Board adopts parts co f. lnnth k financing. I 12 percenit T.V. 878.28" -L.ow icarne famîies in returns early in Oie New Year. Ontario cui ho ale lu recover ap Tenants iii ho ohmlu ctaChuo $0 lu 42 per cent ofthOeie 1972 pltopercent oftOinrenttles tropectY lunes tinrougli inconse ine percent nf taxable irome un tan refonds finunced liy Oie deternnining their property tus Ontario Governosent. vedit. Thic inmpact of Oie Ontario Along wîi tan credita, tan progr4sn 15 shown in a sait poper additionat progranss are hoing nmade pouli today liy Treauarer contiued Ohis y0e.r the 25 per Mhartes S. Ma rNauglilun chu cent tarinluxrebutesuandOihe$50 saîd tl justifies governtent lu $t00 supptementory tan retint cnern 00cr and action to offset grants to noedy pensionnes. Oie regression effort ut property Ecentuatly efforts cittlie csade taxalio . Usîng Gulucph, chis eepresentatîve ofOiheprovince as A ~ ~ f~ a hle hesud oun poery#À&% ve ri se~ tas veedîto for t972 wîlI range front $123 tue toc incarme familles tofsv0 for tOiue ean ngO SitiOf hotcren $1tONo anA $12,000, Nolasoauni redît ss.825. H flon tuunîy Councit ls hop- Mnre Eqolanhie ing lu uttruct a qualîlsed persan Me. Mactiauglitun saut the to represnt the County on the proprt lus vedit plan cas Buard of ilovrms ut Sheridan inlroduced cn Oie t972 budget an Cullege. The terni ut office ofthOe port of thr goveremeni's Couonts prescrit repeeseototive, cintinuîngrffort to mule Dr. C. A. Muette, ut Mitton, cui taxatin mure eqoîtohie. The terinalue ut thr end of tbis yeur. study. lic suîd. shuc thr ceitito Dorcing o Cuunty admis- moade the combsned hurden ut istrution cummnitter meeting tast incutiti and proprrt) taxes week, itcs decided ta dvetise correspond 'noe closely to Oie the position te local necspopees. ulity tu puyý Thr property tus cedîts replace Oie baste shelter grunts wich have lors in rtffct ain Otalriousince 19108 I Proprrty unners an Ontariu utîl huuable toclan $90plus tO per ceo utheir peoperty lunes lest one per cent of thoîr luxable încnie ce Oiey fide incrnme tant $2,700 daimage Ai tocrcliin Otai property damage. Mil tou Police suy Ursula Fearnley ut Oakoîlle oa lioretta Bryne ut 217 Elmmcod Cres.. Miltoneure the drivers ievlved. cutimoird pruporty dasmage te Fearniey car was 91,00, te tie Byrne vehiclo f1.200. A tfieee car collision on tlic sainre day occorred on Mole Si. nean Martin St., say police. Drivers tovolved ere Woody Kondrîcli ut 293 Meadochrook De, Regina Derie ut 122 Brunie 00. ansd Donald D. Sheppard ut 57 Jones S1. Estanated property damsage tu Oie Kendricli car cas $75, t0 the Dovine operated vehîcle $250. There cas ns dansage lu Oie OSheppard cor. Police aiso report amri accident on Tuesday, Nov. 7, Tfie damage amoonied lu about $125 Losi Art la wu lie fioped tIsai calking neeè becoinos a losi ort. Wr will alcays need tgel frontOthebalse lu Oie garage. 'IT lu sncorporute speciat retint tue turiners and pensioners loto Oie lus cretlit systont. Conclusive Evidence Untîl the Guelpli stody cas cumpletedi, Ontario lacked conclusive evîdence lu sapport saoy of the assomptions bld liy monti goverement leaders and luspoyers. Thore ban heen n compuaale stndy elsechere althougli uther peogeains cn the United States and Brîtoîn are discassed in the report. Glph peoved ideal foc Oie parpose hecause it is Oie f lest maor munîcîputity clore rvassrosiset ban heen completed by provincial ussessurs. Also, the average prupeety tus un Goelph in 1969 usas $174 coinpaeed cîi the provincial avrauge of $371 and Oic uverage geoso icarine there mus $5.348 compared cîth the Onetario uverage ut $5.022. As steli us demonsteatlog Oic regressive effectn ut peoperty lunes, purlîcolarly on towcan lumîlîrs und pensionnes, the study shoued thut Oie tan credit plus can lie espunded lu oOier uras of taxrform. of Revi The Hallun Coonty Buard ut Edocutîse lias udopted en principîr musi of thereon iuesdiîon put forti by a three maniqiry set se hy lhe pirovnoce lu eslubbish guidehenes for efficient schnot hoîrd-teacher ttçgitiatiins. Tho recommoendations are huion as Oie Reoulle Report- ouingd after Jodge R. Renilte who houds theo grinp. Recently the Buard pot forOi a position piper on Oie report; sspporting inîny ni Oie recoin- mendaions. Howener, one ut the mmotiendationsinay causea rift hetween Oie Buard and coioy'secondary ochoot teaies and thoîr provincial organîzatîon, the Ontario Secondary Orbuol Touchers Federation. Agreen witb report The sreport orges, and Oie hoard agrees, tttit teachers slinuld nnly ho able to negotiate satary and fringe heet and sot working conditions. Hoceser, the touchers cant suci issues as popîl-teacher ratios and clas tones to lie negotiuted. While tlie hourd and the beadines are ut loggerheads on Oie nogotiations issue, thoy are Oie saine aides of the tence in supporting and relecting severut nOier portions ut the Renîlte Report. BoOi Oie touchers ind the huard are uppssed lu a reconssendation which old aIme the huard to hcing in anyone tliey wioli tu vonduet satary conditions, ohml the touchers would ho rentricted to selevting aucominîttee froin ainsng theinselves. lie Report 'ie Revitle Report suggests a Permavnentnsclivvlboard advisury 1'niiit c 7v sîoliihcd, Good nappons Mukîog advssry boards inundutory ouud denteoy Oie god rapport the o hard now enjsys ali the touchers ae- corîn tu Oie Schoot Buard Partsot the hourdis position parper staltes, "This huard approves ie princîpte, Oie estali- lîlihment otf guidetines f0 lacîlilute the efficient ngutiation ut satar7 agreemnents huteen a huard and io toaching staff, lu the Revîtte Report ce strongly support the recuiniendatîons Quilfers 0f Royal Fair 'lr ruaul art ot quitting cuIl lie lcuturcd a long cîth aitler hundosude iteins ly Mennonites lysa Kitchener ut the Royal Aîrîculturut Wînter Pair. celrbrating is 50 yer aovivrrsary Nov. Il to t8Oi Torcoto yeur the Menonites made Oieir t est cii tu tlie Pair anA their one-of-a-kind quilto ocre suglit utter iteins. l'lcrrdsltrin Oiersales go to Menounite relies uork in 5 cutrics aruund the scorlît ilultc bv thc Ontario Safty liecluit sure lis hot-rol could la hectrainotathercrossîig tt asi a dil liot. GNLY '25-00 DGWN tIf pou quafifyf 1600 c.c. Engine Saveon na $400 on Brad New7 endols IIGIESe TRU,$III IOLL0WJCi uOnVLSWAG ' ..M T to a Bucket or Barre! of the best-tasting chicken in toMfl.. Katucky fried Ckickkt -USMA ÈCA II E OnL99 chickenv2IkÊçt. ctoclitond toretîe for a boord thc vighl tv viag i i system .adcareypav.d lv tente rcin-, isrviivcs toich tendit lvessec tlie guud rapport exsting hetonen huard and sltf or ohici tond Su coinpticato negotiaion procedores seeecesaily.' The houardis viewpoint will ho sent to Oie Mînîntor ut Education Thomnas Wells. A hre ootlining Oie toîchers feeling cut the Report have atready linon sent lu Oie Mînister liy the provinciat enecative nI the Ontario Secondary Schoot Teachers Pederation. The Chamipon, Milton, Ont., Med. Nocembon 15, f972 Racing fan suffers fatal heart attack A 55-year-old Preston soin Cstlrrrd a tatal heurt uttack as l ' hi iv ti, encir thIl, i t: vi 'lhosdas vigh. Milton OPP suid norden l'roctor hud drives lis car loto Oie racetrack grourdis, paid for hos porking, and cas wiling into Oie huilding when the seizure tuait place. The uttack uccarred ut atout 7.00 pi.m Mr. Proctor, chu lad prevouunyhbeen sufferingtfront heurt trulte, died uithOe race- truck. His hody scus toben tu Mhiton Dastrict Hospital. Ris son, chu nus contacted hy potice, made a positive ideniicatin. Ho is helieved ta bacc gune ta talcios k lii' rvrîlk parn cre .nsdc tle building ut Oie Salvation Armyl I PICK-UP TRUCK I Milton& reoI IVERY TUESDAVI TOWNSHIP 0F ESQUESING NOTICE TO VOTERS 1972 MUNICIPAL ELECTION The regular polling day for Municipal Elections is Monday, December dth, 1972 during the houes off t M A.M. und 8:00 P.M. A notice lias been sent to each dwelling unit in the Municipality advising the location of the polling place tor the electors le thaf duaelling un if. For fhn purpose of receiving votes of electors who eupect to be unable to vote on December ufli, 1972, there will be an advance pol held af the Township of Esquesing Municipal Office, R. R. 1, Georgetown, Ontario on Monday, November 27th, and Saturday, December 2nd, 1972 during thiehoursof 1:00 A.M. and8: 0 PM. Every person ottering hirmselt as a voter at the advance pull shaîl le required, betore being allowed to vote, lui malin a deciaration befure the Deputy Returniing Officer. Declarat ion that tley eupect to be unabf e lu vote on December 4th, 1072. Delmar Frenchn, Clerli & Refuroing Officer, The Tonshiîp of Esquesing. ACTON 'Kinghom Hill Esfafes,, $17700x 1 NLY 5MNTST OOT I CARRYIPdG CHARGES FROM St144.00 MONTH fNcLoOINoTASEsA MAINTENANCE DOWN PAYMENT ELECTRIC HEAT 10W ST0RMS & SCREENS FURNISHED MOIELS NOW OPEN FR01 10 A.M. 'TIL DUSK ALTEO CONSTRUCTION LTDI 1/2 Mile S. Of Acton, 1on No. 25 Hwy. PH,*i 8530 1901 -I ONE 0F MILTON'S top tnack drivers lis London. Hes pictured shnwing is prize Ricbard Chnester of 332 Mnmanuiow Dr. troply Soibis dauglitor Sherry, a student nf W. Earlior in chu fam Chester canme secnnd huin is. Dick Srhnet. Chester drives an ail tanker for clas-tandans aie trictnr and tandeaxuie Glf Oit. (Photo byD . O'ReilY) traiter, ut chu National Truick Rudo in Low incarne familles may bene fit in fax change AOIS. if rEpm New From The Handie Bars Down To The Snow! S GOING FAST THIS WINTER! Ail newI Viasve $011tu sesn tu1 betfnnn, Ali PnweeiuIi il. Ski WIhiz '73 la eo wthi. Ali top. penn, Il out-clasnns nserpthlog performnnce iem on thn trnit-28 fmportant Inaînures tentures oinI f ... th ln onn to keep nompfltpl re-deolgond and fii Ini nt -engfnenend IBis pendl oftersl NEW POWER AN D .1.rmt PERFORMANCEI Morn pacerfal eo$fn, rang- fog fenm 21 là InCI h.p. for ail the mancle npons naeds. New hnepv-dutp drlsn bell fori: g e lis emorn realfe operetîn, NEW QUIETER OPERATION New, qalelee miler spntnm end ennfanfee nair fonke et- fenner reducea engfins nfise life neser belare. IVIF NEWMANEUVERABILITY 1"edeePolpanethene Milton Equipmont Go. Ld 3163 Steeles, Milton 878-212$