=ihi . land. au L a Wthere a e Bahuti fofis lu they suy. LEARNING -A LANGUAGE 0F SILENCE Mrit. Joeu MeDencell, MUn Connie Taylor, ltarry Taylor, and Misa SnaeWade were sorne et thse hearlng adults attendtog thse Total Commanlcationa "iaa. Min Taylor, Mn-n. Taylor undt Mine Wude are trocs the Scisoul for Mhe Blind ut Brantford. Meunorbile buc i uthe kitchen ttsese happy ludies one- tise watn-hiel eye of iel Devtin euly need a littie dougs te get toto thse buldng business. Tbcy ure Mn-s. Jean Falteenstein, Mn-c. Becse Sherratt, Mrs. fouine Hopins, Mise Elizabeth Dnueck: and Mrs. Tsen-ena <rig Photos hy J. Jenrnge George's Churhdi its Octoehen meeting ut lin home et Doris Dutes. Mertse Stoes gave lise feripturo reaiting unit Lilion Muttee the Beatitaites. Place wern mate for a terhey napper Nov. 11, a bute suie Oct. 28 eut weitting ix Dccemher. Thne choir wtt pen-chune cee boots. Thue progras ores bico oa tIelect bok unit filam was shome of the Non-thorest Terrilaren. Lunch tolloweci and Mn-n. Keccy thacisedthli bonts. -Tbe public meecting ou thn Limebeoun by-pass n-eut o Mhin lTnurntay. -Milton Miner Banchait Association ton nchctoeints xceual meeting Ion- Mei Suotay afternete. THE MOST FAMOUS BASKET IN THE WOR-De co nfratio Mns.Bev bson i-la es-lia3447 reILi4Fe6ýQon OSOD IS A BUSY PLACE on Tlsurettay Stephenu, wo is oraft sapen-vinor ut Halson evcetigs again tin fuit as mas> teat assi Ceutenntl Marier te tating tise oroodorn-lng iseurteg udulis reture to Scheol te uitvance course. Gien 1Mi11cr front Oukllie umoothu oct theor nkils te a varuet>. et programas. Ciscryl thse ormtukles te a tender in tise Auto Boit> WITH A ONE AND) A TWO the Gymi anit Sorm 5ilpposed te do? Paid Fonter, thse ccrumicn ciuss secmcd te houa poptular cluss fer tise not- toucher gOves Mn-s. Jessie Chequs a teor tips te so-active people umong us, ami orbut dees one improve ber vase. Am. Etaine Martins, Mn-s. do orben Unis bunk et clay deese't do obuS it's Joyc-e Lauders, Mns. Hextiser Warren and Work is planned on Bronte Park lnelatte Auguelîthe Brocte Creet Provincial Paris Atviuory Cmcmtittee upproveit, miMha tew meiter ecepions, Mhe macler placieor Broute Creet Provincial Pan-hprcpa-et o ton-e Mtctnbry of Natoral Reources by then-oc- valting fln-m et Project Planning 'asociales Limtitet. It ns bopeni tint copies efthMe muater- plan acd report etill ho available te Mhepublic- hy Nov. 30. STe document aoraits fical approvai hy the Hlonorable tee Bernier, Micialcr et Naurai Renean-ces. Prngreas report At a rereel meeting lin At- viaorY Conunnittee receivet a proý grcns report troos lin cocsuiting fin-m on site planning acit enginering. The implemectetiea wort erintain n-ails for port n-on- struction te coencce in mid- Dencirnhon 1972 Pinut den'Igen unit orkrhng d-aorings arc csn-nently teint preporit ton- Mhe engineering, architecture ucit site itevetopinu cemponnte ton- Stage Oe Phase Oce orhtcb brauses un Mhe 700 acre day-anc south-meel inn-to- et the pan-b uncsetîutely cn-lb efthMe Qanen Elizabeth oray. Tenders for initial constn-uction proelen-I orîr te eut in early Dccember. Stage (ne oi induite boa phases, oIs compîctin efthMe tiret phase expected hy early 1SALES and SERVIO Sposial clearance modae LISSAR TWIN MEASONS 1 WinstOn Churchill Blvd. S.S. et 4xl-Ssn,1esS-uit.ova suiie- 1973. Paciîitien plaunet for Phase Onc oui icînie n-mite, parking lots, gale boules, traile, ami pîen-e shelte-n. or-ilrt aise ingen on the cbtitn's turcs, itrinonstnation form ami oriillf e inagement an-ca. Auotben- inportantl purst Pinse Oe miii te iacitscapo graiig ami tre placiug. The Phase To aspect DEPOSIT CERTIFICATES 71/2%1/ SPECIAL FOR PERSONS Repair cuen, orbite Bill Serefis of Milton, worb eermoliy works in quxat>. contreS, trien bis bond at drtttusg. Jo-Anne Scbisixxi toaud tise n-ait te ho oz an expert Sauter is long and 1 TEAR ... 61/2% 3 TEARS ... 71/2% cen-y an-duous, especily if thse tbrcait on' go ibrougis tihe mon-bine. (Photo by J Jeunings) Mt Maln- ioei ecueu MissSuaMrocoetoaea truie te besy tnng eut u bumme- bondie ou tise ho kcyponcb epen-ators, on-, beor te punch littie luChe lu the Man-bine Shop Prurie ceorne. cards folleof even smafcn- boes..A groduate et (Photo by J. Jeuaings) etse night sciseel courses, Deneis Con-r orus s itepocieteu on lin provision et ser-viccs. Park itcvelopmect orill coctinue te he phascit eve-a souihor of ycars. Titrasod AU inicatioins point te Mhe pan-b uenffl en eoriy somrmer 1073 penitine oreather conitions for cnostruction pan-poses, beoreve-, a l-tuneg of thse soit' cereinony iplumned foc mit-Decembe- 1972. Thic Adcssory Committre aise oMsvlet iitxori Mn- public t. Suce seb-cemmultecs bacc bers cstehlseit te assisi tise maxi- cipal and provicical goeren-ems en th ce-eniatiex of plauning for tise provision of w01cr, seor anit elecn-icul sercices te Mhe purs. The- suh-ceminittees xiii resean-ch Mhe sebjers. huit dis- cossions wils gxvecîîmenl ot- ficiais and report teck te Mhe Aolvisen-y Cemmittee by Dec. 15. ARTHUR A. J OH NSONOD OPTOMETRISI 218 Main St. Miltov 878-3673 Wecvdyoc al-u 1 CHEQUESREJ CHEQUES AND STATEMENT RETURNEDMONTHLV. WE STILL PAT AG E. 5 5YEARS ... 8% u / RPR NEET INCM ON TRUE SAVINCS ACOTS. R E RINRS ANCRE Interest Paid No chequing on LOWER AND SAVE J une 3f and Dec. 3f these accounits, but ON VOUR INCOME TAX Certificates Can Be Used you may withdraw PHNjO OR EAL As Lean Cellateral. in person Offios Noirs Delly 1.15 - 4.45, Thursday & Friday Till 7.45 saJuda amis Ipm. Il Ilj 'IE I L 1 a L W 0 M lmfi2111î l&la1 NOTIC COUNTY 0F FIALTON PIIS111UC MEETNO Take notice that the County of Halton Road Committee oi hold a public Meeting at 8 p.m., on Tlsursday, November 2nd, 1972 in the Limehouse Public School, Limehouse, for the purpose of discussing a pre-deslgn study of possible road improvements ln the area bounded by No. 15 Sideroad, Highway 7, Highway 25 anci the lth Line, if the Township of Esquesing. lnterested parties who wlsh te part icipate in the discussion are cordially invited to attend the public meeting. Additional information may be obtained f rom fhe office of the-.County Engineer, County Ad- ministration Building, Milton, Ontario, Telephone Number 87f-28f0t. Oepuie Renne, D. Metastan chai-ean, ceunt of Halien Roud cemmittee, Admcinistraion Buifding, Milton, Ohntario. George Brown A good mon to know Yoo've probably met George Brown. At the Lions Club, at any number ot activities around town. George is an active participant in them because, as manager et Miuton's Royal Bank, he is vitally concerned in the weil-being of the community-and is people. Su, if you need extra cash for some- thing wurthwhiie, need help in arranging your finances, or just need a frlend to help you sort things eut-drop le te the Royal and say hello te George Brown. Helplng people is bis job. That's orhy he's a good man to know. Community Corner THINK SNOW Support Milton Snow Festivai '73 Feb. 16-17-18 Your Snowmcan te Your Admission Adulfs -$1.00: ChilIdren tender 18) o ROYAL BANK servvr!g Ontario MILTON 878-4185 Tise Champion, Miltun, Ont., Weit, Nevember 1, 1972 NWT film shown ACW A cichre uas heli t ut Gnon-ens Anglmn-ar Chie-b, Lew v nnOct, 24 wîOs priues guin to eal Cuioad Pery Gray - for hîgb, Muncel Richardson and - Caren-cv Beil, low. Lu-ty itrews cent te Belle Han-rison ami EAT 'amily lothes Diff c. Il 0 s . qAlul-i a . SAVE CON TERM DEPOSIT CHEQUING ACCTS ME WEPAY6PERC NTON INCOME TAX CENT 0 0 W AVAIL ACCOUNTS 0 r 6 PE eIN CERTIFICATES CHEQUINGANOCURRENT NOW AVAILABLE NI CIEFRRED Il DIEFERRIED INCOME Now UNLIMITEDNUMBER -m