Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 1972, p. 13

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QEb ftubu EI dwleapo MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMOEt 13, 1972 Saturday8s TECO conférence 'Iv. rer! r.v. 8784t45 o peapoei hydre tie a regionet nespsiiity, bal Milton andl OsBuiglos monteil il tef t lala commnissions. Seuil maste collections stastld te a local effart but disposai steull ie e regîssa proei, lte>' ugrecil. Narltern rpresenatines mautel lthe malIens of las iecyîut, lau collection andl computer services deterrel tac marc discussion. Titey aise satgtei consenrvatias outascîties hie atteceil ne ltere aemore eteeteil and iess appoînleil memiters su lthe autasnîlies. Sanliatn un tae otaec bound, rerenenendel tac aolittion of Haltua Reglea Couservation Astitori>' andl suggested tac retissai cosurcit cesld houille conservation peotleme. Police protection eus suc muntestis point. The TECO Caunuilter saîd tac retîosu tsd tedie s-lice matteru andl tac OPP canneni>' servith nortt Hults accu steatld te phasel est ovra tire ycar pari. Milan andl SBlnte andl the tamr nectaern caunedel ail] atreul. Oekvile came la tan meeting teelisg police mas a loae orolril ue la caste and tan nemi lac comîidecalies et thte "bamoan farter" luneineil, util suait lime us tac costs beceme taoc bigin reltlion la tae terni et service '"1 Second Section Reiect M*uton's plea to form central region Major controversy et Satarday's TECO Repart meeting centreil aroand miw=te or not an enlargeil Malte.nmui torna a neparate centrai Raton borouaji or join mt lte tme tomn oeil ta tawnsitips la lte =o t hl Milton delegatea inoeluhad te keep lte lama =earte anooe ot to. lamer-lier loal rail, lte itattie wan lent miten lte majorlty of lte Oakt- ville, Barlboglon and nortero roonrilr derided Milton wouid ite it in a nortern unit miii Enqaesng. Naonagameya, Georgetown and Aclon. Milton Mayor Brian Beat, mite rlalaned lits itriet mas liacited ep 4ty itard lacta mitie oter Malien rouaiciliors appeared te ie mahdng mit ie calied 'spur et lte moment" deciolono, wan 141601 mien il appeared cdem lte ruti ai Halten dudn't ment Milton le Standl on ls 0100. He presad fur theeTECO Commlttee ta moite a inaenial leaaiitility sudy ou itreaking Haitenos lemer-tier r veermsent ie beli tree ami ur arman, buet teied 10 min mnugi supoport. Suppnorttraon Acton -tel Milton do lis omo oedy," Gueuile Reeve Allen Masson slieted lrom lte rear et lte room. Sentus motion celling for a tree and leur itorougit ienrial ntadymas seronded ity Coanicillur Peter Menus et Arien, mit ld tie nemnpaper lae nas a lut et menit in Mdton's preposai te stand alune in a Italien reglen. Il aiue mon uupport of norlth Geitvdlr'e lieu ruril repre- sentatives, Rinit Day and Don Gardon. "Milton la lte aniy monicipaty micri ellered lte naine dent la lte rural peuple an lte antan people,' Coanrillo Gordon teld lte renlereore "Thse rural people in nortOaitvie mati gelthle beat del et aS lremn Mdlton. " Feiiem reonniliers did moite One rmonraoma. iteme, on the aeutlieen eoundary Une et lte propoeid norhern muuicipelity. Foilemîug atternoon rances Secret ballot rejected Witen Haliea'n lient reglonal goveruent is In lmei, lte nitairmen nitould lie elerted liy necret blt iy memitern ai lte regonai counril, accorling la Deelinglen Comnrillor Mes. EUSa FuIte. Site laid Saturday'n TECO conlereare la Milton ltaI Proposain ta itave lthe lîrnI chitalman appointed it lte province moeld lead 1e a "patrenage pesition" aeil "me aiay net gel lte lient iteirman." Mem. Faute npeusored e motion eSlllSg fer omit a neeret btallnt, liut Il mec deleaied mhmn uly Il nignilîrd tey mere In laver, Il wai generally agreed lte lienit cnilnnan sbaidd lie a provincial appolnlee, liai nneeeeding ettalessne. hItSd lie elected tramt amosg the renla ennles. metig Oaktville rame liant mteeggestion hal lte Seuils laonlay of lino oter uit lie liait mey belmuen il Slderoad (DerrY Rd.> and Belleonin Rd. Bunlinglon telt e rentral Hallao taritmeouid ie ton iai teaoperate ellicienlly, Mayor Geerge Haccinglon reported. Thte soulteen ieundary slundd lie lte centre hue ut 10 Sideroad, lie said. Te 1 iSidlenad Nonliiern muelcipalitien flt it Milton mue inchided la lteir unit lte nes' soutitern lioundery slneild lie juet matit et 10 Sideroad, miii la itnemn as Derry Rd., leivnle Mayor Sent repil no a largeonuitmwoaid laeueli.Tise maor moald liave la ru tac elertioneat large lnaon mlarger ilion lte present Salton leder riding and lte Haiton Eant provincial riding. Hie aise rlalased lise ollier iemron more basing lteir derialun un oaldated ie population and annesu- ment ligures. Seat marneil the graup the gerernintu "design toc deveiepment" proises tat tala laSl lie goverrimnt mii onvel proposais for Peel ami Healien, Westmerta and Hamilton. Folluming a peried la miir local coupeuse miii lieareed teieletion miSl te itnue marly in 1073 la moite regieuni- mtation effective la 1074. Wmrden Jins Omuninreugli ut Surlinglen, mite renducted Satmrday's ineeting, noted Peel County lest meuit epted toc a lus- lier systemo f e regienai tevermuent toc Peut s'lta a mouta, a central ondea nerta unit tae lamer lier. Large aeea Mdltun's liriel unvislonni a central Hillon unit et lamer-lier guvereenrtcentrnl on Mlton and stretching frein tae mast ie must boudaeries ot lte presant reulsty In Nanuagameett uectalieondary un oatlle a loI ahuve 1l Slderoad; la Esqumsing il munt nerta te 10 Sideroad la tae tientl taree und a iell concessions, merta ot Five Sidereed in the neat tour concessions; la Oabvilletu one lt mouta et Seitnie Rd.; and la Surtîngtes seulli te Eiglit ilideroud la tae Western tomr ami ahalt coessn, just mouta et five Sideroad la tae nest ime and e hait concessions. The tond te lae laciuded would ictude Guelphi Juncties, Camp- heilie, Milaon Heigita, Hurnity, Deamqeio. Ornagli, Sepse and Kitbitrde mreus, but would esclude taevdle and Cedar Springs. -The tees et Milles lias deneenslreted derint recent yemrs, ils ebdity la previde and mach au a meil ptanned hais te ireeside and eperute municipal services udequuteiy and ecemnoîcutty; und la pruvide a reible asd eceusr udiinis tratîce unit and us e resait, lies established a viable biea toc a cemmuaîty et 20,000 peuple witai the tranoewenli et Zone t1u lte Tersnis Cenlred Region Plan," said lthe Miton briel. Altieugit tae toma agreed mita mony paenla ithe TECO Repart, the boanduries preposed ity TECO ýde net reflent tae armelo Iflunce mound the tase arma Any old Vases Brassware Jet us arrange - fl<awers, real or You '11 enjoy the results. 00e wire flowers to aimes> anywhere in the Wdig wrd through FTO Arneddnt$ Ct Flowers pon lConvenienlly susinilînin iowntemn Milion 878460l 1l4 Main st. inrespectte tae servicesthat mat la provideit eut et tause miton sress, suri as liliraries, recruetion, lire protectioa, planning, etc.," tae liriet mlaed. lTe lama rereminended lande mauta et Higitmay ail te tae lamer Base Line Rd. la narta Oeheilte. trun tae Elta Une eut, eheaid le cae idee as heing part et the saine maicipality us StreeteviSie La Pent Cont. is mjrity et taie tondi icdelaterin Mille Deve=epnet Fermer mÏunicipal attaire iniiter Dercy MeKeugl, laa peupasat lseed la Janaay u 1960, lied suggested e central Haltun unit gelag us tac mout as LomerfBaseLUeRd. anenrta te 10 Siderund la Enqusing ai Naaaaeya, the Milton mayer poinled eut. Sel aller tan- sidecatien il as teit tamoe limite meren't pructicuhie and lte laundmy Unes et tae prepaoed Milton mrea mere cetrerlad. FoRew aiedy Seundaries prpaued la itaIh la mie EsqUesig Tomaship mere set la conlorin cieaely la Ilie Anna Iowers boom on Milton "hogs"I Mes. Anna MecArtanr, Nemoagamepa Temasitip's sutepates tedy' runve mho hon houn dulite 'The Voie efthe Nantit", tamereil tan boomnon Miten Cauricileathdey's TECO Report meetingin Milten. Miten Ceusil prapaseil cresliun of a centrai Hellten lorai couniti iisctnding Milton anil lange portions et ail foum neighhoring mumcipelities-Nassagameya merta la ateve 10 Siderusil, Esquesig maiily neth la atene Fire Sidereail astfer east as tae Sevesta Une, Suiehon mautite Kilbride andl matit et Fine Sideruail, ami Daitnille mouta la Seitunsia Rd., pies stretcing est ta tae eest und ment hounilmmen et Halten. "t didet remie tais meeting muas an amnetian applictrion," Renne MacArthurneeplaile, "but 1must cogratlate Mitonfor gaing aliale hag." Hec ulutement brongitt a round af tangitter temun tae upprunamateiy 40 Hallte couicitiars andl 20 staff meinters atteiling. recenenued in the receet Georgetoien beundery siedy, mitha esbigbt modification, bie noei. Sota tac TECO Repart issuel cochier taie yemr and a Haltes CountY Reeves Cominee la t969 receammended a central Huilan ut, il eus seted, Mayor Sest neted the Torante Centced Retîse Pion, wben il mus ainede include Milles la tae greeta ares celled Zone Ose, Permte the teillas mitan mnille devcep sîtaîn ils sien resoances ta a popuation et 28,000. The fresent muter suppir systein La capabte et Serciciet ap te 35,000. The terst phase extension la tae mater pollution cealcet plant noie under costraction mut se counuodala 10,000 s-ruses by tae sprmig ai seat yeur andl prepaseil additions ieilt hardie e cupacity ai 20,000. Eeqeesusg rces nie certain areus et the tuiesshi1p arc eriesicil te Milton, as the townsbip es makiat a Iront te Milton loc library anil rccreatîouai services, il eus mmie. Eequeeîng repeesentehives eere qeîcbte point eut tacy moite sîsemlan grals te Antan anil Gergetowns. Tier mitlansystein Milles Ceuncîl rejected suggestions tae lama ebenlli e lieied ieith thte allier tsar eartaere munîcipalies, said the bunef. -Tais in entent ieeaid create a single lier systene mittin o tee lier systeco compriseu avec tma-tairds ai tae ares et te caunty, ieitaeat tae apparent adeoantatea et the single lier systen. Thte briet nei lthe past "siteondage" et tae Norta Hes lath scituni district lamd on litedetunrb ain lamd. The tema aise expressed cancers about lthe etreo paneîilîity ot tac aeîs lareugits administrative attires heîng lanatein Georgetown - 10 miles frein Kîlitride, 15 miles trune Camptellville and 12 miles tram Milon. The tlesihîtity lu services ssch as teebege collection, recreutîsu, lbraries sente nat tie possile mitasat a neipticity ot las structures, il mas udded. Not inliesllIeeaa *il s'as unoneseesly agrenil tat il ieeetd net te in tac lant estereste et tan resideuti et Milton andl district la coscmr mita sanit a preposai." Onurprsentatieu. Milles preposed a 23-stan regienai conrcd mitit six ineiniers train Oebville, ulan frein Bariglan, tamr train Norta Heleon, titree frein central Hallan and ose citairmas eleeteil ai tarte. Thte lomai counicîl toc tac Milles unit ieus sugilestel as aine memiers. elermid su a iemd systeco. **ta the event titut e four unit second lier lerciof restructeriat set acceptable, as eppamid teea tarer oit second lier systein mita Milieu as part et a sntt Haton amît, ths nem ciaity tees an recrduasta it SINGLE TIER SYSTEM" concladel Mîlteu's briet. MAYOR BRIAN BEST showsu les dîsuppaiment in ltse asîceme et Saimilsy's TECO ceuference. Aguai Milan's mNisites, lthe alter Halles ceoncillers tavored Milieu jiide Actes, Esqeesieg, Nassagasveya and Geortetown te tarin une sortt Haltes sait in a lies-lier regisual tenercnl. (Phto iy R. Dasens) North towns, townships go together in region NORTH HALTON COLTNCILLORS bles te Leslie, Dsci Hoisî Les Case ami Russ Miller discussios durint Salsrday's TECO in the second mie; Nassagamgya's Don Me- cosfecence in Miltas. Sanlingtas Camacitor Milles, Mes. A. MacArlthandm Antanu Gites Ral i>' Sundi Esquesiat Reeve Tom lite are in the lid raie. Dakville coriuillors and pirlarein clte tirst raie; Esquesing's Wilfretl nisiters moke up lte toarta mie. (Photoity R. Dames) OokvîIIe and Burlîngton do agree on some points linîie ssbamied la Salueday'e TECO Repart meetint tram Oanlîsgteu and Datnille itdceted tacesw nsta Haltes counicils nonce taining otite lu seonrol mreus bual odie dif- tereanes ut opliin in otacc Osrligten's bcIita liatthe unique disinctionsot repremalltin a 5-3 decieîun et tac counicil table' lai tetere tac TECO meeting mas hait avec teve couneillers - mita boit nssed taecouincilmeeing nhel tae itniet mas a pproved - aied titeesselves miith thuse valit agaiusl tae briet'e maie recoinodetieus anil terinn a 5u-S spit as coucil. 'lTe briet recemmended a sisgle lier systern et regianal ganeraimeal mita cooncillere electeil as a wmrd an orca systein, bal mn tac crnt a sigle lien regîsu 5555 net acceptablie te tac maoaily et ItalIen couinrîlors, epltea Ses-lier retion. Sepporilmollees Councîllors Steve Tathaond Sdi Sutherland laid Saturdey's meeting lthe> nsised tae reuril meeting mites tala decîsien maes mode bol lata support ami tan See-tier systein. Il East Flamiteru andl Waterdoma ment tle inclued in l Une Hellen regies, us the original TECO report hitd recommendnd lest May, lte iteusdery et Sechogieon sitauld te nslanded teounilies mas lacues. In ony event Smhoigten mes sallaîlel la go antanr nnets as Dnrry Rd. (10 Sideroadi whrt cus in an mast- must irecion ebout e mile ondea huit suti te t lams presest nertacru itasadar>', Steeles Ave. Sarnta Oel einers of lthe cetîsuai consecil shstld lie direcl>' elecled on a mmrd sysleis and tha mayars et cacit lamer lier menicipeiy stastld aie ie meinters at tac retissai coascîl. Tey tive orlircee Oubnîlle Ceuucit's brîcf sspperted TECO's renom. mesilatiene for extersal laundames et lthe coont>', tesel un mutecuhel mreus oeil ttc Tarante Ceutreil Retîsu Plan. os inrnai lamilmies tac>' atreci mita TECO's plua f fice lamer lier esonrcîle bst aine settestel cansîderatîsu ie tirentol crcaliosaoftbee intrnai oeils, eue mita Oaitcille south of tomer Base lise Rd., anc mîith limbungsos sasta of lthe saine rusil estesilci inte Brmingtes, oeil anc comprisist lthe nemomot seorta partatf Haltes, If tais pies mas adoplel Oakitciii fell eact loeeclier couineil coutld hune seces nepreseutatines os tac retîat council . Electiens stostld te ity tac indiect metaad., Deliilie sub- iilla. ti mas lthe sstly mcnil tanscînt indirect eleclîsus. Indiecnt ciecliaus moutld fine locai counicions tac treutes abitly la pactîcîpate in decisios modie et lthe regiosol tercel reaoel lthe bncie. regilona coptrsricca asnd liecint 50trdsonil lunîs. Local cinces De lthe bocut lenel lte>' Oeil tac second-lien onrcils etshld te in chtarge of local plannunt, znit andl eemmittec at udjusimeul moîters; tira protection, building oeil piambînt ilepurîmeuts, animal ceniret, nouil miaintenance, mater anil semate Poante, Slarm semers, librenies, recreatien andl ponts, ceaie- taries, public tnansit andl gesersi licencia1 af rings, loileries ec On hydre services the>' mere uptit. The nectaern ceiniities' teint itniet oeil Oalilule Wiet Il bas houn a nainier et yers sînce cooniciliere in Hallan's tsar neclteramosl monicîpulilies net dean and agrecida onliytint. BuI tacy pst Ite heode tegetacr ut meetings dorit tac pont 1cm mrcita and camne sp miith a collective agreement as tacir parI in tac fttae teverumeul et Holles, andl teir ideas wr preammtil le Satsrdoy's TECO Report session in une joit briet. Actes. Gergetown, Namotga- mcya and Esqsesing couecils ceeoinrendeil tbcy joie ltcgtaer te fecre a slron t floa er-ier local toeecameut for tac nantit et Haitos mth or mitasel tac laies of Milton isislel. Oabvilte and Osclîigtos deletoales suap-cIel taer stand aitaesgi il fousd uitile support tram Milieu cooncillor,mwho proposeditavint tac lamier portions of Esqsesiet and Nossatamcya jais miith Milienuis a sepanete central Hfiton amit ta mesld aie isclade port of socta Oulivitie and Bsrlington. Stress ononlmity Mayor Les Duby> of Actes prescoird lthe cssnciiu' joint bitnicl slcessmtg il mas a juint siunissios by tac fonr cosucîts. A uuop altactel te tac bnie indcated the councilu iscolvel woneal al tac oande prescstly in tac foar inicîpalîbes lancemin as o sorta Halîsu unit. As toc tac sortiters end ut Nossogomeya, lthe briet sutgtei "tceater importance sitouli be sîrcuocil ou lthe cammsai>' centre et isieresl train lthe slandpoiul of recceatîsol pretcomnmist n, scitusi atfilialio, etc., roller titan aspects ut surface drainage." Thte TECO Report ted recoinrded Nassatomeya tonds sortt of 25 Sidecusil be detached fom Haltes anil l0in Wellington Cossty. As meil as tac mitole et Esqusinîs, lthe nertits itniet saîgestel lthe moutaenmont taéiprovince fer tan regien's lient launder' et tae nertiters unit LIne.- and appainled by lthe slauid tie Higitea> 401, miticit rekioai counicl lterestier, sai rues ose lt mouta of Steeles Ave, tac bni. tarougt sevn concessions et A lucal council fer tae nertteco soiers, athe si l e Nada unit ieauid comprise tareercep- eatt eru lunder>' resestalices Irein Aclan, fou soulil cemoîn as Sieries Avc. frein Esqsesint, mese Irein Fair repeennaien Georgetown sud ueo tram lThe bncie aise sîîricslcd o Naesataeya, fer a toal ot 1t, ineaus et toccruesent restructur- plus a mayer te tie elermi eti utg te toce tac scew srthece large. Thte c ncillrs inonicipaiity a tasr sitare aI recoenoici tce maor net seîlîng rigits lthe regismi serve su lthe retissai coonicil as mouent.ilI Milton remini a bis adiisuoai duties ieeuld ho teo sepmratc unit ere shouid bcll oucros. Eacb of tac present retienal caseîllore frein inunîcîpaliies mostld conetîtete e lisrlisgou. iee train Miltes, mord sn ttc local ceunicil. seves froin Oakilii asnd fisc Gerrgeow saould seuil Ses reps iroin lthe sortbcrn unit, o total of te ch retios, Actesoniln the lies 2, wiita chairmas appoied ity townships suc cact Somo oppose region Want referendum lThe s-ssitîiily of a puie aie oppased te Pustinct ami rlercsdam, on lthe sesitr o> West Flambera jausing Malten egiosal tocerumeel mas ecause taey appear tetle me siruliosci agaim Saturda' mites ocîcutel temard Guelpht. bics. Hutes couricîliors bell tir Foote seul tac present county econdl meeting te cesîro tac eyslecomworhs eliand'taere la OCoarmiter's Rieporl no reame te to este regienel A rfereedumsinmo estedoa goverameut- theriirstimeeting, los uneity Cosecillar Gardes Brown et Couscîllor Colis Sillîr of Oauilir fcit il ieas "veey Milton. Noeeagomcya liecve important mc fers-t ser petty Mes. Anna MacAethusr esttcsted poliies and set sp a micipalty i1100010 ai Solscdey's gslthermg. me con lice mita. He manderel if -Nussogooeya Caneil dors sol Oaisille anil Osclingtan sitouid ceaily suscrîbe le retiosol ecrhcity stetsandleavelitherent goerameul, it vie are pccpared 10 ceaIe o scew sarîbera ta go aisut if titis is tae mish of unsscîpalîly mitic ceutld lte maosily,- site adiilld. cccstsaiy ie a tarte city. '00e "Noeesn" cosid enil sp mîith tarer very Osclinglou's nolters mord vioble onite,' ie teil. cosucillor bics. Ello Foule mos Anuter oppoeu mas usolther oppeseunt. -We sitosld Coonicillor John Lawece et sot go inte regioual goceruimeut Oaiscilie. ** am0 completey ami at ait," site macsed, itecosse il estîrel>' opposel le regiesal meous laint lthe tocrmenl toerameul," ie seuil. He left tan amay froin lthe peopic. Site mas meeting shtlp aRes tat. prontile - ten il sitoal go reguenal. Facel mita te aiment onoamous deriein Unat potiring mas a negîsa motter, Oeltnlle vauncillars chou eil teir munule and calel te, inae Il rein. Bliiagn hlilate teeo a negiena unre terce lai citangel ils mcild and endersel tan aUner councils' slnd an teeping lira a loaol respausubt>. Qaivuille and Banlinglt tanereil mmsnsst iste loa lecel mitile bath Mitieu and Une neraberu coueicils feit tan Mlten Caonty Museum at Stete sidi tie e cegiesal rupnsbilty. It mus suggested local unsiu ll louei tanie uma muenma as melS. VOL. 113-Ne. 20 prizes froin aie. iaterial andl ahâd been by Hospital s ami ollier or $2000 legs Jay'n event, mrtiy. Divide Generel agreement os mast uceassunder lthe iteadiet "division et resseitilites" mes ceacheil Salurday ut lthe municipal cousciliors' conterence os tac TECO lies-et. Most atreed lthe regîssai couincîl et the yet-ls-be-forincd Halten regian sitaulil basilc atiilplane tac tac regias, podnenrgeacy meesares urgonbuelion, public meris con- struntion, sehil meute disposai, flied cantaol, conservation, regienal meseums, retienat parie, idustruel delcscpentsI social andl temiiy sernices, tacesîs andl mont areas et hooancig inciuiling deteatarna, tes ievyiag endl collection, Split ovor hydre services 1, local responsibilities

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