list ai the poiling Sstion om poiiing dey. Quailiîid Eleclor meons- a porsol oho during the period of Septenlber 51h1t0 Oclober 139h was over the oge of elghleals, a Canadien citizen or oîber British shiesl, a resident of Bur ,tiglon or a non-rosident oosner or tenant or a spouse thereol. Praxy Voting Forms are availtable aI my office for the oppoinl.senl of a soling prose. A cerltiicate, ta sole he proce must b. certltied by m yneil or the DepuIs Cierk. 'This cenonie be don. betletn Nosîmber 141h and 5 O'cle ain t1* eller.oon et Tueodây Idosember 28lb. William K. Sims, Town Clerk 426 Brant Street, Burlingtan. Catch every pass at the GREY CUP in rbrilliant Zenith colour 4 WAYS SUPERIOR *Richor Colours eSuperior Brilliance *Greater Contrast li Sharper Detail 17" Portable De ose diagonal Super Chromacolor portable teaturing W eiegantiy styied grained American Wainot coior NE cabioet. Zenith High- Pertormance Cisassis. Super Video $1 6O0 1973 Range Tuner. Automatic Fine-Tuning Control. VH- * F/ UHF Spotite DMais. Top Carry Handie. VHF Dipole par Antenna. UHF Loop Aotenna. mMI RM WIOR Ban liii I Il RICHAROSONS T.V. 201 Main St. MILTON c A du0 been oE ilossibil alcobol cîio n groundo Ibe 1 ltev. R. "Mu golditia Perb.p thepo Tise Obii A vire Peddie Bdorn Totenhf mcoolt attende hao be, He r pearo a lise M!* and Mi daoghtb Evelyo groodel losedeco are foi Mary c Wniiaot able train Mil 4201 MILTON OPTICAL DISPENSING OPTICIANS Oclits' Prescriptions promptly & accarately filled HOURS Tuesday &Wednesday 9:30 to5:30 Thursday 1:Otos:tt Friday 1: 00to 5: 30 69 Main St. Milton 878-4961 Take things eaýà-sy in your kitchen New wiring wîii bring snw cossenîsoce lu vaut kilchen. Ysu cas adil as eeclric dishwashsr. hase elecîîîc collets where Psu nnnd lhen, plan psur lihq îs su ot shlauis and plais Thos whes yool bishss'o up-10 dois, ses w1hat eieclricuit cas ds loi the tesof sthe hsusn. Add appliances. improse vour lIghlsg. Eoes changeî ta he lioing warrmlh sf ninclîîc hnolîsg. Talk Is a liualifiîd elecîricai conîracîor absut lnwiling in ysur hosme, orîask ysuî Hydra, The Htydrs Finance Plao wili help pou gnl slarlnd îighs smay. your hydro milton hydro