Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Oct 1972, p. 29

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Cqthy Loaaby outatondlng anmber Holton honors 163 busy 4-H members samdHalC.umOoe ututandieg 4-H club member for 1972, and receîred the J. E. Whitelocit lrPbY uith1e annuel 4-H unurdu t ghheld Saturday as Si. Poulea Usid i niub Milieu. Site aid 162 une4-H club memiters missiele b a buit ofaardi seti yte1 nim d tie auliaedlg licol peur ment" and received lte Claude % 'n ' ~iY. yole Ele i.- an P u Prk Pbotiaero trepity au lte mail uumoaditi maiernith 12 ur pear wau lte Jersey, Guersuey, Duel Purpoue Siturlturu cuIt club. Best = ofer uthOe year nu 8aylM7 tnry hp membsit Wlaaers o et rapies as lte top mecolitir of teir respective 4-H dclbsnoce: Arien 4-H Cuit Club, Caltylasby; liieo4-Hltein CaSf, Ful Stewurt; Hilieu 4-H 4-H Seet Cuit, Brait Cuelm; Acten 4-H Field ~rC lt Luuby; Comldoed Acien 4-HCU end Field Ccop Clube, Calty K. .b;Hln4-H led HALTON 4-H CLUB membet, Alln Steoteroield; Nto n annuel uwurdu elgt inM Keviroameelel, Carol Semer. lrwtietls are plcluced lier vlle;2 Haleon 4-H Herne, Velerto u-i peur member AliceSu Mlle; Hailien 4-H Senmeblle, memnber wiltderc12 projecuî Dma Reid. thecm are leudett John MeNubi Agrîcullurul repreucutative Guen ty-Jersey-Deal Pu-po Hae hney and bis. assitntn mem Am il repartedttitere namcd lte Premier club ofthi Ile 63inierodi 243 luoecie tio JyI'r, w Bi 03 orlhorn CuIt Club. Guerey pjecîa cumpletedtfor anO3 7iper CaIlle Breederu' Association ot cenl complellue. ite ourulmmi Ontario.a pus lu ail membere repreueuled a 51 per cent unroied it nl Guereuey culveu int-nana le meiteruip aide a 7 aid lu lbouu comtjlelleg their per cnt imcreaue le prujects projecl. Ontario Hereford cempleted, allteougit the Assuciation, u econd year euutpletion raie ne on 2.0 pa mumberu recuire a pe aid cenl, pucS unt, lieut yuar memburs mebr,5 a eto h oa Heror d ui t rcir mUmberehip- ai toc th tiret Ontario Shurltuor Club, lieu lu lime l Yeur 10 aid il yeac-alde ail membure and a une Yuar nec. ellewed lu Joie. lThere nure uubscci1ulion ufthîe "Sbdrtltuce 34 meteberu te lti age itrachet. News" tuail nbusu caSf was sired Trophlenforjudgug ,Y Reitered Shorltoce Bull J dgig an whocumplete a projuci. aeee truplticu nece Outario Aberdeen-Antue taeoeanted lu: Net-val Junior Far- Asociation, a pin lu eucb tuer Tcuphy, Ken McNabb; tmeutbr unlibili au Anus caSf Chamion Liveuiecb Judge, Ken uith1e local Achieremunt Day. MeNabb, eeg Caille Judgl, Eastr anuaChcll Cathy Lahy; Dacy Colle a hcll re i Staeuy; lOpIBo 'cM tv_!smaraIeuîe t. llieed Jedteî Ken MuNabi Top 4-Her &nai nea judgig, Kmn Me- Mate tcoplty wneeurt nee: Habit; Cuerue graine judging, J. E. Wluilalocb lcuphy nue Murray Bcuwecidge; Cubhr0 awarded lu Cathy Lasby, meut juei, Murcay Bcuoecidgu; outstandiet 4-H club mumber le tep judgeg, Dave McKbuton Ballai Counly. and Ken MNlab; Swnejudglng, Cathy bau cpleted 22 Murray Brewecidge; bocte la-ujeclu in eighte puaci ut 4-H judgleg, eill Stokes. nork, nith all ufthalle er SI pur -%anmaeatp Tropluet neru cmlt complutiuu. Calthy placed peeeled au tuIlons: John tiret in Ibrue ufth1e projucta ellu ailllmel (Champion Beuti lu cSMtci thu year aid tird le Keitb MeKinnue, Word tetouclu projet. Caltynas uluo, Bru ede (Champion Daicyl lu activu e e Junior 4-H Leadursbip Kmn McNabb, Johnr MeKlnon Progran ttou yuar and hat (Grand Champto) lu Kuiith ruceiud a projectforatfineefort McKieoon, Benview Ferme in Juior 1,eadurship. (Ficel Year) lu Hallp Hurme. AI ber cuIt club Acievumeel Foc a pair et duîry boiters, Day, Cathy placud tiret le 10e Bruce McGee wn the Caadien Sbowmaushîp Clasu and hec lmeuprial Bush ut- Comerece %thOmtir Stuer nue third le the tropby le lte Holsteitiseaidon aid 10cmr Clasu. Cathy nue aime top Valecue Ella wn île Walier J. couteudur iu tbu Opus Nocraigia 11epby le the Jureey. Sbitnasp. Guersey section. Shu aluo conplelud tnu eacips projects le the Actas 4-H Field Kiwnet Club etoie Kingunay Crops club. At Achiuvemmlt Day, Sctl bP waaeers weru: Acin Cah Idtoird nitith bier Hattes 4-H Bnni CalI Club, Brmti beiti a licol place complelion le Caulus; Haliee 4-H Holein Cuit Club. Lyaie Stewart; Haltes 4-H Jereey, Gaersey D.P. ihthoec Cuit Club, Bob Robineon; Actai 4-H Field Crep Club, Shtaron Les- lie; Hallai 4-H Field Crop Club, go Cet-il Patteces; Haltue 4-H Sheep Club, Mire 'uitmefield; Haltes 4-H Horse Club, Elem Muarshall; Haltes 4-H Kttrcnmustal Club, Tom S VE O Pet-be; Holien 4-H SeSenabile S V Club, Jubn Peltecus. Hatai 4-H Prjet E NCOME 7A' ioplioinl ballere wsea wn bp Cet-il Patterson, le pillene, 0 AAIA E Idaileta, dhape etc. by Macg O VIAL Robleson, le sbow sticksu aid nail DFRS C N Pdaquns by teeliu Ksigit, le DFERR wo esaye by Barbara Brutes, le DEPOSIT CERTIFICAT postece by Valerie Ella, le galle usgon bp Bob Rbaison. lTe teiluwng at-e the anurdu Preuesled Satecday lu the 7 /2 ratjean club netebers: 1 2 I/ Haltos Seil & Ccup lmpreremeeî Associatioen P ILFRPRO h terul 82 l m 4-H Field Crep P CA FO PE S Clube t o s ucrmellp NEARINGRETIREME cepetee bie. ber prujerl. AE UstdBreedru 1er., book ta top AE natter le eadi ufthe 4-H Ce S Cube. Haltes Hoblse Spedial, REPORT INTEREST INC calf baller lu ail tiret yeac WHEN EARNINGS AR metebere, aid $2.40 te allether LWRAOSV metebeca wue Haotein caîmes LW RA DSV cmpletiet a project. Hailon- ON YOIJR 1 NCOME TA Peut Jersey Club enral, $2leoall PO EFRM R E teemberu nilut-te calme PO EFRM E T rs.epletieg a prule Mm eenurds Office Ontlario Jerseey Club Speel, gruumniag bcusb te senior memnbere; tcent, baller and certiticaia tu tiret year membere cetupletig e prujeci. Roegeel Jersey Anurd, $5 luitu ;, Jueeynmemtbe itetHalle 4.H Jet-sey, Guerey, Dual-Purpuse- mnere honioreit Selurday et lte ilton and fotit of the najor n. Sn front are the mllalandisg nmerfield and lihe ottandlng cottpleled, Valet-je Elle. Behinal îand Ken Elleta rt El alles 4-Ht nShSrliora Club, ss4ulh nae e er. (Photouby R. Dowsen) btO projetle. Cethy sial ptoced nui le the Counly Judgisg Campelillun, ptacing second le îleUrtc Judgieg, ninnieg the Beet Jue g.ahademdl i Bel eslp nue Cathy l.Asbp le 4- H, 10ie nue île Dntarioa Sitorthur Laueu tor 1972. Tisa requit-id uererut guent a puarunnus toc Cathy ai maiy faire aid other aftaire ufthîe Ontariu Shucorr Club. tectudid ineer duies nana trip tothu Calgarp Staupide ua repreueneluire ufthe ithurthors Club. Filiner Claude Bale Tt-ephy wnt lu Alice Sunmnctield, mnu ulatudleg tiret peur 4-H t-tub member. Alit-e nue in the Haltes 4-H Shteep Club, le 0hi club Alcn plaoedtfiret nîth ai ovraÜ icore otfeM. Sle plaeid saeod wilh hec Muchai Lamb and firt in Sbunnanuhîp ai Georgetoun Pair. Mice nue alun utire le Oue Ceuniy Jedging Cumpelitios, placing 1710 untle Junior Sut-tien. Ste nue aiereted lu wne O Kuwns Club ufthOu Kiegunay St-tolarubip tac Oie Hulain 4-H heep Club toeg Oue blgleet ucleig mentor le ibis club ni te bure non it prerioanly. Haltes-Peut Pnrb Pcodocecu' Tropby nue non hy Valerie Eita, the mot butîlanding 4-H member niih aider 12 projecta cmplutid. Valucîn bas made a bigb stauding le tour clubs Ohit peur. te Oue Hallun 4-H Herse Club, Vatecie ptarid tiret aid wn Ouý Unted Ce-operatireu Challenge lbaphy for the second peur ie a con. Valucie nat ulfai atire ie acrangLug aid eathg np Oue torne club diepluy ih nas the top display ai Miltes Fuir. luIn thBallue 4-H Jersey, ES 10W CHEQUES AND STATEMENT 3 TEARS .. 71/2% RETURNEDMON-pHLY. WE STILL PAT NTr ô EARS ... 8%6 5/ OME ON TRUE SAVINIS ACCTS. E Intorest Paid No chequing ou E Jane 30 and Dec. 30 -,însu accounts, but X Cortificates Can Ba Usad you rnap wlthdraw AIS As Loan Col laterai1. iu pet-son ilusDaiy 0.15 - 4.46, .nursday A Friday Till 7.40 Seîerdauuinueeîpm. GuereeDa-u-ueaar agai a top neb-rîw~th a cor Of 851. ille plutcdt Oicd le itntiiuipud tiret ct0 bec n elteSeier Jersey seclin. elega rery iil ested %mem Virebaios ber mie e tie tot tupea luhîe Ait AanerireDuic in leiu. Te peune lte qally et lte cilven mme hald ultoue Valecie'e culren bare ptocedetceelynl ele ine lu 1971 aid 1972 Valerle bai wn lte Waler Neccleglue ifoptr île Bent Paircof Dalcy llece-.By île appeaceere et tienlcptien, il would taen thul Vaierie la ma îe a cie eneep ai île ame copiinfo twoe yeare le a raie. Valerie nue ise a memtoc le mie Halesn 4-H Snoonobile Club aid teHialien Lireetoct Judgleg Club. Ie to t o uibe, Valerie. soued il vrer 00, ledicatieg a eucceeetui complutiai. Revlenu punityeac In cerieng the pont yeur'e nurt lte agriculture, cepreuentlines euled thu1 the Hegiesal 4-H Custumnecu nie toid le July ai York Unieirity le Turenlu. Tht mentoru ettendiff tib Year neru Ledju Mcl;t-nal Bruce McKeun, Keilth McKleeue. Rob Murray, Jane Niais, Barry Reid and Due WS.- Bill Stoes net eelected lu cepcmmîn Haltes 4-H meteberi et the Prorincial 4-H Leadersip Costeece ai G3uelph-le 1972. Haltes CoueSy rumputed le the C.N.E. -titeor Judgleg Cen. pulilios ut the C.N.E. ieitb 19 memberu cmpelleg. Kmn Mc- Nubb wn the Lireuludi Judging Serties, cumpulleg ugainet 235 uther conesntsl. Congraulations lu ail murntocu nto necu unurdad Ohis tciP-Vulecie EIla, Baryl M Eery, Leait Lesie, Dare Ruat, es MNabb, Ton Pot-ber. IJennis McClure, aud Bat-rii Curit-e rupt-usened the club ai nue trip te Mar-yland. Pire Halton 4-H memtorunwere aelectlu compute le the 4-H airver Dellar Caiepullus. ter nere Pool Stewact, Dure Bali Velerie Ella, Ken MeNaiti, ai Mucg Ruois. ltotse marchera Petfocmed nul ith lOi 0r courus aid collet-ted aie tirai, titrea saedi, aid Ine Oitd plan a Cuamnpiesiip Heotae Anurd aid a tle toc Oie Clhampion Cuit. A n prejeri toc Halton COaily 4-H liu ymar nue the thu r j . Tbcea nocble.g nith vrions clu and w4t10the leaders lu etimuauto ait- clubs necu Muet Bobinasn Cgiy l0asby aid Jaiet Hanter DOt-e ugain Hateen lad maiy 4» H memtore cumputleg le the 4-H luterelub Cumpetiime told ai Erle Pair, le the Field Ct-op Setboe, île amplue ut graine ad buy are plat-id le a tirut, ecoed or tird pt-lue graup. Tie Batue membeci placed ut toIlons- Mised Grale-Firul pe-mu gruup, Gary Peltecaie; Ouerd-Jobs Pultucaie; Bariey- bt-il, Jasu Wlsuun; tiret, Laime Wlun; bt-st, Juhn Vasderlllugt; (late - second, Karen Wicksai; tierd, Dure Taylor; Bay - tiret, -lobn Vandur VIagt; second Kmn MeNabO; uecund, Bill Stokes. lu the Duiry Huiter Cuit clamses, Haltes lied a ere iuoning in Senior HoliW. Fi-el peine et-u>apue Raid, second aid .tae u thOe RoyaI Bush ut Caida Tropby; Paul qt.nart, ttet-d; Bruce MeGee, stilb. Third ça-use gt-oup-Barry Raid ui G nuP i. alr Hulteini- i-tpt-u n-ua -BRob Murray, eend seon paire group- Joseph Wuedun ; Ibird prise 1 gt-uup-Junus Brun, Culen M. FURMER! 100 I. MASTER Minerai With Your order for 2 ton or more ef Master Beet or Dairy Fends vile are now booking 1972 .73 neinter supplement requirements. May we discuss Your needs itit pou tedap? I HfSFedMaster Horse Feeds il 4 innu tionsFor * Breeding Stock à Growing Stock ai Racing SI Pleasure Horses I ATE F D R. . 2Gogtw I .,0 IPF ,I,., - , 81 52PONF8777 ....... ...... . ........,,,,,.......,.. ITERM DEPSIT CHEQINGACCTS I~ ~ ~ ~ W CETIIOTF I Y6 PERCENT ONI ACCOUNTS UNLIMITEC N UMB ER0F] Berry aid Anette Raid. Senior JeyseirFin pt-ire geoup- t-te bn, tuilt; Bruce Hsme, eod econd prise grup-Jaie INas ecosd; Juhn Nliais, tird. JaijerJnseye- Pleut teIh gcup-Boi Rahbuain Birut; Prni Ritoa, econd. Item e sly aie 4-H Butf Cuit ent-y tram Haltes Coaly, - idaredthirdniOOneilni Hales Boit Aillues nite mme f1110 le Oie Ganuau Steeru miecnd le Oie Hetutele n-uap ut Baecy RaId, Rayai Agricoliocal Wintor Fuir. 73 fieu pt-tue gruup nîlO his Cruuibei let-r, Tht- t-up of tere liai-y Hedurs naswe ns O pu y the Brampton 4.H Cit lbri i vr close runer-uppoition nus Oue Halton Holalein geoup et Dure Reid, Pool Stewart aid Bruce MeGee. TheKElsn CISClub C hi Se-- pn osi nee the Haton Jersey, Gsureey, Dua.rpose.Sburtbere CuIt gra eMagBiins, Boit ..:nme aed uBt McKen. liene are evera fid crW untit-e and eight Queenu A CUT was a cut abo y , you've ne ver be eni moi. ight dma, night flOW!- - NW Pontiat- Grand Arn 2-Door Colonnade ardtop MKFUM PtlcLîocury LuMn 2-four Colonnade Burdtop PONTIA C'S a cut aboyae in value. Not in Pdca. And we'vag7ot dia deals t0 prove iL PONTIAC MAINTAINS ITS VALUE LEADERSHIP GET ALL TH4E DETAILS NOW AT ste.etI. lOuS nu#Mont NOMINATIONS for *MAYOR *REEVE * DEPUTY REEVE *SIX COUNCILLORS *TWO HYDRO ELECTRIC COMM ISSIONERS fortO. MUNICIPALIIT 0F THE TOWN 0F MILTON Aise * ONE TRUSTEE FOR THE HALTON COUNTY SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD andl * ONE TRUSTEE FOR THE HALTON COUNTY BOARD 0F EDUCATION wi Il be accepteal bp the Towen Clerit THURSOAT, NOva 9th at 9 a.m. Titreug te MONDAT, Nova l3th 1912 at 5 pîm. ARE FOR A TWO YEAR TERM The requtrel Nomination Papers are available ut: The Office of th. Town Clerk 251 Main St Eat, Milon J. McGEACIE, CLERK. TOWN 0F MILTON I Plowieg ffiird yuar Hamilton. sE Bth TERIES ash - r on heucase btatlans e olis ed e te. See Ive fo- Is2s TERIES 5sars les une- i ceai Oc heat cids dis - Thes 1 per-. tiarein te tord th CD-- 7e.. ou The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., October 25, 1972 as.

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