Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 Nov 1972, p. 8

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8 The Champion, AMilon, Ont., Wed., November 1, 1972 CHURCI ST. PAULI CNURCN THE UNITED CNUICN 0F CANADA Min SI. ai Jame«ste MinSter: Rov. C. A. Haine, BýA.M.i Orgecost and Choir Leader Mrs, Harold Magee SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5,19 120th Anoiversa-y 'Services 1045 a.m.-Maoing Worohip Guet preacherRev c don Hetor of Si. Malieo U. C., Toront Solois Miss Chatlarîe0Clarc. 10.45 aim.-Sanday ClosrtS 7.30 pm.-Evening Worhip Gcest preacher Sec. Go d n Hume. Goost chol, "Thic Newr Day Singero front Carlisle. Nursry facilitias. Ail Welcoe BOSTON AND OMAGN PRESBYTRIAN CNURCS Miniser: R--v W. R. Lwis BA. B.D. 8-64428 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1O 01MAGH 1000 a m.-WrsMp Service d Choech Sohoal. BOSTON Il.30 a.mn.-Wo-onip Service & Churoh Sohool. (Nursery facilities) Let uscornte ito Hi, ort-s woth thaokngivinlg GlACE ANGLICAN CNURCN Milton, Ontario. Reotor: Sev. R, W. Fot.rg SIINDAY, NOVEMBER 5,' 1972 Triniry XXIII 8.00 a.--Holy Communion. 0.30 arn-Jr. Chaech Sehool. 9.30 a.m -Mtijns & Sermon. 10.45 a.r.-S,- Chat-ch schoal. 11.00 att.-Haly Eucharist & Sermon. Thurclay, Nocenther 2nd,' 10 a.mn - Hoiy Cornrnt on. Yrna Are Always Welcome AI Graoe L5esrct EMAMANUEL BAPTIST CNURCN Comtmercial Stseet, Miltce. 878-9600 lflf SIINDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 972 "Mec LoisIs Day neel -speaer, Re. Gerald Dy- hernie. Ocerseas Miceaonary Fellornnhip. 9.45 a.mi-Bible SOirnl. 11.00 am.ontgWcrdslp 6050 p.rn-Snng Service. 7.00 pao -Evening Worskip. Wrdnesdây, 7.30 paf.--Prayer and SibIe Slnd7. 'Uti us enter in tie Houae of tis Loird mliii Maksgiv.l and .io Hi$ courte saill p lea. RCK WOOD - 13R3 Aseetor aRadec RPolaRnR R Basfrao, HolIRO, Open danly. Tel: (519) 856-4735. ROCK WOOD ROCKERY Au'. are Pine CRnad Open Tus EDEN PLACI HAND CRAF Anc elent seieotionof ouysoeicldng randlesoood carvngs, Open dulty» Tel: (519 1156-nll"Il I SERVICES kgim 101 MIsIgLer ACCOUNTANTS CARPETS ADRAPERIES' DRAPERIES & FABRICS GENERAL OTMTiT ROw Jolhn M. NkMssy OTMTI Cernns: m L ifn ERI .BA CARPR LET UiS CUSTOSNI TAILOS CONTRACTORS STORAGE B onRL, A RPR OUR -Arthur~ A. Johnson, 0.D. SLNI}AY, NOVEMBER 5S 1972 DDir,,-eia RAPRiES GENcERAL BUILDING W.M.S. Thaokoffering Sondav Charlerm.l Arnounant BROADLOOM D Rt E RI CONTRTOR MLO -21ManS.ACTO 11.00 amr.-JSDivic Service. 143 Main Si., Miltn Gar experts rnlll create * Remodellia 878-3673 Terminal Warehouse 72 uest speaker, Mt-e. Lanra Phoee 878-642 * Resldeoliai Draperies la perfeoîîy comple- Alteratln AiIIIIE Bret esdnofteI nutii a Nem ongliguollea Aintiets Bainel, resdel a te ________________ *Indsîinmrnnt yoor home. Tuesday, Tlrnrsday & Frlday Industriel & Dommos Storage Ch of Canada. ALUMINUM * omrildrnorator service wt otat rvt uitr okr WM .r.S. hrre cytva Schor- Ford -re mad Drpe ina stoerockp.t ot airc. 5 IISt . co,83-50 PlseFaaer elm GERRY DB WILDT Wednedday & Saturday ar-S C9rhSho.Ray-md rpsi ok Coul 878-2513 Today 878-353 2104fSntes 10.45 arn.-Jr. ChardhscShool. 401 For Castomt Service JUEDRPRIS8-353ik4>&DIlep svsg 7.0pr.-ot4icoîoO-CALL 171-2067 FOR HOMO Milton PlazaPINS-Tnnad ciety. Windows & Doors PONET2ctBRkAGSRVC Nursery faciîiîies. GLASS and REPAIRS APPGIRMN SIc-tO PIAOS iTuing andne CNURCN 0F CHRIST85-30Ato No. 5 Sidernad and 4sli Lisse W. J. KOSKI 228 Maio Si. 878-2067 ELECTRICAL SERVICE ExPanded Lîbrary Hoara 305 Churca St. ai Reynsolda 6U oot Trafaler UMITED Sic-t IlakJl Arkvvid R64-2641 Tarante rinBetRel. R Minister: Il FuIson SI. 878-9432 McPHAIL ELECTRIC Tuodai 12 Weden -0 5.00s p.m. pianos.ntst eacd Specializing in good recondis ___________ ________________ LIMITED day Friday 10 arn. la 5.30 pet. Call PETER LANDER 84444671 TAILORINS - REPAIRS SIJNDAY. NOVEMBER 5, 1972 NUTILEeigOpndlyut 9.. 10-00 aan-Bible ecoi ASRAUIU ITNCRE n COMMERCIAL Tuesda: Tharsday - Friday. 2-t MN 11.00 alld-Morlilg Worshç - SIDING adPHLERCAIN FARMS &HOMES 630 p.rn. 10 9 pe.MN' 8.00 pmn.-Preacving 0< du Sofi Facla, Wbosad FOR FRE0 ESTIMATOS 0ETINSTAL ATIN et. 2Ic- PAINTING and TAILORING GoplPDor vhwin aror and Pieu.ATON Co0 am. Chru S5 Mili DECORATINB ALTERATIONS Railingi, FavenasagnrieSi MitnKIH EN WA MILT GnrO St.L N.88202AL EALNDSE 878-3074 878-9513 - 877-5795 GIL VANSOELEN KN202Main, Se M06Oro.N. m.0022 HALLLIDUTIE i KITCHEe. PLAANNTNNIPNG Clslstlansi gOIIlered la thse OF CANADA (9 A.M. TO 6 PAR.) PAic-Il PHOE 78-47 naine of lise Lord Jeins Foot of Forsytiae St. lIc-tf P G11 Lhridt Oa84-018ETETANMN MODERNIZE Cntractor kl 845038 NTETANMNT YOUR KITCHEN INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL TRANSPORTATION SicYNVMBR5 1M2-t CARPET CONTRACTORSLishlpyopoyarkt _______LuOs____vopln_____it INTER.IOR - EXTERICiL SIJDAYNOVMBO 5,102 _______________DISC JOCKEY SERVICE chco fur cfficiescv and beauty Catît Now for ris Esîlmates BUS SCHFr')ULE 10.30 aan.-Breaiia of Bread. BANKING Spligad MusiafMuic ol Oz inciodirtg pre fioished natuiral 12;15 p.m.Supplying anci Mc all ocaonsia - iîarod cabinets. Aito for a 87617 MLO anTRNO 72.00 pme.-Goinda Semvi.eBnutWdigDne I** rohr at eaq te Wdc ,Dne , O-hr Ban 114, Milto. Lv. Millton 7.00 a.m., *10.15 7.00da, 1cm-Gospel Serie BSank of Montreal Installing- oelRie. -1tj a..,8c-lt, -83 p. an il eda. The Firso Canadian Bank THEtc SET CemoReior S a Ar.I Milton *___0.00____ a..-6.30 n Ail Are Welcome Tn lSie 720.00 .., Sevetbon o as osti, hoe Floor Coru.gs ecclhl MER PLASTERINO STUCCO p.m., o-7.30 .m Jesa, Christ, rit same yrst- repaira. vacation and ottier. 0 BROADLOOM 8786637 - MITO &11 KICEE 2Ic il 700 Main St. E., Miltosn. MILTONn A ICEE erday and Ioda asd foreser. 0 CORLON &i CUSH ION Si-t lsTes in Stucco a.ýj30p Heh. 13: o. Contact FLOS878-2351 Ar. M tlon 7.09 a-m., o-8.IS DON KYLE 877-5141 Georgetowna 0 INDOOR.OUTDOOR CARFET FAR SERVICES _________ _ yes of îte S Repair NNWYGOSPEL CNURCN TED PRATIT 85341100 >.cîon K. W. CLEMENT 1 Cane Cellie.gs MILTON & HAMILTON Thse Fentecow>ig Asneethlies JOHN SEMPLE 873-9911 Milton &SN CDMPLETE ELOCTRICAL MN ETS Aldershot Plosarn Ca. L.n85 .. -.0pt Rf Caad Sic-l & MECHANICAL 878er0n6 MILTON and GUELPH Wakefevl Rd. and Hwy. 25 _________ 123 Thoetaa Street INSTALLATIONS & REPAIR CFMIETORY LETTERINO gtr . 878-2016 Lr. o-lto cet.30pm 'ito Yeer Jarnreay Dealer" 0e 6ADLATN an., 688621.1 -Ail . ep p.m.a Sn Pato: er M f~ BONDS & STOCKS MILTON P-eir Cheriog Eqatprnent for SAeyASIN CH aet * oaly veiSrday. Ba Tel. 8782064 INVESTMENT DEALER 1. EcletVniaigssesGenodM umts-Suryol. CALL 853-2168 On tIio'y. 7, Norvai, PRINTINO a-Snday or Holiday. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1972 Reg. Represenioîls0 Rural 0~t PB4OCH779505 -Tacs., TIts. an-it. ny 9.430 i.e.-.Sanag Sorshp MITO DIeC LE foteOr octlieccritg Maintenance Service Ste-I PUJBLICATIONS 16.00 aan.-bain WFrae. M 39LT 16N DIRECTv LINOlr Cire Esliaiates Ne Oligaton ___________ BUSINESS FOROOS UPHOLSTERY 6.00 aSt.rnly ae. 639-5916e ie ilade 2lc-lt MOTOR REWINDING a WEDDING STATIONERy' 7.00 P.et.-Rvro8ng EvangelIW OVENINOS 878-2500 Mito Cesoeîli rdcin evc C0¶1riolseiinS Wensa,0Cachioned sitret ciiiyli FARM BUILDING A complele Mestgn Uandtin tc er. dle ofao Repairsa PHONO utmbil umtr Gar fully qualiýfied isalle-, PHONO OVONINGS PLEASE ota uhierg Fidy 8pm - Yonsg Sccao lay or cemplrîr Ilour or Wtron 8916 87-11r82123878-2341 A complele selecîlon cf vari Thete Ihiogi 'have t sarillen the An-it-yearselier. JM Harrla. forterly is arc tresnbecs corcaoaOPlYhi nalrilier 53HI NADAilN 'II Dilîs rntîng cre estietes onto Yon chat Iteliteeh, on BUILDINGGereEHars2C_1 NADAL1N&Pbihn c pk-pndelvy ltaI ye etay beorn bat Yea; CONTRACTORS 0!,~f&~ ?Ic-U Eîectrîc Co. Ltd, .- PCo.sin Fce c-ap 3,d deLTveN. etena lft. jin 3 1. Î@_#R__ ___ as LreRon,_ilon 19 MinS_,_Mltn. L 7me rtur094p CATEA ONRET ~FENCING Wrelicoe 3 year guaranîee on etralIte Jh :1.UME CA Bs iteRod Mlen 9 MolaET S00 .ai Miltnn. Workt ame AisaFp. Plan te attendt Ihe Chan-h of RESTORATION LTD. 8-25NOTHATN M ICPLMILTON marmaahip 'ont- chocr oh:, Susday - Adiiocs & Alteratînn-25eORHHLTN MNIIA ---- - Rc. Rosos & Kicins SIc-il FEC PRINTING SERVICE ED N IL S General Home Repaira _______ Comercil. Ocidcii:,l anod TOWN 0F MILTON : Lettcit:ads eEorelopvi ACUUM-CLEANERS Ken M LL BeiI 7865 CONCRETE Indsial TOLOPHONO NUMBRS e Brochuares e Reparts Ke aly 7-83T*mCekadT.. a 1anýa d readAter Hoars 878-662 Trirnrn & large re rcerovai T. o r Ie h BuTeae-ildg, lSa-IraeA. Fer Sales & Service Sic-tf NEW CONCRETE WORK Faliv Itisatculrpen-edBidei *Saoî Contact Wats Sep.Saeeen lac CTNPlerng, TranchesiTLA ATN 'fk.SepBsmetMns PhoneCO N 853-1010 Planing Sont-t FAST, FAST SERVICE SELAM3TN E 0 hîtrSre, O'Conno floers, cuNOs pais edas. HAMILTON 527-7976 (m Saperîoardm7117a 878-9709 21-il ROCIIWOODGuaratiteet bnnd. SPrcialicvd in ho 0:e %cîechîng 878-4151-2 & 3 tct ut W00 Free estiete framn cnrete 21c51 tI SIt-ecIsaille 826-3900 1ct 1 studentus' specialisî Piiclaot & Wot-ka Yard WELDING ANTIQUES. GI[l>. CATHEA CONtsCRETE 878-6171 SEWING MACHINES SESD choiceRESTORATION LTD I FINISH CARPENTRY SaPtcf fc 6895 otb E YSWEin 7062 Sein Mac ortblenesin Service 250. Mat-d Mexiee. RBMDLLLN PEMîhcnc Orrnes Ca7netercial IadhsIrs dLobe Ibeor parents, atadentsin o 5 SALESn -Sre SERVICEGFre stma lic grade fisc cisea 1W. t. Dock 878-6853 ROC.ROOMO Po78c 9581mt SLS-SEVC omeca Idsre ncuigSna.Sehoal chose Terry O'Connor thc 2in-Il R7-96 a. A CTN etwdinneaoeotor en HalIon's lederat KITCHEN CABINETS I 878-6969 R EN T AL W... AMINA Jocelye McKce elcioe Manday ton.V NlS9o. PHONE~. Ill'noyi Phn 85-23 liet Therstadenhad bcrnituding ACTON PRECAST *vIIF -. o5Pm. nyfMlo arcCnr li- te tederal clertian for thc paît CONCRETE & SUPPLIES * ARBORITO CORNIERS lic-t M 1to Marc Ctree fen weebi and se on Monday, Septie Tanks Srice aosn BpIt-st TW choie lhir parrents met-c bading Weil les CLIFF BARNES MUSIC INSTRU=TION aIl traites ai sewing machines W E L D I N G heot tira on eoon aie stirn Other Csecrete Producîs I- (oieSrc) the pteg onî el aenithe PlIc-lt IMahiPip mchool. Staff etembers joicd thc Pl8icSme8op__9135________ ppot on lte sotmng aod ttc fial Farng Service e UTR ES 878-9135 M____________Srie)n Station Street West restait mas, 17 rotes for PC 853-1529 1%utlcot[a -8p.. SML GUITAR LESSON 878-4676 M let ROCKW0OD caddate (ad Haltanis MP- licî If ST_ RAIS' CHRISTIAN Service and Repaîr 2cî Try O'Connor, 14 for I1UAlNCNR frer MP c ltga i FLORISTS l'L4l'lCNR ,, s.ARLIE'S WELDING C:e, for irif DED TOK EMV Lot Us Service tour Weldong - Repairs -Portable id/Iigiron raolyn Ha.lî.etI Sonomoile Chain BSsw StIt Line hiRns, nias,.ý etc GREENB atbnr oo Mnsssrycie CHAS. SPOCK &an Iira Sondae. Cru iser Dead Stock Removal 1A, Trîschier S. lt-ecr t OPTICIANS Matoroued Oct-de, Oqaipment 828536 lot adn .LIMITSD iCaîl 878-6438 Anytime H. CLERK MATHER I LTOzNg &RUH Sorin Bet ari. ivitration O0f dent or disableA Caisie .Lateco floral airtangementrs - ITNWRUITI and Hors. 1 Floceri frecit frnt or bispnsifg Opticians MARINE & SPORTS RinsIdo udo sti1l open Pht.e. (416) 692-MI Binbrach ow Pt-een n'Ies 25on~eN eomrilSiMlo Gaies E rtssdvtaho obe ~t . le U. Na. 299C71 FreeO ôîhLive Ort.y TI 8834 878-6521 e Roet Dividers Tee osolaina îtto Loccîr orn yli-I CATHEA CONCRETE EE NMIL Meihoai Po Le partthe roe ic-fl 6007 TRFALGAR ROAD SNWRESTORATION LTD. EDENae proS grain is set1 open__________ B: illasia Ooad at isrnmqaîa SOMOBILES 'BILe. HOARD an ncer Cboef Bay Aodrcso.Wckas 6 tî.rn to If pe..20M ri t r s .Parpnse cf tht profrain, ÀB ÀN FNEA IETR reeitî, 10 am et 6 6 hansicraftsin av asentov oit ho gise lie publie an nide sien UEA DorCOR cby apo f7t50MarinSt Pnttert-, ntaoittg, temetterr, cf lie prableets lie farce basi or hyn npplvnrs ktuSi-l leather. encoainler. Among the f1cmKESE OuitsR' Popifle reircooear lti 0e av AT FACTOO Toe.a Home [id. lIn-tf Di-etson.àComnpany bot lleRn laîday. fit-sb iing c frient wîi lient -cou poiCoS I Mata St., TO PLACE YO1JR AD hInerstei diidael a ridrrT Mil.o AD INFORMATION SALES and SERVICE a croiser aletosl aey lime. MILTON Gar Sth yeer of hlcplol, IN THIS SECTION en Coett Madonld. Appicaionfore cn ý oh c urtsrice. CALL 878-2341 Drumquin Garage CANADIAN CHAMPION Icasesi at the Milton Police office PLAZA 878-442Hony 7-40 in lie Tone fHatl, main t. 1lit CANADIAN CHAMPION 2104b 878-4807234 KEN De 275 1972. RUS Ru fat a bielli nefit tcn I er X soni1 WAR Wa sont1 1972. anA great Mr-. oand Mitto fcrth dangl Mr. F Of M <Orant laite 7.30t Chuvi NOUS boan Octebt Cliffo Orlano Tor IRVIt Tha ai E set h andA i Ted) lia, Diano t-lingto Mis. prede Hamil lot, J Matli >2 socs:, Fan MAGI Eus day, C Smoith Bill; Siocla Sers pel atf tber WING cille pila], o, 1972, 1, Mat ton: C cf Wo Wingr tMrs. CHILE of a a-ho 2vA, Il Fart-c, iThy o A losi No on yO c27-316 of a graetlf Dithon Ar tie Memai Siteait Hoit foi Loy o Ptoren McNAI pasaed Tr yon -AnA.pl ltsc SaAb, L

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