812 ne. Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Ortber 18, 1972 MainIy .conomics Halton-Wentworth candidates grIIIed by members of UBCF Trudeoamania ha& become thudeao-ia, cbarged 1he Pro- gmeanve Caiservative candidate for Halton-Wentseorth, Bill Kempling at a meel-lite- caddt seias ltairsîro cio 1, Losoville, last sreit. The meel-the-candidale aorm wasn soord blie Upe Buringion Citiaeo Farum od mo thelb 60 people Weho tund ont for te eveni were Ilim tite Northn Bonlington axes. Kempling, Liberol runner Nom McGuuonoun and NDP lapeint Dtcksn Bailey arrived it the icboot ait olanoat tie saine lime. lte tino. mon siecs on o open-hmi radio nbow ia Hamilton and dîdti reocu tihe sctio ntili about if po.. Five minute Ail titre. candidaten seere atnseed fuve minutes tu deliver a speecit onllnutng titeir iteitein and oupiraioons mnd tell shy titeir parliratar party nitoald fari the nesi gorerninent i Ottawa. The yoongest ni lte timer btoudern, NDP'er Dictson ltoiley, 25, delivered his pnlitical pitnit lient. "A toao candidate nitould itave a clear concept ofailsn rote,"1 fae naggested. "An NDP governenent sifi provde more prntection for lte nnaît bitnnennsman," ie P'omised. Bodley aino said titere wsea o need for grenier protecion tor Candans espnri and mono-al factoring induntries. H. itnocited lte Trndeau gorerseent for lits tarit of on emlopineni poicy. "'Not aime te Diefenbtaker yearn itan a gorerinnent itee n o usinwflg ta cmme ta gripn seith onemplny- mnt," it. stoamd. tarreased pricen for nloues and itoang, urbain grant, and te need for a re-deiinition of seiat conunitien are ail abotoa, are itey proitlmn lthe neni governmrnt wrd itave ta fore, statedl Bailey. liard hlttlnag A itard itttng attonit on Prime Mînister Tendron bis personalîly mnd gaveremenlal record-iras laoncited ity PC itopetul Bi Kemplaîg. "Irve itren talliig 10 people esery day and I've foutrd tIb elorias ramen down tai persan- alilirn. My oppontentn gel upuet ai tis-titry arr naying lin scraplng lte bottam of lte itarrel," K.mpling painled nul. Kemping naid! the public ta iteraming increaningly concernied ali lte Olrogmnte of Primo Mininter Trudeau. "People are ankiag 'Wit are ne gomg ta do si Trudeau?'; Trudraamanîa lion berome Trudeau-foia," b. tbmndered. The LiteraI gorerement ta seoumg lte publie oeith faille imagea of "sroliting it the fture Oirougit a field ai dlore, Kempiag suggented. H. cited Oie enample uf the propord mmne citange for Oie R.C.M.P. an an. exainple of bol the Canadian publie itou iteen drceived ity Oie LiteraI gorero- Decelved Geîla rnierai Pierre Gayrr denied lter. ouald lie a mmre citange. But ne n iaoa teilierr are plans taeritange Oie R.C.M.Ps nome. Il darun't imotter whither yo're far Oie Intime cbange ar nul lite puit a , ;se were decersed," reileraîrd *Kemplîng alua itnockrd Litera seit camparr Oie Prime Mauister ta Amerîran prenident titriard Nixon itecause ai bth meo's tauas lai farrîgu nations. -Camparing Trudrau la Nixn ia flte comparit Mînbry Momse la Aaîgela Mosca," ite quipprd. "A double dosr ai glmom" nos tira the dard speaker, Literal randidate Narm McGuinnesn drorrird Kempliug's tlit. Whti serre itard na the lypîral Tory platiarm-noOiing ta do nîit lthe futore; just puar maaliîg and itellyaring," saarled MctSuinen Itigier fevel He alo cbîdrd his Tory coanlerporî for dealing senith personolîties. "Peronaily I lite ta keep lthe campaignon aa mach tagiter terri," MctSuiaess naid if lte real isue ite ellection ts ooie itosed on Party leaders, lien a close look sitould br 10kmn aI lte pertormance of lte Prime Mutnter. "Imis gorernirnl itan liera Oie itardeol ooriîg erer-pong ait leanl 65 bilsa per nession." Wt.a lthe Amerîcon garern- ment onpoud the 10 per cent surcbarge on aspurteid guadu, the -cool nerre ai Oie Trudeau garerrmral belped lte Candian dailar ta remoîn nIable, McGumlnens tald Oie audience. 'Measuru sere 10ken by Oie J. R. Curdie OPTOMETRISI B URLING .T ON MALL ETelephone 632-7788 Trudeau admiitration In contrai lb. Canadias dallar, whbn Juin Cannaly ta big Texon style mode a frontal allant on Canadfa,' claiord thr speaker. Tan refanai Tan reforenIrizislalion, an ecomomie ilcoseth seicit aulpacen Oie US.A., taa fo tanOe pru- tection ai lthe envirusmient, incceouedbaousng lauleels, mnd a seitungneas n aitetn, ta lb. publie seere . sanne ai Oie occompami- mentle mnd hy-praducfs ai the prruent tuberaI gueroaent, Mc- Guines remarbed. lisaugb lin ltre. pulitical aspirants bansmered aseay at o raririy of isueus' it oppeared in a quention and onseer prriud wincht fallosed Oieir talits, teiat montaeis and Oie tan structure sere Oie main lapicu ai concere to the North Bairliglan audience. A Guelpht Lie meident Erie Gudgen seantad la buair seiy uecondory mmnuaclurig badn'i tacreaurd th lthe Graun Nationat Producl. Kempttag said Canada ban a "intance ai puyment prabteen", cauned by purcitontng aoier nation' funbed praductn ali anc rose materiata. Port ai Oie praittee in itecauur serrice industries are Conodans fautent groseîng rancero, oit- serraid McGuinnesn. Witen Gudgran ueemed ukeplical, McGuinneuu retarted, "daul mil yaur iled il's a fart." Braarb plantrecosnmy "W. il have a heancit plant ecoomy vieilii dulenul bore arcosa la markts," wsea oOier ressort shy srcondary mono- tactoring s itehiud lte econoru measuring stick, ite poiait out. McGuimcoss ataa said Canada ailiers aI Oie bonda ai Oie "molli- naional corpoaioin"; and Oiat rrrry nalion seould bore ta come ta grîpu ostO tl. Wben lte audience saemed lai oc t lis observaion, h. ulatedl Oial "mhe Generol Motaro Car- puratian ban a larger Grossi National Produci iban mail nations. Tbe molli-national ~f)7JL~. Outside that Counts at Night It's the light that says "welcome home. If o docorative, it's procti- cal. We con advise you on the righl fîxture, then instail if for you ot low cost. For Fr.. Estimatos 0.11 878-4111 See the Display Ut Fiafares Noan In Our Showroom 191 I niadied. Batlny sai b aould veaogainst Oie re-esablnbenn ai Oie destin penaty. Polience's second question startrd a socrehal heaird muniîcipal debair which tokithei spuigit lmporarily off Oie Oiree gurols. Paliene auked lthe driegaten base lteir respective parties seould deali irecent reqestia by Bell Canada la inerenue telepine raton. Patien ial many people in Oie Nortb Buirbon arrs sere iurcedl la sbarr party tines mi 15 nri- Baile> raid the NDP nos agaiso icrraned rateu; abS.e Kempiag said North Bncitagtan residenlu ubuatd pubie for tetter service, and teint Bell seauid bore to av ao goad cose befare il seoutd be atiaseed ta raille chaorges. MeGuinnesa admltted b.diiit't boinse buse b. muid rota. Ailer lthe ltel pofilîcal hopeluls lad drclared Iheir pitiîon, Mes, Ella Foole, seitas Oie couacillor for North Buibon iWard 3) soluid op. "I dan't bos ai any lia. (lelepiione bo) n thOe anrth ali Il peaple an il," abe angrtiy dictaroti. "I boo aixut," Patience mits, mon thOe audience seit uad b.sa Bell employer, claid Oi te maximumnoumber ai pirople on ose line 10, If"If same people wssdd sitarprîs op, Oiry'd rrcoîre itler servico," h. adlsoonithed. Brad Ciementa, Prendent ai lb. Uppur Bariton Citineon Forim taid Oie craird Oiey mer. =diacmg anmedibog ebicb wsea nar fu a local tanne. Wtale Kempng, Mehuanean and Bailry bad ctaslied on numernus occasions, ltey uppurtedanit chor seba ane member ni Oie audiene clibed Oiey sere sbyiag omay foin one ai Oie moabm isue in eectian. .îri ieseell aoitnd seiy Oie Oien7 lymien las Couaa a mItre oegtp, "seou stZ con00,000. He ataoanted seby Montreal i lie Oite itool îly and sol Toronto. Kempling uoîd "tbere are o monyoelectiontissue"iet a bard ta talb about Oem ail. ls. utiier IIsen bactedbton ap. AU tbree ejected Jeeil's uggealn iter parieaseere afraid tadincanatle the Olymplcs bealoe it mouid tar otoaa French-Canada vrnu Enghsb-Canlada c"ai. AI about 11.15 pin. the forata part ai Oie essein was drain bo a clan.. The caddae iningled ali the. audience mnd .l iniarmat talio for about anther corporatin tanin ait a giobal mnarket." Stronger enrotsanmd aid ta idustries seould be panbrd fac hy Ore i.ihrrai gorernenent if f sere retorsed, noîd thr sprakr Mci.iisarno. seka lenedd la laite mare lime ta ansseer questions Oion it bombaianta, apulugiard for geliing an a "suaon". "But the are tbiagn I i..l ulrongly about," b.e enpiaiaed. Mmny af its praponata sere liitad fram lhe Newe Demacratie Portyns plaliarin, Baitey quipprd. "Souteaofsbat Oie NDP bau itee advacating ban badt naine riiect. Il's rery fiar ta bear Oialle commenta rnpresia.. Th. tarmi "carparata ireliare inm" cainai by NDP lrader David Lewis, wsea braugbt up dnctag Oie nil whbm Gudgeou setcbedbiqneutiuning irom Mid tai idustrins ta One ultanu ai "-Yanc purty iatoultbd about corporata hurla; wouId il farce unions ta puy taxes on Ohir tarinîmenla and ta keep Ohir money se Canda?" b. mited Badley. Sameiht heuîtmnty, Boilry oaid Oie NOP seoutd pait for grealer eeonmic conlenta an unions, bol added teint unions sere nul baiarnen. Hou remactu itraugt l bils and derîuîre laugitter front lte audienco. Gudgenn rrlurted mi, "oh yes they are" and Kempiag ogreed mi tam. Wbile economnir malIens daiotad mml ai oite nigbl'u discusson, lira questions dealiag mi aoier isuesr mere brougit ail toruu ity a lKilinide mou, 'rom Patience. Deaub penalty Patience auked Oie gueutu base Oiey seauld rate au re-eslaitliu- mmlt ou Oie cantiaurd bon an capitl ponisitenn, mncit be coauidered o kry eleelian issue. Kemplîng uaid be seauid proabily rote toc lte rauralion ai bangtag, seide McGuinness said the matter seould have ta te 610 Datsun's new Iuxury number. A Iuoury cac troco Daisur" Yes. Our seco 610. If you know our popular 510 he neco 610 as eerytin you d esyrctinr Dalsun's biggec numboc. Thaca s as elegant new body. A smooh, solid ride. A ssyorbly ayyoinled interior And ail the cocofori and safeiy fealuras you need much you car add in the way rofu options, escepi perhaps the - auiomaîc transmission and radio). e Like overy Daisur sold jn Canada, fhis new modal has bars lasled under the worsf rond ilions Ihal could como youc way. Dafsun 610. Il's aol you rnd non. And ail yo'I osver coarI See yosr Dalsun dealer. He's gof your rsmber. 'hraeMena trac 1300 Datsundlrs aosîon Canada ara thu Urnited States FO« DIPENDABLE SERVICE 878-6380 Your Sheli Dealer BELL BROS. MILTON a1ynedow-ýDATSUN crf lac o ye pan Pa ai de Ca Pl de ta go pe bu lie fa ho BI w if l Ou ta i M lb lte e si R ni tu i En li fil fa ai ep 'lu th I. fil rt Oi litr plu lo ani mi