Eliarnpua À~à de., a t2namphlm dl it for yS.n ect 's rseas mas very YOUJNG MATHEW POWELL, two snd une- suie last week. Matbew was enthralleci by tise hait peurs, top pichore, tlsoulght Chlsts toys asti other tisings te play culs, while bat ruine eorly tItis year aubes he and bis Becky, heing a girl, was more interrsted lu a sister Serkey, hottoin picture, srisited thse newblut, titteti by Mrs. RoseilSnnon. <Photo Milton0 Hospital Auxitiary's pre-Christas Sp J. Jessings) Friendship night hosted by Rebekahs Exirning Star Rebekh Lodge cin bustesu lotige to onr 100 sosters sud brothers recmntty. Sister Lîttian Hophîn, Noble Grandi weiromeiltister Margoret Dncknnrth, Wartieu ut the Rebebait Assembty ut Ontario; Sîster Clora Hast, District Depnty l'resitiirt ut Centre District No. 1l; Sister Relia Mcl.y, DD. ut District No. 12 and Sinter Viola Parblu, rire- prirsident of te t,.A.P.M. ot Onttario. Vîsîtors lrum. Georgetowen, Gakipe New Torono, Bulton, t ln Elmîra, Marham, Daoleand Mout Albert seere aise celcometi by the Noble Grand. Sisters truin Bratrice Lodge lu Guelph, Humbertialr Le ine Bollon, Trillionm Ldge in Ebrara, White Dore in Ajax, Lorraine Letige cn Nec Toronto, Alberta Leilge iu Markbum and Maggie Waddeil Ladge lu DuS- ovitle lent the appoluted otticiers' chair that tbey heit in teir respective tutiges lu Eretng Star Latige lor te eoeolug. Alfec cords cere giren by te îbgnitarims sud a sociai bour cas loltoceti cilS a deliiosumnh surveti by Sister M. Teasdet, social corener anti ber cirntnîe. M.S IMountain Union F.W. Foster ai traces changes The montbty meeting ut Meuntato Union Women's tostitute cas Suld Wednesday atteroou, Noir 15 a1 the homo ot Mrs. Mabri !t.iley Jamies Si. Milton. The presidirut Mrs. G. Fartoc upennd the meeting wilh a ponut. Hon. V. Nors intruducedth 1e guest speaker E. W. Fauter, uthu prouenteti au informai tlk un auethuds of education huth pont and prenent. Ho tout the meauhers back ta te days of the oIt one room, rural schout, tliling ut exportences ocrer taced lu mudernuchnl. Leson were learnt hy memormuxog thena an irumparet with the new types uf audio, vinual, open concept, diait rotation, and speirial clasuesnow au etiect in te large urhain schools. Setter formouti Mr' Fouler esptaised that te majority uftelachers sut pupits corS suiriessully undter theor modern methudu of educullua, but tere are alcays a lese exreptiona where tearhers ranIt leach or students learn setier these ruonditiuns. Mrs. Elten Harbtinte preaunled a thought. Mrs. Ruhy Brown hrought an intermting report u te meeting uf te W. t. arearonvreotion, whicb cas hett in Stralford the tinst weeh ut Nureauher. Meaubers cere reauluded about te crhange ut date of te Chrisnmas meeting. Il bu heitiTuesday, Deceauher 12a1 te I VOT E 1 home ot Mrs. A. Waudtey. Ther coortmpy conoirner Mis. N. Laogton taneil te speaker anti presexh.-d lxix cit an Ideats book. Aouccnsl tnoscelaxeous salr floor te close of the meeting. The Champion, Miltes, Ont., Wed., Nooesober 22, 1972 15 Stone Idoles portrait of Mai. Heggie Georgetown area artlut Doruthy Stone reenty iuoplted a portrait uf Major Colbu Heggie andi il wsea usneited ut a testimonial diuner in Major linggieus bonoir ut Brampton Armoury. The pirtare cdl hune tir tle Lorre Scots Rirgimeot's Heggin, a tbird eneration lannlp doirtor, lu 72 but sSÛR makem haune ralsa un Brampton. for experience VOTE M O SYNElCILU@ councillor town of milton Drying Clothos Indoors Takos the hip out of Wintor Louve the clathesline to the birds Ibis winter. Instali an effective Viscaunt Automatic Dryer. AUTOMATIC $16990 Model 0516 pOrgPS 'osAutomatic Dry Cycle Conitrol busdryer off when clothes are dry. Two lime cycles for regular anti perma-press fabrics. High air volume through.lhe drum lui ensure sale, wrinkle-free drying. AIl porcelain top, safely door swilch, giant in-door lot filter. 5200 watt "Sunray" element. FULL 1WO YEAR PARTS WARRANTY il liue csed for nntNtorv asus 1:-e e service asousoal. L~ United Cu-uperativéof Ontaio B RON TE ST., MILTON 878-2391 He serveti overneas tellath e [urne Sirota iu tIO4t, thon retarnei te Canada andi seriredin miitary huspitatu ut Camp Surdenuand Niagara. He recoînoti thenGeorge Medal for suring lions alter a bomb leS w5ur au Englsh army barracks. Mis. Stone onice taugbt high schuol in Milton anti lu mecsn hern lor a portrail sbr ii ut former principal J1. E. MarcellOus. You'1ve got a f riend in A lriend is someone who is ready, willing and able lui help yoo when you need help. That's George Brown's job, and his way ot fle. When he's nol maxaging Multon's Royal Bank, George works hard bo help his community and ils peuple. Ho parlîcipales in the Lions Club and in any number ol aclivilies around town. Il you don't meut him there, drop in bo the Royal and say hello -Geurge cao help you with extra cash for somelhing worthwhile, or help you arrange yosr finances, or jost help yu sort Ihings out. Aller ail lI. hat's what trientis are for. Community Corner THE HALTONES IN CONCERT St. Poul's United *Church Wed. Nov. 29, 8 p.m. Admission $1.00 ROYAL BANK serving Ontario MILTON 878-4185 When we win, -you win. OATSUN w peouxco orninnAs Otiossuto nnsstiruirluooOaîsasasuisrssxussCasuaaasairuoiriudtiuim Dalsun Pus won more îaly î.hacposhps thar any othet casr nC.anaîda Agaînst the best compoîttoro. Uxtier the corot conirtions, Su ctrafhat? Muybeail pou reullp reeti ix a car 1ha1 Sehoves sirosby and ecooomcalto 0x rtioruIefreecay. Su Ihis: the thinus bhal haoe helpel us cin rollies are standard equipmCot oir thie Dalsuins pou'l lîxti in your deater's shocroom. Front ino brukes, oxerbeati cam pocver, irdepiridoiri trot suspension ord tougli uit otrurcion aa Up toa car that ctil survive cherroor you drive Anti bause lOry're al yours ot xx entra cool, they alto add up1 o il ù more car lor pour dollar. Roat est Cnatius rally champ aityor Datsuir tieler's roc You Cao t lose. neySednow--* DATSUN -T 1' tnimmimoiiiîu rice Y#"DIPENSNGOP ICIANS *cuist Prescriptions Fîlled SCaxiact Lnxxs HOURS- HOURS- Mon F r, uira 5,30 p. Th-r 9 - 9p Tuesdae and Wednesday Clused Saturdap 9.30 an. ut 5.30 p. m. 175 Lakeshure Rd. E. 7u MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878.5151 OAKVILLE MILTON