ST. CLAIR MASONIC LODGE memlsers held off icers jota tise charch. 11ev. R. W. Foster Ilseir affluaI chorclt service Sondap morning conducteil the service anil W. M. MeExcisero as Grace Anglican Clsurcis. Members lined tise anil District Depoty Grand Master H. C. Lard front math chUe tIse tyler and goard oncorted assisted je Use service isy reading tise leseons. tise Worslsipfui MasterJames McEaclsern and (PholoisyR. Dosenof Reeve, ccnhlp atslp ot etweec rfday, ce af by the No. 1, M. on ser 13, ship aI Mîlîs, ustee, af fise amoxa et 9: GO 0; acil Smo 0f ard 0f Halton af the bille, remiser oeslng ced ta rosent aI ilfes Zoucîy aI tise Raad, rsday. SI. acil 3AR D ng anil Haltan clos for Scisool oratlon t Staîn 0.M. on ber 13, ~MOOL Guelpis Coonty for fise Scisool oral foc os aI 20 O Noon ber 15; cd 191d Caeonly M. anil pective attise orlo as Ifficer, WEYA sm tise MILTON PLAZA Nortb York Literai candidate earnep Danson said aux a dalucerous precedent, Dans said fuchudiiseddaneeroustyfoe Oh,' 77.7.77 7,0 rorruh', urri vîlîl Oct iii i.icssnciauoed havis msoive ment as lic Ioderai caooupaign eoild hurt relations hetmeon thotaras ami Ottaca. Oasis said Stanfield cas Use oesly leader ta oller positive ideas anil 10 identitp 777e issues, Slow payments prove costly Omolarjo Premier William Davis npnke ta appronimatelp 75 RaISon Tories at 777e Rîvorsîde toilge lot Gabeoite 2,7 a tuneheon Toesotay, cher, 77, nioduol hîr, cnnîptte ouppoît 70 Cueseivarice inader Aob Otanlieid und Haitos PC candidate Teerv OConnor. Dave otop in Oaknille s ose of mony ho bas maie since ho joloseil Use toilerai campaige. Auucering criticisrn about what Laniloxoors lu meUs Oorbng- tan aSite ginen a ebasce te air ikoir viecu on lluriingtons proposeil nec officiaI pion for Use meUs ol Use toms cben 777e denelopmenf eommstioe tegios dekterationson iko plan Ites fait, Usey core bld Saiurdap. A foc norUsors ratepopors aitended a spociat meeting ol ISuetinglon Councit Saiurday cteo pimnees ospiainoil 02ev ronused officiai plan proposai. r, 177e plan cas reosed hp Use planning steff aSter norUsors rosidonte okjected strensomly f0 meartier proposai Usai nus se- nedod tast cînter. Tho soc pion dosîgnates sis dolinute propoetp zones i,~ 177e area ol Suetmgton north 0f Hueh- cap S setitomont areas, resîdentoat, rural resîdeniîat, agricutturenatueairesoorces and extractive ondustriat. il toostctandsepacatuons und un dosugneil to koop the norîhour, cards population f0 a tumut of f ' 14,50e Presont population s just oser 3,000. Hall ploreeneal" Plannors explaineil thon are lryîng te step 177e piecemeai residentiai erocih chuch n caanmgprobiomuiui tSenorUsero area, cuthout compieietp lroooîng deeeiopmont. Ait deeotopmenl us însiead temg ebasoolloil 010 aroas chore Use temeu eux te seS-supportiesg, mUs Iteir ocu ceS anil septie tank, md a settienoont" arme chere communal welis exil sephc spstoms coutil te foasible. A mc tut soporahon pokcy is mctuilod n 177e roniseil pias. Seporatuons coutil ho basoil on Obituczry David R.» Dasuil Rokertsos Tîmbers, tormertp ol 60 Mary St Hilton, died ai Ratios Contournai Hune, on Sept. 22. Me. Tmskors had teon un tauiung beuttb for a foc ycarsandhailtioedmtheHanor toi Use pasf sus pears. Ooro c Mîtiotu a 1005,77e cas a iucman at Mution Orîcis Ca. for manyyears Ho cas Use hashanil rt 177e taie Edîth Atkinuon oS Hilton anil faUser of Edcard of Hilton, Marshait ol Peter- tcrough, Mcmix oS Moffai anil Styrtie. doceasoil. Four keoUsors md icouisteru predecemeil hico. Suecucors lino inctude oigbt erandchiideoo, 13 grout- grahîcisilcen md one groat- geeai-grandckdd. Doone cko partîcipateil lu ast cirebu catisaUson are urgeil lu 770002771 theur sponsors anil f07 Useu mone> m as qouckip ut poosuhie. discussions Use ase 0f 777e proportp md Use nucoter of peurs it tes boon ocnod bp Use poroon cuntaf a separaaon-a spstem 70 alloc long-lisse faem ocoors arbance te noS thoîr farco ami bail a terne on 177e corner nI Use proporfp f im bers honorai seroîce cas ai Uso MeKersie Fuoerai Homo on Sept. iSoîUsRes.C A. Haiserof- ficiaiinî7 intormont cas ut Eserereen Cemeterp, Hilton. Patihearees more great-grandson Joe Oahriot of Oeorgetocn, frîend Onug HorIon of Gueipb, md gcmdsons Terrp Ticoters of Guoîp77, Wayne Tîmhors of Milten. 7.ieorge Farmor ol Pet or- horough aod Don Jarvie ol tirorgefoco. Ralton Coutty taspapees are papingan adilihosai amount ut at basf siaten per peur 70 unemplopeil corbers, simply tecause Ibe Unernployrnent te. surance Commiusion is taking far tm tone te get Use cloons approved and paîd, uccordiog 70 Ralton Counto Social and Familp itereices Diroctor Jim Oruy. 177e Direelor bld Use coasty bis departasent cas havîng te pick up tIse tah tue Iboso usernployed cho needodbelp and caited more Usas 1,00 monUss sometimes for UIC ckequeo. Dran said Use probtem casa costîn one heenuso Use clamsant coftected Icico, mue Iroas Faosith and Social Ueeocm aud a second tisse f rom UIC chen they fioatty sent Uscough a lump suni. Tuukoeg Geay cîtod a case ckero a mans daim kad heen appeoned Juin 23 aod as of Sept. 20 ho stiti hadof received a daim and ail OIC officiais coutd say 000 Usat îtcoutdteanotkor iodaystotco ceebsatteauf. i.iruy salil the UIC peopte unroine Ration colo cery co- oporaiiveasdcoutdoikehtamed for dofîciencîrs c the progeam, tel rather Use confusion anil ioeptness came as a resuit of oner-cenieatieafioo (ieay saîd 77e had hopod the 7,00 depariments couid hune reaubed ao ageoement ckerehy Ibe muoîcîpaiîiîescouid rerroup monîeuînsesfedontetetfofUlC ai Use end of 777e peur, bof toit no suchagreemrntcaoioteforUs- commg 70 177e near future. Upoof hy Use report, Esquesing ReeseTomHillsungestedkOand Use committoo caoiod 10 500 quîckor action on clamos and micI ho couldof uodersfand chy iicuutdiakouotoog Ho suegeuteil ond receiceil support ot tise commiftee ihat leiters shoutil ho sorîfien 70 MP lfud Whiiing md MPPs Geuron Kece aod Jms Sooc as colt as Use Mîmsîcc of aociat md Fumity 5cm ces. Okay ban on sewer rfi tous of 177,270 b assînt in 777e constructiooofi.OiOfeeiulitund itinchdiamefertrunhsecersin Use norih end of Mîtion cas mnouocedTuesdayulUsisceek hy Ronald llasloed, ueceeiary of sUie lor urkao affuos unil Ration MP Rud Whîiise The peotoci nu north-cosfoety ostcnsîuosf ihetocito tcunh secnc .itoog Highcuy 25 and Chishoim Or. The ban in foe a formol tnpears. hederai otection resiit7a ciii te gîcen ouf Sp The Champion neuf Mondap nieht Cati t7f-2341 lu, up-oo-ihe-minufe resoifs froc flatîns and Haiion-Wonimorih eviiogo, tetceeo 0.30 aod Il p.m Hockey seuson min fuit scine aed 777e acena s houp every mgSi But, apoakina aI saving you money... Sf. Clair s famous for ifs 10w prices, day n and day ouf St. Clairs oms brond 0f psisf took 30 YOd7S o Ievelop, unI is stop giiaiity brasd. Prîcos stan as crus as $595 a qailos. Aird foi pour addol convenîcoce, pou can pap for if mils pourCharguocard. So misîle our pro- feSiioriai cvporls are foilîng pou hoifir fo do 7, our 10w prîces arc making il Casior for pou f0 do if. Noflusi mhon me havo a sale. But ovotyday. .Clair dwpaktandpaperpeopl Otanfielil offereil progranm for nmail businessmen ssbo bad ncoercojoycd cenalîne huchmg iriS, icdci.ii iccel brentrd i'rcîiiici ,aid Stuelicid cecoueioedliieneedluretlective cooomunîcatîos helceen prosmoal, municipal anil feileral eoseenments. Davis nomted out Use nec park proposaI tue Metro Toronlo as an esample ot Ottacas ladure 10 coosull dUs eîiner Use momcîpality or Use pro ou cor, Commenline on Oryce M.uchuseys statemeot Usat an oceedradt oS 15MOOOtOt o Use UIC fond oas a drop io Use houkel, Oasis mdicated a 7717 le perspication off Ibe loandle ol tbe huchet mouid almost cloue up Use trrosmces dehenture deht. OConoor also spobe 10 Use gah n~ and hanbed 777e p e o hs up t REPLACE OLO STEPS INA HURRY! Precast Unit Stepa inntelled in lest I - 2 heurs 011 7770e 7770077, ~iiut 071 f07077 0f yuifhfnoeth Orfîoitftffirfrftuntd 007,7070 Uni Stero iror ioitiiiîiiîo enkqirokirorihuirpiieîoisîoi OrifOfriiOdleOOrrOir OithsOriinlf. OfoyfuoCîrîtiuotroe 000,17 77057 hesîf donugo. Boîf if Oiroryiroadf fr01017 7007 fînriyorl uiirîuf.tufi lltsrifSiCliOk ~ 818-6853 ~ ______ CATHEA CONCRETE Resieraf ions LII. 250 Marlon SI Molton 30% off ail pre.pasted seailpaper in stock. AI St Clair, you gui a big 3O~o off makers 500k prîce on ail prn-pasfed wuiipdper n stock. And St Clair offerr ose 0f tho bggest sc ccl ons 10 Iho mosi mas el pote ns and con v So iyoune go ama ha ccd onson g coty Eouy os pou budget _ 4 St. Clair: everything you need for paintino and decoratoeng. AdI t ail up. Eoperl adnîce, SbsOiuiOip fr00. Top quaiily Paint asd mou- paper, St 0w, bm pricos enory ISy. Plus 20 convenrent locations. Thats St. (.iarr. Tise point and popor poopie. We haire evcryihing you neel for decoralîng your home Pap usa Voit SOGi r 878-2629 ~o STORES TO SOLVE YOUR DECORATINO PROBLEMS AND SAVE YOU MONET Davis pledges support of Stan field, O'Connor O'CONNOR * KNOWS DUR NEEDS * KNOWS THE FEDERAL ASSISTANCEWE CAN GET * KNOWS WHO CAN HELP US AT THE OTHER GOVERNMENT LEVELS. O Connor s 0777 mas Ho will lead and co ordinafe a close 777 govemment rela îîonshîp between Federal P7Ovircial and Municipal fevels How miii this help Halfoo3 Terry miii acf n Ottama on our behaîf aI the Federal level and wîll advise and direct us n maffers under Provincial and Municipal JUfiSUictiOn I want 70 looh 70 the future for Halton f07 yrou and for me For the past 57e months I have met and discussed matters of concern wîth cîrîzens of ail polîtîcal persuasions throughout the 600 square miles 0f Halton rîding i have seen and heard frustration, dîsappoîntment and anger I am umare that people continue 70 search for those n mhonr fhey can place their trust 'Your member must work to 770 ordinale the interent and energy of hîs people Ho must communîcate wth hus people. direct information 70 them, offer and seek gaîdance 'Poincal life s a dgn f ed pro fess on t s the expression 0f the w Il and the w fi ngness 0f tise people I want no be parc of t ask for vour support on elect on day EDDcONNDRx TERRY O CONNOR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE, HALTON FEDERAL RIDING. The Champion, foulon, Ont Wed Oefobeo 25, 1972 TII! MUNICIPAL AGI ASSESSIEN! OGMMISSIONER'S LISI FOR TUE PURPOSE 0F PREPARINO A COLLECTONS ROLL NOTICE s hc-ebv gvoo 777477, a darne 0,777 Onfario Regulofior, 374 72 cale urrd~ tho Munucupal Ad. 7770 ~ Coersnieoor Lsfsssupplîod 777 fho Assossrruenf Cor,, 500cr lunder 5o~fion 23 of 7770 Assossrrrorf Ad postel n 707 077700, 7770 23770 day 97 Onfotue, 1972 iho 7057 day for 7770 futrrg o7 coorpiarors appiroofions fou oddrtuoos, ~rO77 fr0775 Ou dolofroon 707770 77sf cr17 0e Wedrooday Noooor Cuorpiarufro Or appiîcofroos 012,57 50 roado 011 7770p0057irOOdfOu01507770rn577i07rOrrlfrrOCiOu71, OOdOrrIibOOOOOidO,0d4577700 0r0rOcorrred 77000u00077i00 07770770,' 24 1972 47 lire Crouko 077r770 dorrng ufounral offîco hours. DWB c oweC k Towco Oak T a aga R ad OAKV LEOna o I HALTON i NEEDS I Burlington planning fail What good la savîng you money on uomething If you don't know how te use Il? Sure, St. Clair wsnfn fa sevo pou monep on ail ysar decora- fing 50015. But wo teel our responsîbility What good n salling pou top goon alof furfher pua typant 070 1~ 0W 10w p ce f X pou dont know hom f0 550 f7 O hommucis ~ 0f f b boy' O whefiserto xproad t wdh a ~tnsepuuoA b usis or a oller' TPsf s wisy Sf Co has~ a staf 0f ntpert p ofeon on ~ d 05 OrltOSOSWapOpO ?~aJ paraI b ansmer asp and ail 0f P0U~ questions .~ And if doossi M< coxfpouopennpto , .7 A listes 70 mhaf they isavetosap Oc ogn ze them a bocaune thoy mea ~ Anis Mo butons Andyou e aI~2 spect fhem mises you a decoatngcanbe fhankx 10 the tree ~j espert adv ce ' St.C1~ir's fiee advice wiII save you as much as our Iow Drices.