Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1972, p. 6

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6 ilhe Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed. October 25, 1972 Coxe shoots for deputy Miller will challenge Hill for Esquesing reeve's chair Thse iminece oi ccgioval gcvcriiisc t is lîîlced ix dixriiscagc prospective candidates toc tis December's osesicipal election in Etatsesing townshsip tebere e race for te reeveschiart ilelready developien. Depesty-retvt Resseii Miller annosnced yexterday lTusdayl ise xviii challenge incomisent Reeve Tom EHl foc tht tîwxsisip'n top office lis Decesher. Reeve ii aesoesctd tes intention to stand foc ce. elechion in Deceixher. "I1ve maie my incision leceese t ferltle people of te lewnship deserve a chaire evtry two yearxs," Muter saisi. 'There art sonne tisfil Sta asli prove te le a bondîit te the ratepayers micis have xxi yet bren dose.' Hff xaid xc houile le givon te opportuity le gide te townxihip into rogionai govers- "'l've speutealotiof timoi n il airoady mnd i fmil our tomwnleip ea RUJSSELL MILL.ER las received a pretiy gond shako on i" tle ceose coseted. Depaty posslbhly Meaxxliile, Couocîllur Lex Cuxe, who heailci tle pele le bis firxit ettompi ai munici.pal poistiex ix 1970 miii stop ep and bpy for tise position of depety i loupe lx le able ix iseep tixis rannixg smmcltly. icdoi't xant le se te tesvsdhiip brohen up indter reginnai goverument," Case ssid on exnouncing lis decLin. Fresisman Cosocîior Dics Federa I îtioiîî.dJccitae ) au relatins offiier axd selesman W mt Nelset Crsshed Stone. Hixtxx rîdîxg ixclades Gais- silc. Milien, Exqussng, Actes, Gergetoxwn axd Ecix. Tisee cadidates are empetong in Halton-Wentworls. PC Bill Kempling 50, ix a Dundas tlsxdas busiesma whosetop his own cimpmny in 195. 'M cempony, Wiscels, Braises andi Eqaipixent iAd. manuacures' specualiord truck bodies arid crnpliys 37 peplc. Ho ix marriedI and ses imo adali sens ami ai dagisier, 14. liberal Nxrm Mstiuiesx, i0 won te xxd frcxi tise Haiesn- Wextxorth Gciii durîxg a xarnrxiat bitter nomination meeting un April. dcleating mncombent MP Johsn lxcixon. He I a pcofessional engixeer and is employed by Westinghusec Canada. A married man. bc resîdes Ln itarlington. Yosxgesl of tise tiseel candidates is te SGt' candidate liicksin Bailey, 25. A i tradaatr siadent in political science ai McMastcr Uiversity Dcansan lises ix Daxias mils iss mie and tree-yoar.oid son. le Hallex-Wrntmorls rîdixg, rctarîîxg ofiîer Gordon Giadrix and tiss staff cesnted fulatt clîgible sxtcrx. H alîon-Wexîxoris rîuîxg Ioclades Naxxagaxeya. Cnnounos New Noaling Substance: Shrinks Piles t. svac,n isxcOiance ccxxx i -x 1h iictO siiss tte hlcxi, hla,, lte ae, ar,tii hulod isesasiOfth lie pionlnia tern allecase, mlie resevlgoa.asox tai ciiituse,' 500sage) oilceoix s OrexerLan tiaxi tos lpSI eMt helsubstantce (B cxix) monts isbîiit miu pclcd xxly en cxcir voirs thox Coxc ix 1970 wiii tonxagain foc corcil. Hxwitt soud le lotie nable te muse ep ami tep lor a igler pesie, lecaise of te ameent of tn ls Toronto tex practire demnands nf ilm. "t foot t cou le just an effecive an a coxoceillir anymal, le sald. lThe iift and voteras of aSl township electeil officiais, Coutil Wilfrid Leslie mas maile to le reacled. Elomever, att indicatios point tu is rsnnxng agaix. Forennecandidates le a toiephase peii nf unse- emuful previxan candidates, ti peper foanil lxi former cand- idates mrisle, said tore's a chance tey mal cmn and a tird miso aditled lie ix a doxutut starter but did uot enuirely rate set is candîdeet'. Seventis tint resident Malcolm Freemaon, deleated lit George Cerrie in a race for ceose in 1000 and agaxn hp Tom Hill for te saine position in 190, saidi hoe miii soi cmn foc ceose lat may taise a sint et a seat on coaincil. C. F . "Pet" Pattertons oi Norval, a former coscillr misa lxi leis seat in te l9st olection, seul bl'i le xatcieg te early snmiations very cinsett' and tat ho ceeid poosibit' le a candidate. Axoiler Sevextis e cesident, aectîxxeer Ward lirxmncidge said is a douhtfet starter, aitisogis hiss vecp mach ieresteil aid moald ihe le cmn. Ho seui demnandimade on hies by les binss have increasel in te paît ycar. Bromoclidge max foxrt in a fid of six candidates for tre ceanceil anese inS197 and mixxed bieg olecleil hy only 22 votes. Say' Do Aueoxg ciller anseccetofet t970 candidates, Peter ioxtuax miso piaceil last os île race foc dapsty- roovo xaid ise mii sot le a candidate. Ken Marshaii miso gave ep tes coanceil seat onîy ix Piere second tu Miller in île race toc depuiy-reevo ceulil Coi le centacteil. Uosuccessfei coutil candidate Georxge Maitby seil ho sil nt runths taxre, bat miii le iending suppoct le cectain candidates. J. Elxoii Snox, aiea a to7o candidate coall mit le reacisti for comment. Gave Crxig, a moushar oi te Norts Esqeestxg Statepayers' Assocation, xiii m recenl appoixteil le towxship planning vote...0 uclixgtun, East Flaminriegs, aterdusce and GuDitlas. TOM HILL boixrd sii steries circiating tut ie mill cm are faise. "'Pechaps iv se ars inoms note yes, isut rigist flom l'pou euhst'," lie said. Election day ix Esqsesing is Mmnday, Dectosher 4, as it te te te rest of tise province. Snowmen go on saie for '73 snow festival Miso Stsuw Festival toise hof int U dotn MiltonmdSt Feb. 16, 17 and 18 seat year. Millon Plaaa. lte aitms Plans for a broonhail garnie lsosn as Mdt, selS srve e key underthisicesofSthe Miton tuthetfestival. susehopofth! Vue Fieparîmevi, sxionstg utclub tx seii 5,0eii xfthe plastic Ontiario Scicuci for the Dcii, sycebols in .sdvancc. yxutis daxces and amwide scel of Tnexxe xii ofe aclivilîcu are prugressele meSl. e eeu rte ii bffet directedl tomards a coseity Milles Cxmrnanity Service recceatint preject. No epeifi Cls, tise group urganizin te treject has yet hemn choss lt tird ennual festival has iteld citoice xvii depenil la a certain severel meetings in connecion culent on Stle saccese of tis and mt the eont. utiser preject te group hostds. Nassagamepa Coaxcil han, mngagti a mas te replace teir donr, adminletretir, treasecer exil tas collecter Campbeoll 'Thompson misex Mc. Tispmpsan loasos its township Pest te leceme Depaty Citrs if Milles Bais meekoxil. lTe jos ment tu Kart Cuildie, 31 of Wltly. Cianicil agreti te engage Mc. Caddie ai a specil meoting ofcoutil isld Saterdat' ixoceing. Mc. Caddie la enptscted ix talle ep isis dalles ix Piaseagaxopa in osid-Novemiser. xi ho arrives on te joh S. W. Savage, tise temxship's zoffing Expropriation .. iCî,îtîsscal fixes Piax 1) application for remxning tu permpit xncs o as a holding hassn for an aparimnent bilding, reviemeil canai i waters irie te saisb is Milton Planning Bioari os division, le le celeasie later ix Wednesday, miii Sikely cm liste, low-flow datoierbcies xit HRCA. In a bItter bm-ibm sen dapi. cemmextixg os the apartosent A arte sen dro e at'c triposai, HRCA teli te plannsing nilrpocim sic t! cedie boixd te building ceeli soxi le iseld op isy tise chanielixation cexeuctel entil te charnel. delaY ix a 100-site apariment ization progrees, ix compleini in building sortis of Milleida Dr., tat area. seult te île creois in te vîcixity if Wîrh on tise projoct mas Mrla Carieg Clubtise xrl sappesedîxohave started tles fil. Mx Mai Mrtxand bier itatepayers oisjected stronanosît' le the HRCA's plan te bol te A sconir crocS iet a cleet H RC~A gets cisanool thoout Milton ami altsoags altersnatives more seegsi, fouill mccc iosxd. Nom Iland grant Caloncd ix pressing HRCA toi gel the cisannel morE goixg. Haitix Itegiox Casservation Milton Coucit isas asised Astority han received a pro. HRCA tu îend a letter oetiiig vonal grant if 1136,575 for te progt'es on te project, in tirnse parchase ut appruxxalely 195 for tle teul regular ceorcil acres of land adjacent ix te meeting on Nos. 6. Kelse Caonervation Are. 'lie land, forrneriy îmxed liy ARTH-UR A. Dxmtar LId., is silsatel un te Niagara Escarpmneot msero te Kloacta, seuls ni tle Paris.O N oarpo h ntita euhst mlx SteM TR S $7,0.Theoise revides a O I M I S 75 per cent grasi on escarposont 218 Main Si. acquisitions by te HECA. Milton Accordot lxo HECA generai 878-3673 manager Murray' Stephe te Actîs t lad pixcisase xax made le pro- Wcheosîac and Saîxi'iac tout te escarposent. as THIS US HOLSTEIN... I NEW DEM:CRAT he believes in. and has piedged toi mork tor: PEOPLE -truiy equai rights for ALL citizens, regardiess ot sex. colour, creed or î, g i n. -a more cealistic support for the aged ($150t minimum ioderai pension) -a fair distribution of taxes, hence lomer personiai income fax -empsyceni for every Canadien. CANADA -reteniion and incroases in Canadian omnership -especiaiiy of our resoîrce and pubiishing industries. -a firm, commilted contrai of pollution. -a gocerroment tisat works for, and is open to the people oi Canada ON OCTOBER 30, VOTE HOLSTEIN, Carolyn * NDP : RIDES 878-5181 Compbellville 16-lot subdivision A 16-tn subdlvlae m=s h builot le Snte vuille niCap heive len OuutgbeMile spohsmn George <telat. Goldtrowe, s rtfcient ai Casephelliville and part osiner et E'enrock, saystenpeurrenidential develuemenl tejîl he lucated opposite the Campilelîsîlle hll park and bind te VanSiekît and Wiseolllas prnpertles aeth of Fice Sideroad, and will harder the Rtons Fiash Clubi pend. Betire plau Camplielleille, as part of Nunsiagaxeya Township compe- ander a recceallona ostesu ac, mording te tse geideites ut out admînistrator and bailding munsicipal worE wt te ltewn of ipecter, mill art as intern Wisitis andlai errentit' doers. execativeoserroery for a Toronto Mc. Caddie han experience te censtrection compmpn. THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON ~Notice ta Propsrty Ownsrs and Tenants C ORRECTIONS TO THE CEISIS LIST The isAsessmet Otticeftheis Province ot Otario isas sais- mittoil tht Anoxai Ceosas List (Alphta Names List) aoi ise as hemn pestai n Getiter lît. 1972, en tise Ottice ot thse cieci et lis. lMicipal Offices, l5i Main ut. E., MOilton, Ont. tor ienetion. N Residnt adipopncti'sxeers arenctqmstetieamie Î' isuList tomxnsetiat teicoramesan eleanint Iormation harec orrcti sisoxe tiseccie. Attentin us dcaxe to tise nexesisty te xompinti the cequicti focm, axaiiable aitie Otticeitf tise Cinck, rtipective anApplication toc Aitecationofe Scom Support Eotcc. ll rqust fr ddtins correctiosor itietins teox tise Litwl b eevd byts enk aisteMuicipalOffices, ainat meformol, xommenxiegon Feus., Getoler 17, tisroius 'to sdec. Noxomiser tis. 1972, trom 9:00 A.M. to x:00 Pl.. exuluduox Sotandace and Sxeiacs. Th tieast dac toc tub5n tocms reqaestioe aditions or cretos to or iointiîos from tise List xiii le Txesdac, fNocciber Plis J. Mcenachin, cinoliandil sins Oficr, N Town oi Milton lOt St Toronta Centred Regies Hoateeer lIse TCRP telS st affet thsedevelisnsst heatee a subdiviasion agreement :as dias pbeice the provissclt gevernment impltmtssnttd tht. plan, Geldstrae segets. Negutiettuos andlains foc Se subdision have ben uviderxay lur te lest six yeerx exnd lu nientits. Tise malter hll cerne helere Nassagaweya Ceesicil = -L nm COUR& Beas itbe de"m of i* teite, onisas dni Ste sish divisin wxli prohahly est start anS pring, eays Goldntraw. Sxex hxomes wilI pîehahly le bill, ectis 15,00 sîtquare foot le trmeeurters of as acre ni tend. et Prosh Meaityon BREAD 4 aýsU.8 C mEln" 5*ef and Chocs. Casserole or Beof and Fish fin: 9' For Tour Freezer Branded Soif - Out and Wrappmd GROUNO BEEF FOR TOUR FREEZER 1bb l. 20 111. Fronts Sidas Hînds 69c $4,75 11_2m991 59e 69c 79c BLADE ROASI 73 ! SHORT RIB ROAST il0 . ROAS 791 SIRLOIN STEAK $1 .151b PORK LIVER 3 Rs. 99C BEEF LIVER 49%b Mispte Leai Fcnsh si Lean .POLISH SAUSAGE 691b Italian SausagO si~ PORK CHOPS 891b BGNELESS POT ROASI 65teîîlitînî,' FMIII PfODUIJc ANO VEQETAS Frnsho. t 5tiekit FilshNo. 1 GREEN PEPPERS 3 .25c ORANGS 39c~ PAS fi 79e Fresh No. t 10505 Nassagaweya names clerk COMPANY 1912 c MORLEY RICHARDSON'S CAR. 1972 Kingswood Estate 9 passenger Station Wagon Goid wifh gold vinyl interior, power steering and brakes, hydramatic transminsion, tinted mmnd- shield, power tailgate, rear window detroster, automnatic air conditioning, remote control mirror, white mail tires, radio, roof Iuggage racks, approximately 4,000 miles. Lic. X38993. MAKE AN OFFER. ROBERT BRIDGES' CAR <Service Manager) 1972 Bel Ait 2 door Hardtop Red mith blackl vinyl top, power steering, pomer brakes, hydramatic transmission, radio, white moul tires, discs, approximatey 3,500 miles. Lic. N 10826. TOM RICNARDSON'S CAR: 1972 Monte Carlo 2 door Hardtop Tan saddie interior, bucket seats, console. power steering, power brakes, radio, tender skirts, air conditioning, vinyi top, approximafeiy 4,000 mfes Lic. N10580. JACK RICHARDSON CHEV - OLDS LTD. Ontario St. S. Milton 818-2393 A tis the wit NO etid lue gov bels Mill and as m gvi E Ses s atm Ste Pt eg Cas Of i si b'y "01 in 1 Bu' Ba Site Aue vis aE SIX nia sdil pot Hi 32-1 1e, rep 1%s cashmo,'. BAINROON TISSUE -n BEEF STEW MI BISCUIT ,Oz. 21i FREE pas 7 Bac oelage Lady Patricias 4 ao 97c sHemoAMPiOoy 3 tr 890 FREE 1

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