mii hall rosi aIl Wayne are Mille, .ri, Ken Mi McNaish, toi Koilh MeKhsian e a n illi sio Harold aig Jackson re udable la 'ERS 23, i...... Championship series lied .Hall" Bocal Fa#ihal fi"al go itat foolli game Sept. là wlOi lanvie. Tise series was lied 1-1t allter 1the first Ina naines ail 111e Ouird gante nos schedoied for falt nigisI in Lotaville. lioo Nixon pîtcheil L.wville 10 an 8-2oi in the Oiral game nhile Joh hilhr leil tie nnur focPalemia niai a 0-decisem in theiseond cntest. Ifnecteasary a fR11 tome in tha hest nf Oive series Wini ha lsayed la Loniville sept. 19. Thse nianer of 1h01 nerlea wiii go againoR the wnmer of Frimas aid Parkland Paving for Oie Halles Rural Championship. Coaches' course Mohawk College in Hamillan, la contonclion wII Hochey Canada, will off er, an eighl- sesson certification course for amateur and minor hockey league caches ilarling Mandoy, Sept. 18. 00111 men andl nomes are ivilail le parlicipala. flue malt is $20. Enolobent la lunild le 35 persons an a firnit came, first oerved bains aid registrations are none haing accepleil aI Oie collete's Feaneil campua. 'Ibe course nul ha offereil Manday andl Wedneaday eveningo fraim 7.301t0 10 p.m. Optimisis have bye in playoffs As 1the A-League schedale came tx an end Ibis neehenil Ciemeol's Wailpaper nere delealed bylthe Oplinistu luib 5-1 and lied Oie Legian leao 2-2, McCuaig lnorance loppeil Mari's 9-4 andainavery trig game Oie Legion Clubs naa lappeil by lise Optimists club 9-8. Sa asithe playolîs gel andernay this aieek Clement's Waiipoper and Ma-io xiii play Mooday and Friday, xhule McCuaig losuresce sqare off agais Legion. Tihe Oplimust club n0 gellthe bye rîgt alao Oie plaoaIfi. TIse aimer of these conteis xiii tbeo meel in a rounil roino touroameol with tbe leom wiOi th1e mosl poits being anardoil Oie champianibip. Final Standings W L T Piu. Optamsilal il t I 23 McCuaig 9 5 O Il Clemento' O 7 1Il Legian 4 7 2 10 Mroos 3 il 0 O Thseremaaixg arbedieil game belxeeo Ciementu onil Optsolula willnot bie piayed au il nu 001o affect lise standings Boy. Wlsesever you lid tisaI you are on lise oîde oI the majorîly, il ln tune tx reform. METRS WENT AIEAD 3-t overI Lein lisOgioployers nere ejechail by lthe endl of1000 Oie bonish gume of Oie Industriol Fastbati seventhinning. Tise serins was to coninue last inais Tisursdoy nigisî nI Rotary Park They nigist <Tuesday). -ýPioto by O. BurtI) won 10-3 and Oie game endei wisen Oire St. Clair, Yellow Balloon lead girls' bail finals JUNIOR GIRLS Semi-Flsala tîn ofl W L T F1s S0. Clair Pail&Paper 2 O I 5 Plaza Omohe & Gdlu 0 21 1 St. Clair F0101 ns Series. Phoala t2bf 3) W L T Fia Si. Clair Faiol &Faper 1 S 0 2 Peggy'sof Milton 0 I O 0 Future Games: Tuesday, Sept. 12-Feggy'i vo. Si. Clair Palin; Tisuraday, Sept. l1-S. Clair Pamnt vs. Feggy's. SENIOR GIRLS "Serles "A" 3sof 5l W L T FOu Yelon Saloaun 3 I O O MilanFihes 1 3 0 2 Yeiion 5011000 wns Series. Round Robin Series W L TFis Hood'sClacisenQueenm3 0 0 t ltnight's Dry Cleaner i I I 3 Trafalgar Ford Tocixos O 3 1 1 Hood's wns Ocries Flaals 12 of3) W L T POu Yelow Halloon I 0 O 2 HoodusChockenQueenaO 1 0 0 Future gaaies-Wednesday, Sept. 13 Vellow Salloon vos. Hoodos; Saturday, Sept. 10- Hood's vs. Yellox Ballon. *1ý Legion Notes I By George MeLeoil We hase a request for help Ivllono f ram Hallan Maser, for a volanleer teacher in vald nons. Contact Mies Stesens aI Oie Manor, or aur presidest foc. lurihor delaila. Aay Lime yen can spare , would be appreciated. Tbe Legion golf toornament is ochedaleil Ion Sept. 30,3<o gel yaur clabs danted off. A specual nelcome le Ina nen meaibera tibisnecis, in th1e persans of Martin Souainesd, and Ted Sestur. Gladi ta hesr Cbarlie Lester's goxil lady slanaig an improvameot in the laspital. Visilars Wehadaitheanr af a vssit lrom Oie Hilibâlies from Oie Sleam- Era, Eurl Ilone mil E. J. Hays. Doo't farget the glaocoma test un Sept. 16 aithieMiltonsHospital. No appuimest is needed. Our congratulatios i nek le Kmn and Patricia James on thoîr 3lot neddiag anniveray. Serry yoa hail le nons Ken, bol oaesody biadt ta keep tise meaihara happy. SENIOR GIRLS Sept. 0-Altoiugh outlat by their oppornesls, Koight'a Dry Cleaneri tools ailvantage af nildovîs hy Oie Trafalgar Toriao'i yîlehiag staff, aid recoFded a tena in a round robin series gamne. Cidy Lewvia pacoil Oie wnaneri wiOi o pair of safeties. Tr'afalgur nere led hy Lyai Caubian, Deishie Leggo, Dana Coradetti andl Sandra Burdett, eacb niOi a hrace of 11110 mnd CrysOul Chuchmnach niso adilei a lame rai. Sept. 5--The Yeiiow SaSoon Selles imochel Oie Milton Filles from the ylay-off trou, by defeatingthOim by a 12-8 ocore. Loose fîeldig ledt la Oie llmes' doniail, as Oiey coasmitteil seen errars, wite holdiag Oie bard-hstig Ye0lon Soilaun leam, le only ais hbi. Isle wnoera' hits vire Oiared hy Jadi Whistler, ALGONQUIN BOOMS0 Algonquin Proviacial Pars bail 707,000 vuailoci doclng 1971, an Il per cent lacrease oser the trevioia yhar, Camperi spunt oser 301,000 daya. a 12 pur cent increuse. There nere 52,000 yeopleausixg the pank inlerior and Oiey syent 221,000 camoeisl daya, a l9aper cent icrese. Pars revenues, inclading sale ol permits and concesaion renlai, icreaoed isy 14 pur cent. IIUNTER'S HORBY Deer season esded varIs ol Kenora nui a Baies recenly for a Sioux Loahout "Thronlacs" huaiar nhen he donneil a sylise larn bocs nits his bame-bull fluntlocs rifle. An authantic, oie lime YA-HOO nIa hard ut a distance of Ina moiles nisen lise biack panIer amoke clearel andl Oie huadred year ouldatel huuoier mouid see Oiat be lad laid losu bis quarry. Il tols landls and foresîs biologiat Mise ass Ibree years of his <pure lime Ix cumylele the replica of an 101h oentory Penn- sylvaia Matnlocks rifle. The rifle neige i at a befty 10 poanils 12 ounces, sbuole a 187 g rain roundl lead hall niai 100 graims xl blocs paxiler. Isle firearm lulls stucisein curdy maplle and brss mouxted. lis eslisaled value tx a hlacks pueder entbuuiast is n $000 but nov that ibi rifle las claied lis fîrat scite-il, ia worth is more tises money tx ila BALT1C SEA POLLUTION Pxllution xl Oie Saltir Sea is fast becxmîing a problex for Oie O k fG tourist trade aod Isygiene Largle German-spekn exet.Rsrsaeubiig machin~es bu. h ve are uismtig population in Halton twoar te uiien of swge lise senage problem, thse Saltir's NesI le Engisi, Oie lurgest ethnie segment oI Haltomu 10,.470 sait content isas heen înceeasig. ppuaeion is German. OxXgenifaaeihcma Officiai udvance pupulation bitaIs on the 1971 cenaus of Canada mo?\'aice, asthe dcaying releasediis nee sbow 1501 165,475OHallan residenle, or close to90 yen prxcess acceierateî, leasing li111e cent, eontstaEglish s nheir moaier langue. Nezi lagnI coîngory wa. onyfen for lising thifgs Hygiene Germent, nhich 4,360 clauie as Oieir malhar langue, folanwed by expertu fear thot if tons Neaierlands 3,740; French 3,455; IteSesn 3,420; O.lOaainian 1,470- Fosui coninue ta peur senage inIa Oie 1,400; and Indies and Eskimo 30. Aasoaier 7,000 nere lisled 'ai 'aaien". Oaltic, niOi no nay xl remxving il, the sea xIII harome a buge Cansui Officiais e=llaOe moaier langue concept l'refers le Oie cesopool. Lmangethe persean Isten uchildbesil andalunderstaads. ha aie case of infants, ahis 1< the language masO allen spuhan inxh aie - lame."'1EI Tise cenoos figures aise lsed a breaks-don fan lean d ruIles E POLLOCK ovr10,000 population, so airee Halesn manicipgliies nere includei la if AN4D Oie But. FH German is aigu Oie second tongest meaier langue goay inla E CAMPBELL Siehangon, nhare 1,9170 respondeila listed 1h01 Language nhe 76,000 EM of thelenn's 7,025 reidenlsare maùdy &ngish-speaklg. la Oakvüle R Itaban ranhad second aI 1,940 tiie Gerisan nas Olnrd aI 1,030, N011tuit Oe sssses, Neaierlanda nua fondit aI 1,010 and Freichs filai aI 1,000. A toall of M.niOma 0105100of the 61,480 Oasvù1etesllulted Englsh asaiheir main longue. Efl± Geargetownas Fresds-apeainsg popolation nas listed i5 rt h 03 nia i T62 b-7588 0 20enn,315 Netherlanda and 35Itaian. OI the total population of EàfGALT - 17,055, Oiere nere 15,320 os Engliah-apeklg. Thue cennus caanted ai ina. a. North 18,208,247 Canadians. EMlw~s1 Anna Wilials, Kalby South, Katsy Chuchmnach, Janet Toletha aid Kelly Vichary. The Fillies nere pacel isy Cathy Carrol, Fatsy Moy andl Marianne CaSIIOis, eschis vi n hûts. A gome in ibi series, plapeil 00iler prolaîl hy Oie Millan Fillies, nas isalioneil hy Oie league eserutive andl a0loned la sanl as a Vellon Oooa vie- tory. Sept. 7-Hoodos Chirken Queena 17, Trafalgar Fard Torixos 15. (No ocore sheel availahie). Sept. 9-Tise Senior Girls' finals openel wiOi lise Ve0lon BaSeson Belles, paceil by Oie stresg pilching of KaOiy Eahims, defestiog Hood's Clecisen Queens 10-3. Marie Horning, Denise McCann, Ji Whistler and Kathy Eais eacb hiadt to bits for Oie wimners. Lida nSmiths nan Oie only Hxod's hatter t0 co0lerl Si-o afeties. JUNIOR GIRLS Sept. O-St. Clair Paixt & Foyer cmntioued te surprise, aihen Oiey delealei lFa,7 Omoise & Gilti by o 104 sore, nbich moved St. Clair ile the finals agaimlt Peggy's of Milton. Patti Keene <pua a strong seven bitter aI Oie Plaaa Club. Cindy Marshsall, Biaise fasvrstock and Fotti Kesae eacb collected twa hus for Oie niners, vile KaOiy Trento led Oie Plaza vîi Ina afeties. Sept. 7-Tbe Junior Girls ' F"inals opened, ails St. Clair Pait li Payer uysettuag Oie strong Peggy's of Milton team by a cimse 6-4 cotait. Th1e game leatured a stroof pilcimg duel halneen S1. Clair's, Fati Keaoe and Peggy's Pegf y Lee Fiai, mi bath allowing only en bits. St. Clair's bits xere divided ausoagni Susau Blair, Carlene Daly, Liane Whistler, Lisa Wilson, Katby Blair, Cindy Marshsall andl Julie Fos. Peggy Les Fimn led 111e losers viOi a pair of iîs, wite Dehisie Gervais, Cidy itoui, Jocy and Jan Bennett, and Jesice Mollen ciipedi iha single eais. reglstratlon Quabifiel idiernho noulil like ta beli poîrol ares si hills are haiug ougbt by the Western Zone if the Canadian Ski Potrol Sysceai. The Canailiao Ski FoIraI Syscem as a volunleer urgan- imltiox made up of 4,000 traisied Aiers vite help ta maimain safety oo Oie siills. Tise patrollers aI Oie Glen Eden Mi Ares aI Kekeo Canservation Ares ure memisens. To ioi t11e cluh yoo must halO8 yeuro of age andl ski neii. Applîcooto must lahe a C.S.P.S first aid course aid nil ha tramnei in buning a Ski1 Faîrol lalaggan. loleresteil idera con regiuler lamorron j'lhursdayl aI 7.30 pes. aI Oie Guelph YM-'f'fCA, Speedvaie Ave., Guelph; or al Oie Pied Crosu Bfuilding, 400 Eutg SI., HuFor lurtber information contact Sosie Bell ut 878-9277 aller ioring lauri, or nrila Oie Thursday Canadian Si Patrola System, Western Zone, F0O Bon 242, Barlington, Onitario. Seat halls, foost offeced on North Ansericax cocu in 1900, ac"uiy pre-dale automobiles. A patentnwas granted in 10 for loy hlus t0 preveol people from laicixg out of fast laggies. The Ontario Safety Logue sari Oie idea baild fen tahars. Il ARTHUR A. JOHNSTON o.D OPTOMETRIST 218 Main St. 878-3673 Actone NOTICE Lawrence Laking wishes ta thank ail his ZZfriends and customers who patronized him during his stay jn Milton at Larry's Barber Stop. Speciai thanks to the boys ot the Milton Legiso je their support. Zs Lawrence has sînce returced ta New - Brunswick ta opten a shop. MANAGEMENT OPPORTUNITY SALES MARKETING Outstacding indivîduai, eariy cn career deoeiopment. Must indicate desîre ta moute quicky ino management positioc, in a highiy profitable and respected industry. Pinase repiy wlth resume je confidence. To Bau 158, The Milton Champion, Milton, Oct. STYLED FOR MODERN LIVING Polished Chrome or Brass Clear Glass or Blacki Candies SALVE N@W LIGHTING à Seil ~ thGe nrdcydiplntQ ai, i ouFOQ net hoaiFcom et I NADALIN ELECTRIC 31S3 Steel@$ Ave. Mailton 878- 41 Il Pro hockey school faces dlm future Tentaive Idnal hl a Pr. Caputlavnts annoyed wea ho fesianal b=oCke Inoo Miltou learneil tie amoant ashed nos Dmu year may have la 11e $15,000. He salil tise aFerage cancelled unleso Milton Arena renlal for other 1101<0 fo saudar oard cao lid a leos expensice sehools F30 about $000 per neis waa pnFidOiFefor theSCsAAIo Arena boardl chaiosan SsiI i August. Cluilds saisi salaries, hydro and operating expeases made il Val Capala and las pantnera la impasible for th1e riak tx 11e th1e proposed sehool, Doue openaloil for that month for Ilest Heans and Pete MrDuf le. dan $10000o. nanlail la reni lie riak for foor Ho said 111e boardl lookel alan neess ia Auguat ontil they learn eigislweek operaling periol when th1e armna boardl waa aahuog they calcalatel t11e nuM, rallier $15000to operate 1the rils for that than four. Ho said t11e groay period. noulil ha blleil for Ino weeha Seek ski patrollers -I Thse Champion, Milion, Ont., Wl ed Optemiser 13, 19725 hefare Oie sehool in nbich lime lce naull ha iaalei and Int __ _ _ __ _ _ neehu ofler. Mr. Chils <id Oieh u board mulddn'l ha mue aI rntlg j .., 71 Oie ice aBter the ochool nas " I ei_ __ finisheil antil mid-Oeplemher wheo hockey andl osaig fol îaideraiay. Ase if the prsce msghl lie louereil il hockey seams se otheF ..M R srfesalaions rex ted Oie ice, AT O R hsido saîd o orgesixation isai INSURANCE requested lime in Oie lirol part of Orylember. Everyone nanti CAMPBELLVILLE mare lime in Oie moile of the 8S54-2271i neason ai prime lie, thougs. Forhion Fobrkct ~oFai 54" WASHABLE (r PLAIDS i45" Printed PI.AIDSCalypso Weave Acrylics Perfect for Suitable Oxford Bag Pantis for Hosfess Gowns NOW 2.9Syd. and Evening Wear -NOW2Sd 36" RAWHIDE elirRi-45" HEAVYWEIGHT SUEUL FORTREL DENIM For Skirts and Fine for Sports Baffle Dress Jackets Wear fi Boys Pants $O 3.9 Cyd. NOW S1.49 pil 45" TERRY NOW $1.89 y. Prints and StriPES 56" STRETCH TERRY NOW 12.98ydi. Ideal for Jump Suifs 1MILTON F BR IC CENTRE 1MARTIN STREET Phone 878-6861 MILTON, ONT. SEPT. 15 -16 AT ACTOINI FRIIAY NIGNT, SEPTEMBER 15 as ~ Parade and concert - ,à ACTON CITIZENS' BAND 7.30 ta 8 pi. W" LOM F00 PEIE T C-ATUrD, PRSEPTEMER1 FRAN. P ALMR AAD a h Cr o,ds faro, C..Rgel 50, .f5HANSEN, EAQQQQDUO Q. n d i iLe- QQQ O,.5 PAI N IH R AD