Ms The Chamepion, Milton, Ont., Wed., September 20, 1972 Short, subdued nominations Young woman teacher NDP choice By Dan O'ReOly A pretty 24-year.vld peblhr sehorl teacher, c-ho tsa supporter of uromeats rights. wnil ho Oie Nen Demaccutar Purtyts Haitua ridmng contestaat la Oie Cret 30 tedecul elerties. Aiea. Carulyu Holstemn ufthOe Teath Liac Etn, nul jais Progrenasire Cuaserva tire camidate Terry O'Connor au a challenger La ieramhoat Haltes MP memeshr ltud Witlag. fThe Uiberul MP has repreaented Halta i the Haute ut Canus lance 1960. The lady teacher riceired Oie poi fruai Halisa NDP meaihori la a namination meting Wed- neaday, Sept. 13. Tise meeting nau iseld la Oie United Auis otiera Hall ta Muctia St. la Milton. LessthOan 100 peuple shoned up fte tereat. One apportest Au Oubrille drirlag lastructar, Albert Terpatra, 51, nua Oie aidy aUier coestant tar t posaionu. A third individuel, Srlaa TrhppleLaa Ras aumated, bat ibippleton, a bigi s cissl heacher, decbened. Trippletua had beta Oie cumpaiga manager tue Ken Gelais, Oie NDP candidate lalst Octetis proritclal elertias. The nauunuts mas a Short sud samenhat abd!edaftair. Tht htaude-haired Mca. HoLlela deteated Terpaira by a 45 La t esajaeity, nhen the rais nua called. BoUi coatettants hamisd Uieir apeeches tu ahout tire or sla minutea duratiat. Terpaîra criticiatd tise Liherut gareraimeut tar ita handhang ut Oie utespiarmeat aituation. Aesung ther thms, lie ad- vcated the bildlag ut aperts tacifhis ta apur jos. Mca. Holstein echaed Federal NDP leader David Lewis' attacs su large corporatios fer est paying Ohir fair sisare ofthases. Mes. Holstein aisa, isncised t Uhoerais fat their jais peicy. Ont ofthOe ladyts bey planta la Oie electasa niail ho nmenas riaihis, die utated. Reely hnuulug Terpatra, nisa vu a memeshr if t Laho ar ina Hadaau aur 20 reara. apaise tiraI. Ht predicisd Oiat if the NDP mire ta farmtesOe gavrnesent it naaid peuh tue hottar haulang, aid ta mall huaminesman, hoUer laber- msanagement relphaos, a tederut automaisile masutance plan, und atlter aocial plapt. Wages sud the prie ut living la Canada, nere aUier issuea lie touched on. 'Peuple areut able Laid the audience ta laak ia their ta Save $75 in tree moaliai," hie pacheta aad they waatd discorer decared. where tht large hbadoans theat Caaadiaas are i pour physical campamues receive came tram. shape, i claianed. A physicat Afte sr d ms tlaished tue tiLamus prgudwudbuea elegate attacked ber stand se La andenmande if i mas maman's righia. "Isut thlu eltec La Purliament. "Whsa woma liberatian cmevntent a peaple aren't healthy, tisy'rs est counter-revoluntary plotadvert happy," ho maggesid. tie pubic tramt the main Mlmaat ss ads Lapic Tectistos ase? abuksd Albert Taichis ut argaid far lise implsmention ut Gegetown. paety paiticu la the municipal Tuhielua qustionsvoksd hwla scene. He denauncsd lise of laugister train bis tes pirty sqabhgsd dicisorise af local mamberu. pallisu"ms are individuels Wilhaut gettLng upset Mes. and net warbing asua tiesm." Halstein uaid uhe didn't go Whdle Oie audience applaailed lanking tue ditterences. "l'm for Terpstra, mssy af is idens peuple, that's wby 1 chse lise uppeared La be unenesctsi sud NDP--becaune ut their lack of lost. Plia sumewhat biuapy style discriminatian againut yuung of upeshiag was la esariss peuple, waien, or whal have cantrast wits tise umnats yu," site aaswirsd. elaqaence af Mca. Halstein. Muath en wurl ýJaslsSociety,, Huat niines ere asisid hum tout beiag virulent or esicis to tiey mauld upem n orerly-druesallc, the Ern aria tise cantpaiga trsO, meeting Ose lady ltcto thL Oe Lisera encira- pablie and caavsasing tor votes. aetous record. "Perbapu la yaur Terpas aid hie mmtld upeud memaory linger Oie phrases "Juat us mach timo as,pm-sible Saciety" sud "Las retarm"- aithugs saine sO ms Uid promises made la 1900, during. have La hoe spiat saraingi Ls t days when ne wece hiag "blees and poaai." caarted isy tise Liserai Mes. Hlstein saitdslt witl garerament. Canadians mers eet ail bier aime sud esirgy fer cancled, kissed, thon aller Oy. theelectian. "I havi beau gives a electian, mced anal arrogantly leave ut absence tramt watt tue igaured," sise said. Ose mnUi ut Octuor." Haviag s Peoplei Haitunanad la Canada mnti tf aris naiuld greatly have gran ta distrust tise halp ber, si saggisted. Trudeau garerameat, se Party memeshr Dinh Nieunlaat cisarged. Canadiens have u atteare as i ditcavered Uiere la an mverae o avezre no h relaisa hoaeen paticies shated questionuof persunel aisns versus and peticiet enectial upes, sise party peicy. "'Hum nuuld ysa qaipped. 'react nhea yuur persunal At a candidate aise muA teelings cuaflicted nits tise cenurt tirtlfto auhOe issues NOPas stand?" ie deaaded ta Casadias are caacerned abut kow taggeuted tise speaker. Terpstra said if Oie saitat *Canadies ae cunceraied about camne up hoe nuid give i han peatianers se taced ta live cumiderable thoupht isat mari mu subsistance levei, about Ose Uiaalaely nsald tuolln Oie Party shartage ut gaad hantes, abouat han. Oie eafarced idleness of saemployment." Omurconscience Wamea'a rigis nul play s On tise uther haad, Mns. large pertion of Mes. Hultlela's Hoistein slad .there nsuld ho hid ta isecame Haltunus nccasions nisere bier n represmisative, if ber speech la conscience naaid dictate ban sise su idication. vutaduand actad an certala lsses. Shisaid thte Csuadien public la Th qusto nrows Oead sa namn e tn delegates nies asked ta mars rgresusecond clasa citismes teir balaots. The ote nus 45 taS8 througs ignorance aud prejudice. la Aira Huislela's haver. "Ibis la nby orly tna per cent ut aur lanrera are numen "Saine people say s oa' camere ta20 er estla placelalainte home. Yupeople Franc" aie pallai ut, bave iseain sisi bu a place la Larg co~fSteu mi Up J" .sofu Cffamone," nus han udvahaea isyestme lsa Oielady cadiat sammid up came unduerOie lady'n gais. Sise ber victory. Pretty politician Lady enfers politicol orena Whet ase mas a yaunfater an ber tatr'a tares i Strertaville, Mca. Caralyn Holsin beiped bier aher sud tnt aits niOi t haymng. Tisere musa lacis ut haya i the taaaly, ai Oie ginl nere tarcef ta pîtc i. Damng a mut' joh in her cailher years maihave had seetig a fo antis Mrs. Hotatela'a decialan La jamp ita abat han beta a msanas prettrre-tht potitical arena-at 24years ofage.. Laat atts Aira. Holstin a isacher, uai chaien hy Oie Haitta New Deesucrats La ho Ohiu standard bencer i t Oct. 30 fedtrai electitn. Tht lady nuIt ho up againua a Laugh appanent- icuaibent Uhberal MP lOuf Whntig, hon has held Oic Haltan Seat sinre 1968. Mcs . Holstein eclared hec ratdifiacy ttr Oie Halise NDP nmaiotn alter Stephen Alcacs uthdrea trues Oie race. Alcacs, 24, had heen rhtten hy tht NDP carlicc inthe year NaIsa lasatir Cuesen's rights or laciso utheim mili hon fc uthOe hy isauta i Mcs, Holstisi hfotr a scat i Oie Hute ut Cutuaitai Hoatrer sheis not atuaatcalnaomen'his type, sait coajuref ap y stme. le sayt shec au cita exmples ahore woie hart aImant heen retuued emplayeet hecaute ut sut petduig thoir marriage certificates. Htnevcr ase saa dnucrrooatiuo auris tait aays - thare are laws whirh go agamast mien. >What l'm really for as peuples right,- sho peits tut. Oct O athe upperesat isaues in Oie lechtint ho b Cafata ua thn structure, predicts Oie tcarlicr. She e tducrs NDF tuiler David Leeis' attacis un large corperatioatnsat pyng hatictfair shareoflaxes, Prurifaig mure tissu just a suhsistence Sta tîiuedlcn tue.ýf Canadiaca, e 's e (i al11r peasiiarru. wiii alsu br ad- cacated hY the lady i her tim to Latoure a spet in Paiaeat. aigu Pullution setuapeorta a pieu tram Tvrry O'Connor, PC cadidate for Halîsa, Oiat Party cattetats araid aîgn pollution hy aaty piacing eleciiot pouters ut prîuolr propeto. Shc poit oui arcrc.r the NÙS hi au had suris a pehicy lac thc laul chre yeacu. Mes. Holstela la a leaciser at Caiileslial Seior Puiel Scisesl i Brampton. She isachors grade torts and eigist English. Mus iSutrunchag aithOe schaul ia ne ut bec atruageat supportera, bier huthufd Briat. Briat, misa huila tram Aunteahia, says bets behlad has mite all the nuy sud miSl ho -endorsingle for te neat four yeara". He isarbes Science ta grade atenand eigbt atudens. lise Huliemas mire esurried abaut a yesr sud hait agu. tirisu had heet un a tire yeur traval jasut nisea tise couple met. 71hey lise unthOe Teth in e of Eri Tonsip. Philosoblts By KdIlàSIe""lluesss Wisau -s hal, let un buüd fer basnde tocéieil à. SuÉ the future, sut for prisent OuttAeslit piseurs sely. Lot it be mesi a iqa s& iis M r i wk -asur descendanta w01 "Sesl"aOurw ther id fein e~ SEE TUE COMPLEE IAISU LIME at MILTON FAIR FREE FUIE! LUORY IRAW A UI North End S. P. R Sal les & llervis 1W 235 Stîmies Ave. Milton, Ont. Phi. 878-2471 fl SAVINOS at Serve ÀG ilhs LITTLE GIS'I DRESSE $ Machine washabe- acrylic. Very cate stylet. Navy skirI with attractive caatrasting tops. Canadian Marie. First Quality. Sizes 2 la 6X. Note thse Loto Price $ l WOMEN'S PANT SUITS Many, many styles to chaase tramt, iaclading dauble kaîts in plains and attractive designs anri coloars. The neur taede laak tabric thatlooks lise sacrie came la breown enfla arange aad beige diesign. Sizes 10 ta 18. -The Gra dresses. whiîte. T pleats an DNG DRESSES înny Laook s here, In these1 cate Tht top lias Lace Trlm apcd se ht shirt ls a calourtul PrIat toîlli self td fr11 at the battan. Sires 8 ta, 14. $1lidai9nl97 0 GIRLS' DRESSES Other Styles pricod as Low as$13.97 GIRLS' FLARES The eewest styles and calaurs that are tare SPECIAL Wudi Walo Corclaroy nîts 28-Inch batams. ta pieute. Very smart cambinatians af Combiaatlans of Parpie and Wlni; Green calaurs andi design. FirsI Qaalmty. Sîzes 8O PUR HA and Bran; Braown wilOl Belge. Fashianiti Prce ail 59.97 Acrylic Cardigans . These are marie ta toîl ut a mach hmgher price. Machine toathable. GIRLS' KNIT PONCHOS Kaît witis Hevelty designs Ihal mako thees very attractive. Sîzet 34 to d0 PANT SUITS Evr LtleGr wl'wn neo tee Gald, Wîae, Navy. These smartly styleti 2 plece suite are madi EveryLttt PocosGi r o l aty e tises of long wearing easy ta cari for Acryîlc. samo willa hoeds. Canadan Made. Fîrst Our Price Prettl dsgsadwavis. A large Qualty. 3*97 assortmeat ai calaurs ta chasse tram. Q A t yt e. o 4 , 9 S i e s 4 t 6 X S i r es 8 t ai 1 4 tIhLooPrice of BO S, ] 6e7 $89 GIRLS' PANT SUITS Canadau Madie ot Eaty Cure Acrylic. Tlaey have plain tIare ltg pants with a hatriet puillver top with aavelty knlt tiesigas. Sîzes 8 ta 14. FLARE PANTS Otîde Mule 100 per cent cettan carti that are machine etashable and loag wearîag. Came ta Plain caioara af Wiae, Navy, Breon, Tan. LITTLE BOYS' SUITS Thos are rially very cuti. The pents ari plain with cutIs on the bottoms. The topts are pullover vest style wlth s varlety of designs and colours. They are Canadiena Modi of Wash and Wear fabrlc. Sires 4 ta 6X. otoalt Prîce. 9 ,0 Prîced Loto at Qslowiata7 $4.,o 7 Now Priced at OnIy$7eSD At Savmway you wiII find first quality merohaoedise - plus the iatest fishionsai loin dbuoe.nt prise Self Sub Serve S TÀ Post Office IN THE MILTON PLAZA Wlth the purchas of a BUCKET o BARRE a doudcous 16 oz. container of MACARONI SALAD (this woek.nd only) Keitocky FI.d Ckick.n figerc,n 900cP CHICKEN VILLA Main and Commercial MILTON ...878-4171-2 O R 1MO. S-TU. 1.3s.. mîdah FOU RS MO ST.U 11.30 am m 7J11P SUNDAY- 11.30u.m. -s8e.. »SI WITHOtJT MUCH FANFARE Hilton New speechs ta the udience. Her only otiser Deesucrats clause 24-yeur-old Mca. Caralyn uppeasent vile Albert Terpstra of Oskville. TIse Hulstein s their candidate for tht coesing tupat tatis place la the UAW hall ons Marin tedteral electian dringa nomsinatian nightlet St., itonai. waeis. tira. Holstein spictu'td delivert.glatr (Photo by D. O'Reilly> L