12 The Chiampioe, Milon, Ont. Wêd. September 20,1972 Esquesing steers course in power line controversy Esqsesisg Coueicil lias draws Yeu haven't liotlered te Sharp crïticismn net enfly frsmt 1sf' 0 us . Ibos map is in YOsr ssigliboriso musicipaliies but townsship offlice. Hew de yeu also f. romine of lis ews rate- expIais tis?" site asked. payers aller presentlsg a brief le Later Mns. Brasclis lsosband tlie Selandt Comissien last Peter said lie w-as glad to hear wedsesday nigltin w-lin il Esquesîflg Cousicil favor the esdorsed as tie lietter of tw-s siddle route. alternatives Ostario Hydro's "I usderstasd ow- cossecil lias preposed siddle route for lis 500 lieen lakisg tie middle roule sn KVA pewer transssssios lise. Iliese courses ef actios eeer since Representatives of tlie Confederatimi," lie crarbel. townsliip ceusicils of Esquesisg, Mr. Brascli espressedl the liope inguaceusy and Toronto Gere, Otinario Hydre officiais will visit the Coalitios of Coscersed Esquemisg liefore lliey fisaliue a CiLns, privale lissisesses and roule fer tlie sorili-souti tise. ondividual ralepayers presenled Wantlaeontact liriels or addressed the Honitt said Iliat siace coliodil Cosumisuios ai a special open has sot lies centacted aliout Oie meeting ai Central Peel Higli orlli-south ise hae would sot Scliool. Tlie tw-e man comssiuon ceoment on it. How-ever, lie lieaded liy Dr. Solasdl wae esnphasised couscit would lilie le appoîsted liy tlie Ontario have more te say ahast it. fove remeot te consider the Dr. Solandi said lie w-ould sot implications of the Pickering te ailvise on lis nertli-sosthline Nastcolie pewer line. lecamee musicipalities liave sot Tie middle route, favored liy liees advised about il. Otario Hydre, passes Ilirougli Oie le aser le a question f romn extreme, sorilero end of Cliisg- Ose 110w-. a Hydro spoliemn uacousy and lis-ougli a southerly said Qia Oie urea wliere Oie portion of Ern and Erasiona, but isurll-sostli and alleroale saint. doms ot affect Esqumsisg. The w-est fines would rus legellier solliern roule w-esld pass would prohalily require a rlglit of directly licoogli Esqoesisg sot w-ay widlli of 775 font. He said of Georgetows soonewhlere Hydre wi11 soggesl le Esqusig lielmeen Five and 10 Slderoad, Consecil Oiat an anea sorili of Lot lien swing norii rnsing paoai 22, Con. 5 whlere Oiere w-e n0w w-lOi a norili-soull inhe wlicli 1w-o gravet pis, soiglit lie a gond inay splil île tensliip'n Fourli rssmg area. Concession. passing Ilirogli 1The spobeemian said il ms masy proportion. Hydro policy te lry le ovoîd Howlitspeahas istoricaînsites surlias the Scotcli Speaiog os liehalf of Oie Blocli liesse on 10 Sideroud wlicli tennlip, Couscîllor Dicli is oniliy Couricillorllessitt. He Heseitt, nlio seve on leO laler upologised fer osing ceunicîl and planning board Coonicilior Howilt's usine. received a coul receplion frein Citizen' 8 briet Oie predoonantly Ciguacousy Spealiing for the Coalition of audience wlien lie naid Esqusnig Concereed Cîtisens, Ricli nupports Hydro's middle reoute. Sysuses, a resident of Esquesosg "Il may seeco flbe a selflsli recominded Oial Hydro le attitude, liut ilieceouncil of reqsired le pot le on isteres Esqusiulg w-as put Oiere le looki plaot te allow sufficient âmse fer aller Oie coocerou of Enqusng lerilier sody asd a second lo ai reodenis and onldy else's," lie pottig the linse aros Oie purli- inplaused. way lielt proposed i Oie Toronto- He claoned couriil was not Cenlred Region plao. Il is amare Hydre was coosiderisg on lelieved lhe pariway bell 9111 lie allernate, rosIe toilhe seoOi ontil localed jui orOi of Higiw-ay li. Oie Slledl Commission liah g eyse asisd Oial if Hydro commenred le Asgusl. Cousc 1 wasle given inore land Oiey liauootliees conslledl liy Onisrio liio le reqsired le provoetley are Hydro atany tilie said. Minigluluef afltherigiîof Honitt'n expicaion failei 19 wayn Oiey now liave. convince Mes. Peter Brandi 'Wliereverit gons, Oie hane w-hase proporty on LaIt 1Con. 10 slmuld lie in a inore' poletlee SoutofGeorgetown nould lie rot 1w-m, wiOi a lissot on Oie miliear in half liy lithiae Étmassoten of iowr alireast," lie Isald. rote. Symmes said delilieralloos sleod set generate line wscli of Oietliree reous sosld lie clisses. "'lhe noute gaine le only a device te w-nu neiglhaor agsssst seiglilor, hae suggested. Syins saidi lie lias sonsi ne Ilecent evidence te show Osai Oie lise should flot go in the porliway belli. He cliarged Osait a previous goverriment report isdicatisg i9 would lie difficult te rn Oie hane cloue le, Toronto Internaional Airtperi 004 lergely inflsenced liy Hydro. "We're sel lryiog 10 stop Hydre," lie seid. "We're jouI lryiog 10 sliow Ohin lielter w-oyn of doing il." Chien liee Cliioguacsusy townslip isief presested liy Reeve Ed Williams called Oie mniddle rosis Oireogi Oie nortlers end of Oie tewnship ondesirealile and suggested Oie ideal aligsmnent for lie power lise would lie wn Oie parkw-ay bell. Il alse suggested tll se soutier selel alignmesl le seleclel Oie oue of underground calile is an aisolule neceouîty Ilirougli Oie Niagara Escnrpmnent Area. Torooto Clore tonship l9eeve Melville Rolinson said tlie division of les tow-nsip liy on artiticial harrier, samely Oie alteroate seullero route would lie contradiction te tlie recoin- inendatioms of lits coonicil and Peel Coonty Cooncil. He recominended Iliat tlie requrst for lie alteroate seuOiern rooted le relused aod OsaI Oie future of lis township mit lie detercoised liy a Hydro trans- mossio lise proposai. Reeve Rolinoson ouid hos coonicd consîdered 009 only Oie effecis Oie tise w-ould have os ToronooGoreliut aleoon nigi- lering monîcipalilies. Suggests corridor Developer Bruce Mcilesglin cliurged il is irrinesoilile 10 soggeul Ilere miS le a major power lilacisul, df Oie lime doem sel go Oirogli mon. Uuing slidou 10 illusîrale lis idea, McGlasglii recommeoded a power corridor lie liept scroou Oie province of Ontario purallel 90 Higlimny 401 for al] services. He snid lie lielieven tlie Davis goverssoe s nmteresled le Oie idea. "Lel's liuy Hydro tlie lime to do Uns lio riglit," lie aslied, ou Oie udience applauded. He coodessusd Oie proposed muddle route and said lie believes Oie Ontw-io governinent islesds- te enlarge Oie Colaract area near w-hare lis âne would seass isto s provncial park. A rspresenlalive of Ilie Clisgusceosy Golf and Country Club catied lielli easl-west reoutes ussifactnry Be sid Oial if Oie mniddle route le pormitled le deslroy lhe valley le wliicli lits clol u in ileaed, lie wi11 lie forced out of luioueou. EeOn slesi Altleugli Reeve Lloyd Lang and oOier meinlien of Ern towslip courd wero present, Oiey did set speali. Ern towishlip rosideot Jacki Tisoard claîined o meeting lemeen Hydro and Ern cuuocil sa long overdoe. Be said people w-e ooly getlisg information on lieresay. An unideotified Ciguainousy townoship wmnn sunonmed sp lier feelings. -IO Ohie le a content, if Hydro w-ans people le le for Oseos, they isve le islie poople inlo coouid- eralion. Wliy lilame Ilie townsliipo? Il Hydro liou leon aliout tlou sisce 1963, wliy did Oiey jut reveal il n?" site ouked. "iaI's tlie liesl dansa speeci of Oie eveniol," n voice frosi Oie ceowd shouted. "Oie's lit Oie onai riglit ou Oie lead." le 12 isurings o fier, Dr. Solondi liou lelened te bieis Iroco 24 inunicipalilies, 13 orgaeîoed grnupn and 4 onlivîdoule scrons lhe province. New pact for staff A salw-y pacet for careleliers and msaintenance onen w-w-bing wiOs Oie alon Couly Board of Educatin w-as nccepted liy Oie Board nI a meeting firsdsy. Caretaliers' salaries range frois $3.45 an leur le slert le $3.69 effective Jaly 1, 1972 ond OsaI jsinpo a ronge nf $3.70 le $2.94 per leur. Employons receive lurosen afler Oiree mons, ose yew- ami 19 months. Head curelaeen mi receive frin $3.79 le, 84.22 as of Ju1y 1, 1972usnd frois $4.04 le $4.47 as o Ju1y 1, 1973. Maintenance mon w-i Ian fron *4.06 te *4.78 alter Oie 1153 July couIraci laeo effect. Mono tAtasn Heets Stealsed ESPUESSO YELLGW GLuS BABY F00D CGFFEE PEAC HALVES - /nebots il,,990 15-z4 r 99o 6 fo Omo FOR TOUR FREEER RUMP Leat Meaty Bsneless Mapie Lestrr"à --ROAST $1.17.b COTTAGE ROLLS 69!b CUT AND WRAPPED PRKASAE 9' SUE F EF POUs isa S 971 ITALIAN Fresb. SOLB. lrshAsk about aur oth.ri FR8401 LEAN rUflL LIVCH qà Lbs0 GROUND BEEF 11 200b l O bS. 01 , No. 1 osme Gi-ss $1299 $43 690n~~ TGMATGES Bskt. speciols ln the store 99e I .- I ~ Enloy the Foul and Winter TV Schedules in True to Lofe Color Corne in today and see this smart setI onssae Neot Teain Canada ModK6 K660 VS. A welI.detailed csnlecoporary console le waînot Reussia Hockey Gamre g lfish, 26" higli lrigltness tobe and SerbeS "A" Friday, 22nd, 12.30 p.s. solbd stale chassis. CTV Network Featuring Hi-Brife Tube Batb intacieg veailabie RICHARDSGN'S mwm 201 MAIN ST. MILTON 810-04 ~DI5STATIONERY 1 56 MILL ST. ACTON 833-2030 GOING WOT 25 OFF sgslerai $ove nom blore s îo Iot. BGER SAVIN S eSALE CONTINUES ON SOMI THINGS. = EIYTIIMI'S FOR SALE IUOLUIIIS FIXTUIESI STILL A GREAT SILICTION OFFICE SUPIES TO LIST BUT DON'T DELAY SFîgueing Pans, eiîdeandnarrwruled, 81/ x 14e 79c .54 Q2ud Ruied Pails, 81/2, x14 reg 9c .62 SV HSWE (Attache Cases reg 9.95 8.39 % Underare Portfsoos reg 3.95 2.88 W Desk Letter Tray 2lierplastic reg. 6.50 4.88 Gummel Rolil Labels reg 70 .59 SUVE ON Sp.e I pa Nib -B Pon Refils TYPEWIITERS -ADiuia MACHINES Grt gCa ds-ioi p lSOO~L99SUPPIIES 3 TFs,0454s' TFA Qad Pi per 8" lr ,*9.9C R AIDER :.j 996.44 % tdn 14ý re..9 6 3 RING BINDER Shendont li Pn 45hEtr ei e. .98 .69 SEasterbrook pens and Replacemet Nibs, barrtii 2 25 1.49 Wihppraddvdr n4bs .7 . i 1.5 49 01%9 SHEAFFER PINS 5. 9 AND OESK SETS S2,500 _1/3 OFF 2 9 ART SURPIES Paintboes Specia.3and 1388 Canvas810 to 24x36Re.g 4ess 25 percent Greyheond Oils reg9 9 -62Ca à- Greyhound Ols S Sbs.neaed Colors Reg. 49c 4C Tembra Powds,- Reg. .5 53c » iSA IN R WIERIII BOOKS Re 1/3 OFF No e changi attracti thse sgl fIaI "PasoI boaugon Swasbc fall, 1 thOe 0e for puis The progris reffidell couty 910l ha, hw0e e thse ymL car) as piasffl plus I You Yeui w County lie sti Il glvisg. colonin f5requer traffin. traffic I situstie extensi Siderom the mg1 91 tes a lie ad osarlie requini insy b cros cleocly fur pis Prolo! driver Miseol Patitie fiseins le le> agrici was A stageg Mill bas leI dSeep) CoustI AI asd ili colOsn atou in- as garnit ..- I - t z ImarnE, I MUwm EU OUI lis- 1 Fresh No. 1 Opi Ir