j LTD. le af Gardon andl Rick Day bave ail hsan aCélaimed la office la Dais- ville for =97-X4 Nana vers Opaitd nhen naminatios for aii offilans nere il liW nus. la a letter la ralqayera hal nkCousacillara Day and Gadnreviewad lie prahiem saris as huallag, ward bo ae, buogs ass hm reah ngt d hir lernir ofioflic. The rolsln ar eslerpla fram liai report: Bouds Ny-Ia: Becasu ai ruesansa IlsIlpIsIa w. have Bp A. M.Arstfrng fise fail la an excell ime al flvemcosdeasionlaeasau hauesa haalish la prepersion lac ninlan and nexl sammer ase. Of parlicular lataeals aI tiai lime oi pesa la lihe croroI ni lalu parasaitesaibos, et. Tise maet cmuon type ai hat fnand la the ulamacs ai ises la snathanaDOntaio laRte maggnoi o lise fil, GsanrilIs laleslalis (bol flyi. Ts elamiIf horse s inicled, rare lIly enamine theisairaof thefront legs, cisest sud umnie hchis foc the lisp vite f ly egs (darlug sommer and faitl). Tisese maggnis viai grow n lalie longue sud slonsac msy mouse ainers sud pais, resulig la the brse refasng la eat. Trestmeni The use of an laternai drug agalast brIs i lise ulamaci la aecmmnended four la ais nanks alter the firsl suistaiell frost. VOTE "BESI" FOR MAYOR (SEE PAGE 812) lu Slur Business Io' OseSh a Tineeer vils Electricity. Cauliu inepr o 0 Wiring à ewn ctrnnis S CAdditional Onlnt s m U s OuedSr Lighis B IFEATHERSTONEj ELECTRIC You'Il find a frîend sehere yoa sec thîa sîgn. For more information cail Mrs. Bev Gibson Hostss -87111-1117 M, Nortis ni tise Lover Base Lino, hanhing ni permollled, hut nnly wih permission ai lise land- Word boadmelu: Wlish lin analalang af maayrai p el orbe attendd lieC 1ni Meeling, yeur Inn Caunaillars nuremanmafullnhavhng Camaiil Wh wonld ha if adupted, ouddflrve lianad Orhan votera ta yesa ruali Ward. Tha rejaalad -rpsi recom n di drupp lise soalisuru isoundary of WC Due frsmt lie UpperMîidle Road ta tha QosmEliaehn ha and wsald have effaallvelly etaled rural repcesenaaalln on lihe Oakvile Conacl anmplelely. Rondnarms, plnnams, lapenornss sud hlnadntrsns are ail panhînnis la issases. Eouentiallp, lise normu are bariosleras la the mature animal. hlnndnnrmn (Sîrngyles) hanever are more dangannonsund nouy mouse death la lise brse. l0aclansaly, for thuene wormsa, branaientl la availase,' nisics vises camhiued vils praper stable management rou eliminale thes fein pUr harse. i vssld ie adhale usaI ail brse nons contact ysar local veleranican la ensisilish a harse halIR pram on Ihair farro. A vaccinaian prograns foc raiis, sleeping siaisuese and lalans mouId ahao hae nstishhd aI Rhis lit.. oyslent is ut lithoe boneft la canal ruidanla, il vnald hae nair tor lihe rural people la have la pay a dm ai tha asins for il. As a cousu, ne presned a Natian ai Motisa la Cannetl ami vers sesl la insaving Cssnal apprave a Privais Memiser's Bil eemphg lise luxpayera la lihe associalad vils tha aalan. Municipal Tsue: Thse mi rate for Word One for 1970 vhs 92.5 tailla. Rance yaur lys Cuocillora inais office lise outi cala han iocreasedhby only 1.1 mila lystw yeara, going la 82.2 maille la 1971 aund83.6 mille la 1972. Yau ass isal lise isceose for 1972 vaes Orly .4 mOil. We rosi ltIt is increase la vany minimal vis taaalaling rosis ami lte isel ltaI Cassi castrais nI abut 21 ents out ai eseis dollar visic il anal raouai l axns. We sale lisal thsemnin rais foc lise rural area ni hudhanglon (Word Titres la 72.5 or searly 10tmillshigser thon tisaI i Dsisvile. Alan lise locreose for dsvslovs Dakville la lise sonie periad vans 1.7 tailla. Boards sud Commisusais Drer tha bas-year lares ysur hanc Coumaillars have iseensouccesahil lnauppolalsfg rualI ranidens I iocludiag liseanselvani t lmany ai lise Tovn hoards and Commillees vies are advisncy la Counail. Examples ai Ihase are: Planning hourd, Hallas Region Conservation Aultorily, Osissille Parks nd Rocreatin Commission, Daisille Tree Counintise, Mdilaon Are a Fine Camiiste, Daisoilte Finance Counsitise, sud Osistilte Woak Cousmilise. We feel il la vony imaparlant la posa represenlallan la have canal reidanla on lise ditterent boards ami Camtasles ou veil as havlag yoar ban rural Shlo lelaown counbraedinage entras saris an capilal vorha contributions and park land oedlieslion. Youc Ino Counaliloris dsssltieleve la ellisur aalvlled develupineml oc.-la a aComplete hiall tadevelepiseul. We fuel titait thseaorrectlapprssalsltalisaissue lis enm Ibmt develapaseal la 1erI aosllerd sud plaonudi isallsed tatakre plaenathe sesI internais ai lise communhpy. Parksa nsd Reereulisu Facilitiezt la 1972, almaslt $27,000 vus speul on malnahung and isnpraving pacha and aansmonlly ceutres la lise rural ares. We alsa offan oc congratuilatn la lise hall Insru Ihal non champion- sis la thein respealtive divishans in Our Ward. Reaamsrurliss ai Trafalgar ad: Tise rebissldlsg ni Trafalgar Nosd helvees hailannia Road and Hlgisvay 401 n i ha nishad ai yea. an Couaicillsrs nana atcs inl having regular mantingsuhelvua the Ballon Csoulysdo Cunssiateadthe OsistleTren Coussillere sel Up sud, as a masIl, many Irans vinrishd yoar, wits tise asistane of yooc ban Coanciltors visa vocisei vils loca ssownishie clus, a hy-len va pasued permllliag lise rural saes. Tise main points la lis hy-law laclude: (l) Per- mission la drive a anuwanniile on lihe soltaehaudatr ai a puie rami orhite aig as foc avay tramn lihe Icavallel potin as possible. (2) Rsadis are la ha arsssedl aI rigsl angles only ami (3) Tise drivisil sf answmohile n privais pruperty la permitlled only vils baise coseani liste landovser. ROAIIS ANDS BRIDGES: Wlish sn masy mites ai roads traversisg lise rural ares, il la inoncially impossible for lise micipailn la vails on aIl lise courds vhie. neis! insprvemenl in any one given year. Honever, une of lise major coaceraneo aynar ban Couaicillars bas bren rait aignaient carrelions, colvert constructin and roud mamies- once la mais lise ronds safer bar travelling pubic. Eacs year ve endeavor ai bsudget titsne la see Rhat lise aecesary lavis are sel idle Road, anu rnihbani- tharpe Rondvwestaof iigsay N. 25. EXPERIENC Vour vote un ore resp.ctfu ta re-î WILFRID TrO COL For the Townshi 14 years experie For transportatl MumIolpal1 Exporienc. * Ton pears as Mayor of Milton et Two years as Rosie et Two pears as Deputy Reeve a Six pears as Councillor For transportation t. the. pols plias. oali 818-6947 "v Si t 1 pledge -Sapport Inc a d isorags regional governienn. -Encourogement fsr o pisased coud impravement pragrao sn conjonction veiti tise neetis stady nov being developed. -Support fsr taniser Senior Citizen Hoasing. -Sapport tor Improveti Lilarary tacîilites. -Encoaragement toc tisa locution ni new industry. -Continiei support tor yools prognams. -Pissed developmeni wîish concern tir misere pour tan dollar cas ist ise utilized. four Ii1 É! Tise Chion , Mn laton, Ont. kOokvIIfe*couacillors report on yecar's work liaisonSsauueuisae cEIWmUd CBD9IOII lieri- sh Coul at OuhaDle MW Sytmie elaaadi oficis suonai h.eau maaksd for remvl null lau ImProse sud rePear pesa Tise iormaion present Anis Eu laio M on' n la hisb dierisurge of Whlle your han Couesallars have Devaîspouest- Du elis issus, emaîn standionug 1km i rnde. Tis a ear marked ahane ia vecy iciet smurZyi Boaurd of Educalin cepre- ficaans la iochld bp mnstg nocised hard la maha the sev pour bra Cassecillore fel haI t lin ai Trafalgar Bod aleCun aof conucion ut the sure ai the many insecî senlalîve Douglas Wood sud Rhe hasndarp sacsh irnu igi- Dakis e Transit Systeta a iievelupeas visa are prapesisg Fiti Un r o0Rf the Lover vou Wo d that have boe Wrd One ourinll,-,rs Do--'sAn-No 5 t he L.vr Basel in . Snomoie -a w:Isii a s Bas FOu r 1 in notho Ue consdere by ounc, duing eccposriity tu Sic bris id oui pool yer. Also, of course lucre ability bol or cavnol bnp onlesa bave bren inerally isandredsofa yo nntity os ai any prablenim se inidividuel prohîvois wii.i questins wic you bave. E COUNTS i influence ' Iy soliclt.d elect., . , LESLIE 1 INCIL , p of Esqu.sing ne on Couicl on cali 877-4845 NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTE tihe Milton Planning Roard proposes to amend tise 0f- ficiai Plan of tise Milton Planning Area as provided for by Section 10 and Sections 12 and 17 of lthe Planning Art, R.S.O., 1970 'IHE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS CITED BELOW: Amendment No. 5 to the Officiai Plan of the Milton Planning Area 1. PURPOSE 0F AMENDMENT Tise porpose of tis Aniendintent is ta change the desîgnation of certain tands descibs homoi trout Industrial ta Conimercial. 2. LOCATION 0F LANDS AFFECTED ThiasAmendnient applies la appcoimalely 2 acres ofland abonnieg and orsIo aiRanteSîrrelt in LaI 11, Concessin I. 3. OASIS FOR THE AMENDMENT The tonds allecled are designoled aI present os ladustrial an Schedulv oAfa the Officiai Plan. I is proposed ta rerlesignate tise lands as Commnercial. Tise reasons gîven for tise cisange are: ()A public garage is aI prescrt being operatedos lise prenises; b) Tis ose is ot considered la be inconipatihte witb tise ondstrial developucot proposed for tise sorraunding area; ce) Branle Street isanoarterial raad, as reqiredfor te locaionnofa Hîgisvay Comniercial use (Section 4(5) (Ci»; (d) Tise inpleuenting Restricled Ares (Zoningi ny-Ian wil reqoire adeqoate oti-street parking, cantrlled acceni and a liscee-fant planling slaip along tse tranlage ai tise prspvcly la conforta tuthecequiremes of Section 4 (5)1 cîand ensre copa1iilty ,ihsrr~oudng lad O. DETAILS 0F AMENDMENT 'Fllnds abttng and west of rne Street iLot,slConcession 1, son n Schedie.-A attached iseceto os Comimercial, are isereby redesignated trout ladantrial ta Commercial an Scisedale "A" ai tise Officiai Plan. 5. IMPLEMENTATION 'Ibis Officiai Plan Aniendinent sisoll be iniplemenled in accardance wils tse iniplenienlation policy oflthe Officiai Plan as cnntained in tection 8 tiserot. i. INTERPRETATION TIbis Official Plan Aniendment sisaîl be inlrrprete.d in accordonce îts lise intrprelain pnlicy ofithe Ollicio Plan as conîniord on Section 9 tiserot. OCHEDULE "A" LAND USE PLAN OFFICIAL PLAN 0F THE MILTON PLANNING AREA AMENOMENT NO.5 -j~MILTON DISTRICT Any persan inleresîrd niay villan tise prescribel tise, file in vciing Ibvîr opposilin la or support ai tse said amenilneal, la tse Secrelary-Treasurer of lise Milton Planning oard, 25 Ma StIreet East, Milton. Finaldate lac tîbing objections willbe Decemiser 13,1972. N. S. Pearce, Cisairnian. E. R. Pearen, Secretary- Wed., Novaember 29, 1972 purticular ralepayers have had tisaI we as your elected rersenlatives have asalated = emih ina eey way oe cssld. We seer eleldto represent lihe ratepéyers of thseWard and asatat ,d thymo vils any problemas or niquestionsliat arise and in is Srespect,sse welîome any queries. n W ssl contnue with tla Consider your horse's health POLLS OPEN il AIM. to 8 P.M. MONDAT DECEMBER 4 ADVANCE POLL DEC. 2 SAlI & SUN. GNLY wlth ov.ry Purchase of a Burrel or a Buckot GURATEDTUS CR FC16 on A container af Oar T '- delicians Flee a rot ay o otyou nony I wrk MACARONI SALAI 01 hr tr ris vaiabl Mjnniun dpost, 500Value 55c Ktnttocky fried Ckicket Main & Oommeroial si. 878-4171 MILTON NEEDS IESPGNSIBLE GOVERIMENT VOTE * ~ FRMLO SYDNE Ufl LU@ COUNCIL Rapid expansion means ysur Taowa Cauncil must ha vigilant ta preserve the rigs of aI al cilmnens.