I9The Chmo ilton, Ont., w.d., October 25, 1972 SahlW Corner ByfRoyDettes J ulaty Corna onerepepalar rolume efts an1ed pieuces about aety osud amd Milton, la kart agaie. Il itm beet revivit ity lapalr reqesl y Dumnu, mitu gave birlt ta Safely Corner bock in li f tat utiOu e it charge of lthe cotumu aud mny contribtions wouud b wucomed -v hmlcîOeir bîvumail t 91 M i t ocliy ickephone ai 872 lii Menkeru ut Miltone Planning eoard were dloraming a proposait shtopping centre ai Oie corner ut Ane Olnd. aed Brunie Si. Oie auber lagit, eil aumeoee mouilereil if Oiere mes saie way Oie toms coutld torce Oie nete piano managemreet lu keep Oie whitle parking lines paitei. They citedtMilton Pinta aa koilexemple. We have la agree. lTe absence ot witie parking linea ai the locat pdauautokes malking oeil irivinglkhereoatricky tituation. With no linea la guide Oienu, tazy muluriatu park miDy-ellly aed ten leove horilly enougti rouai for two cars lu paut in Oie normai irofttc route atong Oie front ufthOe stures. Peritepa Oie Miltoe Plana maeagement culd gel oui the wite peint again. a tot of shoppertueoul-ethanknit Auotiier iles in shtopping pianas in a seriet o ut anpt" mitici cou le aneill tot lowmuw traOic. Tlsere are, ontortuuatety, a tew tonheailo mio tîke ta keep Oie upeedometer ai M0 m.p.k. ail Oie moy Oirougi thOe tut. Aupitoit hucopt tpaced every M0 teet or sa aport mouli tare cutre Oiem ufthOeir iteavy-touteilnes, andl olso give Oie Por peilestrian a chance lu tîve tua ripe utlage. A reailer passes on an observation about the siailcoto ut Martin li. Senior Public Scitaut andl their tumetimes daugermia methoil ut erusumg lthe husy Martmn ni. railmay. Tbere mat a tot ut pobittcity tatety about crunsmatits in Mitton mil many ut the stuileets were taugt the prupermw oint lteir way acrossOthe rosil. liai Oiot onty monta at a LEGAL crueimatit, une miOi ailvance moremig algns, o targe mhitle 'X' on Oie rond oeil ae uverheoil iauinateil tigo. The "palet mil malh' uyttem iluet NOT repeot art mark at joli any corner in tome. Marti St. utuilents, it seentu, have he o rcing trattir ta came tu a screecing stop tavause Oie suaienta palet and liep unta Oie rosit, regardesu ut hum ctose Oie uncoming trottic etigit he. Onie day tali meek titreelituienlsoneaedereduoutontthe rosit (fter ilaly politig) aeil a soutOiboond track veereit thOeanrOibomnd lanesmi andnrrumly onsseil a aurOi boonil veitetryjegl t etttoppein je ime. Socey ta ta Oie itearerof hiail liding, sudeets, hut Oiose wite linon on Mariai lit, in froet ut the ochoni ove NOTatlicececota "palet andl matit. Yuutt liane ta stop ail mat furahbreakmintratîc, libe Pon do ecerytehere etue mn tome. Onty ut a tlegat" crusmoli la trottir torceil ta stop tue yuu. PS.-Motorisu shmutld lie stuwimg dame Oiere onymoy asthOe ares ns itusteil as a scitout zone. DUTCH-CANADIAN COUJNTRY CLUB presideut Albert Scimuten. In lte seconsd row receully elecleil ias 1972-73 ifficers and Usey are directors Gerry Vauilerkyileu, Arnoldl are pirtureil here. In tise front ruer arn Maniocs, Ted Huognetld, Henry Seeteu andl treasurer Peler Vau Wouw, secretary Tony Ben Schtoen. (Phtioby R. Dumna> De Grant,, Preaideut Bil Wyueu andl tice- Scouts win awards ut_ campoires Congratulationsi ta Oive t ittatu Scoauts for their etforts ilurig the Gren Acres Regiona Comparer field on Oct. Miat 22 at Ctotrvaie Conservatioe Area. Patrot leailer Cedrin Ctre, Geordie Jackou, Kevin BIen.- tari, Terry Aseton and Danid Ooberiy aoug mt 20 other coto tramn Oabvitte District came home mitb Oirer tirass four secondis, tmu tIlilds oeil a mýet, as moul os a thurd in Oie uverall These fine boys mi Charles Kerr oeil Frank Uppal mere Oie a111Y Scout fToup frmn Bilbon te compote in Oie Oekvile District Camp urne campetitiue bell tarpreseul Ooknilte District at Oie Regiat Compee The boys Leg ion N otes liedtforlirst inubmscompettione sv G. L. aAv iloo H U o e ac e m itt ( a u r m ite ta u b r o n c it a n d, b u p e 3 1 A lie tetld Oct. 28 oeil 'the ta uee yuu ai mony ut aur hine. mit ta hetld Nov. 1t mîOi o parade Congratulations ta the Fine Furnifure tonai0 the gion at1 i'president ut aur laies amdiiary, Oracit 136 mUtl meicume one oeil Jean iasuetteidt, i mîaumg Oie AT PACTORY TO aiu to at Oie paae mnot-hihsige, in Oie taurnament ai YOU PRICES terne Oie ceremony. Gourgetown. Weoe Gooditonee the Duidi Caadien Aupeciai meicome îu sitog Club, mil aur dlance titar, and MITO broucit. Wewmetcome yuanoei attandance. PLI. I , - What is fmlsz hot water? Its esoughbhot maier.etoughihot mac for attlithe battu, stuaiers, dîsit washîngs, tloue wasbings andiltaundries ibai it lobes lu beep pour famîty and pose homne sparbtîug cleati. Cascade miii gise pu famîty-siaebhot saler bocosse il's ilesigneil foe te utb lThe eteciricat iodsry pat pears uf reseacci intolite Canadian famitys ho î rne c Cascade mas lte cesitî-but by quatîfleil moaufacîseers lu eîgîd speciicatiots lu assure you uf deprndabilti andl compte te satisfaction. GelitheCscade bnhth apa mitta' eigb foreyou and enoyhtwerai>s-. Cascade, lte cieun, sote Bfiiet eesi ae beair yourhydmQ -Severol scitoni classes are -Wise bayera eaop Oireagk doig prnjerta oe Oie teileral Champion clasuihiede-erbere lte UNEMPLOYMENT - Mismnanageme nt cf this f und by the Liberai government es a national scandai. Bryco Mackasey colle a $544 million doficit a "idrap in the bucketîîî but you wIlD have, ta moka il Up through increaa".taxe. A"éon- servative gavernmont wiil crack clawn an those who have decided warking le not for themn and apeed up payments ta those unfortunate people who are slncereiy iaoking fer employment. INFLATION - W. shauld fight infla- tion, not through deiiberateiy creating unemployment, but thraugh proper management of the economy and through temparary wage and prico contrais If the upward spiral continues. Inflation means nat anly higher food prices but stili anothar way af picking your pocket ut incarne tax time. WELFARI - lTh. present systeom atiflee initiative and aven encouragea some people nat ta wark. Just aSk the amail businessman in Buriington or Dundas who cannat gos help because Liberai policies fovor freeloaders. A Pragres- $ive Canservative gavornimont wauld pravide incontives for those who raly want ta wark and case the staggering tax burden an middle close wage earnors. TAX INCREASES - W. wiii stap the persenal incoma tati increases the Liberais have scheduied for January 1, 1973. lnstead, Conservatives wouid introduce an immodiaite tati cut ta put mare rooney in circulation and spur the ecanomy. POLLUTION - A Stainfield gavern. ment wauld ensuro thot Ontariaîa cam- paign ta provide clean air and pure water wae extended across Canada. We wauid insint that aur American friands atap pouring untreated wastes into the Great Lokos systern ta Can- adaîe dlotriment. iller bldeà a iyeur d Mens rire fi"in OSurd Ibo Snsakmnee Besrtn bt a Fare cite dwt -xDO enter hSie viec colcereng lte applcation et M" imnagt Camping Groueds le cOnaiecion aiti tefr request te estobliati leagto and spray irrigation tacilîties uithOe aires camping ground. Repreenlalivea train Rallon p inConearvation Autiturty .1. alton Caanty Museume Board attended lte buring aem asitei fer clarificatian uereepoeblee<nr,an lthe syslen. TbeY were asearel ity eegleeere ltai tere woald itemn odr mt lte exeoption et a perioil et pertapa mne wreit during lte sprlng. Carboe monoxide le ae ivisible, &tient killer, lit gines ne moreieg of ils preene, What Bihl Kemnpling your P*rogressive? Conservati've Candidaste? in Haftton - Wen tworth says about THE ISSUES GOMERMENT BUREAUCRACY - W. AGRICULTURE - A Canervaîlvo gov- fool strangly that wa muet got the fod- ornimant will support the family farm oral bureaucrocy off tho backs of as a way of lifo in Canada. ta ra ad bupsithsmn Pooplo 1 talk STRIKES - W. will safeguard the pub- tram tar e wi W filling out forme lic interast aoinst disruptions through from ttaw. Wewould olimînata atrikosinestclpuicercsu. usaents agancios like Information Con- der fei orsnti pb i srice ng adla and slow daown tha growth of the r ompdori juridictian byo inocng faderai civil service. cmuar rirta hnncs cary. PENSIONS - A Canervativa govorn. mont wauld increaseolad age nocurity CO-OPIRATION WITH MUNICIPALITIES paymanta immodiately ta fully refloct - Skyrockoting caste of municipal soer- th. increasea in living conta ninco the vice& are creoting great difficultios for lait aubstantiai adjustmont in the. basic local counicln. Cauncile in Halton- pension in 1967. Wo would aito in- Wontworth wiii find Bill Kompiing ac- creus war voterons' pannions and tivoiy sooking ways in which ho con allowances. holp thom ut tho fedoeral levai in ob. CANADIAN OWNERSHIP - W. wouid provide in'contives ta encourage Cana- dians ta retain contrai cf famnily firms and ta increase Canadian participation in the decision.making proceas in aur major industries. W. would cenvene immediateiy o Priorities for Temorrow conference with the provinces te dater. mine future goals aind priorities for aur nation. PARLIAMENT AND THE PEOPLE - We aira comnmitîed te restoring a propor ba .lance between th. pawer cf the prime minister and his innor circle and the authority of parliament. The Tru- deau gaverniment has becomne secret and arragant and aven their own back. banchera have grawn restiss. Bob Stanfield wiii rostare dignity ta, the office cf the prime minister and givo the people the facta about gevernimont spending. HIARBOR DIVILOPMINT - W. wii insist that Buriington ho represented an the harbor commission so that development in the weat end cf the bay wiii not adverseiy affect the quai- ity of lif. in Aidershot. W. do nat share the viaw of the Liberai gevernment, as exprosaedi by ane of ils ieading cabinet ministers, Jack Davis, that an- viranmentai problems in the harbor con only b. solved through forcing Burlingten into a regionail governmont wlth Hamilton. îaining grants, subsidies and any othor assistance available ta them, In sa do- ing, Bill Kempiing wli b. heiping councils keep yaur municipal taxes dlown. SPECIALIZED YOUTH TRAINING - Bill Kempiing has porsonaiiy deveîoped an exciting approaich ta ona phase of training af young people for specific indlustriail jabs which ho is currentîy seîing top in his awn business, and plans ta propose ta Manpower, the Provincial deparîmenîs of Education and emnplayers. in simple tormns, his plan could provido specioiized train- ing through schoois aind industry some- whaî similar ta apprenticeships, but in skiile whore no apprenticeships are currentiy avoulable. BUSINESS GROWTH - The ateeidy growth of the hundreds of amaili te medium-aize businesses in Halton. Wentworth la an important factor in the ecenamic heaith of the cemmunity. Bill Kompiing is aiready activeiy fui- fiiiing a personai commitment ta heip these businesses grow by inventarying the facilities aind skiiis cf th. riding in order te mnake each lndustry and service awore of specific expert eppor- tunities developed through varieus Governmenî trade agendaes. Bll Kemp- ling ses thia service as ana way ho con personaliy cantribute ta the ex- pansion of lndustry aind empicyment Vote Bill VmplIg p. BURLINGTON: mu C HALTDN-WENTWORTH 632-7376 526-8040 BURLINGTON EAST: 639-1277 DUNDAS: 627-3529 election. bar--i-s are districi cake a ltystea Brown lirUDI vis t tg MORE n servativ caffee, Curling mune for