10. The Champion, Milton, Ot., Wed., Saptember 20, 1972 13 FOR RIENT 14 WANTED TO RIENT 17 REAL. ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL ESTATE 17 am*1 ESTATE s IELP WANTED 8 HELP WANTED 4 - BEDROOM bouse oeits ce- YORK Univnesity Pr81eoss- ___________________________ rolion toem, large ýlot. in Mil- osishes to s-ont farn lsouse, poOrefII-IIIIItIi FOR ALI VOUR REAL ESTATE NEM son. 878-9382. 13c2l-2839 etably on tse eacarpeea APPE Pickne. Maie and We FULL titne, ottperiesced s ea Dyphonoe 67-2570, evgs. 465- mnale. Frn 9sa. to4dp.m. rssîlq eror. Mlccc Del- ROCBlfor -nt, central loca- T-r" c '4255D M.nd.v se l'riday Cali (3- i resreo 878-2190 . 1 cI2813 ion wsith sepan c crrcce, par- 400Toono T42-27 E L E J EI . Phone- 878275 h2 2 k .g.ps. 88835 8.1 86 I .4Z tF1 X J 2 MAURICE BEATY - 878-61 cFo 'cri iasicooed steoperir- National Equîpmenl ELECTRIC HOT1 WATER 15 PERSONAL L. 1 M a Repesetin cesce itatv nd es eier Distributor Phsone Milton Hydro 878-2345. cyo ov gh 11 iiiiuiiiDiiIiiIli ce___Ou___________rl3l5-lWOLDayoeknig h CANADA TRUST REALTOR Besiceses OiPPorenrilies col- REQUIRES SECRETARY 1316i h emaot e f Mc. Terence Er umn. 8c21-286l Iodt SELF - CONTAINFI) 2sbed- ors ier, pease concact Lie 7YAS OTNOSSRIC ATNadPRDVSO Godspiog, good ticlepleone cees apertoseol in duplex. Ap- Faciey al 878-2375. 15c22-27945 IE'CNIUU EVC ATNadPE.DVSO FULL tIcoe peson roqsacred mscooer. Work oo acc jfiniitie. c'y S. A. Foy Os Sons, 146 Main Member eft he Teronto, Ontarie and OakvItte Tralegar in celomosive pcrtsOs geaserel Cosrcinids 5 xe-S., Miton. 878-533 or 879l-995. PERMANENT Real Essaie Barda rcscilieg, autoosotive linowloago ee opny prset i 13c27-2795 HAIR REMOVAL ________________ anadressage. Apply in person, MAMPBELLVISJL bue .cleoso yErpo Canadien Tire, Milton. twl erl-CMBLVUEaa eetmto yErpa 8c21-2759 caigi Mitn aposal beslocom scscscrized cottege, 1cr specicliso. Speoilrat res for m - er ouplcs ossiy. horse orciing cms and legs. Ferdoyeor en- SALFR MEN cn scocon caro 1175 a ecilitsos avoilablo. 054-2128. vn oite: cM L josescEo o toh plus $25 bonus for 15 Ti sacaleggoto n 13c21.2863 JOANNE LIFF, Ssreetsville 10 ocres, 3-ron hoese ocer doeble gerage, large poelley îeylng CROSS hrs.a oc-rl ro e c. jo. ~ bnocn 3tclMoeWdssc bouse, else barn seiseble fer livestonh, scos-age etc, Nioely B68 MAIN ST. ober scbooi bu routes. Cali 3 BDOM bnao, Fridey - 8654183 treost lot. Lisled as 160,000. Inglis Bes Lines 854-2171. BOX 163 'Hccrby erce, oivailabic Oct. 1. MLO 8__2____ 2764_ GO___________ REAL ESTATE 8c25-2764rr rqure The Canadian Champion $200 per mos. 1-765-6128 Caeo- î________ _ GO FARMIN nia. 3c2l2635122 erres ef gned predctive, secdy leat, soli, 9-roceS fes-m ORNERA o l aler r et'd . 13c2-263 on1 FINANCEE bedom a oose in soice setting af treon and shrobs, large beef anS rae forItese onsrocioniccf IJSET boones oerl -heg haros inclcsding oarge silo and paved yard osits sefT sisc, Milsonvieos Heighs onn Mcfr 5pcrotsco nd ftas. ufuveditsg mangcrs. These ecere aIl nom since 1967. Many INURANCE LTD Basr e Line beoneen 8io a.yai AIrte,$15.aN entres go osith ibis fes-e. Fleese caOl fer appointosent. os te 12 acc. ge27t7-tO nionîh. Avaieble Noceshor 1, WOODWORKERS i . BEIII5OOM epcrtrocct in FRATO N EVC cxprseced ocîy on machine 972on 878.3208.m drape22s, Oir Is n RATE Cali HURRY. HURRY brch coodiliociog, trig. end steve. l-rýd4-b dreens home, located on coesplotely laadaca- TWIN WOODWORKING CARETAKER tiras, hydre seciuedd 1145 e MORTGAGES DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 ied ravine let. Tis is ene of the finost homms in Mâlon LTD. t'nqsoietoritc os' Cali Ockvîlie 827,1201 Srie82.ItgiyO KILE - 8546 spociecs, Ooesily oie hitchen with Os 0c oinslow, catoral 877-9332 reqdb c rcvccilc or tOc 13.21-2817 SescwihItgiyOK(L 4-27od cupbecrds, living acd ditsang roces oith atoele lion- 87793 2 pus.WlbcmpnbIfoth - O.MBA. Meosber 17c20 plce ced patio dooro, 4 oodroms and 4-pc. bath ce 2nd _______________ maitencenod clrctlinccs of AVAILA8BL7 ici Uct., ricat ce- 9¼%ocer, poosdec mont on esaàn fl1r, finislsmt recreasios Coospus fccil ities ccd capablte esiortribi. 2 -Oeroo bonne- 91/4____________________%_ _ moo vcith tiepace. Ise emnos- oent ail cet cith ect'ae, CO O0 K of drivingatruck.Must carry lc,.cetrlyiccatcd in Milton, ComIbine 5t and 2d. breadconm tbreeabcot indirect lighting in mest roces, c chcoi'tcor's licence acd havc fri., sioso aed dryor, $165.00 -Pcy al yoer bis. Deait hesitale en ibis one. Gond tes-ms al 8%.% N..A FOR 2 ADIJITS goed kceccledge cf the rit5 cf oses. Ccii Brico Bcst ai Bcst -Combine dcbts. esertgage. RÉforeeces. Highost Wagon. Toronto. Rccity & Insuracce, Reolters, -Buiid a flouse. m Pleasces saroundings 8784118O. 13021-2835 -Add c moo. FRTTM FEE Reply toi Contact: BESTtagsfot12 IS IM FEE BOX 162 MR. W. FOURNIER 878-3577 NOW RENTING - Oies Ed- 2ndS« Meeaesfe 265bedronon Clay brick bunglowc, loccted on entra lag asX 6 en Court Apts., Ironie St., Mil- CAIL. j lot, living and dieing ronts, hitchon mis breakfast soc , The Canadian Champion alton. Ycu are invitcd te vieos J00 REYNOLDS LJR.alty and garcgc, pcvcd drive. This hoese is tostcfuily derorated &-2 SHERIDAN COLLEGE thc fuliy funishcd modol soit- INCOME MORTGAGE Insus-anc. Ltd. and recdy te more iffie. $29,500 wit terrna avallin MILTON CAMPUS ccby appeintosent. losmedieteCOMRILST MILTON AMPUS possesseon. Rectal agents, Boss SERVICESCO MRILST LIFT TRUCK DRIVERS 6h21 Recliy & Inserance Lîd., Milton 6914 Eoig)o bo ce feee 0 sn acbocceece Encriccrd hcniio ____________________ pece8784118 13c261-tfsites in tbe erea, loccted os 25 Ne-y. Ideai for botel, brckis an ct rbut ot essenet MPOMNTWNE 527-4557 Hamilton mote, drivc-in or aute dealer etc. Cali todoy te discoca ici. Cali or cone in for inter- 1 MLYETWNE AND 2 BEDROOM (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) 310 MAIN STREET -MILTON, ONTARIO sectes availabie cnd the mosy uses ltis land could be vl,.APARTMENTS 16lc-el 'OPEN TO OFFIER" - losoediate posscssion, conforteblo older usel foc. MILTO BRIK ISESSMA3CING doync _as AVAILABLE Cley brick bhome, censraily loccted cn Milton, largo livingFR EN beot. 88-9%. 321272 rco 513. ad $45 scnc- ____________________ races eith lirrptocr. seperose diniog reem, kitchen, ont- COMPANY VlioriOaL(1 orssrexre oo c- , e ACTON.s Ahered isuciodes, 17 REAL ESTATE rance bail, 3 bcdrcooss end batlsrsm, flt basectent, soes I and 2 bedroo proet cldn et yr.ss Bcce Lsve West drcoapî e c lieîies acore aplauelrnace. Pricd co seli et 126,000. Teress availale. Cati ter, drapes fcig, ced etoe, locaed close te, deosnoos, ,eccls posistion perst rrscoin draeo ed- cn Mihe Ledositb. possession date abesut Jcn. 1. Cali cese o resorne the Mitn8844ttrsofc rciic Ofice es PRIVATE SALE -Cuisteo suite of you-coice. oilToont 878-34415 ptcm'ce typficc7rctseic Offic Acton 853-2197 beit 5 bedroces homee. Large 828.900 FULL PEICE - Vale for yooc eseeey. Nect ccd co- 8c2i iaphce, bocchhcrpinet cc. Mill- - and - hîtcher. livig & dieevg rivons. eniens, cestrcty locctcd, 3-bedrones ced dlay brick bon- INSURANCE cnara 87".300. 9c21-2871 ACton 853-0272 2 beibe, doublc garae, an large galowr, rcosbioeticc L-shaped living and dinisg reaes, Wr invitr yoer onqeiries regccding ail types ef istnes 13-fhcdcd lt, 878-3644 af1er 4 kiechos 'ith breckfast creo, sotort 4-pc. bethroom, fiull IE UO iBLTY IE OTAEEC GIRL FRIDAY 13~cesp.. fcr eppeictroont dicsdcd bcscescnt. large 66' c 132' lot. Tes-ms con be or- -FRATLAIIY IE OTAEEC GIL RIAY PIANOS MOVED 17c21-2583 acnged. FRPOP N OREU EVC tonceitre irrd icrtan Mt-. Alf I7INLE H AFI RIVATE ccir, 3 -bedrre- GERE ST. - Smt beugealow scit detcched ici car garage, pscmcasd grosd Cl eertecd e" - aise - Miltecco fieest apertont bu- brick tergelao. ltIached.-kpr- sparieses reotbiccsinn licing and dicing ecees 21'0 o C AL L rc offsce precres. Ovin Cosplete Moving Service ilding cct parae eduit ,igse, pvcd drivec braribcîr '4",erilto s l sctbrcadiosm, 'colt piacced kitchen, 3 transortaion ssenial.CALL floos. Faturs inlade saua baernet hash-iihd ec. .bedomsrerreatiocoms r roeoston1mnt"1'n"2323' Ai , saty prerieusseeper- bath rermroioA roee-, hobby"~ 1on~29e r-u andTd de ad . Çpgm o aller as $29.900. isoncisg can be be atîC8 l8M2888171 Bo78No.216 Tiscre cc, c few, i or 2 bcd' 17.21-2397 72 Box No.216 mons aparlees avestabie acer $19,900 - Otdcr 2-bcdrces buncatcow, situelrd en a large 66a c 9c-tf 124 loI, living roe 12' t 14', hi-tilen 9'6 n 163, fuall CndaChminApply SUPERINTENDENT ____________ baeosnt, F.A. gas bccsing sysîcon. Milton,_____ Ont._ PhTO TAED 25Otone 8-3180 BEAVE! COUNTRY INVESTMENT - Le-ascd close ta Caespbelviilo, 8c21 _____ Phn 878 smardupenit, cistu te na5acre parcel oflnd, GOAT Sily. -tese 1e-y.25 30-il 350' f reesagr. This 13-moe derling has 3 feil betbeeoess, GOAT, Bill, white. wy. 25, 1pertoscnt haing 3 bdrooms, the 2nd aprtmesîlav- It w l ccrch cf 401 acre. Cci 878-6159. TRUCK DRIVERS 121 SAVINGS ieg 2 bedroces, FA. cil heaoicg. Listed aI $39,9W0. Coui Esrinoccrinr dciivrring Ii2-26 UP TO $3.000 3Jot leur3 fur fssrtbee details. MILTON 'bricks orhtlocks. Per teedmes 14 WANTED TO RIENT Pm.cicro rrgiceed hon COUJNTRY HOME -Sitectcd an the Gelph Lice, sontO of 9-rocm brsck hoe 'cith 4 bcdecosms and Ili3 bots, living rom pics rvm.Cal] ce conc cn fcr 13 FORI MEN hcmdc vo taa esic ,4 Caspbrltci lec custcom bails 4-brdrcom erd brick becga- e-nb tiracîcce, ful taeort, oc oer half an ocre of ineviw OUNGeman reqoimr rccr ochcscmcîss orcustomde' tc, spc.ci ivinrcot,tcarge chcete-iltdicicg ar c D ci Irclas d bdr r rro.T io o COMMERCIAL cpc, 1,680 ced b'ecmd se Camesh]i]]c croîsgord. Get ail tOc farts. Franki Cc, 4-pc. besbccoos, FA. ail bcatieg, beeefifuî iondscoped DcGtrcd REARNPR q. 1., cn Miii St. MilIce. 878- C. 854-2704. t4c21.2g14 T. Fiefcld beome ronsutt), lot 99' s 231'. Asbiec $33.500. Ccli Art Peaock fer lu-she MILTON REGL TANSORT 3512. 13c2i 2716 Bccrer Lomeshr Co., 570 Ha- dcteits. nutilo,1acenriwyfotg ntw svcs LIMITED FRI r -_1GENTrLLMAN cichre roce & ucp Or.. Miltce, Ont., phone 878- plde s cmmrial teIar cropie frsege on toon servren.- Divisoncf ltonBick Ca. FE ISHE mcnis tor ecsl-' board, rartemo section c] Mil 4123 ce ciit 1Boaror Leonhor 1971 - 72 SALES AHE MNTAWARD ClDec aeoc rcclrafrsaei dO'5lOa a-a Bas Lie est ema2 enta3 3c2i2d.878- toMce 878 cm05 1cîrsi for , oectlg e -cg 00 Wr arc plccsed Ioaneecece tbcî Me. SIc Tboespsec bas woec 253.132lU1 ROMad oad ate fr 7ca r 1971-72 Saes Acbîceeent Ae-crd - ac eccense peid trip o ACTON Milton 878-4441 4 - BEOEOOM bocse ce Maina Je. -11- hockey picîesc. Accis Vancouver ari tOe Cenedien eal Essate Cecventio. 3-bcdrcosm heome on corncr lot, very ceaI, oreli teaed on Main ar Trto253455 Su r ossinOct.1 Phoe 1 MitnJr Hockey Club 878-6705. Street. Asking ocly $19,900.: Cai: Dcc Oowlad tc2l 878.4533. 13.212640 14- 23A24ITO Spacines 3-bedroem bungaows wlth a I cor garage lcated _________________________________on a quiet court, taieohdly deccroted Oisresgheout and WE TY ýRIll1nffering e-ail ee wati broadocon, osalcot paateiling, estys- tl Cohendelier and c stoe lis-eplere in theo living s-cee, dicicg reem plot a feosiiy size klîcsen acd pceled rcs Soîid Brick Duplex reena. Fer lie-tiser deleOs please esali: lmn Bunker. 2 Storey î<CAMPBELLVILLE W IYLcaksvg lora me ples en- 10 acres and acow cstombilt 2st-ey Colniie hesmOO conte? Wc havc jOst liseri a a2 cr attaced garage. The foer, ivingrontand dn- 2 2-Oeroorme apertosans heome icg montmare dcsigcesde-ithfoeltetaining ineslnd ji e ra nres ie and -the hitchen, roticg area and maein flocr faesily roces innvcn et Ore ethcm. O- wit0 its tene firepiore drsigced lest cosy loesiiy living. nerw I tae bckIstmor- Ieluedam 4 bedreams, 3 bctteots, bslc-in inter- N E W S IN G L E gag t715%.Try you ife o n vacuum systess esaking tItis a unique rp- 9511. FA M IL Y H O M E S Commercial Building Lot Oc ery2arso adcoet 41 hsl ptes3bdo crm roetcentraty icet- bnao.Tewlu nledliving mn a rc cd. Aekiag pi cc $24,000. Fer lirece, tOe hitchen is cosy and provides spara foe dion lumshCr ictamesesiro, Cali Ans- ing. Ta esake y ece contry living cescplote, tera la a e. Chuchesoc 878-9511. harn and o shed te previde sheltor foer anImaIs Ail for IN 26the Oeil esking ptise cf $21,000 Cali: Itemo Pries. Give Your Chiîdren FOUR SEASON CHALET M I )T N Room to Play O26acres ef betsh property, e nemly ronntracted. Fousr Soaacn Movetu ctonint thi atraci Chlset es waidcng fer your ficiohing toucshes. 7Sso large living oon consains e stoe ficepiace. 'lie kildeen In ta low3-brdom in livhbig as-rive shectly and odd te, cenvo ietce and locks. TOc 3 tics, 4pbeatho fishe lic bedromo hove largerileos and ara sel ld oul, A ___ races witsc bat, lîvishod run- uoility cocon s large engh o be esed os a 4Oh edccan. D)O R S E T P A R K c ~ ~ c ctL dobl gaae&Fl.aeetwt aag.Frmr nomtope escrervime,. Fac appaiiceci "CONGRATULATIONSco frcF-. cal] Eao, Cecac 878-9511 as- 3 - BEDROOM HOME LO A I N878-2755. "~ s rte HUREN; HIc RYHUERY- They are geing liko hot cakes - Large 3-.emohom, breay vrdee 2 car aags-l H h h ofr seccn feflam veer lricodv te t0e best rectal acceomdation ONT RI S . Hw 5)Havorhcesce? I cevc clirents ce' cn Milton. 'Oedoosites froos $145, 2-bedroemt suites SOUTH 0F ACTON - REDUCED TO SELI C)NT RIC ST (Hvy. 5) dy ta buy ice- and e-cad be froos $165. Doa's ho disppeicted - reserve yoec coite 10 acre tat e-ilh profressina but baseont ec siab 01cr 105 happy sa discoee yacr plans iedcy. driiicd 'ccl 500' frectege, on majer routry rond. Plana ecîsO yo. Jeckic Bccsce 876- and enreyeaoreffice. Foromore detilnrcal: Kap Beal 300 YARDS NORTH OscF M AIN ST. 951,1 ce 878.319. IF ITS "SERVICE and SATISFACTION" YOU DESIRE Saesan in Atenane ro 1.3 an.Daly Oversizo adsae Lot CAIL "BEST REALTYe 878-4118 Brethour Realty Services (1961) Ltd. onesna on qeidtac sîred 10.30 a.m psi-y Arts P-aOC 87-64 -aI . unalw Realtor vase gcreo, oscny chrube ue t eetia Osi snoBaok 7-64IMk Ledwith 878-4873 TORONTO 826-3085 MILTON 878-4121 tesTh shedliving Os Stan Thompson 878-24551 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 17831 Cail 878-5364 Collect diTccata hes te ce- Jim Balley 878-65061 Bnian Best 878-4118MOECASFES NNXTP E fortof his ome Toviem, __________________________________________________ gde aI 849-2M3. 17831 17c21 I 17 L FARMS 1 100 acre (aI i oseil tiled lai tie-eps ples I rooci brick bouse e drive shed. Y 100 actes (90 podsacig la gond reiair, 8 - r-ome bel homo, attacn $41.000. JAKE 519 -291-1 repre DON H REA D. GC REAL ESTi Mini 35 Acre porno] os-oted 8 s-oc 'Full baseone the doo-. C Dont raies 678-2001. New Urgently coqs buyecs mitE Thinsing cg the possibili 87&-200. STELLA Real Est 396 BELL MILTC MoifOat cillag cd1 tis sIen boern ail D log cotcp kitchen, e vnity, oarge famly roms closed bock 6294500. Ir 3 - 'bedroosn low, large ce & living elleached dlean. Asku STIELI 871 CHRISTIE REAL. MS t89 Main Ste Early 3 BEDOR1 and dining broadleomn ed recreal ces inclede 629,500. Near 5 BEDROOI faesilymo boten, doit 'Mys-tle Mci 873-2095. Separat Located cee tocdroom t livin o r cheo, broc contained for poreci 'Myrtie Mc 676-2095. Campk Older type l loination room,4 b ateslsn 21, sus-oedi Agking 13! Commnercial msodern 3 islsed mere moteo, bro encollent wayl. Vg lost oio entice 519 FAIt, 85; heese, sel mset. As Otyctie hM 97-2095. YVON 878-605; Il-