Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Nov 1972, p. 11

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bedrom home ter, carpetiit fin lor and cr ith Jackie on corner lot, with Jaokie iio0 rotoe and by 184', about or t0 se,, this hL schooils, Ibis tb Asnne Cbucb- Io domittowo. ;t morlgtage of imach 878-9511. TON) snicb bungalow, aoder dotachcd pipatment cati cingl room. and 3rkshap or gar- sfocosation cati ng oeeded for le, Qabvilte or resn Choquette 17c29 JTARIO fture dcveiop- cd building os taipai otriecin actainrd apart- çe back a Firot cd lot 65 o 166,. aid. Rcady 10 nship close t0 Aakinc $19,000. ce lot 1100x250, 5 acre lotsih 10 dacc-ver- style bungalow id diniog coos s of oplioords, replace, tmo 4 ,und swimmning, Priced rigisî ot Iloree hedronut caried lot 150 o srparate dining latter hedoom, ffled recreatlon clectrir beating, s in excellent arrange& top No. 25 ith tream. A truly Open t0 offer Street, Milton. ýailahie. iimited itae possession. aod frasu 1161. aile now white moîed in boyng 1conteospla îing roatlion wiîhout -tive. Why ýE 878-6506 878-2894 ý3086 TE BOARD 17c29 >Iumnsj n Hemè FOR ALL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS MAUJRICE BETYL & 78-6418 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION PRIVATE SALE Attractive 2-bedroce bungalow in Hoenby miti spaclous kit- chen and dinlog atae, 4-pc. bath, living sroo with gireplace, large rc. rouai, garage and caeport wilh outside Folio and lire- place on a weit Iaodscaped lot of tbree-quarters of an acre, nem- ly decorated Ibis Spring waIt many entra. CAIL 878-9647 17c29 FORVM SAVINGS UP TO $3,000 Ad 2n Area $47,500 Etongated ranch beunaowomn5 boit acre ltI, enimming pool, large living root, 4 bealtos, toc. moai midi fireplare anal har, waik ouI patlin, separale diraing tobinet Near Moh-awk $87,000 t00 picîsuresque acres' ideal foe ssowmohile, recrecalianai chlub or large laosily, 3 bedroomo, des, seporale dining romc, 50' Pierida cooce, huge living ronfla 2 firepiaces, maop ex- -Iras. nemtp recanstrocleal hues, lovely pond Southof 401 H wy 47 acres, vacant tond, 1,410 fI. fromtage, los of mature lrees, pond sites, gond 12 acre field in reur. S10,000 domo. Omwner miii halal corlgage. Campbellville 545,000, beauliht side - splil. an entra large, femced, landscap- cd lot, hradlaosmed living mon wth, firepiace, dinhog rmin saili sluding donea, Ibret large hodtoomi, open concept bitchon, cosy ec. moatn mlîh lauge fit-opiace, waik oui hase- WIILIE ESSERY (519) 824-554 Guelphi or (416) 854-9963 Miltas. CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL. ESTATE LIMITRO BROKER 189 Maia Street MILTON T0w n $20,500 Foul Price Cosy 4-roace starter home, bath. close ta shopping &0 saboa. Tep an aBfer. Country 845,000. 3 bescoce brick, cace- binalion living &sliningnmain hsatifiily finsaed ititchen copitoards, dîning area 3iarge bedroonts, ntaghed s lire- pince in hasemeol. Cati bipe- tle MoCleliart 018-090 or 878- 2095. $49,5W0. Pi Price. Brick homue midih 3 hedronoms, L-shaped livitng & ditiiof tooba 15 hattis, large kitchen, mud ronc and 2 cue garage. Cati Yvoone Christie 87&-2095. WOODED LOT 1.8 Acres, as McNiven Raad, neor Steetes Avenue. Asking prose $16,i00. Cati bipetie Me- Cleltan 878-5190 or 576-2095. 5 110DM CONDObINItlts TOWN HOUSES $17,700 Fuit Frire, 3 hedtoams, Stiig glass donc la patio, tatadioonona siairs, large ctaaeîs, araititectseailp lad- scaped. Doses Fapsesl $1-200. NOBLE TOWERS NOW RENTiNG Osostooc location, close ta &tores, chches and schonis. Toi resere pour apartient cati 878-2M,8 CAOL 878-2095 If Busy 878-6057 17C29 Precision engitieered hontra, erecled on pour fotaidoain 40 ta choise Pene or osostoce, de- signeii. Gel ail tht farcts. Phone Frank Pinflb (home casait- ant), 491-3219 Willomdale or vis- 1. ose noscosa tieusor Lomber store foc o Homes Catalogtue $1.100 lb-t 18 TENDERS HALTON CENTENNIAL MANOR TENDERS For the Installation of a BANKRUPT AUCTION SALE COMPLETE RESTAURANT EQUIPMEOT For M-AND A RESTAURANT Located as Hmy. 7 East, allso oms as Ouen SI. right op- posile tho Liqanc Castrai Board, sn the Taras of ACTON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 22 ai 1 Pý M. Sitaieca airai Cai-iand tSi- paota pecier unit deepffer; sailesavisel 'Frech lry cutter; cabinet & Garland hot pluIe; stoincess sholves; glass top pie captaam; tetl Garland 2 - harter ronge utihity lubie; Il peostal type wilb hol plaie; slaintess isteel tables; 31 chtome chairs; high 5 - unis steace table; steel moit chair; 20' couner; watt type tahle mils 2" istaid curling ciothes rack; cash regloler;9 hoard; 2 -unit deep frer; t swivei barestriis; menu rack; sîteel mark table; Gitaon 2-staae portable fan; large malt nrit- conter; 'Frigidaire reirigeralar; cor; 3 metl gatisuge cons; Usiversal i ce crecrn conter; rond mail clark; serviette hol- Stafiord mutk shake marinne- ers; plaies, colps andi saurents; Bierkel meal dicte; Toasi- 2 50cpcole pernolators;» e 4- slce tatr 3-oinmena packs; glasamare; pois& staineso sIeel sisk and laps; pans, leapo tc. TERLMS ARE CASH. No resarves. Bilding bas hoen soid. Parties invoived oc ucliaseer sot reapoosihie for accidents. Ample parking. Sellisg hy snober. Auclionseet CRIS1 SCHOUTEN, 20h29 Milton, Ont., 078-2576. AUCTION SALE 0F HOUSEHOLD PIORNtT8IRE, A FEW PIECES 0F ANTIQUES, APPLIANCES, GLASS ANDI CHINA. MISC. ETC. ta lthe Agrcultural Hall ut tht Fuir Grounds la Milton. For Mr. and Mrs, TONY TARASCO SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 ai 1 P.M. 2-pc. moderst rbeateefield; 7- ctudisg a fera aid pieces. c. Mition salite; bookvose midi APPLIANCES - 1B ru. fi. Co- ginos Licirs; 3apc. kilcies sile; ntinental freer; 10 co. fi. dressing lubie and choir; Lany Westinghouse irig.; 30" Frigid Boay chair;paaPeeand endtabl- airce stove; HamiltonfBeach gas es; bassoek; Sapc. bedonosn su- dryr; humidifiier; 23" Westing- iae; 3-qtr. bedmntn suite; part- basise Iloar moalct TV; Piiips able somiag machine; rarivel portable TV miith stand; Dom- chair; bohy crub; basaiseate; cal sicrea, cIt tape dei; va- bigit chair; table lamps; braid- coom cleaser; fIner polisher; cd aval rug;pine blaakttbox; carpet sweeper; adthe aille t-arkisg chair; large and omuill reguar amati apiaraes sorb pîctares; glass and china in- as riraîrir clock etc. TERMS ARE CASH. No reset-crs. Hoase is sald. Osaser oaing. Freieai framn Il o'clocit duai cf ale. Lunch available. Ocroars, Hall Directars or Auctianeer sot respansible for Room, Pettit House, CHRIS SCHOUTEN, Aarlianecer, Halton Centennial 20h29 MIilo 878-2576. Manor, Milton, Ontario U T O SAB)TENDERS ftac IhoIO SA LE ahane osili b ho ived bp the ____ Adoiniatratar onlil 4:00 pos. E. 0F ANTIQUE FURNITURE. SOME REFINISHEDS A f1000 LOT S.T., Wedonesday, Naveoshe 22, OF OLD GLASS AND CHINA, MSODERNI FUENiTURE LAWN 1972. GARDEN TOOLS, MISC. ETC. Tender foemns cmid specifical- ioas map heo ateinel frnt, toc Adminisratiorn In the AgriCultural Hall ai ilte Milton Fairgroundnt Stanley A. Aile, on TUESDAY EVENING, NOV. 21 ai 6 p.m. Administraîse. ANTIQUE PUEPIITURE - 3-1stoal; Sisger sesriag machine;, Hualaso Cessienstial Manor, dramerebcast;ati;ladies'deb; camp co, ikieanec;coogsdiola 1005 Ontario St. South îcoshst and; datugi ban; table; tiers eormt rtaire Miltas Ont. 1h0pare bilda citai-; cbilda rok- ILo ancar, oca, 20 lits.; ced er; laroc boîter attira; brdsd c aute slndl. HALTON COUNTY table; eclanonai lotie; piue dougt tox; raciting choira. long ' GLASS and CHINA -Cumnin- INVITATION TO TENDER Fine bos; micker irs tasd; ai ameibysî preasedl ducss de- cherrvwash stand; cerrydre- presiona to-bt ted Vrvrîian aciertry; 3 ooit chauirs; îIgas; Frecord ilaas cempote; JANITORIAL mencboeir; t2 aide chaoirs; Viciai-! acater pitcbrr and 7 gîaaes. Il palt paacc hair;e 1luacd potlera, cal glass cogar rrstoi~ra- alu end latie; csai uqr baic. Nippov dandy disit; ils SERV CES ak table; pirva coup chtair; Fine Ibloc 'china; arveral aid ma Sealed Tcoders addressed t0 fian bock chair; lt-osai bmi plaîtera- brasa cal riticiet. lte undersigaed miii te monoi- aiith broa Irimostaga; otber'ioaaiii-tt ai taine good oid cdstil 4:00 pos., E.ST., Wed- aid odd choira; large 20 sal1 booksa; asevcrai aid bouîles; cat nesduy. Dccerrritcr6. 1972, for~ pictorea aod priat; ambrella: i-av pot. stringaf cIiella; ii prariding camplete Jasitorial stand and miae. oter nreiu-e; lans; aid iaod mooidia plan- Services ta lthe fllcivg Coln t single Fadesal Duncan Fityfe cs; itavaveti (irst Warid Wocl. ty ai Hulasn buildings in the -table; au telephove table aadpair of largc raodca cadic- Toms id Milton: ool; coller and end tables; sticits; cranta; tuai book; pour i. Dld Court Haeuse, 43 tire- srait ta-bic; green ophoilrtred a' cno shona; fla bloc mach osa St. ormair; pianoa beacit; piano! itcis etc. 2. Pravincial Court, Faosily TERMS ARE CASH. Division. 43 Brocs BS. Narcoorives. Hou., is sold. Oucera mal iag loa anparîlocal 3. HoltoCounalHealîb Uit Atao mt.-tiiad aicchoadi.- la heivg rcovidlramn Bar Offices, 115 King 20. licitas plus additions. This tsa t et-a god aiieriag. 4. CtildrcnsAidhociety,Ha- Freatoîrmm i omdariacidav ofle.Luch avilabl. lias Coosty, 46 Rugi St. 20h29 Atuciaoot-r CHRIS A. SCHOfJTEN 878-2576. Tender Foross may be lihlain- cd crae ate office oI the Coust- tyCekýTesueAmnsr AUCTION SAL E Millon, Ont. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th ai 12 Noon Ail Tenders, properiy campte- led, must te retared sn a seat- For Mr. and Mrs. ALAN CONNELL cd esorlope ad clcarly mark-I ed '«TENDER FOR JANITORI- ILoculed on Gai, Rd. 4 mviles accut ai No. 6 Hîgbrap. 10 miles! AL SERVICES." 1 aci ai Gail. il miles a,,rt aI Cioppisoa's Cornera, 12 mtiles Taobe cossidcred eatTTend- souritiouephi(Gii Ro.dl1mile aartbcof rriîan eus ieh sohositîed os Ilt Ccvsii0 oi Coaic.e Traitora. Pot-m Moctinrp Fred. Car. Feras spplîed bythe County. - Houseloîid and Miscellancous Items For hanther informationa e gardt-g the srices tohocper JohnSoî Dee 10dieselitracter CAITLE -4 Jerseyitotia aroed andailiercmaterst-eila Oo20thirs)he.tlidt loader, fro silce Aog, iJ-nao ite- ted ta Ibis Tender, pIeuse ras utaad condition: *Ciie S) troc- lri. dac aoî; Yearling toiler; sari Mr. Wi. Ficiteti, Soporti-, Foi-d 3 lbh 3 i-i-ais-u 12" Jcrcaca helor. dae ta Sprivg. 9 tedesi af Boildings. Admiit.Iittiiom Hc,.ti bd;M -roiord20 -o 4v00 l3oen ratiasntBuilding, 491 Strelea pls.rpboMPrîîv 0 0 a- Soe Ave., Milton, 878-2801. 8 F10 cooîh;cc. lii,, ocra Jese ic-t ifera. The loes or aaptenderaon Ptiîititl ho , bîr ;Ollacaroke* POvMS..Apa necessarilp accepîrd. Parti 530 blci .- d; 4-9000 halos ai hait 2,000 talcs %ttlcutiii24 plietdrag ilili-tit apprat I50 onao ie- Garltield Briow-s ds;2tr u a vvmxdgan lcr Costy Clerit-Treasorer 52ti siiiia i. 2 crt Catuatp Admistsrattion sîtîand roîitý bitx. Forîdî7 "cisprato.s Lait-cHai tildg. Li-lt siadci. 3oî uint e ruh;gi-e.ol;qa Milton, Ont. d al;po 3 tit ipringtiooti lits of tow est etnso îsiîîsuî,sît. ii sui-Il îî-saior; lîtider, il t os; sassa SIcdei ________________________ fissîa. ls. cîtîator; A paria; cao,; cter mise. il- il iiil tuit lilicif sed ms 20 AUCTION SALES Siîisist loti iîtl, ,, HOUSEHOLD and ANTIQU- fOOilltti 3s, pl.îc 5îî ES -Flatlllk pin cgstard; 111_1tii.ciîtittit beiLunes wod slave; 23eu. fi. Ward Brownridge lai lit tIa îiaud bs inble aptiîd rire l blootobe ssrri Liceosed Auctianese liai -tocs; age-lîsî*îy roltigerior am- braita and: odlbsdai&dreaa- Parmi - Livailset CAR -St cltirtt i 1l-:and osootalieor mise. it- POralture Sales tti'L suîîî. :eliiii ais. ems. sOss l- tii.,tiiole N-t Repoasibie for Aay Accidents Phono 878-6730 1 1 ft1 NIl 1 1110 11i APPraiside - Ail Tye JIM McCARTNEY, Auclioneer M> »1 Phone 609-1778 gOateedn The Champion, MilIon, Ont., Wed.. Novemiter 15, 1972 11 Halton home cure program Hetore HalIon's Hume Care force or anulber. Pegple on the Use VON, Redi Crois free band. We horle la keee- adt- Progrant sas joot 10 dayold, 20 Prograce are referred by mher MOS hao contracta wllh VON maoaislratîoo and paper eork la a persans bad made ase of the tilyslrlanu. for nursing services and wilh Redmitnmum and runcenlrae on the services. Basicatly home rare s While the patient musI nemi 'roo lo- itoemakers. Eaicb pattent," she said. a Peagram devised taotreat peple eititer nursng service or hospital in the coocîy bas MDSis acospany eotablisbed incill-offoahtoe haîrdicarily îîhyaihcrapy treatm"nt, th, ;tr-sigvatt-lou, saffîllîtotabera tuhreecand a hlfyears ago The t1(iti l;t1iitlflcoon, s.-îpc ithe paciaaat i ulch work claî.îîîîlit [ieîsLaiving hro iasfv lcdivisosanad deals Mll the crarorami a e a ta o bcoad-c. Dcegoiags, medication, dihargtltiîtm tac hospital ta in celitvely ccc fieids. One af Halton, nîony coon tira and itoptal eds or evttoxygen, just hiome cure. lthe atterestaig aspects of the regiono in te province bave ta mention a fem cati ho provuded Sitetia Kirk is the prafram fitems ituiness a th2e enerolive eotaitiisied pragrams in tader the miteine. adoaniotratar on Haiton and site scrttning brancb. Tht. braicb apecation. Fîive a gencies and firces n 20 te persan mita mii mark peovidms comprehlensive, oedical Tite prograce ta readiiy suitautte ids ta 20e Ontario taoSeiy aiti the patienta on the enaminations for eneculives recognizei iy iteai20 alficais as tiepmrtment of Heailb eariy i trograce Itîs obe mita miii have £rome oner50 Canadian firces. lTse an eificient and conoiderabiy tesa thelfait. Medical Data Sciences, a tite initiai contact mîlk the enamnabions takre traim o and rostiy may of kaadisg 20e iteat0 Rendalitait mas amarded the Patient. bail ta 20ree homos and a 13 page mcedsofa a canisity. The cantraci ta pravide home cure in Jane. Lind us bier tposition as qtto nnaaaire on eacb casa is peogram a salit ta colt $10 ta t12 lte cocaîy. It narte the fit-st naapng directar mitt aaersee titiet ul. per day, camparcil ta $50 and op time a prîvute birm nas awardel the apecatiat. In an interview bics. Lînd stressed tht pec day toc itolpitai care. a itome rare contrarl. Unîil 20en Mca. Lind saîd 20e grcatest importance ai a persan bcawing Reterred hy dmlor contracts at iteen pretly meS hondiît of lte plan mon ta fret mity R-raya, or cardiagracea are Ta getaon lthe peagiram a patient domasnatcd ity hourds ai heaidi hospitai keda for those who really taiten and hoving the paticent cent ite inneed af i tder nursing und social agencies. need temaand taeutcostsaof rare ho mit l sroof with hia cure or physiotherapy ai une lac the patienta mha dan't reuiiy heuitt and itm ite caoi iceprove ______mm titen. apon it. Happlerait home "Preventalive mmicrne ns jast A U C TIO0 N S A LE Mrs. Lînd aud lthe vasts'tartgtaraeinta ias w, t1 .M maîocîîyaofpersanscecover mare arcardiog ta Mcs. Lind. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER l7th ai m quîckiy and mre ituppier ta ite Feovlde advice cecapcratag in tireur ao home Among tite ather servires Locatnd on No. 8 Highway in Flamboro Village cater thcm a itnsptta. Site noted procidmi ity the fiite is MDS offcnt ec pgramm oitcrs vti pealesatacai service. Thelfire Appi-aimttl 1mile wctao eenvailceapprasimatri 2 mies shom unotiter mcmhor aI the miii dcsign, hodld anii tocnish coctitîcot of Doadas lauly ho ta givc an injechionor offcces lac yaung dentsta ami On equsi f he ublc ruseeI, imMcCrtnyAsclionece, appiy proper dressngs. bics. doctoca and provîde estale OcRhave o ttcn ap o iti Trler I. Pubim MucCnte cnetofLnd enpluined sonne persans are planning and lus adaîre. In that th, htcc .iiaiîclOc! aPbi aîo teotasn tter oit in tite itospîtai than ut regard they are suicai praviders hait aoi-ca itloseand 2 tlc mode] Caca, miitaout raserve home hocause ai an uniteailby ofairîe. la the highcaî itiddce environnaent. *Wcmouidat send Tht 11cm alan han a frThe foIots iig Frigidaire ce-' vcrondah forniture; deptiessiont a patient home frcan a hmspita pitaccaceulîrai division. Ar- lcarl.Katîmara 4 -borner glosa; cioco mater pitattera; kit- int a criais sitation," site aiii. crding ta Ron Yumada aI MOS, acri toar. litc ci,; Rem- chcv appliances; pots ami Paoli Nothag the grca iteip lthe hocause of 20e degret ta mhirb ivgtav partabtle typawtaer etc.; riait cake stavd; quasîity peogcam ta ta aider flti, Mes. the drug indastry is foreign- mtadern kitchev ithie and 6 aI ilvai- piccea; pictore Crames; laid suîd, "peopler hke ta knom ossomi, Canada puys itigh peiros chaira. Marij choir; cooli ail ilvemarie; vacuum rienner; saceane rares." foe drugo. Titeir division lump; Sivgcr portable scaaing cailcas gîta-,, ad lada 20 drraa- ~Terminai cacer patients uttempts ta combat thetlrend. machine: ittchen captoard; 9-ci-a' accasînal chairs; gami set- mould sianer be home uIth 20eir pc. dîiaig i-tin auite; R.CA, ru icion of aid glass and china lumily. The impuctoflerning of dii, ond ircord plat-cc; piar cosa ptcaaa; , rm; olthr pirene ta theirlute is ghtiyibtîiaving t D e t il made-; hallaiaa] ilr choac trm., spend thitrras dys tit ospita i s lframca; ak ,îit iîhi-ai p ai;u 3 rccnmorecdreadfuli pc. Iandraom suice; Colomanm CARS -1966 Ford Galaxie Commcnttag on lthe riverait saoi; dovit lamp; moadern cilca- 500 V-I 2-dcor H.T., appras. aspectiothe prograo, Mrs. Limdi i So 00hard 10 gel aest in2te terlîcldi and chair; Magvus cIra- 355000 original milra; 1965 Race- rsprsmd pieaure ta 20e tact ht The Ontario Salety Leagar tricî,rgen; irac t aond; aid sec- hier Claasîc, 6 cyl. auto., ap- that the Depuetiment oI Hrui20 ducýn at 1 nattention ta detals iota-y duiak; 7 a 10 pattern con; petit 21,000 otriginal miles. Cars bad!giarniterrlirm a free taîd ta sort as bâtis. sîreaces ne saoter vagi; sannc hcen; jaut have vol tites licevsad siare do thînga as eflrciively cmii ci- otîaîg lnca a caphoard; cract; aId mante] 118 Seliing miuts rertfir- ficientlý as poatsitle. eatta gcîg dars mi clocha; cnd tables; toataicala; 1 ie. Falleco inarrllî ng t es t nlmîta Salc -ii hi. heud ivaide boose in case af hadt saaîer " In esaoilîitnd hospitais, country. l-lao aad pi-opci-iy bai becs vacant tac approsimaîty 4 pears, aomrîîmca tingo arr donc Of course, lthe mise bush hocome a pattern hod bren trovriier aima ya curetesa Truaicc or Aucinei Not Respanoihie for Accidetîs. esaihlîitd and titre osnt compas and a tapograpiîca mapl 619-1778 Walcndamn JIýM McCARTNiEY, Aurtianeer enoatti effort in 1r5-iag ta liad ai the ora bie ciii be covering. 21c2 n md bettîecays. Wrhavera Tbrse aidare eusy ta mse, jost 91 klnaw therpamt aI departore, the genera directian in wtanch pao arretravelling, sale oottading lan miks andyaouacuys have a relative itomîmige of yamr * r ront positian on the mp Hlavmg baltes these prerulins, you ras bond yamr wap hart ta S * * ahore Yea rame train ith comparative rase doeing dayi gitt boucs. Con ho bazardous Thic Leauo stales tha1 truve alter dark in un unianotliar itosb cani ra tremrly hazardaus. The tavciter is mcli advtsed la maire an cmrgeary camp avernigbt avle îach conditions. For dis parpoce, ilia mcii toaury uang some rmcrgrscy lncd, matches in a waterproof container, a boani kitne and sain utensis for preparig foad. afyu aitoild heome oncertain af yeox directions in 20e tuai, aboe ail, do sot parti. Takse sock ai the sitouion, malle yourcr11 romlartubie lac lthe nigith2 a lire and an imp riord ras-ta oul of evrgrren branches usisg flura protection surit nu nopi oftees ara rock ta shîid you lrom the wind and reflecl betrai loyoml ie.The oanng al itriag lîgittandua semday oben, in ail prababîiîty, aou mi fini the rîgt course ta fllout. L.~T~J9naa the avainté I newl973~..aus SUPER 261 GIANT-SCREEN CONSOLE " new, brighter picture " one-button tuning il 100% solid-state chassis Ultavauaîv sltg. tigv 01000 Wvite acquer finishth vgavaaaaraindRsw o ot lac Pltn 20 Cvassis for instant piîlsa ana saabd Soi-Stolo Sapes Sala aîdaa Guard Taner trC. Super Cvtomaaiiat-a b rtovte prîelr lvn thamous oiginl Zevîth Ctltomacolor tube. the complete color tv $ 9 PYAS LITTLE A S 5Fl9, $33.50 monthly 00fr 36 months B.no F.nua,.g Acale 201 MAIN ST.OPNTUSA MILTON and FRUGAl 878-2866 TO 9 PF. 20 AUCTION SALES For Complote AuCîlon Service Chris A. Schouten AUCTIONBERi Soies of RH type. t Soles cooducled aiposlsr. Tel. 8-2576 R.R. 3 Murilaa, Dot. i AUCTION SALES Par ttc fsale of MES. PETER IîC 47 West Si. Brampton SATURDAY, NOVEMR 18 os 12.30 pm. An vexceliant 9 pîecc o-lut diaicdrmuos sulle heige cites- tonfilîcî and i.hair plos a full. lit (A luiairer aad appiances tisea antiqueilema iclsdatg il brisaoi bicc al table, oak and. I.S. Frassua Red Star cicamner Oasoriananud Limage pincea, tea caddies, ail iumps, ti-osa. silve- , etc. For hie, MIRE CEIUC aI The Juno Fariets Hell. Eliat St., Bramppton TUESSAY, NOV. 2I ait 7 pin. Av rvceFtianalip tigt qualily ollerinE oi rtelisiste antique lofrsitore in pisa, cherpy, cul- ont asti botternil, aiso glano & china in Crusihtt-ry,, Limage, Noritake etc. 516611 BROWN-RIDGE 8b29 Aselionrer, 078-6730 17 MUiA ESTATE - 17 MML ESTfATIE 20 AUCTION SALES 26 AUCTION SALES IEfficent i.es costh, h-0tfh ellire

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