B a flioai blet. Mina Io rd au Ainlg tise pragraln neyerai nslructiva asjayed isy IOUR RIADIRS 'WRITE:] CONSERVE BUILDINGS TOO Dear Sir, To.day most people connider conservation important, bot they relata this word mainly toi the land, ils flora and faima. ttigltly we have bacane conncuo tha rcanrsdlaamotnhrtge and ana which munt hapaavdfor our l=de ndttr geneatioms. Tihe prenervationof old buildings la anntber araa of Conaervatonu, asnually important, but ona waiici s n ot nraunad sufficdent public macian for daflalte palicies la ha madin. . Tagdically weenare npnttilc about aor fine nid builddings. IlTaar Sirtn ditla"i "tis value of tisa land la more hsspatasst" - "tia axpansive la rentea" - "ils foost an nid building," - tise are soime af tisa csa and tbnngbilasn ressnrks oaa heurs, and beonona of tise cultfghte dolar,ndpubliap buhildings whjc are istoricaly impotalnt froma socaland =clitural ansect are dsryed. Misae buildingsve aneqoni placel insportance inthsa pragrama, f consservation. -Atthsa praealnan itaute attentian la tacusade Snte biturantf Brure St. Sclsnal. Hera la nlc iion sta sln, la tise prestervaian et aur local ltitory-hbut muies, acin in lae asnsu, npatby tel» lana vs. tis busilding foraver. .Tisera la an nid and lise pravarbwic saoyn "cisera tiseras a citt tisera's a saay." la lsera maough is sin a Is onsntyt t igit for tisa preservalianto Broca Si. Orbaul? 1 tisini tisera la, if everyn arIs te thisas abaut wbat tisey couid ha lnslng. Yaurs anncereiy, "Canarvnllaslst."ý Tise Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., teptecher 20, 1972 87 Sheridan College registers 2,700 Tcenty-vevea hondred aenl that the accpeeatitg groatt st odyvîs have rcegîslered for i iî i, due tu the liotS quality of daytaone prograrno at Shppîdm*e v yîaivgoî dvel~oped tu eetov Osree daytirne campuses in Oaks- studeats' aeeds, nd le tise close ville, Brampten and Mississauga retloasip beteea Ose co0lege lOrteal et Desigsl. and the pemmtîtv. Eriralrnnt la np 500 trom, 1971- 72 enrobuient, and enceeds Osa Ofthe 20total,Oshere arel,77 2,550 figue predictad by anoalge full lune and 45 part-lune day officis la st sprsng. otedents aI Onhesila campus; 491 Reglalrar John Sromlay saina toIt lune mnd 17 ilart-tane aI Ose increasa cas Osa largeot Ose Brampton carnpus; tes te»l lime anOalge liadt had lnanny ana year, mnd 4 part-lase ait Mimsissauga. 1~ I TRAGEDY TO TRI r cacas r u rno tse "s teomn Scout rap rorentsy vsteil the Da Sirs Htenryt Ford Museusm and Graenfsald Village la Detroit. Tee i an ranpnndissg fa yaur invifaion la iseip ave Osa Sauce St. i an an ex-anaa officer and a tairir recuit Hainan Ceanty W r n e t v iasldant, buving purcuased tran Stanley Brewn lainf Oste origial &calniselmntfiln mriti ofth OsaOsdligs apple tree nursery an igwy25. Tise haunasens baill a century aga h James Duti liho fietied la tha Scotchilos S in labohut 1M2, ca are inid. Webhave mnd p ro g r m i te e s oonsideraibla progressin rsteingOsheeldllonshtouteand have namW. i Dstft Hoona" altier lMr. Onsff. Haltan Region Censervation AoOsocity. My esite and lare very moasi persanally invelved intryin nIsto =Oarsy mayhafé aking parta in îl aobn fr ts te forcan tisaI saeld destrey tha hlatocy Mf Canada, e pe ahn HatnCunty progranm dessgnad Authocîly, Osey coold alan recaîva Ois maban ne sensa. Many buildings, stresasa, Irans, etc., an haeto te loc Ose chrenlcally un- omsellsng trorn sncb ageacian jn'esarved tei malla n contribution lai Oseatnbosphera of a modern ernployad tha fundamentae et us Canada Munpower and Ose sinvalopmant whichlaiaesthe arsblbate «builder. Tise interaut sheca lsadmng and holding a job. Bourd et i0dncatson. Coomsellors in Halten Cuty lanOsinsertn of andeavor leiai entncouraglng and I Hallon Conty's Sacial and coald Meach snob lisings as basa tel halieve OsaI Ose aid conty toca ef Mitn amn stOll hae an eaaspla te Famîly Services Deparîrnent prepace foc a job intervewsandt Ointario la modern davelepmifent andi expansion whte relalnlag OsaI recantly put forOs a scbema toi bec l tîo id and secore cicis a ortshilde. 1 have enjayesi Tise Osampian's LSk nt tin Oseblp saefare recipians lanes employmant. Past and particularly the descripioanoftheaaarlybeas. htes of finding a jais. Aceording Provincial nid Inemyopinion the Bruce St. Ombuel mouid bea focal paitlin Milten. te Ose estine et Osa plan Osa Halton County Council han Il la ideally looated and clOs proe inscaping fi sel malle an cbronically ncrployad migist given approval la prrnciple te Osa exeetpublic office er libr,,.. ..ewli apple a o esudadIwr for tise Conservation plan, tecever impternentetion et an certain Osat ranteratian la erannircaliy taaalhle. Il eaoud ha a Ose progroni langes on provincial lcagedy te leur it daca. Tise bail and caira in ne saay canld finl sureis a approval. Coal of Ose programt OaHavasg not beard Osa argumnents for andi agalant, I tinsi it ditflctdlt N o bazaa r andi the bon y ose pn80rvince o anrnvar a plaosiblermaisen ter lin dastrucion. Only espense te parlicipaltng Anothar bislding et greater arcitectural sigolticance ehate fk~ bogldies, snob as Ose SIRCA, coute fture seans uncarteusn ba e ld Hanrop stone fanmsiso n Steelan *LIII f l thOe cool et onpervising Ose Ave. Thrnisbonsea oe ofetb funst esamplas et un early Ontario mn farmbaase i bava seen. Il la la a good locaion, han an original suite De Wadneaday Sept. 13 As- tast ceais Halten Region Con- mont and Ose mamsive pina cark paricularly la Ose draclng roasat or larnoeo A.C.W. ot St. George's servation Atterily's eoeoolive parlor as i migisl bava been cailesi la ontetanding. I sinceraly hepo Cisurcs mal aI Ose home of Mes. agreed le taise part, in prmociple. toaI Mc. Day lsnccaushinarranglag for lisfutore. L. lay Tise metmng opaned cith "We have to caît mOtl ail Ose IfThe Champion or anao Mia rillders hava any snggesions laiterie Ose Order oet roira rond by Mro. detaîls are proned ont," says 1 migbt balp te prasarva Éither of Ohse buildings t wiO hae moust happy Reg Tsa, the president. MraS. HECA gaseral manager, Murray te olfer rny services. "#t~eq-aj tTlnsfr OSa itpben. à, p ll h%«EfrLh Haltes Connty Council à1111 bas Yoers veryltrnly, Durng lise binss session Ose te kbay Ose 1inaI plan. PeterC.SBerry. group decidesi nel te have a bumaar Osis fait. The enchre party cil bagmn agasa on COl 10 aI t8 e 5 S ' PRESERVE HISTORI C SCHOOL p.m. An invitation cas estended ftor the Evenmng Oranc ilojoit J. R. Currie 0D Lviewg a piclore on Ieadr Daar Me. Dinfa steca hy Mms. Foote ai Ose 1 conte lise te seOste Bruce St. Scisnl bumlding, and site, preservasi pisurcisal 8.30 Sept. 21. They saece c heaame 1thk Osîwe slundd praserva anme et aur aIder bnildings, auit asket te rntrihnta te a isîte ale OPTOMETRIST as Ohs istoric sebunt, chere an many of ns oltendasi, and have hsappy lnanid of tise Oooday Sloul. insmorias.Thsewaatts, 1am sur, sltiB bstndintg whbasanmaofthOe A discuason teeS place in BU LNGO buildings nesagoingup aitqnickly are gona. rgdteOebgcig o Os BUR L TO Tise building conutil hae uted fer a isbaary, admilnistratoun ceotre, or ale. Iedcor meta 1v 9 H L tonamuseim, andOthegrounds or apark. ' baing biel Oct. 3 cn arotes Sinceralv, Charch of Epipisany. Mrs. Telaphone 6278 Pisoeha L. Crasatord, Deltel thanked mhe isostean and i378 so s., lunch cas served......... USE SCHOOL FOR VOUTH CENTRE Dtar Slir: I nder if thse people sain ure pauhing tar an "Art Gallery" or -Museums" ait lise site aftie sid Bruce St. Scismi insee chat tisay are innt thie youth et Milton Wits lises la sncb dira need et tacilitian toigiva Osent anme place toi anjay taensoelves, ti woold hea cafatrophe i tei osa tio pricetaso proparty for an art gallery or mosausa (ehics I might say is evannst rtisvtingfor in a tecnthat la o close ta Hamnilton and Torontonebereitare ureats tee tisings.) You linh thara la vandaiso n aw incam, but you cao imagine tise tustdity araund bore ifca igorad aur yootbu' nee te satlaty anme alt pleasura' Art la fine; cite a»l lave heautiful naintints, and a manern la fine lin pinceau liene a njey looking ai tingsof atie by- goeadays. Buti1 can't setisapraparty haing usd asnaucit. i andersfand Milton Poice nieed nasa qartiers. Wisy set let tisen ihavea portionof il, tan tey illhbacentrally ocated. Itseesthre are sot tee anany parents inbarasted inna yeuti caisre foc Milton or al lesti tisy are nat roeing for oe. l'an afrid if the art levers and maneurn fanics get thisel eay, Milten et»l have lai npand a fortune t;eape 'ilti Dguarsiddlisoursa daytohnapitfror haig vandalized .yld ho haveanotingino doacits lhisr Orna and ne placetogo aller schoomîs ont. I feei i eosld hae a caste et land mnd tse erismt building itfattomsr lil inta santiling Miltandors not nedf. LaI's gel dosan te anme sarlao lisoogit about tibl profitent and cass oa ensiblenaolutian asi cha la geag tobenafît tharnoist an iis deat. i prefer te Osinis tisaI Milton mn raty smart inaW ci»ns ot a»ilshefuture gonernilns ceming alang and il int annaling more tor liseto ofind plcasure in tanjus laslsing at pictes and relies. I junt dan't tisink everyene la interautad la tise tisings and I feet tisera are more imsportant prajecto tne aleehed at, at tis im re, chen ce naad an many noser maes for dis land. i agrela cils Miss Waldie- lot's make il a recronional centra for tha cise ion te enjey. LaC's mîttoiseatisdeal tee, ascwe havetlost otsers.. Yooro truly. Mrs. Edfiti Sharpa, 429 PeartOti., Milton I Sea os for att alactricat supplies andi ideas fer imprnaisq peur hanta and place of business alactrically. * Wyvon Suppliesaet ovoleale p,-.oes * Lgvtag fit ote- ail typas for vndoor and outdo applt ov *0 Lelops ail typas, sae and wattage rtlvo, * Power- distributionvvtygear " Wiringv Deovas. * Elecvic veativ0 equipvevt * Applavyas (lv,,ted quevtities) o Motot covtroi avpvavt If tisa job iv beyond yor capabilities we cao sopply eleotricians et resovable rates. Evgiveerivg services are available also. Covsolt os fvr ideos avd material requiremnents s, rnu., Mnn pranaur MW angr terinen 'ta an tasHY55A'P5É5T sah at Im sa.Y" cite» Maus"anog van atand patrals cere salactad for the trip wen they were tiad for a ai poo - ac-s no4l campetitsan. Tisa beys camped i utHaliday Beach Pravincial o;L Park. Thay are nhoen here on front of Henrsy Ford Museum. af t te night se tisa bock roc: Willss Day, Dove Richardon.CTACO M Second raw tramn hock: Jrn Gilbert, Mrs. Gilbert, lin Placido, Ross Clarke, Ken Richardsaon Mark Dills, Glen s 1ESUET Alterna, Keelo Blacklock and lune Hics. Front rae: Bruca RESTORATIONS LTD. Seat, Ken Crans, Daog Gilbert, Tarry Aselton, Andrasa 1 ý 50 Marin lit., Milton Willoghby, David Deherty, Aosdy Bounaoli Wayne Day.8-65 Absent fram, phata cas Sceutrnoster Pool Hocks.8860 September 22. The day Canada meets theý 1973 Fords and Mercurys.. September 22. The day Team Canada meets the Soviet Union in Moscow September 22 is a big day for Canadians. For the firsi lime, from the Soviet Union, you ll sec many of Canada's best professional hockey play crs meet the best that the Soviet Union has to offcr. And, on the same day, at Ford dealers and MNercury dealers, you'll sec the best new cars wc'vc ever offcrcd-from small economy cacs right up 10 the ultimate in automobile perfection-the 1973 models fcom Ford and Nlercury. Your kind cf cars. Pinto, Mas'crick, Alustang,Torinoi, Ford anid'lhuniderbird at Ford dealers. Cornet, Cougar, .Monîcgo, Meteor and Mcrcury Marquis at .\lercury dealers. Anvd, ai sclcîcd Ford dealers and Mcrcury dealers vouil1 sec the vcry bcsî-I.incoln Conîtintaî;l anîd Coîvîmnerl Mtilark IV YoulIl sec somne styling changcs and shere are buili wiîh better ideas by the Company that listens better. You'll find thcy'rc cars built for you. Because wc'vc beco lisiening to vou. Findine out wh at you want. We know some of you want the feel of a sports car whilc others wanî a car that's big and luxurious. To some, ride iv the most important factor. To others, it's quieîness. And stili others fecl that sie ond case cf handling corne I irst. Wc'vc taken ail these factors înto coîssîder- ation. The result-the 1973 models from Ford amd Miercury. The best new cars wc'vc es-cc offéed. If, by chance, you don't gel the opportunit to sec the 1973 Fords and Mercurys ai y0cr dealers, wasch for thcm on the live or rcplay teiccasis of the Canada/Soviet hockey game. Ford of Canada iv a co-sponsor in bringing this cxcîting international event into your home. Air Conditioning and nev.ciry.asrigbme ytm as quit a day for Canadians. Iioating Systems Nadalin - Naylor Esgineerad Far Rasidantiat Si Commercial For Fr.. Estimates Cali 878-411il Sec tisa DispiayOf Fiotares Nnw l Se the new models at your NADALI Our TRI Sh7nn Ford and Mercury dealers, ________ Co._________ _ '_ And while you're there, get your Officiali Home TV Program for the Moscow series .' i-À Availssble toi Iicenced driversSeptensber 22 st pusrticipusling dealiers joupply limited) FOTJRTEEN BOYS accempamies by cef Scoolmoaster Pool a