Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 16

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About the town wi4wth Doores M7enson ~~/PoneO7S4t3O DEPIJTY RETURNING OFFICERS, and poil clerkCornpbelTonpsoe (shoun stand clerke who will serve in Mooduy' rnicipalthOe table) reviewed the votlng procedtu clection lu Milton rnet uit tie Town Hall Fclday issued ballot boxes ald ellection mono afternoort le go over the changes le vofleg Oie 30 elso wil mach on the poilieg M moutines. Clecb Jack McGeachie and deputy (Photo by R. D Inspiring address at CWL breakfast On Sondey Nov. 19 Oie Catbohic sou OLie ladies cold go over Oic Wnmen' e Leaue Mlon helif waath of ecouragement and Ote ssnai, Commuin Break- inspiration throaghout ber adf- fuel l Chartes Holel. About drs.. 30 ladies acre an attendaire. The The phrase tbot bit borne aas: guet speaker oas Audrey 'You're an yonng a your faith. Wailner lena SI. John'o Parieh, as old an your dout. ai yong an Borbenglon. your self confidence, os old us Hec aipiring uddress gave yoar felarus yong ao ynur hope, aurb fuod for Oiought for Oie ai nId ao your deopair.' A ladies an atteedaice. Special delicinan Breakfast as mnjoyed copies nf lac tolh anre made sp byait Ladies o'f churc' shower L. Jeffares At a noctice lu St. George's Anglican Cburcb Halt on Tscsduy, Nov. 21 the prine aisane acre MurOiu Stohes, Elsie Watsoe, Ourseso Coulain and Lloyd Stokes. Frank Pcucoch won the locky drue. The Evcnîng ACW of St. George, Loaville beld Ote Novemlar eetig ut the borne et Kuthy PonSl. The preidcnt Mrs. Kcaiy spencd the mneeting with a poca lahes Iroin Sic L.iving Message. Thc roll caSl word inus "Peuce". TIse Christmaus progra eus erganîzeil and Oic meeting is le tie teld uit Oie tome of MAargaret Haurris an the fsmm et a pet loch supper. Speaker foc the evesang eus Mms. Kay Fluber, a publie laltbnureooetreed "gond mcental bculth eaye t rom childhaid le sernor citizens. " The charcb calendars acre on sale. Serve laich Mre. Kcnny thasheil the speaker Mre. Fiser and uil aho bl tahen part a ic h meeting, aid lsach as serval. O Saturduy, Nov. ou aisccilaeousebooer was held lu St. George's churrh hal by Oic ladies ufth Ocrhurch, le boecr of Luicyame Jeffares, a December bride-to-te. Oic rcceived rnany lovcly and usetal gifle. Aesistlug in openiot hec prenta acre Mary Andrews and Drensie DeIbel, obo fuohisaned a bat frorn Oic boas and ribbons. Locyame csprcssed hec gratitude for Oie surprise shouer. Christmas tables shown Milton and District Mrs. Con os an charge ofthOe Harticultoral Snciety telif its b*ospîtalîty table" ahile Mre. Christmnas meeting os Nnv. 20 lu 'thoapsas bad a "Ichildrmn's Oic UJAW Centre on Martin St., Party table' and Mms. Taiher a mi presîdeet C. S. Lochie "Christmsas aI home" table. peesîdîng. Mrs. G. Bycrrne Escb oas decoraleif diffecenily, rcpersed on get acil carde sent sing blcndvd colore fer and Mc. larbin cnnductcd a alerrsiong decoratins. question andf unsuer penid on Mrs. Starce nt Kilhride as Christmsas rusomes. Miss Suri jsdgr for the flnacr show. Not ail Herrera pluyed four selections on Oic classes badl estries. flic lac piamo-accordioe. folowîng ocre amonre- lne casnce oI Mrs. Drac Threc Christmas tavore - Mms. May, moneer, Oic progra oas Tlhoapson. coeductcd hy Mas. Con, Mrs. W. Wall or door decoration maude J. Thornpsss aid Mas. Tasher. on a coul banger -Wihoec 'Ibis proved t le nea of Oic mnore TIhompsos. întcrcstîng meetings as the Coltec table arrangemnt - thmme oas "Christmnas". Mrs. Tbornpsnn, Wilrner R.IA. GRADUATE Norman Flemisgtc graduated as a registeref membor uftheb Society of Industriel Accoontents. Studies acre completed ut McMastec University carlier tbis year andf convocation was hld aethIe Royal York Hotel in October. Mc. flemieglen is ecoployed by Sherman Saod and Gravel Ltd. as controller und assistant Generul Manager. Thompeon, Mre. Orittes. Evvrgrce rope garland Wîlcocr 'Thompeos. 'Table cetre sing trebh loacrs Margaret Thompsoe. Decoraîrd raidie -Marguret 'Ihoapson. JUNIORSECTION Wrcato Eartou May. Tbrvc Christmias 1cme ornaivenss Sonîa May, Eurtle May. Several door prions acre aiso distributed. Tfhe anneul Rlotary Club Grey Cup dunce ws ssllout sccvss thue yvar uodcr Oie cominittee ef Dave 'Ibompeon, Chuick Beeton and Howard Griumold. A ballet dhooier at the Leglos Hall mas followedl by dancing le Oie musi c of Oie Big Fîve. The Tri-Ctsee Liquid Eiolaoîdery open hboas mue held onNov. 22,24, uod2i, at Oie borne of Mcs. Mariou lrwlo, 371 Meadawleaik Dr. Mrs. lcolo'u daugfitec Mary, who le a student at Otario Ochool for Oie Deaf, bod maoy items on dieplay hc ola bod dose herself un wel as Oie eight items for wlc oh.ý wa prions at Oie Miltos FItFiad thc Tri-Chern Cooventio. Mary osd hec two friendo Cathiy and Jaoîce, obo opent Oie ineehesd wiOi hiec were haiy wochiog os u Nativity sceoe aod o ther Christmsas palotiogu. Watchog the girlsat work was à proof thot Oie hobby lu quickly guiig popularity. dog ut Mary's introductionl Itouti type rand of paintiog bogue whes hec ais tole aOier, the ev. R.J. lcwio dled. îodey. Mary toohîthe lossevery hard. Hec aid nce lu Nevada cealioed Oiat Mary needed to he kepl busy aod gel lacr started wiOi Oie paiinlg. % A light lunch oae secved le those ottesiog. Coogratalations le Buck asd il Jeai Gervais, 308 Kingsleigh Ct. wbo aill celebrate their weddiog aoolversacy Dec. 4. Bert Casos and Daryl Dingin, 312 Kiogsteigh Ct. and Dale and Diasoe Diogmas of Dubvife tcaveiledle lo vy Lea in Oie 1,000 Islande oo Oie weekesd le vieil Bruce and DoroOiy Diogmas lfocieserly of Milto). They alec visited Daryl and DaIe gcosdnoOiec Mis. Ken libipecai aod Iheir great ua Mies Etbot Buipman who iS celebrule hier t2nd biclbday os Dec. 3. Both ladies ceud The Caoadiai Champion faiOifully lei heep iformed of the laleet happenings lu Milton. Gel oeil wîshee go lu Decieot Gildea, 364 Kiogoleigh Ct. wbo la a Milles District Hospitol. We joie with in famsly and friens inl iieg houn a speedy recocery. The youto of Milles YoeOi C*Weuil denerve credit ter the:L plauning and eothusiuutid patcpto in Fciday ecesiogos Imoo aligre betwren Oie YouOi Counrd ald Oie Town Couocil aid Miltos Police. The '1000h Council's laecr leaders cued a lot et luughler (usd stores) as did the players and wuy out ierrns. Il eus too badl tout more peuple fuited le corne sout uod support thone who oorsed sa bard for the event. 'Dio whu did attend wr lourd le suy Ibul il should be madeunusesuul eveet. Everysse oas invitcd bucb te Oie Cofle HOiusc uftec the gaine aid aga n of osly a tee attcnded. Tbose who -i dd acre trcuted lu coffe ad soccîs bakcd by Sic girls ot the Yoslb Councîl and Sicir purents. Il eus upparnt tout Oie ysog people wece pcoud of Oieïr place aid tlay oest ait of Ohir may le ae Oie adulto fmil ut hase. bo hppy returs ufthOe day ar ihdfrJoai Hornig, 217 Puchaay Dr. obo mOI melebrate lacr hithday ai Bunday. Dec. 3. Thse Novembor mneeting of Oie Hurseaiy Court resideeto mas hld a the cosuna roor n a lbarodoy evesing, Nov. 10. RasseSl Clernetoa ina lahOe chair and 20 people inere present. Mns. Eves, Mrs. MelDaso and Mcs. RiddeB inece appelaled us the nominating eomuMWie. lb.iaitme nonlDer. 8wil bie a a~r u ai t iunau th Mns. Taylo ad Mrs. fieNabo lià b h lae fUmraihaspital by the. Ron. J. ary showed picturs an lIndi wtiich everyune enloyed. Vutî barcfatr, Rusaill Centl wu Eleanor Batcher from, Nealisheard. Blanche Elîlott movef a vole ut thanke. Robeit Crsgg, 422 Woodward St. leît on Saturdsy vcing foc Auslcaliu where bie will vieil relatives at Melbourne, Sydney, Iulelaide and Alice Springs. He wil alec tour tie country and lae away for Oiree onth. Alfredo and Enrichetta Bonin of R.R.3 Miltos wece gueule of liooor aI a supper aI the Carles Hotel os Susday. The gel- tagetser masinl haiuc ut thse Couple's 25tb wedding anniversary on WednsdaY Nov. 22. About 65 friende and relatives gatheced le cosgcatulte Mr. and Mro. Boomn and the couple rceeved rny giflo and yards of congratulatios. VITE WATSON Deputyrie.ve Nassagaweya -concern for Nassagaweya's destlny in Regcoal Government -support for improved recrealonl needs -clear townshlp-county comrmunicatIons --coninued concern for aur employees -fair action on residents' concerns. For Milton Council Vote Hazel PORTER As an interested citizen 1 arn prepared ta aller my services as a caunicillar and work in the best interests of the tawn and its people. Poils Open il :OO8aa to 8:OO'-m MONDAT DEC.4th For information phone 878-2928 Two mlnor. cccidenlîs TMo ajou aneldeio ocaru demae. mmIe semnit cdlmt tcring the peut weeo, Mitai uccure on Sunday and raislted poce e tira.l t cotillh, in $Z damae. on Frldaulted in $110 r ;asale Mexican Print Wasby Kisby "Kitten"ý' L.ong sleeve poilover aith boch zlppeced turtle sech. Sies S.M.L. ls Outton4p, front tale 448th reverp csor aid sali tie-helt in solidi cler. Sies 8-lt $26. Sfighily Ouarcd paits with elasticoed oulut band. Size 8-lt Availubie an black, ucha opruoe green ald cal. 12S. rGdt certiieates abe youc chaîne perec The Flora Shoppe 224 Mole St. MILTON 878-440 DEC. 4 10W US THE TIME! BEC, 4 BARR WHEN ELECTED WHY? 1) SERVE YOUI-THE TAXPAYER 1) NOT A QUITTER 2) TO RESPECT VOUR TAX DOLLARS 2) NOT A ONE YEAR MAN 3) TO CREATE A RENEWED LIASON BETWEEN THE 3) CAN MAKE UP MY OWN MUNICIPALITIES 0F HALTON COUNTY MINO 4) CAN MAKE DECISIONS 5) 1 SAID LASI YEAR I I WOULD BE BACK! 4) TO GIVE YOU THE BEST REPRESENTATION IF AND WHEN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT COMES TO HALTON 5) TO ENSURE YOU TUE TYPE 0F REPRESENTATION YOU NEED AT COUNTY COIJNCIL 6) I PLEDGE TO ASSIST YOU IN ANY REQUEST FOR REEVE IBAGK PERCY DARR Vote Barr X on Bec. 4 VOTE CF. PAT PAlTERSON FOR Deputy-Reeve Esqu.sing Township Your Home and Mine are in Esqoesing. Vour interesfs and mine are in Esquesing. I arn expecienced on counicil work as well as business and would like the opportunify fo look affer yours. PLEASE SUPPORT Pli PATTERSON DEC. 4 ILTelephon. .Bus ..459-8270 Home .. 77-3925.

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