Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Nov 1972, p. 23

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MU~~t.fqqt IHonor citizens, choir, -former MP Bosord of cuntitie Laf te Unitedi melona ho tes i prooldent, Pestytertan LLSON esporie ove as strator for the Higit Scitool Ig crner ltaSt Id a sont on thte Board of I li te wrt, otige and Oie Mc. Mioa tMilton uniW b6 yenr pectoti ere ta lice la -iââs"B" entertains By Dolorei Melmn The Milton Senior Cities Clubt tete Oieïr mently meeting in Kos Chovcli Hall Nov. 15i. Pretîident Eules Haritottie openei the meeting and Mco. James LetiiiO playeth Oe piano whlite everyone sang O'Conada. Mms. Frankt Thompaon ied evemyOne in prayer andt a pocioi 0f silence wsea oliierveti in rememhraove 0f EdiOi Warc. Wiffreti Crnsier, Albert Pedie, ondi Clifforti Beaty, seho pooseti asnay recesliy. Jeon Alies 0f the Welcoming comstitlae seelcomet Bradifordi Gieetsu and Eleaor Butcher Itiauglilar uf Ruaseil Clemeolt, la Oie meting, and aine Mr. and Mes. Bort Fishter wo are noew atmecier. Minutes of Oie lait meeting aire rond hy Charles Boonain the aitteoce o! Mra. Albert Petidie. la the shaffiehoard gaine at Halton Cestenniai Manor os Montiay, Oct. 23, Oie Senior Oiaiens Clubt sere Oie ieinneri. The Maner resitionts have aihet for a cematch, te laite Place on Tliuritiay, Nov. 22, at 1:30. Cînvene Meeting Mci. Frankt Tliompsun and Mci. CEK. Steveson seil convene lte Decemiter meeting Dec. 2o. Momiters are asitedti la nr Christmnas celoori asti corsages aid giftrseifi te oxciaigei. Tieenty memitersouf Oie Miltos CJlubattendiet the Zene 13 rslly aS Hoiy Cross Cliurch in GeorgeSowes en Nov, an oth Oe S.C. Orcitestra aine cosit'ihsted la Oie prngram. i ieai agrced Oiat a banquet oteuit te hld in Jansarv, and a ctesmitlae ieai f ormedti lolui 0fte lahOe detaite. The cummittee ioisc are Mca. Eves, Mci. Osi aid Mca. Waisn. The nominaling cnnsdtlae wsea itamedti S appoint te 1973 mxecuive. Ttey are Alexondier Walaai, Mci. ordioo Thoas, Mco. K. Riddenl asthOe presoidmt Efleo Harbte. Reporte wece gives thOe consndtlae chairmes ant i t sen nslad Oiat Oie clubt mie tes 130 Mes. JamesaLiei playeth Oe hirShday 005f foc aul Shose Seelatisg November hictittiys and Oie meeting ieao Oies tuieet E tc i Boit Lakeng andt Rumni t'ngs inho wore in charge of progta. Barber Slsp Qaret A barbec stop quscat ftraim Ocseherongh, of metecli Bota me Ornai in a memiter, wseao have aiteclainoti but dtai la verai tadorliatel ciciances Oiey were unaitie te keop te egagnsseoL The Senor ClOsoens Orcheafra lait oser aid plavei gaverai telectiqol, seiti Loelia PiSter on piano, Minerca Mc- CauteY on nioten, Aindrene Frankt ARTHUR A. 10H NSO No.o. OPIOMEIRISI 218 Main Sf. Milton 878-3673 Avion seniors on vioten, Tom Bradley on vioten and limes, asti Robert Lahing on Russell Clemens thes inlrahgced Mns taugliter, Eleanur Oatoter from Noew Lishoeti whlo gave a inuit asti sitoie picteces On Alcîca. Tlie Outetero' mon Jete aid hos suie Castiv are oecomlary orteol leacheco in Malawei lformeciy Britisht Nvasalantin l South Africa. Tlie orliol la siteale in lahOe country itO ateut 250 stuties enroiet. Becatse Oie people are quite poor aid tecame 0f the lagli cont of etiovationWititateemenry andt secoiary iecoe, aily a amanl Porcenlage o! lte people are edovateti The orbonl os atlanded mainly ity teys liorause Oie familles seho cao affordti l setof s rit seni Slieic boys biS as thev feel i la more important for a tev So te etiovateti. Tlie main crop grons in Malai isl maizo but ttey do have saome frit, vegeteides aid fioli. Msov 0f te people ont a purritige-lihe substance mlatie from Oie maize fleur, Oiron timon a day. Regardiesa 0f Oie liard limes Ilial the peuple mont enduore Oiey alseapa seoco la have happy siuliog faces. Sllde Storey The ilities thaS Mci. Outcher presenltid more a ilory on Oieosseives, shoself te people, Oieir tces, lime tey seorh anti piay aid also haie Jolis anti Candy play a colo in Oie fturee of Oie people 0f Mateawi. Tommy Hulteouni Oianketi Mci. OuSclior for the moîl informtsaive 1002 anti encollent picteres. Ton csaicti candidate Davidi Lloyd aStesiet the meeting and spolie liriefis' te tlit seniors, mltiog OiaS ho ted Oie interests af Oie yoaig astnd l ii. Tlie ovenlaf Oies cooviodeti seiOi a luncli laino terceti. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EVEOY TUESDAY Op. Grisce Anetican Parish Hall HAVINO A PROBIPM? DROP IN otayer, itO a soew Itatoo flag nelaci promotea Oie 1974 Itea- national Piawing Match in Haltes. lteferriog te Oie pont vear asna liole ut change on Oie toieo, Oie mayor îolruduced ccc staIt îvcocbrsuwhauvjuivedth teo conlis in Oie pool 15 iooOio. Titey iticlodeti liitcorion Mes. Siteingi Cosieay, rcceotios directar Robtert Sinal, asintent building laspoclar Cecil Jackson, anti deputy cierit Campbtell Thiompson.. Aloo istotuced seere John Kay of Barher-Greene Cumpanyns new Miltou indusîcial plant, "Muyuc uftIhe Market" Avdy Frankl,aid Milton ouOiCouneil peesidient David Lloyd. Ruti Wititing teai praiseti for Sovon Indvidan nd Ste 'Wardmn Jis Sinhogl frtina flura Otanettna Clati tere* initiative asna =soero aS lt. honat, Frldny nS BIltons conosy conseIcl level, la Mr. anti ansua civ banquet, whien Mes. Whlling for "capabtle cepre. Mayor Brion Doit preaented snin" andtla ii oies telle cortificalos af apioreclation tor Pieds toc "immessuraitie tie services Oiey lisse rendereti support." Oic tuo. Ftagtfor tons One of tiem, former HaltooMP Wacd eo Swanitorougit ltst Wlating, nons sccovtiet a pe'sentedth Oe laies, troîthOe standing ovation teien ite tean inoosoteti teith n cectlficalla for tite eariite dli or constituantsoin Miliu ati te laie s n n wiao doring las four yeac less of of- Otiteen itaisenti nee Roc. R. W. Faster 0f Grâce Anglican Chuacl for Mnt servicea i latea andtihOe Manre; ondiRsat eaiMa Anne Harkloy,- Catltarine H7arkieBni Giiiies and Mes. Nifioit for service in oOior fieids. Choir Bina Thte Citansenett6s, a 22-voIre laies citoir andlerOth direction of Mci. .toty Honter, entectaloed duelsg Oie cinir basnquet aithOe Legion Fciday andi Msyov Bont peene toti e direclar iti a certificateor ri ecogniono. Over 100 attendat Oie asooni 1disoer, iovliding teon slarfers, deportsseol ioatin, convillora asti representatives of lovai btoards asti comisionso. Tite Loi Asxtiary seeveti a roant tef isser anti foiioiig Oie rctoedancing was joyetite munir 0f JC and Oie Sqslres 'rHE CHANSONETTES CHI bond, Oieir suppors" Fctiay at ti lInroducng te tend taitie, Mayor Best ospreno litsb l>quet spossored lis Mites aiipreciaiion teReeve Bon Harris voice choir estertaited ovet fer ie support asti fer sttensdlag atlaodance wolli tettiogosongsao fonctions on kms teitaif. to a tri tsciudisg Sandra Poiieî Barber shop quarte t Infectiaus hepatitis Oouti sanilaliun asti personml liygieue are Oie ourest mean. O! telliog Oie speat 0f infectious leaoitis asti prolecting you, vour family, anti yoov saigit. teors. Obiserve heaiOi caies. Waili tends coveeuls' after fuing te Oie liatirocom oui tefore meala, and tie sove voir chiltiren fullose lisse praclices and laach clsiltiren ot te put uhjecso tOier Oiau food is Oieic osouOis Haltes 200H Dr. J. Chamberlain waoms. H ep alti t is i mea nsa "intteammaaion of thes 1mer". lafecious Hepalitlo is causeti liv a virus passei trom one porsos 10 onotter. Il -in Iransmilleti, mont cumnmonlv liv hastis, fromtei stonte o! Oie infecteti patient 10 Oie gastro-intestinal tract of a vel pon. Salvation Armyl PICK.UP TRUCKy l1 MIlev & Aea EVERY TUESDAYI L77-522 lus service te Miltoun as MP fer the patfour years and iteesentei iOia ceclificateo0f appreclation. "I1t han teen a great itonor to epresnt HslSon in lthe Pucliain o f Canada for the piollfour yc.irs, andil lu och cîll aou ucîao andth Oe pcople ut Mtilten," Wtetiog saiti. Frienda tire Bis ions to Cosoorvative candidate Terry O'Connor la Oie Clctee electios wsea "iehat con happes - vos have te accept Oie resulla," ite sald. But Whitlag otressei te holds no malice.'"The friendo tee have matie lae dutriof Shese years seill ot te torgottes," he said, "mcr lices teve teen eovicted.' Mayor BesS also Oionkedth Oe ton staff, boards aond coin- mittees andf citizens for Ohir service and co-oporalion doving Oie pool year. Be recalledth Oe sesse of godnil Oiat invadiethOe tesnn a feie yearo ago iehen 2,5W1 Boy Scoutesscore accoosmodateti uvernigt afler teir camp ut Kelat nons ieashédout ky a nIons, andsti fgested iîh thaS porticalar type of spirit ho tean nove Oiere seoulti lie so prohlimo in Oie future. Be aso Oianhedth Oe presa fer isi fair reportiof 0f coonctil ac- livilies, Lyn Ocisolit, Fceda Oeil ondi Doloires Metensos for decoraling te Logisn Halfor Oie eseniog, and lits oni Allan, Bruce anti Colin for their asnistance during Oie dionier. ThanksSnoew Appreciaties cao also eupresocti la Hulas Kaast MPP Jeu Snow, vite accivei lala afler onotter engagement. Bone Hacrins presel Mayor ondMc. Doit ieO iflaso liehalf 0f Oie conciliro Boi staff. Gives talk on drugs Ceonstable Jico RetipoOi of Oie Milton OPP recely conductei Oie thiri session uf a series of tirug lectures foc resitient of Oie OIes Williams Area. Auoitmc 'he Constable waî Oie l3iief of ouaff of Georgetaown District Hospital, a repreocotatine of Oie Addiction Reseach Foundtiîu, anti Constable O. L. Bonks of Oie Milltin Detaclimont. The Champlo-i i, uon, Ont., Wed., November 22, 1972 li Twenty-two collisions A total of 22 collisions involvlng Eleves Peopla were inîored in 35 vehicies occorred in the Northt 10 of lte collisions. Property Halton ares patroied hy Ste tiamage was estimated to total Miltion OPP during the week of $201025. Nov. 12 Se 18, report police. VOTE FOR DAVE You'Il be glad you gave Vote Dave Lloyd for Town Council DEC. 4th RN "sang for anti Jonc McCuaig. Af lar their songo, Mayor le amnual civic Brian Bcst presentei Ste group citit a Council. The 22- ccrtificule of uppreciatios for Olirir efforto -100 goosts in tecurt te cOnmounity ting te pont four otioviections liy ycars. n, Lynn Merritt (Phtoeiy R. Cocos) Visi our Pasell ng Shop andi see f1 the great seloction of panel s.J i Me have IJ 22 Dîfferent Panels j 22 1o chose f rom 5 for immediafe delivery J frrnm our stockI woodgrains in prints, overlays iiTOAST and real wood. Prices rnge in the MNDN real woods to oor exotic rustic Rosewood at $13.95 for 4' c 8' 'x7 Panel panels. Our woodgrae prints on plywood backing range rom $4.95 Sfil tirme to complete that rec roomn for holiday enterfaio sg. WeI be gla at offer planning Pane esive clor. iI advice. r-iýse Vo Tl te Avial o.the Pis ion oa * Big Selection 0 * Planning assistance g)egA ffo * Free delivery euiNHEROConvenient Parking 700 MAIN ST. E. MILTON HO EI M; 878-2351 trý E N NOTICE TO ELECTORS TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TAKE NOTICE THAT an Advanos Poil wiii Ill baill on: FIBSI DAT - MOIDAT, NOVEMIER 27, 1912 SECOND DAT - SATURDAT, DEGEMBER 2y 1972 The Aduance Poli Miii Be In The Nassagaweya Municipal Office Building Between the Hours of 11:00A.M. andf8 0 P.M. botfidays. POLUNO DAY MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1972 Between The Hours of il:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M.at fhe following Polling Places: POLL NO. 1 POLL NO. 2 Residence of Beverley Ella Residence of Molly Elliot Campiselîville, Ont. Campblivilie, Ont. POLL NO. 3 POLL NO. 4 Nassagaweya Township Hall Resideoce of Duncan Moffat Brookville Lot 27, Conc. 4 R. R. NO. 2, Rockwood, Ont. POLL NO. 5 Residence of Hubert Macpherson Eden Mih15, Ont. Clerk & Returniog Off icier, EARL S. CUODIE TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA S to figs, secaso igi to aconit vende z B7 4 îperity IU ISR hanse siding . . . for the *EUcarefree beaaty af if. Enhancesan huo, old or nec stucco, wootifeaceor brick. I ONeene si painting I 00900 goaraofeo 0 *Otoice of oloes and fiishes LO1W FACTORY PRICES ON i I OTHER ALUMINUM PRODUCIS 0 Al1 mur Doors I A: 0L Combination Windows eCar Ports e Aluminum Awnings i FEDERAL INDUSTRIES 845-0318 IOUT.OF.TOWN CUSTOMERS PHONE COLLECTI --- - - - - - - - - - - OWard 3 Burlington FOR * Responsible local gomerment e Preservation of our rural environment VOTE .mFOSTER COUNCIL TOWN 0F BURLINGTON DECEMBER 4. VOTE COLIN SMILLIE FOR REEVE TOWN 0F MILTON -for a cleardecisive toice on Milton Councîl -for strong, effectite representafion on County Councîl 1 wiII put my filme, experience and ability to work for you. Colin Sesillie AMCT SAi

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