Pjn Czech toastmaster, Morton, 0*k- ebride; Ko,. lot ta toast due )avid Ganton, ilt_ gra=d tder =aehb an Toronto and indauded Jack eaioncle af due Manitoba, at ,oma grand- ndle and tant, Ruuchaiby. travelled north live in Miltai. feivillet for pie were an t apr ai the d Mr.Noria SSaIly Suffirun kld, Jantre borne, Torato; ind PutBiti ýarpbellvlte; left Olg Mareb, aer hainl DMENT %mLobIaws More than the prîce is right. -r. No>w you've, tu'rned to more of the right prices The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Novembor 1, 1972 95 Loblaws Specials that saveyou money. IEETON ls proud to, tt Jackie leveri top s for tht tober. N 1-2345