Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1972, p. 16

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&4 Thse Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed.. September 13, 1972 WEDDING RINGS AND VOWS ere exchaagrd ut Grace Anglicaa Churcis ut Aug. 12 by Breada Elizabeths Taylor and Raymand James May. Tisry are residiag uithUe Gien Eden Apartents an tarante St. Wedding May - Taylor tn a douhle-ring aeddisg Jaseph Hart and Jobs Sauve crremany ut Grace Anglican acted as ushers and a fourtb Csarcb on Augast 12, Scenda cousin Rahby Sa uce cas eing Eliabeth Taylor hecamne the hearer. They cure white dinner laide ai Raymond James May. tacheta csth red bauttasieres. Ose ss Use daugbtec ai Me. and The cecepîsas oas betd ut te Mes. Jobs Taylor. 206 Sarah St. Unitedl Steelcorsers Hall eith and cocha as a ourses aid. Tise sas attesdssg. The brsde's gossg- groom, ecployed by Palymer is ucay dresa casaIf bloc crassplese the sas of Me. asd Mrs. lames csth white accessoris and a May of 58 Jobs SI. Milton. iorsage ai ced roses. Thry are Res' 000. bhstee cosdUvted resdsg ai122 BreuoseSt.,Apt. the maresage cîth Mrs. A. OîRjB 1 edwith atthe organ. Theclarets Gtents cas decorated csth yelloc Speci.al gueslsailltheolslig mums. ssvladed the gcuam's grand- ies in cacesage hy bec moîher Mes. Hslda Wbetbam ai faUser . the hesde auce as A-lsse Mltn and lusgreat-aassîMes. W. dress esth laec sîeeae and Brocnofa Coaksvslle Tise ced- svallopeicsth lace trimtover the ig cake cas made by the talleta sirt Rer headdress cas groom s ues Mes. Carl May and af Spanss style lave and cas the decoaed by Mca. F. (Cisholba sainebheaddcesshleremUseehad v;aesîs oece peesent tramt coca on bier ceddssg day. The Winsu , Collssgcood, celowas heldby a satcnrose and lohassîle, Sarnia, Ottaca, oange blassues. She cacried a HrbMlo n tetvl rruxd bske of lowrs. The hrsde's gils ta ber Beldesmaids intesdanta Oece crosses and Mateon ai hosar cas Mrs. lachkels.'he groom presenîrd bis Virginia Pattersop. a frsend ofinatendans csth cuit lsis and the bride. Brcdrsmasds wcre ringhbeareer ohbv Sauve wsth a L5rhhîa Preston. a fiend; oav ~~rISauve, vomsit ai the ashowers ere heldifor the bride grooma; i.aea Taylor, ssstee ut he Mca. Vsegsasa Patteesos ai the bride; and Teresa Sauve, Milton, the gcaasa's motbee, the vussa ai the groom. Tbey coce groamas aust Mes. Retty Sauve floral shscta osth pastel green, and daugbtecs Teresa asd mauve and pssh laps wsth a Barbara, the groom's grand- heart-shaped sevkisîse, paît saother Mes, Hilda hbetham and sleevrs and A-ime. and empire the groam*s amstMrs.sbinie casss Theehrsdesmasds caresed Fetter. Oas Aug. Il te groom's cascadesmad basketsofdases. parensa held a pacty for te lleoomnsman cas Jli bridai ioupie.'asledanls, fiesds l5atersonof ailtas. Three ai Use and rviativvs, ioroam-s cousins, Jacis lac, Milton girl registers at school of nursing Credss Valley Scbaol ai Nursing aI Mississauga eecently admitîrd ita ith clasa ai nursing students. Tise 1.15 yaasg cames and seven menaepnaarlyleron loal areaa i Mîssissauga, dSteessvslle. Georgetocn, urampton, Milton, Oahvslie, 'Toranto, etc. i AIse eepeesessed are Virgîssa. Calstaessa. Hong Kong, Use Phsllspiaes. British Calumbhia, Qaehec and distant regsuns of Ontario. Eilees Keasta ai Milton s one ai tbose esrlled as a iss yeac studesl. Thesneav'iasso'iiii'ocasnesce a Ico-yese programmie oi study and esperîcace and, upos cumrpietsos. cill be elsgshle ta celte lthe nure registration esamisutioOs set hy the Callege ai Narses ai Ontario, ta becume as Ontaeio Regssteeed Norse. Oir ut 60 Ceedît Volley School of Nursing ione oi scer 60i scboals of nsinsginOntario. The scisual upesed in 1960,00o meet the seeds of the vvssaiuisty Theivce accus haspîtalsîin chscb the sludests rcieciia esperseove ae: Mîsssssauga Hospital, Oubesîle- Tratalgae Nîccuesal Hospital. Peel Nîescacial Hospital, 0ramptas Milton Disteict Hospital, . sd Gieoegetocn asd Distrlict isarsal Hospital. 00000000 ~<PANTY lmHOSE : o ".4 0 7he 91Jpdg houue Sala tPr Sandai Foot - Reg. 99 .79 3.0S AIl1 Sheer Puety Hose -Reg. .99 .79 3.00 Basic Panty Hose - Reg. .99 .79 3.00 Bikini Panty Hose - Reg. 1.39 1.12 3.25 Obae ae ailtn it r Reg. Panty Hose - Reg. 1 49 1.19 3.45 AIl1 Sheer Panity Hose -Reg. 1. 49 1.19 3.45 Absor are 5. M. L. XL. Opaque Paaty Hose -Reg. 1.49 1.19 3.45 bisis Average, Teti Shades -Mapie, Spice, Cinnamon, Tomn Browma Black, Pacstsc Blue, < White, Charcoat. 24Main St. Milton Wedding Gildea - La Marsh i Tise grasmus grandiparens fromt trelmd were aessng te garaIs at te wediitg sf Aima Bath LaMarsh and Briai Ed- ward Gildes, solemalard at Grace Ansglican Ciarch by te Bev. R. W. Foster ai Aug. 26. Me. mnd Mes. James Fairtritd st Rasgor, Nsrtiiern tretand ere isonared guests at te eeddisg af trîr grandson Brian. tse bride, a cterb at Ledcit's Saper Save ini Milton, it te daugbter ot Me. and Mes. Regcnald Richard of 28 Mill St., Miltton. Tise groom, sos sf Dliarmuid P. Gildea and te tate Elizabeth Gildea ot 364 Kings- lesgh Ct., Milton, ta a rustomn broesr withthe firmti o Mies Meadees. Pinh carnations drcsrated te sitar ofthe churehtforthe 3 pm., double ring cedding. Mrs. James Ledeit cms organit. Eaety Ameriron Wearing a tloor tength earty daierican style gaci ot siib mnd lace. te hride cms gives in marriage by ber fate. The gots liad a sceepitg train trinmmed in white lace and riMman and a cat tmngtb cr11 clOs seceral tiered elusters betd by tree smatl daisy clats Racers over a camb. Her tîteers ere a cascade ofpink sweetlieart roses wstb white carnations. Monsca Andress of Miltas cao masd of hssar mnd hridesmaidu cere teins Jean mnd Joam Caot o l.asdon. Tbry wsre idestirat white tinely pleated empire top. csth Isisit hlae farmial asirts, clOs wbite lace aramnd tbe calas ind g5 ibsente sirt. Ail care bigbt bite bat parta heeath te ikirta, wth ,te muid of banar wesring a white Baoppy bat aid te brides- maids eearitg blue floppy bats. Titeir tîsceet cee nassgays of ptbk caraations and ligbt bite Sacwers. Groamainan wat Tam Darey et Westos clOs Dereb Marcent et Resdate mnd Jobn Watson ot Burtitgtoas athobrs. Receeveetelegras Tisas evesmng a reception cas held aI te UJAW Castre wbere te gsest ere wcnmed by te parens of the bride and te. tater mnd grandparents ot te groom. Plik aid wbite halls decaratrd tbr baIl clOs table settiags at wbite carnatbin asd pmbk gltds. Gueta attended tram trrtand, Petrolia, London, " teamtngtan, Mtrpetb, Roai Seabia, Obmice, Singbamptan an Taronto. Titres emigratutatar selegrams cere received teses relatives la Ieiad. ALMA LaMARSH L.eavmng an a issopestan trip mnd ringsaut G ibraugh te sartbert and rentraI United States, te bride mare a hotrymoonedin l bloc empire crap-aroond drena egisideace la Milt cîts wbite collar atd lang sleeves, mnd a corsage of yellow scenîbears rases. Tbry bave tahet up residence as 364 Kltgs- leigb St., Miltan. F i e Priar ta the caMlang a mis L cellaneaus sisocer cms gises by n rf Mss Penny Cann of360 Oak St. ch r mnd atber cms givra by Misa Monica Andresa ot 198 Hrslop Rd. Au Actan mon About the town with Doloires MelansOn Phione 87u.38 New residents an taen are Me. cisarches in te area on Sunday. and Mes. R. J. Young and son, Thse Gîdeans esaoperate clOs te broa Ucurbaroags. Tthe Yautig's charches and are responsible tor are living aI 254 Sydney St. Mr. the placîng of bibles in bsolts, and Mes. G. Rawers and daagbter motels, and schools. haen mnved tt 516 Woodward St. lise Bowers are trom Guelphs and Tse Dutch Canadien Country we celcome bath familles tu Club held tlseir montiity danre ai loui te Canadian Legion HaSl an Saturday eveomng. Tise "Dei- Congratalations and best bonnaires- tram Georgetown shes go 50 Mr. and Mes. Cljtt provsded the music for danring Beaty chu celebrated teir iOth and the door prize and draw cere weddmng anciversary on Sept. 4. won by Mrs. Arnsold Manders and MPP Jim Ssoc presented a Mes. Cavell. Attendcng te dance plaque 10 tise couple on hehait ot cas M.P. Rud Wlttag and is Use provincial governesent. este Ai. Heprese ntatives trom the Receot seccomers ta R.R. 5. Gisdeons vssted many ut te lConlssed on Page B9) ~Thank you ... To everyone who helped to m ake the Hospital Auxiliary's 13hA nnual Lawn Party aanoher successC Board of Directors Milton District Hospital SALE ENDS SEPTEMBER i 6th 0 79e toIl.19 0 0f 0? o 00000<~ and Brean Gildea excisatged ceddbsa eues ace Anglican Ciarcs un Aug. 26. Tbhey the United States and returrd ta taise up es taces four cbarge ut theft under $200 value,, toloacitg investigation by Milton, Actai and Sbrîbuese OFF detacismenta. bavolved cn the investigation cere tea stales eues mnd Useit of gasolmne iront a car. t.ast ee a car stolen front Milton cas recacered sn Actas. Alse aest eni Actas OPF chased a car stoer tram Sbelbuene ta Ilteeles Ave. It liadt ban spstted mnd reported sn Actas. (Photoaby G. F. MacPlsersut) University Women holding meeting The Umiversity itomen's Club ai Milton and District îtl hae holding ita trst meeting ut te fll seasun tamarroc sigbt i Tharsday i. Meeting pilave esîl he as the home of Mes. Elizabeth Frame on 10 Ssderoad Esquessag, east ai Hsghcay 25. Eîhel Rsddell, the club's study graup casveser, wilioutline Possie satecest groups tue te sec sv'uses. Courses haing ut- ieeeed are Gireat Boks, Ontario ficritage. Mssed Bridge, Mas ami Hss liesearces, and A Cammmnity leolect, New cembers and gueusa wiSi bc, elvamed. Busy schedule planned for W.l. The September Meeting ai oas named ta helin the Diatrict CuespheSaie Cuoses' Institue PS pulsit2y baoUs. ait Milton cas held aI the home ai Mes. L . acf SePt. 2. Tickets cere Staiser. Mes. O. Va. Sicisie shsteibuted tar a ttcsy Imnceee apmed tbe maeeting wit a per - in St. David's Pebyteelon *Wablei", teIIsced by Mary sbtecb, Campbeiivae 12.30 p.m. Stewart Colleet la oniton. Mes. Octobr ti a baise table cas George lgbs tok the chair tee pilatood Mes. D. Smith etteeed a the amtily and consumee affaira painting tu belp ase fitncs. prugrant. Tbe Heaet Feondatien Rail sali wau Ramn a Sargait esitended an invitatin Inai or a SBecare" to tits ai cises meeting on Sept. 12 as Defiam la shoppinag. Mina K. McPbedran Hamiltan. Membees wee gave on intormative papee on eamîaded et SPIN iecesîcS Onatario Caser Resoarces asd gilana, tt mnd paparîl the tient tee celtare mnd taldetf the cars Satseday et each mont fram 10 af te îrc Canadanmd bslond ian. ha 3 pin. Seveeat ladies waters moresn i bcb lu sliated! vaonteered bat mare telps wetid on Barliagbas Bay. teh appreciaied. Cantact Mes. L. Au Amaa sisit "A Momet Andres or mny membar. toosis laý a RiII.bell". cas Tise meeting claeed wit "Tise preaeated by Mes. M. Mabien and Qaetn mnd grace. A social baill Mrs. H. Dennin, prevaked baar cms esjeyed clOs Mira. A. laughtee. Moore mnd Mes. O. Van Sicisie as Mes. O. Von Sicsir mnd Met. L luncb convenos. Andrews md Met. W. Webb cere naesed tai attend the ares convention RN. 2-3 la Steattard. A 4-H tramisismol bar lesaders - *deesng up vegetabies" niIll haebeid in MiIton Sept.1213 MesO . Vis Sicisie ond r.W Webb wili attend a course tilied V~ baacss et secitg clOs hat. A fod feram ettled Round the Wartd Ding wtt bab eld on April 10 and a stbacourse ontasions will baiseldtaov. 21 ai 10a.m.la4 p.na. as the Mawmie Hall la Cipbtellvie. TMuiMost Faméittai ain lits Cadi Planswe-etfipazedtfrMiton Pair Ditplay, e.J Wheeebbon TiIS SA Mollie MacGregor v'j an/vF or< SCHOOL COM IJ Il. 0F DANCING Re-opens Thurs, Lolti vs<visse' iii Sept l4th Mes. Bas utise BALLET - TAP HOtS$834 HIGHLAND IN FO. 878-9788 1 1 STUDIO MILTON LEGION i We are stx rossbranier .î~..î.î years old but 220 MIiNST. EAST. MILTON, ONT. TEL. 878-6341 tlfisinvue ROYAL DOULTUN dI of LoossO' collection -oa sale prions Rarsly havethe bes sf s nMOra siiues bmensgfaiosnn mreuse in prsm.înssdof 5,5 ,sinis caure h pama- aSib" . - 7 PATTRNOq I CHOOSE PROM se ten i e. . ...30% Lin Time Otter to Oe.cI5 7 QUALI [Y SILV[R P[AIL SIN(L 18651 40 Piece Service Victorian Rose- Fasison Chest Extra Open Stock Value 9A l1 Reg. 69.95 1/2 Sait34 9 Set ot-8 Kaives S Forks 8 Satad Forks-t Reg. Teaspoons--8 Ssaîll Teaspoons 3 Piece Salad Set Bowl, Berry Spoon & Tabtespuan Lf ~ Regutar Special 6,o95 $12.50 Look for our Red Tag Specials throughout the store during this sale Corne Early - Sale is Thurs.-Fri.-Sat. Only 7r

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