Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Nov 1972, p. 10

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10 The ChamnpIon, Millt, Ont., Weçd,pNovernber 2?, 1972 113 FOR RENT lis PERSOMAL . 117 8 HELP WAUTED 8 HELP WANTED SO fuet, i tet A LOT f thlop In UIIBwotM TO UBLT 17-413 t 31e38heBuifath.- l»7 2 - BBISROOM APART98RN WIMNER .1 eth do m h THREAD ROJLLING ~ lttO floor, Otan Eden Apts. $10 diteter were'R. V. Hmer, R. Postio Opn Imedatly or ull Exerincd Oeraorsand, alcoey & appîteeces it-ludrd. IR. 5, Miton; William Beesey, et Optien wIet ead Her andt Espr:a pertalrsd Cotc hOueitnetRR. 6, Millt; Cbrts Sebettet, Se U M celt el1-c e :reopttta Srartingîh buyriceedn R 2, Cat:cpbelivlle, Jobe Mc- s-5dl~t .tec l0 Bob Harrison 878-5375 onald, L'ydta St., Miltee atnd ANYTIME Getrge Ptesak, 235 OntarieSt. CALL COLLECT - REXDALE 677-4705 klor 878-3517 after 7 p.m. Nert. tSC3I-3628 MOLLIE MacGRBR I AND 2 BEDROOM SCHOOL 0F DANCING FUTURE EMP-LOYMENT AATET oenJz AVAILABLE CbiMdres & Adtdt Classes Consider a Career in Law Enforcement Frent $130. atd $145. .e..th Ballet - Top - Htighland Witk~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~y ibnrcl ferleetttcses w nodi b ACTON. Abece itelttdes If.8898 Withthe rowt of ur ownil i necssay weexpad intheail otlîties, celered appliatees, If.8898 tear future. Te de se tn at orderly eteeter, rne eed dr-apes atd boleeay. STUDIO, MILTON LEGION soitable applicootis. A 85-17 Tbors. Afterntsobs li Rvetalas$ Acton853-197 5e-tf Do You Qualify? Canadient Citizen or British Srebject, betoven 21 - 35 years e0 age, net lest thair 5 8" (strictiy eforced) and nt less than 160 1bs. Able tapass physical exaeination and X-tygod vision wtthout glanses. good morael rbaracter. Edocation: mini- mmgrade 10, grade 12 preferred. Preof reqoired. 36e itsvite you ta pick up yetr application ferni et the MILTON POLICE DEPARTMENT, 251 Maitn Street, Milton Ontario, for future cotsideroî-îoo. M. R. ANDRESS 8c3l Osief of Potice 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 13 FOR RENT DRESSMAKING. 878-9198. 2 B EDROOMs cottage. 878- 9c33-3472 6980. 13c3l-3678 DAY cre inmy hote, five 4 - ROOM apartmnt.Apply - and - Acton 853-0272 13e-lt 161 FINANCE Mayfair Apartments 285 Ontario St. N. Serry, te vacateles rigbtno but saine leates expire does8 the lieut fere mentb. Pîgate drap ever te see MR. & MRS. DE BRUYN, tbe Roperintend- tnt, Apt. 110, o Cali 878-3180 13e-tf 2 - BDRM. HOUSE FOR RENT Appret. 6 mtiles Sooth of Mil- ton. 2 yeàr lotoe reqoired - first atsd ]est mStbs'rette- Î1V. Mole, 87-32018 etr 878-3272, qoired et adrlate. Lettet t0 pay 4017 9SdI3629 13n3lU3636 ail maiteenance and repoirs. DRAPES made te Iteatote. I- MDRn bikbot î- Hmnv witb 2 oit ottace beatero. visileî ttetditg otd alteretieo. V. Mole, 8783208 or 870-3272. $125. pe ttot. Available Dec- aI 7-2441& 9c3l57-tf ' 33-6716, 1972. YOUNG miothet tetll baby sil BEUTY calon for rett etCot children cn bier es oet eney- Maie St., devetteet Milton, 878- ttme. 878-4939. 93l-3626 6594. 13.30-3577 878-6506 or 878-4118 LEGAL stcrttaty seilb bock- 3-BEDROOM apetteent ab- 31 ktepiag ctperiee detires teerk oe shotre, 175 Mini Si. Milltn et beome. Pbote 878-6952. 878-3161. 1c31-3669 GLEN EDEN COURT 93l-3630 - A_________________ GRAE 1 cbdett ltell,1 - BEIDROOM aparlmett, AATET GRAE 0 sudnt mae),15cctîtrally locaîrd, private eet- 122 Brette SI., Millt. yeers ef agc, is rnilling te de ety sec.878-248 33-65 Intstt estttt type et werk. Cadi 878-2670. _____ 9c31-3483 ELECTRIC HOT W A TER table tn tbit fite bailditg srbicb HEATERS wtcir free service, effets Yeu etaey facililiet net DI3ALIFIED ttistcl typitt Pbhtte Miltet Hydre 878-2345. feeed en eîbcr builditgs in Mil- Wiii du eypieg at berne, tamil- 13C165-tfltee. Toin e eevalors tn eacb le- oar wilb getetel iteoreece - -er - saota balt - recreatiet work. 878-3706. 93l-3683 1 - BEI3ROOM apetet, retint - play reere sopervised privat etratce, letteediale 110- play armas - etetras parbitg. sîtotiet, dosseleot Millt. 844. Elecîria beeling witb iedividuel PIANOS MOVED 9340 Qebrille. 13c3D-361 remthtlermstsl. Retitg AND DISMAy4TLRD 15fr1-bdonsut -.atseo- 2 -BEDROOM cettralycal- SIiSeromne~l Cemplete Movbsg $ecvree ed, opstairt apatett $120 re es atd $165 for 2 - bedmeet e- eoteelieclodes eaî atdbydre.] f te. rot yole suile tedway Phote 873-2066i. 13631-3626 oîtb e $180 depesit. CAMt SIIELET 2 - ttttreeet aparl- Reelel Agents: BLAKELOCK CARTAGE ent, available ieteedialely. Ap- 878-22 'ply Seperineet, Apt. 110, 265 BEST 9 It ýOetario Si. N., Millt.13313599 Realty & Insurance îLOST OR STRAYEO COUNTRY boee duplex 315 M style, 1 Mtile train Accîn, 3 lied- e1Min St., Miltoe, Ont. BLAC Perienkittt ns room er onet, $17Setes., 878-4118 BLAC Perian itte, n as-aailoble Jan.. aton 853-1818. Mait St., oeerieg light bresn 13b22179 13e-tf coller. Cbild's pet. 878-2433. 1:1c31-3686 I - BBISROOM aparlntt obteet ot andV OsI ri8. erlodeil, central- 14 WANTED TO lENT LOSI, black, wht n a y leceted, esetlaleî Dec. 1. 878. male foetbeed , Millt area. 6853 betoten 8.00 ateri and 4.30 Phone etîleol, Foley, Aclce, 519- 13C31-3664 BUSINESS coupte, te cbild- 1.53-2865. îlc3l1 t"' -- - - re. reqeire 2 or 3 bedreorn 2BDROOM knttedi apart- býe tl reelt or ret snib ept- Peeple tey Tbe Champiot l 0 ett private elrane, fig. & iee te boy ni Miltonort ls rrad, aed reail Cbampietos- stve, Campbtell5ll r me 11 i:ly edprtclr aP ýifedsta oy.I amets caalel immedîately. O. Ses 271, Doe Milîs, Ot. 878-e4taetb plage Po 854-2467. 13c3t-3687 14c30-3439 IWIMEYI NEW SI NGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesman in Attendance from 10.30 arn. Daily Ct3t1 -878-5364 Collect 170d8 NEW LOW RATES 1 st and 2nd MORTGAGES Service 3611k Integts OiM.. Member 91/4% -Contbine Ist andI 2nd. -Pa' ail yeoc bills. -Comtbine debtn, -BoiId a bouse. -Add o moo. 2sd Mertgages frain 12% CALUd J0E REYNOLDSR INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 arn. - 5 p.m.> 161e-tl 17 REAL ESTATE SAVINGS UP TO $3.000 Frecisiet ttgineered baone, erected et s-or feondalion, 405 le ebeene frain or cousonm de- signed. Gel ail the fact, Phone Fratk Fitfald (hbine consult- anti, 491-3219 Wiilowdcale or vs ils-eorterest Beaver Lmber slore fer a Hontes Catalogue $81.00. 17e-ff CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITRO BROKER 189 Malt Rtreet MILTON Town $20.508. 4 - rmont starter hante c-îlb bath, close te thopping and ochetîs. Try an aille. Country Cets- 2 - bednont honte, N/4-cre, inmaeelatdys elea. living main, irepflace, kircee with dtiin area, femIls- mein. gne- age carport polie, 0101e ber- beetie, beautifuly landscaped groutds. Asking $31.800. Coli Yvonne Obritite for an ap. pointrnattt. $27.800 hal prime, 3 bcdetont brick honte et baR oce, liv- ingrment with dning aires. fuil basement, e-k mat boss- ment, border of evergrens. Coul Yvonne Chrisie 878-200. $45.000. 3 bedrem brick,con binton living litdiniag tetet beaotills fieished kiteken cupbSerds, dinitag ares, 3 large hedteemis, retgked in fin: place le basent. Coli Ms-- lie MCîtîlan, 878-3190 or 878- 2093. $49300. Poil Price. Stick hoe wilb 3 bedetoms, L-skaped iirg & dinitg rentr, Iii boths, large kùtchen, cd main and2 ar grag,Cal Yvotte Chrintie 878-2095. WOOI200 LOT 1.8 Acres, nn MnNiven ReasI, nerSteeles Avenue. Atkieg price V816,000. Cali Ms-rtll Mc- Cietian 878-5190 or 878-2095. Acton Foil price 117,700, 3-ment cee- dominiom own toasts, spec. ails- boil* fer lom incarne fa- etiliet witb itcarne top tn $7.000. Coul 878-2855 for intetr- noatiet, CAL, 878-2095 If Busy 878-6057 17c31 SOLVE paotr Help Wanted peabsent, by canineg 882341 campn p c Clafd. Duplex bolid brick 2-storcy wtc:t 2 2-bcd ote ay.îtmect. 6*S12.900 desein VIS.., balance et 7½i per cet. CatI fer at appoit- mtent wtb Aene Cbtcaehe 878,%11. BOBO Location in Town Iis thnt is gcaeed for fantily livitg ansd pcivaey 4 bied- moins, 2 boîbreonts. bread- t iti living men, dinieg ran andI seairocys, re. mi wi1k bar atnd matn etrs Tey it effet' of $3100lday. Jackie Beeten 878-9511. S2 Bedroom Homo Gond ptice atd gond lcatiet. CatI Jakie Be-te fer yor vetsting 89"81. Taxes $96.00 3-mont (letntent) brick bre Hsted at $13,900. For bartse details rai Rocs Cecot 878- 9511 or 8782755. 17c3l 3 Ral Esate Brks 3W OBeIl $., Malton. Eetksreed, lot acres, large 2- -ls-eysco-trc hanse, 9 rmoins, 2 fi relacets,2 cargarag, bar, onrrtirieg. Asbieg $8000 rnilb excelletnt terres. ElevateI 3 - bedvons buangalow, ail eIras ineluding 2 flasptat- et, douable ec attacherd gar- age. Asking $59,90. Open te offe et. 8, - rain split - tevet, fieeplace, teparote dinirig rtnit, 4 bcd- mrs and den, double car go- rage, fattasîle vicw. Askng 59,000. Terets, RTRLO& PARTON 878-6705 17031 I1I ESTr SR.alty &Bd laa.rancs Ltd. 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO EXECIITIVE HOME - It Miltot. Custont bout, ranch asyle botgalows yoib ottacbedi garage, cetsitlg of a spactoot tL" shaped lis-ing atd ditieg ment. censpîte wl-lb stone fireplect. Large, eit - piaetted kitebet, five bedmonts twe 4 piece baîbreces, cempietely bicbsd recreation mearin 24 x 30, alto witb a sîoc fireplae. laoedry mont. It groond swimmitg pol18x36. Perced airbeatisg. Taxes $620.00. Lisled price $45,900. teItems avoulable. Coul Jit Boite- fer forîber delails. MAIN STREET STORE atd APARTMENT -CerdrmIly located et Mlts Malt Street. Ideel location. Thit solid, welI-boiiî budina presidrs a first class store wit me ettranct atd a Ibre bedretet apartetent above. New plnetbig,oirig and rof -plus two nerv foccoces. Oter openta lesr aI $59.900. Caîl Mike Ledwltb for further details. NORTH OAKVILLE - Smaort, labre tom bungalown titoated ontBritattia Road oneal10x 50andsaped lo. Tiss bome pros-ides yeo ttith a spacieou living8 mein cmplete srilb firepioce, dinitng meet 12' 6 x 9' 4', kitcee 12 n 12, tbree large bedretets. exceplienoils- large ficisbed. reere eliet rmain, pateied wi-tb lirepiece. Electrie beatitîg. Foot pirce boîbrecet Sinale car garage. Tbis berne is in eellent cotditioe. Taxes $434,97. Owtec openta t offcr ai $45.000. Coul Art Feececk fer an appeintetent le view Ibis honte CEDAR SPRINGS - Beecliful ravite builditg lort overleooking a coliey,ccmpieîe eilb ereek and snetded areas. Separated atd stnrsed. Thit il0 x 250 lotI s iisîed et enly $13,000. - ternis art as-ailable. Coul Mr. or Met. Alimpie. 130 ACRE FARta - Siloaîed 6 etiles sootb of Fergos et Rock- seed Read. Largeemo ose setaong sanebeat. ifoi trees New beatîtg systent. Smart btnk barn 64 x 68, pole bore 48 x 82, imetmett sbed and garage. Geed wtoaer sapps-, 130 acres weorbeble, sprlng ereck. Asteing $50.000. delotn and laibe back a Firsl Mortgage ot 7%. Coul Art Feececk fer fortber deloils. FOR THE OISCRIMINATING PURCHASER - To only, toaoti- foi 3 acre ltls enthIe top cf the Escorpntt ln Northt Borlilttn, everietbieg tht Toronto area andI Milton. A fantochec viese - a rare eppoetonity. Asking pelce $48105 pet lot, 36e are pleased te atnsoeee chbar Me. Brion Sent, President of tib Compots-, bas recetly scesflly completed a Tbree Yeer Corse et Metaaster and York Univeestiet it Real Entat Lawo, Seciclcgy atd Ecotemies, and, as a reut snote e Felee cf the Real Estate Inctitete cf Catada (F.R.. Wbetes-er yetr meai eclaît reqoirements - potebasitg et' sellitg redoit. approisais ce -erngages - yca deserve the BST Yoo gel tbe BST ai - BEST REALTY - Call 878-4118 TODAY Art Peacock 878-6447 Jim Bailey 878-6506 Mike Ledwitl, 878-48731 Brian Beît 878-4118 Stevan & Jagoda Alimpic 878-3086 MEMBERS DF THE OAKVILLE REAL ERTATE BO D In te bolt iîterexî ef YoOr cemmonits' "Vote for tht =atddate of Your Choie - SBul Se Rare atnd Vote' in lthe Mon- icipal Elecfiocs on Mnnday, December 41h, 11.00 ant. te 051 Pm. 17681 MAI ISTATE ~ f~8LUIJ iL Aà 17 REALESTATE 17 M&AI FOR ALL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Representîng CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION IrA.EaL1EPAGE 37 YEARR' CONTINIJOUS RERVICE Mentier oftIse Toronto, Ontario ands Dakvitta - Tielgar Real Rotat Boards COUNTRY LIVING Three todroom tome, -large dititg mein with atone fireplace. fomity siat dinitg orea andI kitcee wlth tots of cup- boards, bult in stave and oee. New breadletet in hall and dinitg monm, bedretms aIl bmoadloomed. RStaeious doeIs, 4 pe. bath. Large lot welt landseaped. Vers' olan pieasore tn showe. Listed aI $28.500. Malle et effet'. NORTH ACTON One Acre. Gond budin1 site. Hoîf mile off tht highway. lt listel as 14,500. - -- 4hifARM 25 Acrea, esel lacd, josl okot yeo need fer thal smrait borse farni. Lisled ai $31.500. STARTER HOME Tee hedrocmx, livitg reom and large famniiy kiteben, paril baseet, beanlifol lot. LisiesI at $16.000. THINKING 0F SELLING We are scarce on ail types of listings. .Good Clients Waifing FOR FRIENDLY INFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE SERVICE Cali DENZIL LAWRENCE OAKVILLE - 0 CROSS B'BS REAL ESTATE & T INSURANCE LTD 878-9543 845-4267 17c3l 68 MAIN ST. MILTON ttBroker0' "OFFICE" Appretimael- 350 fret of cheice office space located on gretmd floor aeress friethe Mitoen Medicat Censtre. Ecendloon, parkitg. Immediote possession. "FOR LEASE OR SALE" Orette will boilta leutit on Ibis one acre site localed et Ontario Street ntîct. AI preset there is a 3 bedeoet brick hnome an -the tite whicb could to used in cenjloition wtth a -cemmerciol type ce ligbt indnstriel building. Coti Iodas' te dinsss otr needt, ternis and conditions of the build ing of s-ourchoice. "FOR LEASE OR SALE" Owner will boild the building of s-eue ebeie on tMs 21A acre coin ercial tite lncaed an o crner of Ontario St. noutb. This in one et tht tost commercial steos In Mliltot and Il naitable foc etans' uses. De s-ocr planning sose foc spring constructiso. "ýDELlCATESSEN't The osoneet of Ibis weli eslablisbed busitess bave other itteretin and wlsbleasell. Thitisa oeing cenceread wold maire ae ideal famil- oetatin and a vers' rewardtng "SALES REPRESENTATIVEStt 36e are in need ef 4 sales peetons fnr Reol Rotat In Milton andI 1h. ssrmsunding dittrict. If s-ou bave evec fbosgbt of selitg, eew is tht lime taetter the Real Estole profess- Ion as Milton ix et the go. Give me a eall ot dmap Iu Ieday t0 diseots the secessar- training reqotred -te teable s-os to be reody foc tbe Rpricg seaent. FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE 878-2888 73 17 MIA. ETAlT H ELP! 00e amsoad cam end mmd, Bate lepg te mIe iaitta bapeca tor atlqc ry e hsome$. Cal N. 1. Lotago R8eal Rtte and bave oe ef or courteetIs teptesetati- 878-9511 t7c3l 1~ eaaty enveted te nans VA& 1811e or ne censovatts, iecmlcd, on beaap cornie, tente of toIs. Open foc dfsea. 9 to 5 - 878-2325 WEEKEND & EVENINGS 878-5295 ý1704f 1 1 1 STOP Cbarnaing 4be mites I rerea m dooc fleur, 1 8i bal igital 7 bot Brigbt eentftr etoode. 2 stoe lion. CAM Bocape -186 cil rolling nights frain i 878-419 HALTI Brethot Services LAI Fer varieous asiog tomber lurnieg le Saine bave I famil- iteent. gel ot and t sirnply are le filmnt ef lit reaso, tbe1 Over the pz Estale bas 1 ver. Tbey selv-es qelîr and are ur tbe en con eerny, tb ceonti fer 54 lbey etîs- mt sales force. The amazit et Ibem e i ver- lilîle et icece. yel e ar t in etet Il yo arc ing op a ce: carnieg pote itg eer sc Milfo Toron $47.500 2 - Campb5l-c witb alun attracive, ning 4bec stairs, I rouir, kit lanil- Mt place pIe fereace r site gara: ýtilt and 1 .eals pIu bhroom z the Icetil Sideread, Linr, mt Assue repayilbît est $23 fieeecieg necessar5 strate 85 $11.750 t o-itb 333 asailable as $2.750 a Ist m payacent epen pet Real CAS 20 AUli Ward Lie Face Phc Aptpeat

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