I 6 The Chamnpion, Milton, Ont. Wait, tioptemsier 20, 1972 Refuse permission for poster contest le a itsggeit attempl la banc Halls. Conty Barcd of Eduralian chanuge disir poliey, Miton Ares Fire oard itou once agae.eastei permsissian bo euerd pciees fac iînecu i. lthe citdrea's fice pcecenliao poster conteut. Lent yeer Mille. Ares Fie Bourd did cal bold a praticra au diey boas in ter yeacu. A board rafli; gdi noprieieeuardedo le individuels for poster. angereit dis Millen accu ficefigbtecs. I di te ficul year sine 1957 dis gcuup itudalt ea moltesl unit esenleit prises. Dircr af Edoretian Jies Singlelen tllithde scitasl bsoard estalilisissd palicy cuIsit tut aariing pcizes fac potec olteste. "The Milton peaple feel judg is a higlt point i dis execise unit if diey don't single0 out a aiseser, tlsey fiel tise pragres lias ben tisaaeed," lie tait. Can'tritouse Art cosultat Ed Tliarndybe leidthde liard lis felt lte dli- ficulty aes in cbaasieg e fient, secoand osthIeit plua isinner. Jalei iîrl salit prafeosioael artiole scaulitat lis presuiepuoas esaugi tol suggmlt le a firemn baie lis sliauld fight e f . e endt arliele felt dis seins aiay about liseg tlli aiat lu gonit art. Tsrsitybe tllithde bard lie hboi eien aiarig aidi Gabville tirefiglilers onua pragruailiers- by o costi as iteli bot fie- figlilers matt ulitol e ipley andt ga aie dis seboole as cesaurre peuple. He sni e boit lien workig iid Ibsi since Jase ani thdi Milton gcosp bo it ei ostil sois lo eutse contact foc fise peeventios iseOt. e,8 ta 14. Sonie syepathy Wbile naine iembere isere sympatedie mi die aubhes of tise Milton firefigittere, feis liecite a cesoluliost dut aistiti ses bourd pulîcy amnedi. Georgs Pelietlerio mnade die cesolutias, notieg bie isasl o sors die board aie. deteg dis cigitt diiof. Wlies Tristen NoeI Cooper suggested soinesotat of cmmunications tie uttsinpbal by tlie adosînistratian iitb lte Miltan Board, Direrlur Jus Singleton suggesled e cmpramise ins ie sas lilse lieig bail presidest. Ebenezer By Mns. Rua McLeau Elienezer steards are holding an auriu sale et Prosbcitis Hall, Frîday svnng, tSpt. 29. Michaeel Stefan Walsbysoe Mr. anit Mrs. tlsa Walusliyn, as bapiusi ai dis morainu Ask Investigation on arena Estosates ou iseatisg tise Milton Areea arc iseisg olitatedi for csssideealia ath die thedi 1973 bsudgtg is bitsîg eslehliusd. Counrillar S. Citilis Inuit inestere ut Miltsn Couel Mosday. Tise ruuaritlnr, aibo ta alue rltairosua of dis Milton Arena Boardt, isreplyisg lu an tequiry trous Cauncilsor M. Powys isba naleitdirscuioni te u ts of due Board but o indicatinn ef arion. Mm. Peowysualo imuuirsit about di h6gb must of renflai nuggsted by dis board for use an e hocktey usuuol nant surnuner. A cale uf $11,000 fur lthe pertid isas rentais requested, lnes tigatin "Isalsld a'eaas caa bseressed lar lesu. Tlsece slssuld lie ant minestigatiua le aure diel suc carges are nul ut of lia.," nbe ffggeuted. Cooncillar G. Keenîz, e represotalîne an lthe Acenu Boacd, nateddihe requtut beia nly cme beftce the bourde auple of eebus ugu and thdi board budn'l liedieuci tlime farddeleiled study. "Il sosies lite e bighly esitorbileel figure le me," Reece Ron Harcis abuervet. Meeniers egreeti le foh fac hWllreportlan lthe marier isbei die uecelecy-treauoec Bruce Mellerr cetors. No change in county apportionment Na changes inte o indoaf ralruletusg Haîbants ruunty appoctissnmens foc individsel inicipatitisw aie perenssit, for dhis ysor ut fst. Geurgstoain Rene Ricit Moccuai liertst a ine le bans figures for esssssent perpes spiteei. In lie speecb et rosty mosicit e oned uga bae puinei out lte figures assit farc rosty appectiaiesent aisca tait ysarn aId asnd aiould sut refleel dis grulth in eny spenifie leain for dis pcenus yeer. Geedexaemple Murruai uueit Milton e. os sexemple and suggsed Milieu bitd rnsiderable gruaitin 1972 Juniors open seaison Oct. 6 Junior Hockey gels itsray i hile.n Gel 6 aitthedi Dubilse dis cisiig leosi. verlices guI ndoraa tiosdoy marsîag aises moach Bsrt Bruows sleetedteaip theolubuite siepe. HOME GAMES Oel. 6 Frîitay 8:3ti Dabaitie, OGtl u Sositay 7:3ti Parboglun, Cel. 13 Frîitay t:ti ttcetsnills, Oct. tit Frîitay t:ti Birampto and Oct. 27 Fcîday 8:30 Presto. Non. > tSeday 7:30 Gebviis. Non. 10 Frîitay 8.30 tjsadas, Nus. 17 Fciitay 8:30 Hlespele anit Nus. 26 tiSitay 7:30 Purlioglee. 13c. 1 Fcitay 0:30 Bramosn, Des. 8 Frîitay t:ti titreelecitis., Der. 15 Frîitay t:ti Preslee, Des. 22 F'rislay 8:30i Dunitas eait Dec. 29 Fcitay 80 Heulteler. Jas. 5 Friitayt8:30iurongtas, Jas. 12 Fridoyu8:30Hespler, Jan. 19 Friitay 8;30 Briampton, Jeu. 21 tiosday 7.30 Dabsitie and Jas. 26 Frsdoy 8:.30 Duaitas. Fris 2 Frilay 8:30i ttrestsvitie andt Feis. 9 Friday 8:30 Prestos. AWAY GAMES Cel. 3 Tutsitey u8:00 Streeîsclls, Oel. 15 tiosdey 7:30 Presles anit Ocl. 22 tiSitey 7:30 Hsspstsr. Non. 2 Ibusaty 8:00 Brampton, Non. 3 Fridey 8:00 Burlioglos, Non. 12 tiolie 1:00 Dssdon, Non. 19 tiSitay 7:3f Preston, Nus. 24 Frîdoy 8:30 Duiscle anit Nov. 28 Tusiay u:00 Streetsnlts. Dec. 3 tiaaday 7:30 Hespeles. Des. 17 tiuedoy 1:00 Doedes, Dsa. 21 Tlisesduy 8:00 Braempton anit Dec. 26 Tusdy 1:30 Dekitlte. Jas. 2 Tosity 8:30 Gebvitie, Jas. 7 ilundoy 8:00 Borlieglen, Jan, 9 Tusaa 8:00 Stretuaii. Jas. 14 liosdoy 1:30 Prestos. Jan. 23 Tsesday u:00 Dositas unit Jan. 28 tiosday 7:30 Hespeler. Feis. 1 Tbusday 8:00 Birampplee osnd Fcb. 11 tiosdoy 8:00 Blibglen. Extended Buyer Protection Plan Peace of mind for 24 months or 24,000 miles Anterican Motors malin auomstlne isistory lest year wits ils Boyer Protectios Plan andi now tissyne infrodilceit the Extenitei Boyer Protection 'Plan. It's anailable on enery 1973 AMC car. Ths plan Is su differrent, so0 remarkblle, thet 1 soant ts dlscoss il aitis yoo. Tises you'il know abat a great breakthrough scene made. George Clemeals An alînew four cassenser tisa itasc nasshaai has lien .ditdt Amassasn Mutao' compcts Hoccos [cLiessor 1973. 00,5 roc r as folded, Iugc volumoe is icsisosd com 9,5 ta 23 0 c ubs fret, allowic5 fac ine a 5slin oi long aIlectt5ic the tossaon ofa station wagon. The tua hifer hainS canet. fit ents s single unift, is tAlc couonteeialacsstandlcasesuor laises esrIn atn the ausoi "5as- spcfcgs, ccccqy al, rcovec anis boaipscsnnteiS Sans linn seabicosînel, siecOcd isith th tcrs rshnew boity style. The Hoccst lleisSîenk is on sale nais 'À and tlet grouiti sliauld lie reflecteit is tise 1973 aplsurtioniest. After rissng aitîl Qoeesaf Peck andithdi regionat assena- mnent aff ira, osty Irsasucr Jion MrQuesn saidt Ilise as nu legînlalios dial aiauld permsit sotesdotg dis dole fac suliiittisg prapassit appurtîunmsnts ta Qusen's Parb. Adinsistration comiites af mosntyrtosrcil agesi tacs disth malter laisen sp authdi ACRO convntion te as ef fart ta bans leigiulatioa rbangsd. -tisceral local ossosiers of dis dStars-Ece asociatiuon aiel ta Alsosnitria, N.Y. on dis aieiesitd le assit tite Newi York astique sliaai Knock warni (Coonsite Jcu. Page 1) mouId stact up ut ny duse." Kspt vigul Milles fîceosen bepl vigil et thes site unsîlj out: O a.o. Tiresa lsen cweeatlthe scn. Orcause the tire wsta still sioasiteroig unit preseneeia tirent, fire officiuls aeed dis faiiy le sasolai e aetrb os dis bora. 'lTse Rtces' titres yossgest risilicen sleyet aitit relatives fur tdis tioîu uf dis nigbt. Mc. Ruche asnd thes sliesl ton Rirburd, 15, aisnt le beit, aitei Mes. Rtsh sleyed p in raise a ssititm gosl of aiei re-erticetet dis huase. Dtitg dis day as Munituy, Mc. Rurche, Rintent, asit Mrs. Prishes rtrisr--aai Celeste Perlera mllerteit stilI bong legs unit placedte issn eose pile le prevnet a possibls speead of dis fire. cause undeterrinedi Casse asit estimaeei duinage of dhe bleue hune nul yst tesen iteocuuei iy the Milles Fie Depurîsseet. Lots possesiouns Aboaut $1,000 aiardi ut cludien, lests muaier oules uni t udir feosily possessios isers lut. 'Weaieee usîug dieibuildingsnas a sturage place," teys Ruche. Escept for a feai pet rterbsos anit sosn strais anit bey, Iiese as nodiing slsc le ths builings. A msaintsears supsecinur in Toronto, Rishe says lis ramaIt msimale die lasa. "It's bord ta tlil; I douîis y00 cun put a prire os as aId bsarn. Thsy peoaily caut cvn lie hut ledoy." la..0 Racie baus dolre tensure Thei f aîiiy chancelto le, heîptul min o leur. At the Berkshire Nursery it's 34 genuine originals to 5. No, 7h07' 213137 teache' ticore. 34 out of39tis reihly tihe number of nursery kids in Mîiss Dorothyti Bershire Villtige Nursery who corne f romn wtirm cosiy homes heted Lsy noturil gtis. And thtit'i flot fars from the avertige for al the tst of London, too. Wheru 77% of al homei and aptirtimenle hov lean efficient nutursi guis foc hea, or hot wtiter or tipçshtisces. And whnyou'ne been working wei a paint bculih all mosnîng. thuttsi mportant. UniL-dGas Celer Yowi3brld CSPECIALS THIS WEEK Hoavy SHAG CARPET 100 per cent Kote tise vitai fibre for carpet lusory featurlng oststanding resiisence and texture 09 retestion, excellent pife rncsnery af 1er preneurs, 8 95q'vt durable, easy cieanlng. Lime Green, one Inchspife W Reg. 13.50 NYLON SMAG SCULPTREI NYLON Light anit iarb bioe e a Strong durable carpet In attachali Reg. 7.95 6 Sq. 'it attacsel Rag. 7.95 Sq. Yd. NYLON GOLO TWIST Maay eflier carpefs a Offereit ut our iowest So RSnfai Oypa prîs eerReg89 S8 yd Bys Kreus - Peerless- 340c MAINRe. .9 Sq. MILTO 878-3435 Oymia Hill wii run agula Eequentg Renne tRUas ao = about lia rudremuiit ama about $12,M0 wortb to retire frein, polital 11eife " 01 wi tet aions. e mid hg os lthe buildings. Y-e andt bau ennanceit hie noieeiaed for renne. dinten intentilo run agese for reece ie rit thetat me ge a ibis Decemser's tmuticipal Hill defeatet Malcolin rtsnaof thse elctl~îon ieemn nala 19a70of ho isocbed on their Teee bd lieos pcuater o tise tlshýerecntreciaoitfeory 1970 fstor Thoie etoit trn is cî r eon lthe tise reeet c fhGrge Cle Se. the 79730s now and you'iI agree we bil them better and we bock them botter. Motos PONE i;l("Ne e APF as r Une efthI Mile Crecli flsood lime Milton Coi reqeet il Canada. Ibe eune ofdthetype *or ait te, cetbe lat ornait or pu St. streams Ci Ne% Fen fair ia isee exhubiters curtein te amical fait * 1 ture. nsssplme foutursa of goend cowi Ibe tisa * id, plec sFildey ent dhe terges ID lthroug l dms main i Pre"io beaitueile baly dirno dis 1972 reord4et helpece neyeraI arraegera A neis r uder cou inal o t preuident poultry b.e onerlloir eeal y saei bu building, coeitrel nandulie, resepletie Serets dis fair1 îWedneeit nais outil Anothei year's fai e esica ridera ou Stabbs pesilor i front of th lise utfici and s0ere and Prie Wbitîeg L officiel q 'Ibere e for lthe lit Cenadiai coipetiti, giel ares Prieres. yeac'u q aiiseterul. by dhe est te lthe ji Senior gi fille wilIlp lthe luitge Aeotbei e liveuler peut lthe Saturday being ce named, judging i Fritay pfteucta Hoilten Saturi club jl wble di bseny e Jersey ce ralie, i judged interbree go ut 3 p p.ie. on t due grain oucit of i George alill be p Saturda: dluptey ope. Fr! Pin. and cloue et Cuinpe negeteb peserni Institute plante, à extebîla, club isor ballu at I Aruni 'Ilere s boediu, dhidbeg