12 The Champion, Milton, Ont. Wed. September 13, 1972 Crown Moffat atoms Tri-County champs Moffal atares complefeti an andeteateti sesson of Tri-Coanty leagne suRliait play isy setapping Eden MOUs 12-5 Priday nitilt and ussasaf lise icague cisasapsasship. Moffol saon the fi'st tua gantes aI the ist of tire seis24-3 aid 23-3. Winmug pîlciser David Brama stroci olt 10 Eden Mils isatter5 mnd received escellent field*r support. Second bisemain ]Rinis tIsaIs and first saciser Dan .Biuchsananacomined for an imortant doubile play un tise fiat ulffng ta snoftoout an Eden Mllt rally. Ras Woodcr poced lise Maffat offensive ut a paor of doubiles. ltscky Smist and Dan Buchianan ecdi leiplet aid Dasvtd Brama asti Randy Smit lasised olt doubles. MalfaI's only lus laines came iOPSA play aI lise isanda ai Use pouertol Springvale riais. sec LOVE EXISTS, eves ia tce fo treesoouzzle close toi each otia Ioci the sky with their opp -rrangemient may be nomn n Electrical Railroad Mone Nassagaweya. [Canada VISIT OUR MILTON FAI F111 out a Cou YOU N A:R virent os to usa the cisampionsisip. Helpusg ta aos animnge tce muw league chisaras is sommirer uere, 'Uncle Bois" Cratg, "Dr. Gene" Ciperane, Lyon lSutis, Cope Smnitis andi Mc. and Mes, liai uroma. Team memisers are, Tad Smnitis, Ricky Smuith, liis Wonder, David Brama, Aisdy iascleski, Rmsty Eiliatt. Gary McLeod. Ken Day, Larey Siuail, Richsard Stanley, Dan Buchsanan, Steven Danien, Ted Wtadmuiler, Raudy Sithi and Rusell lirittan. Ebenezor Bread basket church souvenir By Mrs. BonMeL.ean Mrs. Narriss deait saisis Etenener U.C.W. started tise itisnia, front Use sudy isook. bui saoris sitit a prograt isased There are 224,000snisâtes mnd fane on *friends." Plans seere and asaf dlisiAfiams.$3ff, lu discaiocd for the plougismen's spent an edacassan nmtily fur a sahite pers, ulde far a bilacks it banquet and tce auction saie, l $30. Tise average whiite tareme aines is plained for Sept. 29, uit la $,ftasa black it lu $t84. Oroîssîle Holi. Afeicansespaetu iacloda spires, S. Mes. Early mnd Mes. A. Narris African oranges, applen, grapen, sacre lise cossesers. Mes. sagar, cassai tramn Egypt. Weideman read Use ucripisire. Wisy Ara? GurUs W. Legge ays, "Tiere are many Africas. Lcst yue in 21 Dapacimunt of i lu 5,000 nies long, mnd 5,000 Va teans Affoies Institutions ame acruai aI Use seidet part. acrons Cainada aoui 2,ow Tiere are uearly 4a neseiy noteass participated ia Rted independent reantrien. Africa's Cross arts and crafts progesa.- praisieus are or praisiema. .C5a. Tisa Red Cross Vterais aigresdUemns. Serii.egisescernons Comuc sshavent reaeised aie amUs, e ofC society hon Pcrtotten a ceai Ihnan eahdoe nte oppoiiiaity to disosver asti de- Mismreu seoris ander native valop talentsnthcy uiaht lava leaders. Rare prelodire is an ls acier celiîsd. 55500 tiraient tarm lu South . Aila and Rodeola. A rare sear ba a ead isegnai Sautisen lui th rics mnd lise poar %r in sa vcsed one. Available Yen, case Champiopsas svi si:ewoan Wednesdu yut tise tlousisg neusdealers: HLTON VIL LE onigs Oennral lsoe - EOGTON Auams Buss lhepo Klts ttue GEORETOW DStee Stre * assagileys Stoeea i Pafb esesneral Stuc. Crultegn tre.tiu Omaun aneuraiStor Maunillem Varety Roheetson a Coualsa's KILBRIDE Causes eneeal Stare CAMPBELLVILLE Curt's Corner MILTON HEIGHIS FPttier Variele Parkissde Geeat tare irest, srns il seest, os Usese to er, tIen are a woy on Ueir oma toi In asd Arousd ermaif broncises. Titis peendior MlL N cor tise cor shedis uit tise HalttaiITO 'osa. on tise Fosortis Une, Chalnel Restaurant, -PsotoisyJ. Jennsngs Dew-rm4n, Itaud' Drive-in, I Sauia', Essu, Trust V3 Mtaasus FendMaisi Joees Central tar.. Haris ttioae, Tise Cisampiun, R, SEI 22-3 Ledilis taper tase, Milieu Delicates". Slripe Discunt, pon for the Draw las. Hers Lad. PMais suie Sisap, IAY WIN Mèc's iîaaae --'"--"-~-'--î Milles. District Hoispital t iuephone cail loby, minute1 oi t1025 Service Italion. any global pont Lawn party big success report profit of $2,OOO Memiseru aftie Milton District -lospital Aasîliary must lie seaia astis pride alter Ileir onquest over disatters .xosaected saisis lise sumiser 13. Te Hospital Auxilac iseid lia 121k am"ua Law Party ut tise anme of Dr. ami Mca. Cari Martin, Martin St. an Saturday. Evntitug it If s tise 51th, tise meut ws a litge nucmeun. Aimanst 2,000 peuple altended tite eveut, accurdtag ta Lews ROCK ELLA JERSEY FARM ut Rurnby usaowed tise junior., Nausotis . ddltlan la tise female Jersey ut tise CNE, Rock Ella Noble Tulip. In 1971 as a tenier cuit, Noble.Tllip ws frst is Junior and ffisin open clans la Use AII-Amnerican shsow, junior cisampion and tsrst in senior uit Geor$etown, renerve grand chaumpion cal! ait tise Ontaria Junior Jersey Ruiiy, firnt ut Miltone 4-H ucisievement day and tlrsf ut Geergetowns 4-H shsow. Rock Ella alitai sisowed the reserve senior cisampion uit tise CNE, Rock Ella Leuding penny sale.tisliponds and randy flasu stands an lise Martia properly, an arf nliow feaisiriaf thc seori of local arlisto seas hieldi i MUltan Costesalal Pars. Higigis ai tise day s lise draw tar a neeiepolat chair, a Ilge qulit, an a rse piCtu. Mc. Juohn = ,,tesautise quli, Mita. M. J. Camerea acqalred tise chair, and Mca. Joye Rauim dne fise ticket for tise creseel pectuce. Ail tisree ladisen are front Beaides tise main seinneru 25 pepe aionsm prinen tramn tiepplepenny saie. Mail of tise material and equipienl n sole boti iseen tiasaled or inade liy Hospital Auuillary memisers ami uther naisasteeru. A profit ot $2,ff Vige realineti friss lise day's event reporta Mms Nuraseuoriy Police stage raid IIRIUILI A combined force of four Milton police receireti complainlo I romn NE MO'w ""e E W Police officers and lisree Milton il different resides of tise ït e OPP conatables raîdeti a party busilding. FROM lieing bielli in as apartment ait lise Policeysr e m lsan Diplomat Apartimesls on Ontarso felensenmis d0 20" COLOUR- Mlone toise. weee, reort 3 ase o ge , ae'î chre Wifh Automafic Fin. RICHARDSOUN T.à isisllm Police. ader tise Uquor Canfrol Acf, lise Tuning and Tinf Confrols AlAPIII Tise raid ws made is lte eaony Narcotics Contrai Acf and tish inlt apyA i re 20M AINS.MI LTON 878 morsosg hoors of Satorday alier Cs'tnia Code. Limitait_________AtThis _______201_MAINS_._MILTON_ 8_8_ a seat on the 55yd. Iine!W 7',"'" SUPER This year. capture lise saint iseooliloiiy saill Zenith Saper Cissamacalor. Gel ail tise action anti encitemenl. tise bitliance of tise unilatus againsl green grass and lie slip binîianlp sharp and cleara. n Zenish Saper Cistamacolar TV. Vou'Il just have tn sete il tonne uap Zenith lias liecatte tise standardi oI excullence in caler TV. Mahe thIl season youe reasort lot Sopet Ciseomacolat . .. and get tise malt out ai every gante. Tise Deese D403isW 20suCper Cistumacalasr Finshsed in a iseantitul Grained Wauctcoiotcainaet. leside is Zenith's tamons topes Chtoetacaist TV system witV AFC. Chtotnatic Gre liottair Tonîrg, 'Titan 10t Ctassis and VilFiOti Gelose Spotlite Pani New Super Cisamacelur pialteltuhe jl Th na us advanced Zenitti paturteti Super Chronacalor II pîctoru toto prosîdes rîstet calots, supetiot brigttriess. gU reatet contrst andnsharpreait for arictane en -l iglitea lsar tttn timous original Ctsomnacaisr tuise. Cissemalin Oas Balle. Tanins Tune coins TVs tîfnest pîctose at thetilick oftaisttsr. ~IZený hChromaticGrne-untton Tsning is designed to pro 'de instant auorttic pictu ontrtisoftttigtess, canasi tit,.caiosleîei andtilesh tores. Otsf 90%k Cauid CSai Titan 1ti1 Cisamois Feaurn Pettofmarce-Prosuti tolit-tate Goto- ~~-p Cominus aunaus Zuith qoalilo and depentaiatlîte wth uta-sopttisticated Zenitdesitined andideveoed s0 il stale Dura-Moduoles. Dota-Moduies use me _______________ iatel naccessîibleandi mayisu eusiysnmosedtforparts replacement ilandisaterreeded. Tisa Oia D451t2W 2is Saper Clesmanelse Modernrsttted iaasnc console i gerninoiitfinishedoalnnt enees anti selectthattioti soitis tuo ing AFC. VIOFIUHF Spatle Giai. Titan 101 CItassis anti Gneutton Chromatît Tonînt. 'Satitiuid us! piicu j- VOL. 1 Majuî Saturdi meeting tir nat a frtr a isugi lamas a apres initient tIl tille, i lie lient Enque Georgel MUt liy hain tiseuni upset 1 reet ut afinat break! ruent "Let asaoutel room. I anadysv Peter tis ni ment stad, it ai astai Gordon tise ai Gardai ruralp get tis Feu tise toi SE bc re Whe gaver chai secret reglua Barita Fautle. prupu Cpains ay n caa lest tl sigulfi Chaten appel Chaine amant A ONL M HPA HAS IT! as IlZesilli, dihe qeeîlty gai le hofaca the assis vous en" RICHARDSGN'S 201 MAIN St MILTON 8711949