Chamber 'New vice-principal hmS plans for Holy Rosory iton Osamisar ofm mec j 'icd le 'feeled a le retro- wed BMt pldi out, lise -W.y picted le ley are Ontario detasis- lue o - am held on t viewed sien. of thse rdhsed on outlend May 1, coointy iety wes 7afalgar, coonl sellewed inveti- proved ad neer collision new car mil Mro. eeioosly. .- buggy e fiodsog iskey se se-gellon PE. spondent city dit Ichsonod order le sent tItis place on abolition i ebout le i et West trenooo t hem of tiseir sve beon uses ond gue lidi te lte Austrie. peae ofM rta of tise isoos by ie counly ordeeed lic plae opes for t, set Bie Il Grandmother begins duties as vice-principal ait JMD Tise "vice-principaltioas a geasdesei may Mi tise mota of J. M. Denyes Bobool in tise ynars le come. Mr.Irma Coisen asaomned lie dlies as the sels tiraI tieprnian at occis, Mes. Coalon a lise grasolpacent of a lm mt0-mmlbh-otd girl. Was inBurtgton A teacher et Fronteac Poblie acboot se Burlington for Bie ynars, sise ont asesel principal Wns Oow sein e dmeoislermg of tise sseol ond oitt give entra speciat iselp 10 lise stodenla. Tiss f is bier fînsl pesition as a sie- f ,O5' priocipal. "a lTe lady vice-principal te e jBe belon of Arts geadoale of Me- Monter University in Hamilton. A molisen oI 100 adail sens ami nesîdes in Loosttle. Mcore space Agrand juey report ban reeommnnded consideration Me gteen le relocaling or allocating Smore spae le lise coinl rcgistry ,!I ofice. Plie juey noed a space. Allen loactag Milton Jailthlie jy sedicated no prisocer oas being ignored and officiais ocre doseg tise licol lley coil ta vino of poor facitlies and lacis of FIRST VICE-PRINCIPAL of J.M. Deopes Public Scisool is a eserette facililîns. They are granimaîbor. Mrs. Irma Coulson is the liolder of the nets locie toroard le nets tacililion position. (Photo isy D. O'Reillyt in tise siean fttre, lise juey mted in it report 10 lise jodgn. School year starts smoothly report increased enrolment Sitonuning, going le lise boacli, tang off on vacations, and retaxog in lise soi iseceose vague meseortes for area sbool eiddren lest tsmb wlim sebool ileors opened on Tuonday. Principals front ail et MUsas' elemnntary sebasîs report a sasfit onerease se entrolsonl f rase Last yeae. Two bondrcd and noute stodonta are altending W. I. Dicli, white 374 ehliden tnabaislnt Merlin St. tieboal. AI J. M. Denyco 476 yoang people are attending classes and 553 ehliren have emtrotted aI Holy Rloiay A craosefn guard aI the Ontario SA. crosswaMb at Moontainvinîn Dr. as of major concere to lise staff and parents of clitdren allesding W. I. Dicis Scisml. MDHS news By Levea tuBe; T.aa-lindred and fifly-foar stadents olerled lhir lieut yeac Mt Milon District Htgb Scbool tant weli, obite 255 started tise second yeer courses and t9t siee liîrd year courses. Fautl year studenta lelelled 2013 and iît yearnstadesis 87. Te date 990 stadenta are eegitlered, oti a fen mare expecled by lise admssnistration. lirboot spirit sema tu lie bigli, especially obere boys' atlsties are eonncesed. Bols junior ami sonior footballt coaches report lise resoose is "very good". EMsoias for lis sport secos lu e M bgli. Junior coachs Fotey rcpaalcd tisaI about t10 of tant poars line-ap Mae retocned le lise lease. Many of Ibose players played fonst strneg bonI yeae. Secnior football coachs Pitt consmented tisaI lise attitude of the ptayers otilh lis e maie lbIg tiiseyear.'-tts ie a good eam if tise cotisasiasen sisoon beeps up." Aboaut tise ptayers f rose ast yeer's Icase relorned mils epproxanalely i5 cisearae licbgin training. Bols teasss bave tenta- taive eonlrolted sceimmagen nscdoled ott Mon front Lord Elgin on Peîday. Bancers rssssssbg Oliser sporta aroond tise ncbool gelllng slaeled tast omis tocr girla' bansclsatIl and cross- country ronning. Sebool T-Obiets and gym cqaip- meuntboave hemn on sale lis omis et the sebool. lise sseol oelcomcd bocis Bil Pollen frose e one yeae educational leave. Otiser oco leiacisers are Miss Beenda Deidge teac*liog Oeograpby soi Tiseatre Artsa David Hill, a former Ieeto ettmothl PC ilCandidate Mal 0"AsisPar Seleot principol Jobn Lena says tiereis asurgentncedlfor a goard attise croseoatkb.ieeaase ofthle heavy volue ofraffic on Onatario St. 'Pro nets toacisers. Mrs. Norma Sider and Mrs. Norma J. Smiths hae joieed tise scisasîs staff. Thbe sebasî's nen portables Mone already lien put in0 use. Martin St. princtpal Tomt Gibsn says tise msseol year bas stared smootbty. HIe is asbtng parenta tflit! out tiseir ebildren' s tnuac orses, 10 lie retmrned ta sseol by Frîday. J. M. Oenyes ban iniseeîted a vîce-princtpol-the fient in tise sebool's bîstoey. Mrs. Irma Caulson, of Lowville. is tise scisasîs nuober 1550 mai- seoman. se otîl lie assisting teaciser here, as a Matiseasaties teaclie; Thomas ta France on Englisis and Fisysîcat Education, G.eratd MeRoiserts, teaclisg bisstaey: Verne O'Nedl as a Math, Guidance and Pisysteal Educa- lion teaciser; Miss Canot Poadîisk teacbing Pisysical principal Wns Clow. 'fie grade fîve student ae laemed a stadent nafty paîrat et lise Pin St. bridge. Tliey tsill Me responsibîn for eseortiog tise yoaogee cbuldeen aeross the bridge ai bey Macrs ot tise scisool day. Seven students frose Ontario Seliaal for lise Deaf will Me attendseg tise nebool-ta lte Hard at Blearing clans. Tbene yaangstees, tsio bave nome iseaeîog ailtty. toi Me auglt by a teacier tramt OSD. Weeb ane of ftoly Ritaay sciant yeac wen nmoollly and setioul any meajor difficultis, reports vie-principot John Boni. Mr. Bonis th ie schisol nets vice- principal and replaces Brion Ftcbaad, wbo islow teaching et it. Jamses in Oakvîie. Edacaian and Guidance; Neville lfaiopley invotved in tise Teebot- cal saisîeta; Arnold Satamon te tise oet sScience Departmnenl isead replacing W. Robinson tslo ceil ta accept a vtee-priaeipot- sloop; and David Short, Wo teacises Hitlry and Geograpliy. 1 -.1 LEPRNING THE PROPER WAY to navigate the Ontario St crosswolk et Moutsliowtew Dr. ere two otoodeofs of W. 1. Dicis Sebool. Tise croosswalis le sed by several clnldreo attendiog tise ochool and school officiels cossducted e sefety claso there lest week. Parenlts in lise area and school authorities waot a creoing gord to ellilesseo the chance of an accident. (Photo byD. ORellyt ~#DISPENSING OPTICIANS *OulstPescrptons Filed Coacto Lenes ISOORO HOURS- Mh on. mi tm 53 . Teday and Wednesday Closed Salarday 9.3 île M. lo l00p. m. 175 Lakeshore Rd. E. 7l MAIN ST. E. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON DPSAVECEONIFICATES PY CHEQUN CT TI5IDEoSiT CHEOUESGANDTATEENT 7O 0/ILL ON TRE AIN AC S ACOU NERNRET IREMEN NO - 4 EARN ON T/2%E TUNmsROEWEALWAYS 5 TAR 1% BRITISHSTELI REPORT CNERET ICOES HeroWNt PRiN GEMA MRK MHE BRNIOSARE JoeRMadDe.3 DEOIS CQUTCH GUILDERSN ON VOtJR ..OM TAX2 AEU NDM N H As LamaFR PColla2 V eral..34F TRAVELERSQ S PHNE -R MORE DET 3-4LS o 12% T UOE EAW Offio HAVE Iil REOT INTR ICM 'I.res Paid. IEMNA As Le an C el AN discussedlesee sleela = c lter tisismolemocpa mee-lte-eeodidele etist NeF.1a3 and a stnitar sîgit anIdee etection Oct. 12, at thie meeting test aneis. -Usq Champion cleoniliedo lei boy or sell, ren or bice. ELECTRIC COMTETN a ELECTRICA HEATING "WATER IBEATER RENTAILS 878-2048 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Septemben 13, 1972 U3 Altisougs lies only linon et lits jobi for o shsort tshite, lise e vieprnct f etHoty Rasary Scbsal is quite nopressed ssîth lise trendttsess of tise scitalss staff and stadents. "Tise ebîidres bore bot bots le gel aloog wtb eci oli, te Mow John H. Bonis, 34, vieses tbe Bledeols. Bonis replaces Bries £1 Fichaud who tasgbt et Hely Rosary Seboal toc tour years and obo oas 'te-principat for lthe Iast tso years. Ftctîaoîttas bees traseeeed 10 St. James Settoo in Oakvilte. Bons oas appeieled te lthe position by tbe Hallen Coonty Separale Sebool Bard. He Mns Mad severet years et esperience, botas alteacber and asa vic- principal. Front Georgetowna Beloreecomig toiltn liesas sie-principal of Hoty Cross Scboot in Georgetownn for Iliree and a baIl yearn. Prier le tisat lie leogil for a year amI a bail in Oklte. Betore leacMtng ta Coa- villehe spenl several yearsasoan ostraciseo inosveraI Toronto Separole Sebasîs. ta addtion ta eorryiog out lois dattes as vtce-prineipal Bonk is ll teaci 100 qade 7 seallemalies classes and tstll conduet a pisysteat eduaoion class for tise grade a boys. He teves in Mississaga ti lits tife astd lie soos, wbo range in age ft 100 10 etgbl yeart. -People boy The Chiampion to read and read Te Champion le boy. Place yoor adverising meessage wbnre twilllie seen-in cestral Botton's snnekly mearkie- plaee--tt lise pages of Tise tZbocepton. -Mito Botsltsay bas re- opened for tbe snasoo and reporta mont of Ane teagaes are ttlling op toc aotber bony tsseter of five- pin bowling. JOHN BONK is tise nets vice-principal of Holy Roseary School. Mr. Bons iegan fils duties last week and says lie is impressed snith the friendliness of the schis staff and studeot populations. (Phaooby D. O'Reilly) BER NAD ETTE SCH00L 0F DANCING 7 YOUNGST. (MILL) Girls & Boys 4 yrs. and ooer -PRE-BALLET -TAP -MGO JAZZ -BATON TWIRLING *Majorettes mtt aotomnaticattY march in the Golden Dinie Matorette Corps. * 3Paradest(minimum)tper year * Majorette onttorms supplied free et charge * Att recttat costames sapptîed free of cha rge. * Tiny Tlent Time appearances. Bates: $1.25 par 45 min. tesson yoid ekty and Not tn Adnce 877-1720 BERNADETTE GREEN-member CDT.A. (Casaian Dance Teacsers Assos. Goiti*r-Spantsh i Etecïric ;slth-qoatttted teacher tottowteg Arnercae GostO et Music Sllabos. Rate $3.50 Serines litodeets Onty. 877-1720 Now 990 bock ta books