Bill The Champion- MilsOt- W.%- OCWnlr 25, 19n2 LowvÎIIe Church cînnîversary is a memorable occasionIE umÎa By B.E. Severelg Oct. 22 ma a nunngabîn ae- caulan lac pepl . b omiunity, tae ire anipa anmisentnuîmnubera n omf i Unitedi Gsurcit. Mina=ltli weeacceplali tor thc Api amivier ay ofitheconstrution of Ibis pla.ce lv orship. 'Me eovgccg.slîos, ydîoc lv lai6 iteld sevices aal0arkrs svbooutouse on lte casl corner oi Pive Shderoad miii Guclph Llaa. flic Maîbodiost preachea corne onhreab .eping ta a achedîiicd circuit la iggg Josephi Coling lac a lobes arni gave laii tac a chaci buildiing, tae Coihngs Cburch mi ltae seuIls cner of Guelph Line andi Pive litderoad. In 1850 Gidn Buck gave mind toc a comelery ou Pive litieroai. In 1855 thc chitrcit mas renamed Wealeyan Methodial 172tepreseul plae of norshos. wos ituill. la 1889 Lonvolle Zommerman mas constiluted as one charge. lu 1884 a parsonage nos bailt on the meut corner of Pove Soda Rosit ami Guelph Lne onte land oven by lTomas Collimg. la 1925 lte Metlsodool Citurcit inlercol union and hecane flic Unitedi Cbacch of Canada, la 1958 Mc. andi Mca. Ecic Godgcon gave lmid toc a n parsonage miii odiionoal parking space juat behlid tae riturch andmintepaalyeur Erie Gudgeou gave ltae rigit of noy loc u permant nalerasyalen tor tce churcit pursunage. Foc ltcemornmig service the guesi preacher nas Helasut Dyck. The Jmiior Choir Youtit Caoir miid ladies Choir sang specoal anltrins. Introductions mare made of pasl cmiaisers or their tamilles. floey irladeol Mcs. Kelly ami hec iiougbler Mca. Helen fliompson troin, Toronto. Mcv Kelly os the nufe ofthei laie Oco. Kelly. Also prcsenlwecete Rrv. and Mcv. 0. W. Hoboas tramn GOwnunmd; Mc. andi Mca. James Murray of Catedonia Jemi Murray os the dagiter nf tce laie Rev. W.K Atlan); Mc. mind Mci. H. Cavers, Herbert lte sou ot lte laie Rev. John Cavera mind 1ev. and Mcv. laite ni ldmay. There nere wrltten grccigs trom those nbo couhii 1(1/bride Elect committee ta pro;vide recreation By Mrs. P. D. J. Scoones couorisawnch miii be iu operation Maoy of 700 nul thmn hi inm 1973, aad what about aur ice- weeh's caumn reads more lîke a rink etc. Sa please rernember ta -Help Wanted Advertisernt", mach on yor caiendar 8.30 and you're dora toatîn rîght. floeÊday Nov. 7asa -muai' night ltais just what tl os. Youe help Ï ýgo support ami eiect please. uagentlY oeeded by lte Kilbride ortiter information Cao be and District Recreation oblamed by caling Pool Dubur, Association as000 Tueuday Nov. 7 Kiltuide Street. ai 8.30 mn the Kilbride Public Good Nelgbbours Club ScbOOloagcnerol meetingo.ill be Four taitlesof atuchre mare hl ta eleci lte oem olate otf played lasI Tueaiiay, mt peine ofiocers. biteg non by Mcs. fisampacon la miier t itave a taic lical, Mc. King second, Mrs. Fard representaoon ot te area lte Ion, Mr. H. King tirai, Mr. W. ûOnoooîîee would ite ta see as Ford second, ami Boojl Pattelr mnanY People lOrs nul as poasiitle IOw. mO tat you cas eleci lthe people Travelling wtm you wn ou represeot you. Bon voyage goes out la Mca. Il's youc vooce ltaI ndl gai tic italpit ierneels nha la leaving lacibities oeeded la iteep aur slmclY an a maltormg trip ta clait ciidcen wîîlan lte cammndty; bier sisler mn Placido. Uoyd il's your opinions tey want la Coolco leavos foc Rame soan. heur, se came ont and vote. litron a coin mn lte Trevi 90e seed lte iollowng officers Fomilamn toc mi ai]Lloayd. lthe elecled: presidenl, vice FOunlamn pcomiae a raiu trip if presidenl, seccelary, treasorer. Y00 troa a com la _ homever PobiitiY. social conveoec and 1lm 5suitnaiing! governo rs. Many ut lthe Tmiî-Toot esalaited resideotsof ni s ares Did yos itear lte. toot-toot the miuirememiier ltaI seceral yearsalirweofBl aoa Klbide and Diî0 loie eku a and Peter 'titWatsont. steam cole? The Ina Iteccealoon Association no ruer hv b earkgqae tocmed ity a nucleus ot people arthr nhave ou e gettl g uitte c wbo telt thiere was a ceai need toc hl ngttn h ta cecrealiso ser vices in tis ares. engmne ready andi ahe's a ceaI As fa bauly, smartly painled ap and d r la acit as 1965 Uic roacmnglag.veysnlIh Otecreat on Comoollter slsonsoed ideur go h veymle etereie itadmin oapal easla sedt L o Day Steai Shne gainesn aenon table atenis itLou ca SetaSerowai gainesd Hall the nca n-etent i lo eer me a pe acBai ami piber pers andfr a s eo m$1y eler.oei Pleapate tma Bian erPeait n gaeserpa ye ln r.hand Mare nilI se uei Iis yeuc we bacc nur on temiis hmibonds mare nw. e hr SNELL FOR DIPENDABLE SERVICE 878-6380 Yaur Sheil Dealer BELL BROS.I MILTON AN HISTORICAL DISPLAY of acospaper cetnilserviccs Sonda morming nd cI ppings, documients and photos tollng the enigAlagecr owd wa son itnd tor Chl orYofLwil United Chrhsfrt10 e-ie nd enjsynd remn nscing. per asaPpulur attruction ut thc cbomch (Photo ity R. Dosons HRCA gets land grant eeomnCrpatnisr- Durig their meeting Wen- sesday, Miltion Planning Board memrners: -Ageed to rose lmids mougi of Nîpommig lRd. at te rear nI ShdIm Plana 10 R6I and a nen tille, -RtiSpecial' 10 accomodale a bomima Proposai hy Alliance Bodmg Corporation. -lt-atiirmei an erdier approval in pricople toc the second hall of the Wimpy suh- division casî nI Ontario Si. -Recommesded t- Milton Comindi an R7 aoamng hoe placed on lmanuoth oflMolîside Dr. nesi of tce cceek, toc lte second apari- menti n lte Martin propoal. -Accopled on pricopte a plan lac apactmeolo mind stores ai thc corner ni Brunie Ri. andi Anne Blvd. as prnpaaed hy Chtaucer lavostitiîs, suitjcct te o fen minor suggestionv. Mocohers agrcnd t ezone the land tC2. -Larncd Victoria Wood haimo thc bown' pslanning con. sultant cccieo and comnt on lheîr plas for ucvelos.nnoi the BILLIS AUTO BODY 269MAIN STRE ET, MILTON 878-2721 e 878-3251 (0111ý,'Ori B01Jý1 !ýepë1,,, & Ref1f,1ýhrq AI"() ( LJýt0M APPhance k,1fmiýhinq lait be mlUi the nungnlua Mca. ilaity GriMita ea mie o tlis t. Bey. K.Gr<lt Bey. and Mcm. C. WaBte of Bmue; nv. and Mc.. B. 8oina urUingten; Bey. E. G. BbalaiBrantforand miiibi. Coc01er of efaielRev. E. M. Corter. Ritedi 'the specoul gueula stayed la thc comminity nîi Mca. mind Mca. N. Langlon, Mc. and Mca. B. Hacris mind Mca. mind Mca. B. Gunby. Many famnilles and frendo mere railed la boumes abt thc comuniy. Ren. W. Labo nos ganal preacher lac tae cveaotig service. fie Youth Choair smig miUianuu and Daryl toillangsmact sang Ina miles. Tise aanctaary ma decarateii mltb balminna ami mail boagiaga. Two heaihtu bouquets ot rnulli-calaraii marna ucrmigeii hy Mca. T.E. Ranuam nera on cither aide ai tae aller. Mcs. Erie Gudgcmi urrauged Ina beautilul diirod bouqut ai, cumin andi daîsies for tae piano and commmiion cablaet. Evccyoua was mOliteii domastaia foe cake mid cotier. Mca. itou Coverdale iierorataii a lovcly tbcce tiared cakel minhte mth yeilom andi gren unh- minga. Dlii photos, landi damia mind uenspoper clipplaga and is- larical tacts mare ou diaplas., ta, brlag bock mmiy moctlimbile Mc. and Mes. Erlaaii Colliug enjoyeli tbcu' ian days boiiay in thc 3raceiiige airca seelag lte tait colocu. Mr. miii Mca. DIeu Richardsmi miii tarndy aisoenajoyeii thiie ncceaiin holiday in Centrai. Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mes. Maurice ltcadhcad have just retucaeii frma thee neeh vocation 10 Alaska. fTcey minI by trala la Toconto ltea iy train ta Vancouver. They loured Stlely Park, Bulcitart Gornim ad Vancouver Islandi, thea they 1mbk a btoat up te West Coast la Sktagway, Ibmn a tramn la tae tragt ot '9 mind la Lobe BannaIt, flac mosl unpcesaive part ofth t rip mai the boat ride up lte coast la heautilul neatiter, they repart. r-..- I ýe@Z@ wý 01r 4- inness MCG bberal Halton-Wentworth ...because you want things done 111E 10017Ht MITNIVERSAJ1Y ot Lonvill show former miudshor lte Rey. O. W. biolmea Unitedi Citurcb building nus cclchratcd and prescrit minialer thac Rcv. Wayne 1mbi liiniiay witb tno speciul services attcuiicd hy lte commemnorutive platesaund thac choCrs muny former mininlers und punishioers. on record "The Real Tbisg" whicb wcre Mes. Featberstone Colting of lthe UCW groop oiicmed for sale loa nnivcrsary visihors. (lait) undl choir president Susmi Davey <rigbt) (Photo by R. Don) Hornby Community Club elects Mrs. Dalgleish leader DyNes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t ghBala ~ Llile iaa eii uiear greetngs are The iU&d meeting of llloimbylq pcupaced egg plant. Jntedeii la li iibc ac North Senigr 4-H Club mas heud at Cmipmd mind Counale Course Hausiitmi Who mli celebrate the baome ai Mcs. Jins McKay n iwepacm, cocu lanuato bake. a he i ngeua auiveraary mi Tuaa vna.Oct. 17 wli il Judy Gornandimi Jady Chtane Weuaay, Oct. 2 mnters proet. Tia rail oeil ireparei, "Zuccih." Gladys Plu tes, auion mmi NMy favorile vegletable and Smuith pccparei babed courai. file Narval Juniur Wanu'n bonl1prceerit cmbeii. "A sble Mary Baiter pepRe batternut luasitte mind Jmiior Pacasers helag piauued lac Achievenuent aquasb. Tea biscuits mare met mi Oct. Il aithe banne ai Day. prepatI by Mrs. SU luy ana mith nid Thcy discussced planuiug ~Apple Jefly" wmi mirvedl by Snutîn annula Ar pmed o vegelables ile meao. Baked Mc.MKy lc m uae a i ear future. O aady slaitcd potes mere ity ail, Bai they Uic oteg o.2- h Junior anstitate mil dcmonstcated by Barbara plmit, masnot la teir teate. flsey aponsor a ina ami aucti.bake Preston and Ciudy Cordlagley. dacided ta naine tbelr club sala at St. Stephen Anlian Grern bcams and egga nere Zucbsa. fise prenadaut la Glar Csurcb Rail. Ther'Ca iih a pccpaced ity Barbara Smoith. Tie naut metlag mWin%:i ltroncdgc and Baorbara on soupo, solola mind gacalaban. (coniose on Poia 01$) NOTICE "KEEF BURLINGTON CLEAN" Rnsuduots north of No. 5 Hiaboas. shautd denasIt as materlol thsas niish ta dispose ot lis Nonmhur 4th, tor plcb up un Nanenitar 6tb, attse tooilong locaioas: Town praperts Saah ni Zimmermas Ciurnh Corneraof Oud Cedar Springs Rnad and No. 2 Sude Rnad North-West cnron No. 10 Sid. ftnad and Guelph Une Nu. 3100 Guelph Lino Prupurta ai G. Bradiord Cientis 6231 Na. 10 SBd. Rnad G. W. iiarrinonoit. R. Baile, P. Ena. Maor. Olenon ai Publia Wnrks. BRIRD WATCHERS Save money! Boy Essex No. t birdseed ait AIaster Pegeds, Georgetown. 25 Lb. WiId Bird Simd SOe4~gSpd $550 50 Lb. SunàflOwr Simd Peanut Huarts 2 cib. WATER SOMERE SALI No.? 2Orystal 50 Lb. $9 No. 2 Crystal 100 Lb. $360 0065 877-3512 PHONE 877-7375