Passport to Holton program Is popular Tihe FPanoport to Halton" prograra appeaco ta ta turniiig ioto the mont popotor attraction ni Lhe aututoloiseacson, .nccordiog ou harried stenograpnevn ait marden Jiai Smaohorougo'n off ice in the county buildings, Milton. Sin the prograra mai aaoioceil on Sept. 8 Oiey have taien detiged mih raid froma famillesnandschail griops ocros the county-alt neeking the -panoporta muîch permit free adrisin o n16 ofthOe cnlmity'i9 attractions on trve meekend. thsm fail. 'Otoey're reatty plOmb up, in' reatîy gnîng neermwell," said the morden neeretary Mca. Bertie Hortan. I te rirai feai dayi alter the programi mai annoanced tlovre more neer 0,000 appli- citions remeieed. Forai ygroupe Tearinero are meiting in tac blocks of poonprt-ttt0 or mare i a tiine-but the moai respanse tan beon froin famal groupa canigmin siie frira three 10012. The Warden's -Passport ta TNENTY-FOUR-YEAR-OLD hIcs. Cacolyn ainocceonfiot NDP candidate fer Haîhia Eant Holstein 10 thse NDP candidate for Halton, inlast fails provincial election. At lefO is SOrs. atter lteing dhonen hy the NDP delegates Oint Holten's husbind Brian. weaek. Srs. Holstein is congratulateot by ber(PhPotoS by. O'Reilly) campaign manager Ken Gelob (right), Bruce St. prolect is costly Milton Cînit autO seeb the Ontari St. portion toc o ta acquice proporty, ony O clarificatin on the plans foc the sîgnîtîcant amnount", ho cintare il. Bruce St. Schuo, members maontamned. Coneil meraters notad they agreoil aller mnsdering dmring tail inquired of the board lis tee meeting Mondîy mhat Oie The waynr eu nde met Ontario plan toc the site eorty Oni year. Holtîn Conty Board of Heritage Foundation repre- I0 mon saggented a turlter letter Educatîonh in0 mid aiten i0 sentativen mite tOa merabers of te airittan aslong toc more detail recenlly pot (Se building and (Se Board of Edmcatn but Oiat sifice the policy basn ma been prnperty on the mnarket. organionirmn dis nt bave fuini mstahsted. TOto Hatton Bonard lant lTmusday indicated the netai bulding mai avaîloble toc a -omlsota t any grnup e d a p o l w tas t se' lilti aosieI hunlorîcai porpose and the land mai acailabte at an appraised value.cRoarhoce i of Mea Ith Unit nubject, referrmng ta the hoard's cecent dominion. Ho sqggested lOy a vote of 3-1, Enquening HomîtO oppaned i0. eouricit nhnuld do aibat Ol could Ont Council Monday night defeated a Embfer i tee eeening clerir retamn tee buildig ami mme ia otnin (Sot mould have ovincieed treanorer Ocimar French ccad a location moid ho noitable toc a issue of o building permtit On toIler frm the heotth unt brset wii iaidaped gounds Umincta l[iaigrade te replace a informiogenouocil that Mr. on tee Ontario St. nide addùnt O rentamrait and tour hedroora Giangrande moutd hive O tu taon. Fîv idecoad and Highway 25, and emre aneptic tankhmitho Cost plenîy suhîect tucndiionlaid dnmn by minimum copocîty of 4500 Mayo 0.Ben nugestd Oethe Haltan Conty' Health Unit. glalions hetore he mnuld ho tond vatie mould place Only Counrillir Wilfrid Lenhie Aarin On or ou ond. i, r teiscuions vieil ahoee 1100,000. sappnrted the motion, ahite ApocgterecnclMc tl cai eoe the to gottiof i0 tor Deputy-reeve Ruonell Miller and Giaigrade mon lnld hy Reevo modcnt nain mithout seteng off Councîlloro Oct Coxe and Oint Taon Htill tt on long as e loyt en Plaque commemorates history of Halton Co. Hatton's name autO ho and Oronte in tel. Thrnugb Conmemnrated mîth tbe oOOenoOionn. the total humiler ot unveilaig ami dedicotion of a nom muoîcîpalîtîes bai been reduced tantorîcal plaque ait the county O necen-Acton, Burtington. administrotiîn buildint in Enqoesing, Gegetao, Miltan, Milton, iloturday, Sept. 3f ot 2 Nissogameya aid Oabviile. p.m. The ploque mos the idesoif G. Fronir Thompsonnof 137 Thromas PLANNING FC t., Milton. A heen bîntariai, Mc. Thompson served the county toc inany yeors an directir of the MILTON PUS Clilren Aid Sonciety. i- arote tee cuoty tait yeac ucgmng a At the Fali Fair, plaque ire erectad ta preserve the Hatton naine. Visit nur boofir and mi Storted lait Hilton mon formned an ai The S.C.R.L.S. mulim electal and militio district i 18n6 and m as named aller ftlc- W5nHalton, nsccetary o Be sure f0 Faîs Gore, LIceutenant- Goenrof Uppr C-anante On 1853 a Procînînoal Counlp Cooncil max omcd, mî(S Iinoled pomern, and rh couricît betd tas fient GUITAI meetig aI Tompain's Inn "i Milto. ndeprodence aid full G U ITA R municipal andl judîciot pomern mece gcaotvd o Halton Jon, t, THURSDAY. S On tiraI ycao tire county Hours 2 9.0 Enquesîng, Trafalgar, NelsonEN O and Nassagîmeya. Nom St. PauI't Chrittiai mooîcipalîtîen ocre crevotd Main SOcs nîtin tire connty hy the Loave f0 play rtho nasy ayip incorporation of Mi nd Oak- everc oek. Gnius cae bei ville in 187 Gergetown in 1865, clisses or callcoleer "Gu irnvtîo in 18 f7:3, Acten n 18 l74 895 Barton Mollie MacGregor SCHOOL MR. CHARLE~ 0F DANCING is taking over ti MODERN JAZZ Barber Shop. M BALLET- TAP like to welcome HIGHLAND [ and also new o IN FO. 878-9788 MILTON LEGION MMi carried out theurisiblescouncit inouid write ttiem ta gîve their approvat. Enptaooong bis reaisons for opposinil tthe mot ion, Councittor t2oxe said he feit it migtt put too much pressure on thre heatth unit to gioe the project approval. He nalid he fett ionne of a permoit neoutd tic prematore. Fiee gutteot Morions Rentaurant wtoch prelist operated at the naine tocation. >R THE FUTURE LIC LIBRARY Sept. 22nd - 23rd rot pour tibrary trustees. edia van wiII alno be at the nee that loci' t LAND LESSONS EPTEMBER 7 stilîS pe.. *L NOW n Education Centre et, Milton Music supplied chords &nsoen arravnd for nêildee artd adoit itae Laed". St., Hamilton 45-5332 SO TORONTO he former Larrys r. Charles would former customers nes. St. Miltn Halton' prograint mai deslgned la gmt lomit taiilies out ioto Oie cnuotpn Satirdayn and Sundayn enon Sept, 30 O Oct. 15. The prograin ntfers admissinons ta 16 Halon attrsetiooi-parks, minciras, librairien, industries and more. I as set up asa fun prigrai tir famies aid groupi ta farailiarize reoidents mih the enîatiog ocenir, hiotorir. indaîtriat and recreationat attrîbuten ot Halton and ta help deeelop more pride and internat i tinn i Halton. Tois Friday lis the deadline for mailing applications for paisporta. If yoa're intereite write Warden Smaiboroogh, c.,a Haltn Administration Buiding, 491 Steeles Ave., MOlton and tel lua 1oma y psinsporta yoo'd tilce. The pasoporto milI be ntaraped at enco of thte 16 stops and a corapletely staraped paonport booklet adO ho s good aoseenir if yoor day-teipping in Halon in the faO if '72. FPlease Not... The office of Dr. David Hardie at 224 Martin St. will be closed until the New Year. Dr. Hardie wiII be taking a Dental Course until then. Thank You ITALIAN CANADIAN CLUB: * MILTON DISTRICT s :'"DANCE s : Holy Roiar Parish Hall : Saturday, Sept. 2X/d112 :Tony Benedetti Orchestrae Dacn :0p.m. to ia.m. et * Alaiconme Frie Buffet Lunch g *Members '2.00ea. Non Members '2.5Oea.: THE WINNER l-~WLIof the '"OPTIMIST CLUB of Mi ton 5-,50 DRAW For the Month of August, 1972 MR. B. MALONE R.R. No. 2. CompbeiIvIIIe MILTON, ONTARIO - MILTON- 878-3272 or 878-3208 tSeotimen, Sun. Thri Ttrrs .0 Oiip Fri.and Sel. .00 a 9o0p.m ma20 n.,.21 &12 sa.23 s..2 m...25 ro2 wai27 ià..28 &1.29 ttie div.M The finit lasdy guouiMu COMtNG SOONI THE BOIFATHER October S-l12th One shonoaacireoeeint- Spo Adailsson-Adoifs 51.00, tfdnts-il 0.0, Childroo vin Deer victim of accident A ca North Ha Sept. 10 A ltt mnvotved tople on accidents entinnate Saturd ocrurred 000075, As aorenu la s pi Donald ville. Th (On One colision nouth of Drivers Kosanti Galli roqo MilI 73 22nd THE ANAIAW1 . CHAMPION iercollision Satscday Toronto and Bacrara Pratt et te Aefhsrted as Siecnd if 15 accidents in Ose Willow lit. Acta. Kapetioau CI&$ ail Ion ams patriilled. by iecelved imusr iseinim in die Postal Roglstrtn FF dnrlng Oie week of accident. Anos utimi $1,1109 Nimber -0052 tai 10, police isy. total datnagewsdunetaothe te t of 20 vebficten more vetucîro in the 15colliions and 14 ntovord in rs of the . Pvoperty damage a dl ta total $16,475. syns car-deer accident von 10 Sideroad Nains wto te Guel ph Une. SQUARE DANCE0 dmup truck driven by [on ot Rit. t, Camapbell- edeer mas hitted. s amne day s tain car P R Y I accucred on Highwsy 2 invîtved more NO CHARGE nos apetneau of Palerma Public SchooI. Thuraday ___________ September 21, at 8:00 p.m. Jio thue ton, Learn ta dance. Beginner classes stertling n0w For Informain Pu phaspOa 827-1631 or 844-0906 MILTON LIONS CLUB BINGO AI McMîIIan EVERY THURSDAY, AT eger Motors Ltd g*DSROTna O U ists his triends n MITO DITITRINIHO tn, Oakville, WILLIAMS AVENUE MILTON ettoitle arean to EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7.30 p.m. e in and nec thue new EUA GMSATpm teercury, Lincoln RGLRGMSASpm on disptoy Sept 2 JACK POTS and 23rd. A I FALL F local mn (Se anot Mtntfln A HAPI Homes division bld in firm gr Le, sci A hon beloal ai Scinal a Octor, Miltan's Mwo schmi desire foi decided J i sachoi Onus neai aid soui -We dl replies o But with ninai therosa busi servi onys Mc There considec mould ha nuze ut h studenta the ber sudentu hy 7.30 ScOool p nos5, 1 (S Thte Le ta opera oonnng aiould pi coin. Tt met clou More proporol te e 1 ot ta i Sie onys reality ii interest. -IOn r etiint handdmg peuple," SeE apF AnO beacmng Spimgh ai apes PiOn am ichedai tewnsh Tiiesma