Il lthe cloes of oladenls in the Mdltoarea orn a relleclion of lthe way titeir parents think and vole, ihen David andifrene lewis' aplticato o a ubsidy for lte bas service titey operote mi lait be accepted ity votera in lthe Deceupiter municipal electione. Wîts tise exception ot student moorcil represfenltavs trom, lthe Ontarie Sehuol tor the Deaf, the bath ut Milton otudent repre- sentatives voteil againot the bas sabitdy in Milton Counicil Cthamhers teot omit. itudeot represenlatîses trom OSD, Hoty Rusary, Mactio St. and ilton District Higit icbaot sael deuil with Milton Council basioess. They mere taihing part on lte Milton Optindot Clait- oponsored "Yoult-ln-Council" progrom. stodent reprenentatinea deat wiitan agenda ofitsiness ad debated .d vuted un coloc resoltboos On Monday. Nove. 13, Recon 110n Harris conducedl lte Martin St. Cotaci; mie un Taesday Couaciltor Dard Keanla enoderaled lthe Holy ttooary eeting. Wednesday Mayor B&iaa Best esptaiaed Camncil pracedutre ta stadentsofa MIII.. District Higit Scbaol. Depaty Ileece Boit McCuaig mmla Cotonci repcmsentative Iharsday ohen OSD stodents deail mitt munficipal proittees. anecwhelmleg vate drcordatg 10 Optiadat memiter Don iamo, lthe maia organiser et lte Cuaila, lte question of lte itus sabaidy mas ordy on. sienof e ine to command an 010 l.Ili 0 tp 5 30 B-496 àhrist. depeedeet et Ion, hevlng tnt ltem, peit ly na-perete ,t mark unfer pends anîp en e Son ot Goli; ern Ion. Their >IIae iy lte el lte Bhibe; (4) Praylt.g; (rituel sang. Iundingofthe aller Jesse 10 toe NIen Il orsip, Testament oriel nd, e I coneaI aeAmerinena iristlanity le îdenoe Canre Pok Ion *00 K« o Nasaagameya's moîl-tte- candidate meeting ptunned tor Friday, Nov. 24 et Beokiie Hllt romeseto ie e Bnvely aflefr. Nat mnly grill nie tisee mray rae toc cees. attrast attention hat John Moaney, prenident of tise Onatria Jockey Club milI appear te anamer questionsîcencerning Seada racing. Thal qsestion in inu% lttei peuple tor lin second lie. The Beet ltine it mas pat on nie itallot hy nie coancil and dnlmated. Iis hase il oa niere aI mni reqaent et tise Jeckey Clab. MALCOLM MANFORD Me. Mantord, one et 10 sekia seul on ceanicil in tse Dec. 4 otoclioe rce, was in itospilol and flot aseileitte to htave bis phto t len fer pubtlication in last week' Champion mini nie anier candidutes. There are six seal open on the coul la l Renne Mes. A. 10 Henry, Mes. Eiznabetht Hsey and nin chatienged hy hec deputy Russell Pomadialt. Mes. Hsey Dn MeMillas and ferner citatiengndl Mes. MacArniur toc Deat Reeve (lord.. Agsni nie reesens seat duemng an earller C ciir Jins Watuos ia rwnlng campaign bel hall iteeo suc- tor depety reese ced la nilag cesusfl yet ia gaining a sea on ciatesged ity Hagi P. Mac- nie township coancil. Mitien.Tom Watson et Ac10n mas Cmnpetie tor titee seal on arclaimedl te annînir teeni as nie cactaeineumitentu J. C. Acton-Nasagameya represen. Melatyre mnd Arthuor Gisen ad tutise on nie Haiten Colnt sencomera Derald Wehse, Joba Board ut Educatien. Measies Vaccination program A meanles-runitia vaccination anogrean toc nie protectien nI cides itetmen nie ages nI ene yeae trisgithne lient ymar et fichenl eatry han ni.. instituteid ity tite Ontario Minlatry et Heaitil. In ameanceing lin pregcamt, Heelith Miaister Ricitard T. Peller, M.D. maid taI ai grmff OI nf th., province base nieau stcked ili vaccine. AIl practising phtysicians hase iteen notifl of asuces nI vaccine supplies and bave reele a recomnended uninanizatian ocitedale. '.Il is unportant niaI ail sueit cildeenereceise titeir sac- cination an moon an possible aller nhii licol birniday te ensare peetecion darîng nie entire pre' eclimi and eciteni perlait. Thss calis fer a ce-eperatise effert hy parents -. and peactisisg Caenednvaccine Tni comime vaccine miii ie free. Il mriii peoside protectien agaient bani meagles (ced> and cuhella (Germent messies) in a ningle injectien. Infntsuandr nie alge of 12 monb dm0 shol n ie gisen tni vaccine hecanse nie presence et maternai antihodies miay inleclere mitt lte umaniing cespunse. Complicatios ullen deselop en o cbîtd nito conlracts measies. Titese inclode pesmonia, cmovlions, middle elr incion mnd mtfammalion of nie niais. Ruiteita vaccination ut yeung' citildren wil1 aine reduce nie risit nf infecion among memen in ciîd-bcacing yearn mito base Il itad lthe diseane. Raitetta cnntracedl ity o oman dering te early monis ot pregnancy cancresuil io tni iin ut a itaity mîith serines cungenitat ait- normalîlîco. Tite narlier en ta'egnancy thictus laj infetel nie more severe tni handicaps 0100 ni IOT THE BAVARI AN ROOM at the Caravan Restaurant and Tavern, Milton lu swlnging with the oom-pa-pa spirit !rld~yJ.w3d Sçdays a P.m. ta Midnight Mlon Plaza. OntarloSt.Mlton Pole878-3901 Fac SpeoisI Arrengemnts or Ietocinetlon Elnqaesing Coanel itas gisen the tomnofMilon aflat "No" in ansmer te a ceqeest nâi they consîder nie use ofIa pil at Milton Brick as o sanitary iandlill site fer Mlon garitage. Milton climued il btal ot ceceîsnd an ansmer te lthe cequst, oicit mas made a year "I nieugit me Ict niem mndcc- stand nue punition on nhiat Reese Tom Hill sel Mosday Coanicilier Dicit HomilI said ite londs il itard to iteliese Moion did ot bom aiotee Esqeesingas preposed official pion, nince nie bown itas aieead' fled an eh' Would you believe Alitalia Airlines 000 ti fying ftlimnes a e heleen Tarante andl taie ï usina Boeing 747s. Rame 129611* To Milan 126511* *po;nter loason Foc tur'OOc information Milton Travel Service 14 Marlin Cirent Miltan, Oloaria Phon.e7-sea agoIe. nIl lthe hus subaidy famcile debated sucit Siteald ltece ni joint mnicîpal mnd sctmot tien? Wit sitould ie ian (unit in Mille,? on Coanty ni divided or lue second lier sony ot lte atudenta lutin 10 il. leI any case thay Icew oae feeling on hasing tisaI plI as a dump, HoilI cencladed. more in laver of lthe lemn enpaodîng, titere mccc dit- lecenees ut opinion on lthe entent of gcl points outlSimons. PaIt esteat 'lThe hagit scitmi itody trelt Milton filial explaad te its oltîmate papalatien limit oI tuttI. llomeser lthe olter nebaule Il it fl dm01 nimaited 10 abaut One fonder et busiaems miin restted ina"dama themidl ote man lte creation oI a titret- mnil regienal gosemento aellip in Hallen an campared t0 foar tomer lier mits. "Thse otudent sale mas aplt abaut hal ire tac a titren barougt nystees, mite lthe otiter hall eadorsed tite foar unit aetup," pointu oat Si...... Needed Indormtin "Wiile lthe atadents easily "It mini mml af lthe comii ituses, titey aeeded itrmtion and backgromnd on nie ramifications et regional loeenla Simne pointu ea. Docing lte Wenenday comei lthe igit scites stedents glilled Mayor Brian Bent on lthe qustion oflciamneioing lte 1l Mile Creeit. "I tinithne Mayor sitemed nie studeals titere mral a aeed toc some menied nI flmod morl Simne saggeats dsked if ni niaugit then Comtil experience itad nien a miol seitie preject nia year, Simnses ci104 nie eaample et mmucl candidiates Dan. Uoyd mnd Jaba McIlimraitt, bats et mba. mere shiudean aI MDHS last yeae. "Lat year Mclralth man nie itigi scitel mayor, coacluded Simona. Youth in Council Milton students debate, vote on town business The Champion, lion, Ont. Wed, Novecober 22, 1972 3 Everyone's from Halton when Warden visits races It wae "Halton CeeatyOdigit" Ihee county officiais went 10 lise ai Mohtawk Raceway Saterday winer circle to present silver- and patrons in thetrack's diffig ware t,, John: lester of Forest, TI wl ode weluaioef ici "i h ýk,, wne Swantieoogi on around Waîde Swooughol and slicing "Hi, Vin from Hallon' Reeve Anne MacArthur and fail badges on eserynne. [)npuly Reeoe Don McMillaa made lthe preoenlalion. Members of Halton County MacArthur and MeMilian are lthe Counclilc guesîs ot lthe top coutil officiais in Ontario Jockey Club tor a dinnnr Naîoogaoeyaî Townshop, aiere and aller lthe Tecumseh Stake, lthe ra coay i oaled. IDN~ SAL]O S* CA BOX1 SPRNG NEW tItl BR"AND"f9 MATTRESSE Caish and Cali SIBUTIFUL NEW TWO Pil CHESTERFIELD SUITES $3 " 101KBEIS $9987 CONTINENTAL BEIS l ,e lld.Oeg -Bedroom Suites On0.0 IIî $499r F,.$199 BRAND NEW' SIMPLIOITY WRINOER WASHERS *Porenlain TubII *Sotnty Wrisgne $ 4f9 fiT n Year Guaran I 1 9"o Fr.e Prinete Parking Uer Enteence off Jaes. St. FREE LOCAL DELIVERY eONSN e UNTR highlight candidate meeting -I lucide sIen overoiteitn 4 Ibis yearly eseat e designed ta In additio ose otudents an insîde siew efthne four Ct nieepreitlems and oeinge et issuesnus: eovernbag lthe teo. mse et mi Tite -Yealth in Coancl board lacili Pregram m as a part et te nie papolt Oplimiste' Youtit Appeeciation Bzeaid Hal Weeit. into lthee Wini lthe assistance et regalar anl?" SIGN LANGUAGE wms tise arder of lthe day DeptY Beve Boit McCuaig lookson. Me- meniers et Milton Cuancil, nie Wttiien lhursday, wisen Ontarie Sei"o for tise Deat Ceaieconducteti thtesession aend expleaed lise stdetspatiipte i 'Yo tusi Coimil workings of municipal goseronent 10 tnhNed m "Bene" Sandra Berton aome tise tranela- eledenta. (Phoo l. O'Beily)G t lins et OBD leaciter BoI Koat, %isfie MilINocem a Sunday racing, reeves race Milton Brick BOR.B. Unlform Shoppe 10% OFF Ail Unlforms For Nurses, Declers. Denlisîs, Wa ilresses, Barbers, Hairdressers, Lait. Coals AIl lypes-Celors anti white Sizes 3-44 Ias Bonntl Dips Jas Maternt unitoem s okite S ponts and topo ine tland- B . LakeshereRd 398 A John St. *urîlngton Doonotairs from Adam, and Ben 634-1362 Hairstylists The stuff that dreîms are mide oif: Iovely , luturious sleepwear ... gottos, pyjamas, peignoirs, ensembles . . .. ail trimned for perfect Christmas iýgifting. Choose this week. iseoImioie.. -- sl ( e. Y zlt iot Lenîtit lion , set Fiee, LengthI l tcm 1. set Flan eeele Nishîgowes, sizes Brushed l oen Gown. A tal ici m 13.98M iseilium.ilargietom 15. 40to l a I 34et USE TOUR OMARIEX OR OUR UYAWAY FUI__________ .1110DE TMENT STORE Open DaiiY Te 6 Titarsdày and Frîday to 9 p.os 200 MAIN ST. MILTON 87 8 2 Fer yeer censeemence