14TeChampion, Milton, Ont. Wed. Ocloisar 25, 1972Rahfacdet Police arrest cuirinn nnçt wvp-tk carpet thieves Tma Tortot men liane heen maa t-îpped lt-arn tse hamea' cha-get an coseectioa mîth (lie fletrs on or about Oct. 3. Police IhilI oi briîadlaoic front fout say îhey have tecovecet about illihomein the Tiniclea $tiiN ae(iiaofhtheiateria. aaidioisioa rtoc Steeles Ave., Two Miton Police officieca, in cet-att Milioe Police. co-apert-aioa illi tlie Torono Police made theacceats last seeek iAbout $4,600 motOh aI Cot-Petlog alte- a seat-ch ie a Tarante home. Hospital staff, board attend OHA Heats Cet-e Co-Ordinatet, Use mlt-t-loclimg cf healt searvices iin itesiîve to home cet-e, is Use tht-me of tht- 4MU convention ci Use Ontario Hospilal Associa- hion. taking t-lace Uhsee ienlt Toronto. Of Use mot-e Ohmn 8,000 lispîtl pet-canot-i en-eciet te attend £rons ail parts of Ontat-o, twill lie a e-eenaivc geout- frotta Milton D3istrict Hospital. Tbis gt-oup ciii inelute st-et-cl nsmlicto of thie nuratng staff, dctemn hcads aodmemters of the oard of Dirt-tlr. flic geoeral sessions lot- bat-liail trustees and adcmiitra- torsol11locusonthe delice-yof health cet-e Useougli hoat-id- spsoet progeama, as meli as Use eficis cf ct-cent ht-Us t-at-e lcgîltalîon ced Use t-oie of disitrict teclithcosevîils. 20 sections Meetlings for specialized health personel who telong la Use 20 scionc of the Dnta-io Hospitl isoocialion ciii t-seat Use Mmine luse ac gcnt-tal seanions. Thse O.HA secciîonsrungecfront nursing administration, medical lccteiologci. physîn and occupa- convention botailtheccpy, acanet-epiot cnd pacchasinf te engineering, at- coseliso cnt placrnacy. The latgesl O.HA. aectiton, the Hospilal Auxilicries Association aI Ontario, mils e memherehip of more Usas 60,000 miS hae holding las axa annuel cunfecence te t-on- lunictîsa mîth tise O.HA. meetings. Keymite speaker is Use lice. Robet Welch, Otario Pro- vincial Sectetccy 0cr Social Dcocloponent. Oclefalas fr-ont Use Ausiliary cf Milten District Hospilal laclute Mts. Elizeh t-rame, Pt-t-ident; Mca. Jmce McCulag, Vicc-Pcesidet-at Mcu. Isabel Thanso, Memherehip Con- vener; Mca. Joan Ht-art, Carres- peedence Sccrelary ced Mt-s. Malle Crîpps, Dit-etla. Mont- speaksers A tetal of mot-e Usmn 75 speakers and paet-iats miii particiPala in tht- tht-te-day cos- vention, Use lacgest lo- isspitl personnel i Canada Active paticipation hy 130 sut-pliersan es sanulactarers mahles Use 0.H.A. convention Canadas (at-geai exhibition cf mote-a licatital equit-ment. Crime, accident statistics given Sialislîca oncret-e mnd ac- pet-Mas teere injuret. cidents inMiltoiorctheientitth,: Undr the nareotic- Set-p(mbc- cet-e reclaccd tmo malt-s ct-ce chat- t-ecenty lit Milot Police, ose tes chat-get undc Dueicg the menit tht-y set druga aci, Use itveciigated 85 reports cf t-ct-ctt shoms. crseinalaciviiy,micludingcoe ses oftene (o assauls, to ht-eakag and ceteg It-ret Director Usefis of moter nehîcles, fîve Uselia once $50, 23 Useft la acer $50. ose lt-eut, t7 untter Use Lions guest ceinînal codc, tht-et- lader ledetal saciols inacclica, 2c mdccie pro vincial satucen cnt Robert SmalI, Mil( eîghl snecr seunicipal hy-îcs. recrecalîce ccd pacha Oi Uhsat, lice ce-e unfouetet as guest speake- at leaVîag 80 acical cases. Au a CIlbof Milton meetmng t-eaull, police sad la pet-sons lic cutliaed Use noni mece chared-iacludîng fout- coinsMunîty in t-a lemales. tececiion. Jot- Me Anoiher 14 t-et-sons met-t nsensle cf tht- pet-. charget nîUs lccffic oflences colaaiiice, ictoducet sedert-hOe provincial statulas ot- lions. ct-senai cote, lot lailieg t0 ceseuaiaan acciden, danterous Mcnslies mee ct-oi deising, dcining alite impaicet C-NiR l lila ceai Monda oc drioieg whitle disqualifieit. 23 teten mensters te Police aiso issuet 26 parking vanvaso Useetehole iam violation tickets cnt icestigaiet annuel $10 dseaer N SI t-allie accidents, te mhich, fout liornhy onlrol at-t, get, mhite e Use font Septemse- Use Lions Usîs menli. ds oi Use t-ls cnt Cane, a t-e-t-nation hon 10 Use aded cf Use t-, Octoher et Oat la n; also Use [00. 22 ai tee as fat- ail electrical supplios and ideas for împravîng t-oct- home and place of business elecîrîca lIt- *i5îng SuPP,eai wolîcesale pvce *Li atil.q tîlot-es ail types lor it-tOot and acoc * LatIns ail type,, shapes and wtaiag- t-conta * Pv.î , 5t rl-,, n sîc hqta- Wlrt .nq Oe-ec *El, cit- ht-dinq rqî,îcleee * Ami ancc ilillOlcO qoanlîliei *hfoo nt-aln eqpene Il the lob is beyond your capabilities we cae supply eiectrîcîans ai resonabie rates. Enginecering set-ornes are avaîlable alIso. Consuil us lor- ideas aed materiai requirements Air Condîioning and Hsating Systems Nadalin - Naylor Engineered For Resideotial & Commercial For Fre. Estimates Cali 878411il See file Display Of Fiafares Nom on Our Shomroam NAAIN ELCRa iTca lady divsne- mare ljare la Im seporate t-at- aceidenlaa Sotacday, repart Milten Police. Ont- cf Use accidente cc-r-e se Martn St. cear Otceles .Ave andi iavoivcd Shirley Coulaoe ot, 167, 'liacî,ic St., Use îiuctd dreivec, acd Artur B0. Sîibley oI Dmndau. Eatmated damsage t0 Use Coalean cat- as $1,200; te Usc Sibiey veteicle $50. A second collision, mhics ivolvet lt-ee cors, rendIt-t in ijries te Acdry Campbiell cf 92 MacDonald Ct-m. Thse aUse- tmc idrivters met-e Isatel Douglas cf liraseolea and Cycil OSeleemar of 429 Peat-I St. The accident, misici aecuct-ed an Maim St. nea- Onlario St., caacdma eatimatedili15 damage te Use Doaglas cor, ila seh Campll vehicle and $1,000 la Use Ommnema- cetecle Teohosplal te btll accidmnts Use isea wmn met-e treatet fat- injuries et Milton Dirict Hoapilal mnd released. Milten Police atea repart Oive mat-e accidents dariog Use bast ruedayn. Ont- accident, n Manday Oct. 16, mnolved vehicles dt-ivn lit Ft-ed Smo cof R.R. 2 Waterloo aod Donald J. MacKWoat cf Talante. Eatinsated damage te tise Sas chiot-a cet mas $300 ta Use MacKîtlcp vehîcte $200. The Steam men treat wives Onla-io Steansamd Antique P-eaet-vet-s Association, the grcup tehl halte ila annual laitier day eelient Steam-Era renins in Miltea, IreatedthUe mat-s mnd smeUshearts of claub memhers Friday enenieg. A ladies' niglit tiener, tance mnd ectet-taimieai met-e helt et t-e iglis in Dalt. Faloiang the smorgaot- tinne- preniteelt Ross Calter cf Presten iatrcdaeet the enet-atine nsensers andguests tethe ccmt of oster 200 cttentieg. Oucala iaclutet Mayoar Otian lient, assistent Halion agt-icaltut-ai represeolalive Mac Acstrling, lai- board presiteni Jins McKay mnd Champion etiter Roy Dowsoo, ail cf Mhltan. A teot ta lie ladies mas proposea it b Atllan lyet-s of Atheele- and Mrs. Daa Kitt cf Raclimoot t-spotdet. Ealectammeat mes pt-antdet hy the- mel.beomo Pool BotheUsc and Shîirley-, and a tance floaet. -Use Champion etassitiets. ema of Use accident mon StMeles Ave, ont Ontat-ie St. Tse fottaming day, Tucstay Oc. -,c iim ran ccliiic occuceett cie packing lt of the- Hailao i colt-nai Macot. A parien car bcloogiog. t0 Patcicia Ocucadie of R.R. 3 Miltan t-eceevet approsimateit- $250 daimage. Police soy Use trt-ar la. volcet left Use scierie. Out-of-tesei Lest Weesday. Oct. 19 ime aut-of-teten mon me-t lansînet la a imo car collision an Use drive- may cf Use liat-hr Gt-eene cf Canada trivemoy. John Lisooltie aI Clat-sen aot Chrielopie- Otattepeules mere th- dt-ivers in- mît-et. Ttet-e mmm notamoge te Use Stathepoules veteicle but Use Lîmnitia ca et-c-ivet $400 damage. A Usird accident on Satartay et SItees Ave. near Platrap Dr. cîvolvet Merga-et E.' Johnon oI Butlînglan ant Roe-tt T. Chesisey oI 280 Ht-stop Rt.' Estimaiet damagc te Use John- acta- mac $5W0; ta the Ciseshe- vetecle 9200. l'te tant collision cf Use monis- and Use fouIsh an Satartay- e-ultet la $120 damage. peiia pasitian, bal ptably Saili Reeve Anne MacArthurt and oa McMillan, thse larn- slip's Depcty Reeve mili defîeîtely lie rcnoîng, lhey aaggest. No chaise-up cf pelilical sca acense likely aa aUl the caunicillars LESSORjLESSOR 1968 BEAUMONT Twa door, hardtop in glistenîng lîght blue metallîc mith matchlng interior. Sic cylînder, aufomatîc transmission, radio. Previaus omeer information avaîlable on 0n00à local amner Lic Nd321$595 1969 CHEVY NOVA 1969 RENAULT DELUXE Twa door sedanmi lime green mlth Fînished in eggshell beige mîth matchin teir Sia ct-lieder, black initerior. Jusf lie new automafîc, aed radio. A greaf car Equîpped mifh radio, automatic for fhe economny-minded. transmission and radial tires. Lic. N830 $49 Eacellent guarantee accompanies i5~ this car. Lic. 787570 $1275 1968 MG MIDGET 1971 CADII.ACNew brîghf red paint and fut- 1971 C DILLACsafety checked ready to, go. An COUP DE ILLEexcellent car for fhe student. Lic. Finîshed en harvest gold mifh a $1759076 dat-k bromn vint-i top and gold clats ineir ul qupped icluding ai codit ig. Ticar has ont- 4000orgia amies Amus for the m $5888 rDEMONSTRATOCR SPECIAL 1972 CATALINA 2 DOR HARDTOP Fi nished cn sierra brome mîth a dark bromo vint-I interior if comes mith jpomer steering, pomer braises, radio, 350 V-8, cufomatlc transmission, sehite mails and miseel discs. Don't delat-on this oie. Lic. N9387 $3699 cttvil 0630 W{iIIEq tn Aah U 25% D~C0UNTON ALL ONRISTNAS LIMITED QUANTITY 0F CHRISTMAS CRSAT 1/2 PRICE MLO 19I ManM.ILTON RtE.STmONC®BEDDING ..while they lust a$ a 95)$5 AMY TWINS' Comae in to-day EVEN and lot Jlm DavkLdso Jim Davidsen showo you dils fine seOWon of "-Restnic"beckin It-idir tbilai Of th and T cilliq mise H omet A Pov Onta 1 . t stue il mn' t-omis dang cang Deny suppl At molli camp Tse c elacel figur% i Mi latins t-at-. aMbi go de md T 0.45 o Ta a pet sladcî mnd o maly i tenait THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F NASSAGAWEYA Notice to Proporty Ownors and Tenants Carrections ta à@l Census List The Assesstecef Office for the Province of Ontario hes subfeiffed the Anecel Consis List (Alpha Naes List) and (t has heoif posted on Ocfohe- f Oh, (972, in the Office oft(he Clark af the Municipal Offices, R.R. Na. 1, Camplielloilie (in the alet af Oraakcillel for Intspection. Residents and prpertyamners are resaested te examine this List fa ensute thet theit eeames and relevant intaormation are ca.-ecfly shatet fhereia. Attention is dtecn e fathe tecessil y fecoemplefhe toequired tai-t, availehle at the Office oftIhe Clerk, tespecfieg anApplication for Alfertfia of Sehaci Scppat Eefy. Ali reqcesfs fat additiaos, cat-tectioesat delef lacs (tam the List wili aetreceîvcdhy the Cîercaite Muaicipal Offices, ahace etiaeed, comeaeecigaan Ftiday, Octoer 2Ofh, 1972, fhraagh fa Tuesday. Octohet 31sf, 1972, fraat 9:00 A.M. fa aie0 P.M.. excuiots Salutdays aed Soedays. The (ast day fat filing t-rris rescestiea additians at- corrections fa ot delefians tror (ho List wili Me Tuesdey, Ocfaot-r 31sf, 1972, ai a;00 P.M. C. TIOMPSON, Clatis ant Revising Oalicet. TOWNSHIP OF NASSAGAWEYA. Four township coundlitors seeklng Nossagaw.ya posfs ~» Wits lise smplema moreo o ate-leoe mndseatedt lley moult Ldtlsnseepaa oMmo tRMASIIU i t-egscoso gct-neot fat- e Hal an M spaigsoog foet lit lI!eaolt lt-Z je- sepol ollscgi I posible ltJna-y1974, thse poat eo-ly q7 eehoo a 3UM Dotenie mmeiolro ft- At thîs lime ne athe- neetet se coonesi *CONFIEOTIA Nasaaeya Tonsp Caencdl 7dasagateeya ratepayeco line,6COFDET nsaheaallllaclbeleted mdîateaayietetmosiîa foAraner deptiay t-et-t of Use *CE OT E reouc ei llorscoladoanry Iserveeo onatt-oeay cntrs in position muaicipility, Gordon Agel of CPtoNATlZcO oac tcensio An ocooccesoilil candidate foc Cacipiiclville aise indîcated lie E N L Ail Use mnicîpality's pcesent Use ceoeahip mUste 1970 electian, mmine icteccate in pîckief ut- a 8822 coaictlaos, mîlli the eception cf Mes. Elizabth Hoey cf Maffol palitical mandate.20 Cal Metetyre. liane seuid tsey twill te seelisg t-e-eleelloo. Ceont-flo- Mety-e solit ho manlt liane la Adm> gmethe Oie mtter coitie-able Usaîîglt hefare maklng a i deciain.FLI' Ec< U 'R K Four yea- vete-oran crllt-lsT cý Art Gilinen said lie wsea committetl te ruming in Use Detmbr etineaa "Use SHOP EARLY qalified te lead Use Tosipliog .etco a regîceal gevecen selt- ceCcancîllar James Walaon I ffv A sggeated lie maaa't "100 pet- opeï Gmv cent and Yeun