No need t0 drive notis te see the clsanging colora and the tourist attractions tissfall-ultaybhome and se tise sigiis rigit here In italton Couty. Tisais thse tiene of tise excilsg nesa "Pasaport 10 Ralton" promotion lnaugssrated by Raton Warden James Swanborostgh On tlsree weekends Ibis fait, 16 tato attractions ranglsg fon tise ccunty buildings t0 lndssstrial. plants, parka t0 libraries, euil be open for publie tour te belpitalonlies tears ore about ilseir borne courdy. Tise Pasapori te Raton la a great progran te help neseer Haton resictents get more famillar wltls tiseir county. Even many 0f lise nId-timers saili bave a chance t1080 places asnd see tisingu tisey neyer knew exised. We boite everyone wait participaie, frons lise youngeat t0 tihe oldeaft. Tlseres o cosi (except gaa for your car) anti o admission charges ai any et tise1gplaces you'it find, llsted in your pasapoi Tise dates are Saturtiaya and Sundays Sepst. 30-Oct h and Oct. 14-15; plus tise tisree-day Tbanksgivlng iseekenti Oct 7-B. Your paasport, avallse by mail If yn write thse Warslen c /o Haton County Administration Building, 491 Steeles Ave., Milton, la aiseofree. It wll b. atamped aI eacis "passport If sae ever bave a local radio station giving ont daily traffle reports weere convinced aneci 0flie trouble spots mail frequesstly referred te Wall ha tise corner 0f Reslup and Tisomas. Scintol traffic at tisat corner added te normal traffie bas t0 malte it one 0f tise laslest corners la tosan, On ralssy days tise situation la doubly aggravated. Tise extension 0f Commercial St. te 10 Sidernati, providing anotiser acceus t0 tise 111gb Scboot, la nse 0f tise solutions oÈten advanced. It la sad tisat a crossing guard isas t0 ha added t0 a crosswalk, clearly marked, te enforce tise stupping requirensent on motorists. Cressas may ha relatively new in Milton but surely every motorint must knosa by ow tit saisn someone la in the crtsssalk you must stop for tisee. Tise addition of a guard on Ontario St. nortis came after local and tbrougs motorists clearly dido't ohay tise crosasealk Tise absence 0f the sigss attse Rais- Martin corner, saarning drivers nt t0 to oa walk signal, creates pretslems for pedestrians and drivers unfaiiar sOiti tise corner's previos restrictions. Probably tise sign saiil ha re-erected seaon, bat la tise meantime pedonstrians migistisave a saary eye for rigstturning drivers on tise walk sigqat. + 4+ Tbis ls amunicipal election year in Milton as in ail otiser county munici- palition,' Thsome sal are interested la tiseir community enougis t0 offer tisemuelves for municipal seais on counceil and consysceol board sisouid ha laylag plans now. District fait taira provide a uniqne opptpEunity t0 calais a glimpse 0f agriculture in tise airea. Last weekend as Acion Fair and this week Rilton stages tise cotunty shosa. Beautiful sseatiser contribated te a great crswd location anti a completely siamped passport bock weill ha a real souvenir of your saeekend day-tripplng around Haion. Apsplications asoul ha mailed by titis Friday, Sept. 22 t ensure you'it receive your passport la time. Tise passports weill slow yen t0 viese tise foitosaisg locations: Nassagaweya, Ontario Electrie Railway Hlisioricai Assor.; Adtn, Acion Park and Fairy Lake, aise Beardmore Co. Tanners; Esquesing, restored isistorical lime kilos at Limeisouse; Georgetown, Beaumont Yarn and Knitting Risa; Milton, Rallan Couniy Admnisstration Building; Nassagaweya, Ralton County Museumo; B-ungos, Royal itotanical Gardens, and Joseps Brant Museumo; Oakviite, Gairlocis Gardens, Oakville Historical Society, tise TOWARF rescue post ami Shseridan Coitege; Burlingio, Central Lilaary and tise Canada Centre for Iniand Waters. Any programi aimed aI maldng Ralion resiento, more aseare and more prensd 0f tiueir surroundlngs deserves tise support ami participation 0f tise county's ciies. Gel yoor "pasaport" suon ... and weil see you attise park orthse museui or Shseridan College one 0f tisese weekends! at Acton, and Milton officiais salt obviously ha boping for similar trealment by tise veatiser man. It soomus like it's rusbing tise season but tise JMton Community Service Clubs are toitting about tise Feisruary Snoes Carsival. Considering ail tise poopte involned and tise detailed planning required, 0f course, it's noce tue, early t0 utart. We're still isoptog for an attractive fail isoseever ami since it's a favorite season we isate t0 see it panard uver toc, quicltly. Glad to see improvemento made at tise former Milton Greenisouses Property on Rais St. recently. Tise saeeds bave been cut ami tise tand levelled, making a mucis neater appoarance. We sisouldn't criticize our bard- working MPPs for tise odd slip bot ye cosaldn't resist poking a certain Rininter of Gevecomental Affairs in tise is over a isoner la a recent press relesse issueti usider bis signature. t said Ontario Scinol for the Deaf is locatedl "on Higissay 25 soutit 0f tise Towan 0f Milton." Come on Jsm, tisat scisool bas been IN Milton for neyeraI years nosa. lietter your PR staff. Recent figures on legal aid mn Ontario indicate Halion's legal aid lasayers bave iseen fairly isusy. In tise year ended Rarcis 31, 1972 Halton legal aid officiais receivmi 1,337 applications for assistance ami 847 0f tse applicants did receive iselp. 0f tisose, 367 saere for criminal cases and 490 for civil cases. Reet pour friends at Milton Fair Ibis saeekend. MILTON FAJIMERS MARKIET continues te be a popular and vegetabtes sparkled in the sue and dresa another record meeting-place for tosan and district sisuppers. Picture shows a attendasce. Milton Chamber of Commerce organized the corner of Saturday's market wbere people gatbered in groups higly successful market project and it continues at tise Mary- te chat and exchange greetings, Cindy and Sasdy llggins of Hugh parking lot each Saturday, 8 arn. t0 12 mo0, u0111 maltou entertained with tiseir accordions, and tise fresh fruit Thanksgivisg weekend. (Photo by J. DiaIs) VOL. 113 - No. 21 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 Second Section t an retectsstp coning tuothe cocusies OsaI Caoadiass are tucuing loto a nation et cytohies. Il isaris, lacauso 1 love Ibis country anti cant tu respect anti admire my telleccitizes. Bot the teeling hon heen groig toc soie lime and searei tull tlocer a11er the lient hockey gamne agaanst Ose Ramions. Wbat an editying spectacte OsaI casi There coco our tinest, givng up everylhisg -enrepl salaries, isaranre, enpenses ond other tige henetits - te detend our national tonoar againin tinse daitardiy Ramioans cto'd liad the nerve la Osinb Osoy belonged on Ose saine ire. AndOshere cas a hugeoand happy rocd ot hockey tons, alinost stavering onor the onhrcipated staLugbter. And Ibore coco the poor otd Rassians calkicg isto Ose bioss den, saine ufthOem se pint-sizedreompareto 10 ur buthing mnsares OsaI Osey loohed as Osough Osey coco toirty large Poocee plapees. Whari! centOshepucs into Ose net mnd Ose roonînearly cesl off the Forum. Wbarb! again, and arrosa Ose nation peeple csobed aI each other and seltied lacs te sperulte on chether Ose Russiane could score a goal betare ose herses gito 110 lafigures. But thon somethit lagas 10 happen OsaI turnednltrosg mes occams Ose country a pale gray. TItose domh Rusaiams didot hnec esongb 10 quit asd go home and torget tise chle Oscng an a odt deeam. Thep jonI hept siniong asd pasaitg and shonting, ami every se otten, ose et thete sots catdd go into 1he Casadion net. hocbey talent ecer galaered ustier ose roft tosindinore andimore bhke Ose Haygoeb Centre Mitigetu. But bonI colt ontilthOe Osird perioti. Aftee a, Osese goys are pro's. Theyit gel oeganiued and mirne bacrbt 10sin Ose gaine clOs a bang. Unootunatetp, Ose game eoded sol clOs a bang, but achimper. Tocard Osecend, the nisitoro cere layig citb Ose Canadians, os a torindor plps a huIt. /And tocard Ose end, oar boys lagas 10 resemble toIts, rosbing cttdly aI onyOsing thtouvert, ony 10i lai tl camI' Osere. Nol content cîth toohcng tihe Ose Ladies' Aid on skaten, sasse Canodian ployers stoced onythif bot prolessiensan d lean sccngaig sticks, Osroclag ethosas, ond sarb. Crybaby stuff. Wbal atout Ose tons? Did tbey gice the Ramioans o stonding ovation, or oves a bearty round ot opplause toc toppbtsg the gpoolo? Rot Osey. Tbey tiled suuesly ul ofthe1 arens, mottercng, grasping for excones, dozed. Tbey bodo't bad Oseir blond. The toreado rtdsot een tosoed bylahetot, mnd Ose ball bad sot even been nealy dipotcbed, jont sort of otuoned. Cryhies. la Ose nent moramegs popers, il con rother fon 10 cotrh Ose experts and the spoirts crilers learaig aI Osoir osas entroits lake coonded hyenas, a species chicb sports crîters resemble in some respects. tryptbies. To 10 taie, ltse playero and moachin coco toneut. Tbep'd heen coU and ttorougbty ctopped, and adnotted it. fart is Osas it il bild bren a 00e-gaine sbot, the Rossions coutd 10 scalp cortl rhamps. Andl if il liadt hem a 100 tome oeries, totat goals ta courit, tbe Russians could la saissers 0-7. Someboc, the sabote thing oas a litt1e saddenasg. 1 bows a numlar of people sala toit 1101 their peroal bonoar bail inen sosîrrbod. There cere aggravated utrers endioso alibis. andl protbtby some heart attocks aceoso Ibis faie laodt Ove, a gamne! t chose ths single incident lu illustcate Ibis siooig feeling I hace 1ha1 mony Caoodiaos have tbeir values alt toreed around. We wtooe eodtessty atout th1e Aincrîcans taing ocer Canada, and do nothing about il. Exreptcanstridenttbat soneting mut be done about il. And lb en con tu Wasbington, bat in bond, oben tbe Yonbs suggest aoy torin of toriff Ibol mîgbt cool us dollars. Crybabies. We csrtuotty ignore our critees, Octoco, artinlu. munsirions, antil tbey bave mode il big somechere else. Thon ce cool ondecstandcbhy Osey don't rome bome and inorbin tbeirooncineyard, talaburers' cages. Saine withour aOslees. We sneerotai ei Olympiettforts. -Yeob. ce ticoshed tsnenty- Osird ObiO." Smaciny sportocostero lid att tonds of exruses for Ose aItles. Ad- inirably, most of Ose latter are inoch more touent. Tbe besi t ostein btoottY saY Osry did Ose bonI Osey cootd but il coon*t good eogb. Oh, ac're gceat aI spendmng billions on building: togbcoyn. dams, bîgb-rises; and on oettare. medîrore, second-rote edocolion. But cben il courtes 10 spending sonethung onthe devetopinent ofthe hman being, mn ibis rose aostroof national teani of athietes, ce picb Ose puise untl il ut s. The happy crocd la Ose Forum gresa snre thon, ot course, Osings have onger. Ltls cipe ocay Ose tears and stamd glummoer and glammffer. Teain Canada, 1he chongei and eor binessmen on skates are up in Ose true nortb, stroog and fre. corne greatent, and mont expesine collection oI sincaig wby tbey are se colt pid. But 110 oni, Conaies. Lot's 001 hoe crybabies. Milton branded as "black sheep" Growing animosity toward county town Pagesof Ithe Pasti 20 years ago Takes freai Ose lassue of ThseCasaias Champio, Tisoesdap, September 18, l95. K. Y. Dîci sobimttel a change in lhe original agreemnt rocerlag lin sale ofthi arona proerty nec osane by Ose estate of Fred Armesrong aI Ose regutar mooing of cdii. Under the orignsal plan Ose lave cas 1010e paiti $25,000 if the arene cas not sei ai an ire arena untù 1972. The preserit proposa cas 101t lin conenant iait cuver Ose siens, nul lin comimercial ire plant. Mayor Thoinpsen expressethe feeling0 OsaI couocit coutti sot stand c in c ay efthOe ire plan. Honorable T. L. Kennedy, Ose miaister et agriculture ofthOe pronince et Ontario, sait ofticaty open Halton counp centonia fair os Satueday, September 27. COinpbellilte incei out of inseinll rampettion on Wodoesdap aftoroos aI Caledossa as Osey deuppet Oeir tird gaine ufthOe sertes cîtb Catodonis 10-. Clearing lhe opposition ot efthOe second round of OBA intorinedate plapoffs, Miltom etamontel Port Hope Saturdap 13-4. 50 years ago Tabnfroa Ose issue nf TiseCanatias Cisampion, Tiarstiap, teplember2, 1922. The Bistop of Niagara Ons oppolatei Roc. Dr. Renison, rector of Ose Cisurch of Ose Ascension, Hailton, Archdeacmn et Haltn andl Wellington. There cas a large attendonre at the meeting ofthOe Hilton Atteetir Asociation on Monday evena, when therecwassome rallar worm discussion la romecien clOs tait nssoo's itermediate hockey asthli sommer baseboil. Sine of lin plapers wr rehohed b hOe enecubive. Oice Augunst th mOsement aI bcmetoch Iroin Western Canada Os beeo onsallp inavy. Sipinents ronsist aimait entiretp of inel ratte. The Miniter ot Finance la oltering, on attractive termo, tuoenchinge Victory Bonsti osaturi Dec. t, 1022, toc sec ins inaring Ose saine cala of intornet and rsinnig toc o farIner perioti et lice peurs. Os accouaI ot raas' onp ose gaine cas plapedin ctOe Burlinglon tournassent on Ttiesdap. Cainpbeucviue iseat Milton 7 10 t. We did nos gel Ose ton coe Miss Hill, toc 20 years U.P. Missiosaryto touia. cîttgice an atidreso la Massecaiti U. P. Tieoday eening. 100 years 090 Taklen Ceae Ose Issue of The Canatiau Chamione, Tbusstap, Septembier1,17. An Ottaca telegroin sapir The trneps atout 10 stort for Manitoba sau in miformcd inscnariet insteail of Rifle mdiorams. The todiane are disposat c donht cinOser the greeo roats are really lin Qneen's trosps or not, oui lin traditima scactet ciii douhliess have a gond effet. Caploîn Thomas, the retebratei magician and centriloqist gave a series et entertamnts in the Tove Hall o Sotorday, Mondap and Tumsdap eceigu. The -Unionn" of Brampton plapedthei -Syrainoren" ot Hilton in a hallgame an lin groonil ofthOe laIter isst Satardap anti camne off vctorioun is a 22 inajority. A tram, blongig te Ho. Denton ran oway icoin opposite SiO's store, on Hooday, andl rame up Min St. ait a rate Osait could bave dose credit to JaOo-on-the- green. They cere, tocecer, stoppei by roonoig toto contact cith a tond of tomber oe Roihuon'n Hotet. Notody hurt. Reports ut damage dose hy bightng ilucieg Ose recesl Osmnderstormns reine froin alt quocteco, bt Osey appoar ta Ove inen socerestin otOe Huron district maay buildings in Osot section havit inen dcslroped by bigstoog. The Tratalgar Toveship Show cii in hld os Oabvîtte on Hosday and Tuesday, Oclolar 7 mnd 8. l'HE CANADIAN CHAMPION By Bob9aet Staff miter it1tn's standaonsre os geversnent bu ld t th ton big astietios ailack ssenp andtihOe eevesOs insst poPular =nscpll la Blallon Csunty. Haaitlon Ca hyosyts Severi musiclpalities. At meetins ot Bton Cosnty Co-il asti its conanittees Ose anlmosiip tbat bas bue geserateti fer several nsentis sse contines te grosa. Olen Ose LU regard ob- vlqaly fait by seelg~'ring couisellrs la mnolcteti te taieonls anti commeaote fisasg ainsi Ose esanii chiambers. sObile smates bas beau aie wlslpdg bop for sasse Umo, Ose tiectalas set toe eoswt a North Bollon ssuslcpalliy saill George- lave, Actes, Nassagaceya anti Esqusang in a reglasal sotas aears la bave tmig- gereti onthurata of Ose fil feeling Osai is boots iarboroti for saine lime. A recommentiatien askini Mtilton to 1s'entde 10 trees ta replace tOse deeryed whes the toensaidens teeles Ane. serves as a sma butl fine esanspie as hosa anxios saine coanty coancdiers are te rosI lin enunty love la a hat ligist. Bailser Osan simply ce qusu Ose trees or papsset for Osein, Oakvite Depstp Bene lterpy Barrett anti Nassagaceya Rene Mes. A. MacArthur pot Oseir hentis tegeilser anti agrooth Oe trees sinalti 1e0 Bfoot 10gh anti foar inches atlahe teni, rather thon lise saedearti requirementa of eiglst te 10 foot 10gb ant so ladies ai lie srnb. Ais inlter mseetlag a remis coniltoe recosusendei an lin ceunly ongineer's admire tint the resaletinn te rescilei s Ose reqeest sas anreasosable. Thse espesse innolvei la providing sat Ose raonty demandei coalti la about $7,0 cln couli anti planting of amaller trocs coatd run about $1510o $20 earh. One ren't hetp but 1100k Ose chote hasate coukI bacc been avoideti if il hud h-en any tove but Milton cas enplandesg Ose rond la Iront of Ose COonI adinistration building. At Ose saine mooting ofthOe mrs comeoltee last ceci, atelIter traint Ose love nI Milton onhing the cooinlp net la deisy tise reronstertion of Ose Marin at. Bridge ied saine meinhers. ose saggeslad filing Ose Oee citOut discussios ami anollar suggmted il in d11t saiOs bp Ose NorOs Haltn musicipality, (a preposei amalgamnation et tise fine neethero mamcipalities, et clacis Hilton item net cantlte bepart). Hatithe reqanst corne frein aoether teve. iskety ne bitter coninents coniti have been uttereti. Ose negbt lois aI Milton'sneo Main St., ronstrurtedl hy Ose rounty, ond say the coonty is domng Oscngs toc Ose love. Kcen Osero, Warden Jim Swonlarougb iaid tooght 10 have Ose proierI deloyed se Osit o Berbenglon peoject ight 10 ondertohes. Thie cardon lices cn Burlinton. It was eslp en the recemmeodalion and mnessinof eoonty enginrer Jark Corant OsaI Ose Main S. projeet cas ondertaben sotes il cas. Aeotber faner Ose mounty bai cenderei for Milton cas supperting Bruce St. Scisonts preservaien and asbing oI hetp frein Q.ioon's Pars. t tc interesing 10 note hacecer, 1101110e min peuh fer Ose Bruce at. proiert came frasi a saringten man, Vers Cossell anti wsaa brought toCointyCesnrilhv Berlineten Deputy Roove Dace Conns.' Ecen Osen Nossagaweyo Reeve Mes. A. MacArthur rould't refrain troos inorlang Milton. She onied torcronfirmatison of lise ton's sInent 1 oc se buiddng and peopcrty lue sumneOsîng oOser Oson a parking lot. Had the coquent for support come troin Milton cepresentotives, the projert tîhety coald bave boco droos out and members coutd hace had dillicolty overruomiog personal etlingu 10 vote in tavor ofth1e proposai. WiO the crrot ahnosphere et the roonty lecet itcwoaldntrcorneaannenhre surprise df Milton oplei for sereossion troc 110 cosnty. tintertunalely Milton is lorate inc Ose heart ofth Oseoonly nrroondedis ose anr Iseigihors. Sugar and Spice by bill smiley