No region announcement expected until December Tisere von't be 0535 annoosse- t ment conrerning reginnal governnent for Hellen or Peel Cornies outi alter tihe Dec. 4 election. At a meeting of mome noumty couneffors vils Otario Premier William Davis tant oneek, tise premier indirateti there voldbe an aanseoucement coeeng regiona governent, Possihly is mid-Decemher. Halton Cmmity counciars have eorbed for aeveral mosth 550 eefimng a report on relom gonerniment drafted by tise =ooty TECO comnnslttee. Only Mîtn dinsents froon thse recommnandationss ini tihe report. The key factor Milton ob e1 is tise nomiser nf loerler bosogls inthe regios. Wle thse Conl report snggmtu tlsree (Dahvit.U. Boetingtmn and Norths Haltis) Msilton has sulnnittod a neparale brief calting foafut has-nogi vilS Milton amiaeaa a central Haios tonit Optistea Aller tise meigTisursday, coonty poltcinexpessed optimism that tise majority report wold heacocepled in principal, if not totatty. No annosrement abot a decliso cnncerning a titren or four haroogs region han heen ma4 and o officiai statement hao, yt hen moade ahaut a HIptos only region, althoogs tiser as-e indicationn Hallan la a viable Mn. County politicians had mxpected o poticy asnounoement tils monts about a Hallen-mdy region bot ltaI. lon, yull apporeotly vait ontil mid- li)ncmber. Stoprssors Just titi venis Qoeeo'o Pars Pot a hiall t0 romnors tise nînction for muicipolities n osHolton ami Peel woold ha dnlayed a year t0 prepare for regiol goneesmnent by 1074. Thse provincial government atme dmnind my luisis of fart eus- ledt in itos-ses ainst Aldersint being ioppod off from Borlinglmn and ginen t0 Hamilton, os vas peoposed by a Hamilton MPP. Expropriation objections delay channelization job Constroction of tise ceei chmnnlimio proe-t in Mâlin han been delayed uetil ailoai sntn sps-ing, hecamse tures loai- oseners have -oitjecled IL expropriation notices Slnd es Hallon flegion Conservation Aulsorily. Milton Comneit tearned tit see i ht Mes. Marie Martin, Superovent Fends mnd a tbird tmndnvner nantis ni Main St. have Over 62,000 eligibi. Federal vote Mondazy One 62,000 are eligiisln 10 vole on doors, ment-lise-candidate in seconid terre i office. e conleol, Prior t0 loidng office in Haltan nidig for tise ioderoi meetings, mine and ciseese delealed Murray Keenigion mnd Ohiling voeied on Pubisc eet ion sent Monday, Oct. 30. An pochies mnd coffen parties ocrons Peler McWdlîams i tise 19i <Continued se Page Si.) esumsaled 14,500 ni thase valses lise conly. ns»i be casting Iheir fient isallot. Tise tinren have campoigned Abut 78 per cent of tise eligihîn alenti parly limes for lihel ete ta note on tise tant eleclion cool port. Unempînymn, tamation, Good ballots. tise oInte ni tise ecosemy ami a Wisen revisises are cnsepleled onnentice geranta ta ondunlry isave siscre mdli ha more thm lise 62,000 heen among tise mmt nier grien on thse rais. Tes advance ails dîscusm issues. Hoveve-gif acenss te conry seere opon tant leaderip is thise on al seemo ovleUitdCuc' Stouday and Monday for limae t0 cenp op on every meeting amind- avieUse hrh hnbet oe Ot 0 oeapoie eb ey barber in psilpil bore on anossali mnelvoeon Dc.s.Vle soos1 aaSnp ign Sonday g dmald have ciseehed Sloa t0 votera' mindis. noue noce lisey are regisleed as Me.Hwlo aa m ae ~ " shen lise cosgragalion Che dondio han posaed. Lias ,eaidessand a relative avesamer Cmea eiIsanvr ai. ea wer. oter m « ý ýohepotimi mia*mrhm sai Cfte bisudissg Story, QW a o t VOUS vinr vo -r ci-' lm00 aobnd h wh snd rhtdeg more photos se Page B12. Eron Il a.m. le 8 eieesenlary ocisool In Peel w Trenenchies Comlny. " ~ Aise in lodayns Halloovaotera miii chonne Tees-y O'Conser i an Dakitrte Oapm pea4ad5 btween Liharal incuombent Rmi bamyer sein mont recestiy cluîed 10 1 12 WltnNPcniaeM senwrbed as eserolive commselte1 esistorials Bl, yauth B2: Canutyn Holstein and Con. Justice Seceetaey Allan1 oB4 sernatîve Terry O'Connor. Thse Laweence. e hon hemn ivved shlilnsnS1 d B13, teehave heen pomnding on on paely policy mnd in a seide bcnesnnd-Haseords dors acensa Che conly for a nasloly of copacillms for mmny .11 o b nionos mnd have Sept ap ish years in Haltan. anrgocous scedule nI ksecbing 1)01 Wlnlong mdl ha looig for ý9c Tins ý9c Bti. ý9e 9c 9c 9c 9c it be e5 'o1 0 ' bled format ohjectlioms t0 having tinei- innd enprnprisled for tise aannetization project. Mayor Brian Seat salid Mureay Slnphmn, General Manager of HRCA tisoogt Ivo of lin llsree oit- jectio coold ha cleaeed np by smgotiationo, bul tise tisird omner Mes. Maron gave se ressens fons tise ohjection wisen hier peolesl van filed. Cannot goahad lt mdli cerlainly ha sent opeing, aI onst hafore yoo coold gormay concreeevmu f HCA ad fullailetethlnmd," tise mayor said. An inor nffice sentI have t1. op apo:ti by tise provinial gnvernmmiet 10 hear tise appoatsanmd tise department han 90 dayn t0 moite tise appoint- ment. Aller tihe heaeing, lise HIICA wîll have te avait a serîitn decîsion. HI)CA mms asked ta proceed mith lin channelinalin isy Mitn Coneil, as developmenl in ornerai arsaof ni inn coonol peocerd unlil lise crene in prnperly channetied. (hie ni lise major coscernos is s-molf votes fs-om lien ev DorseI Parks subi- division bsoatl y Wimpey Homes est ni Ontario St., setach van sltei ta be piped le lise Wood- mord St. hemeis ni lise cees jont serts oI tise CPR Iras. Ise tii mnch hane han haen inslalled aI lise developers' cont lot il cml' ha nord nil lise crenis dowsntreamn from lise entry point han heen cismnelled. Winspoy, memmisile, isnaskng perminssion tomue tise M1 (Contnoed on Pote Sie) DST ends Get that hour bock Dayligss SavisiTTiss ends att2 a.m. nis Sssday, Ort. 29. AS eltisens le this area are ueged 10 lare thelr ets ami matcs BACKWARD ose hoor lefore golsg go hadl Sa0nrday sigso. Ibis meeised yon'lli regain a ssher of slrep yen Ionst hanst spelsa mises Sandard Than vas cisanged te DST. ha.r... Cut hoUe in ru to steal druga A Chiel or tieves sels seme îunped feom, atlelie ailsly sone an eollmaled fidong cahbine $2M0t09Stisort of druslenom edhe cabi Ce . Mtn Deg Mel in Mdlton leave lise biso Pana heblmeen p.m SaIns-day lThe deugo mnd 1 Soday. l-ord type" Mdlton Police say enley le Che meCeredine. store wa not me hiacking a sel o hane s hale is Che roof mjCh an mxe ne dcugs ws ef nase. TFie ieves appear te have use. three units HIaiton Counly moy mon ha gaseeya mnst nf 1n Sîdeeoad and snbced Op in a renofn lover- about five-sillhofn Esqneolog hiec bnoaghnopoeaiog nder Che Tonnhip (ail but Che sents-ment guidance of an opper-lie- corner) monld jmin Actan and ceginna couicd. The qution is, Gleorgetowen foe Che nneiseen setS il 10 a thee-onil ne a lour- engion. Miltan's inief oppooing mnil nysino? Che conly sciseme ainseseent t0 Counly Cnmrcifos ut Chel tant lise pcemier and oliser bey TECO confeeence on Seplemner pronincial officiais tant see. dectded, os a majneily vole, Chey The mop aI lafit sos seha Che eouidourge a lisee-anit nynlena nf coonly senuld look bise il Che tnsec lier gnveenmenl. Daisville counoy's peoposed lheee-nt mnd Ourbonglon maCt ni Deeey engion n appenved. Tise sbaded Rd * 10 Sîdeemod> sead 10 Isen orna i-t Che top ni Che map s Che ofe 1 ita, Che remainder ni orna te ha lumped in one orteisn Nocth Hatn Che Chird. TisaI mmicipalily. At elghis thlie mop proposai seoaid lump Miton in a uhaseing lin cents-aimîit Milton 'nbhotgmn macs-sage" miCh Aclen, semba, ain nhaded aeea. Geoegetosen, Enqaesing and Chsance tevote Nasnagaseeya. The coanty's biel Whial do ynu Cmbn? De yon wsea ps-esenled 10 Premier- seml Miltnnmd sors-omdig William Davis tant semis. lands 10 stand ainne in a losee- Matos wnub loue lier mnit, os-do ynu go atong sels Milton, on the oChee lond, la Che conay's vnew Chal Miltan pessing foe a loue-unit Hallon haloogs in a lorgne unit togeChee mCt Milton ami sorsnding seith lin nortelisn tas ami lands encompasomng Che cent-at towsenhipo? mîit. Oabvîlle and Sorlinglon, Clip mnd mail ne bins Che genes-ally mauth ni Osiamia Rd. halltbIo toe 10The Champion. Fine Sîdeesedi seouldine henw 191 Main St., Milton. Let yons- nouheenunomisetailesalofNassa- vies e heaed, butldo it nom. Whîch do you pre fer? t layon lise counlys ps-oposed 1loner MitIon's peoposed loue- Cre-mîl eegîoo us nloon on mnit s-egson as shoun un Che Che map ut tels, loup aI cîgisl. n Ctm'eek One)> F NAMEý .. ADDRESS .... geasns (une sepacate poper il necesoaey> TOIP 4-Ie- OF THE YEAR in Hallon sens CatCy Lashy of As-ton, seio s-eceined a pile ni nseaeds and Is-opisies aI lise Hailen 4-H usenens nigil iseid in Maton Saîurday. Cathy mas oese of 163 bnoeed attse peesenlolinon, coimiosaling n yeaens aclivily in Che vas-ions ugeicultnal s-lobs. (Phoo iy R. Dos) of election., resu t Foc op-to-llse-minte esuIte on.l llon and Hlton- s WentolseoeC idingn in nexI Mondàyns inde-at elelin, I ceadeen as-e snniled tu pisone Tise Champion aI 878-2341 thioonîs eab ewen 8.30 pon. ana l (tp.m. Monday evenisg. ton mlterong, and Once ugulo Thse Chnampin staff seilI ha maoningthse *aet as a todde- t0 pisonss and s-epoesing cents froe Che eles-lion retoening Iding. offices-s' bcudqna-inss in Oubvile and Bns-lngot, an a stalen see ni Che ses-vice ta ceadees. Fu11 coves-age ni rincions in ots nus-h as codeain ami eidingn msSl ha iond in detait in nxl weebns egular Police nay Chey dd ensaisubto odyng y c ban r profit ns- persesel Che cenulîn as lisey isappen by s-ufftng msal 878-2511 or four? 0 Z,-1 A WiI VQL. Il 3 - No. 26 . MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1972 Thirty Pages-Fifteen Cents._