,RIO fsa tatea a. Peotesc e, mmii ta neami Spita- bell ditiaica insiste andi Terme av- hom, atc ni services, ns, neparate i good sias Poli dosn en, modern aI saphoard recraodon hahop, F.A. i dcinnmntp, tatpb tIne, oped lot199 1 dtintng ans cm hedntnte rA. beatiag, nanrift, tail Miltoa. To lstappeinil .. 1-bedrom 63 maattep. ffic Best 878-4873 878-2894 878-4118 ,d e etc, fBcetp -ctour farte Wg beef anté crd hithseanf 1967. Manp cntrirent, 78-9543 17c28 mcii on Pme b: Rap Bell, s. Cati: Rap aceai thacoagit nadionan, rat the L-ehaped hutchen clii dith bar plan 60 yard. Par nten anE3beaicoot a han a bricki Papce foc dOta- e, there la a mata. Att fer pries. Pour Seaoa es. Tice large kitchon in ta tots Thte 3 laMd ont, A 400 bedromn nation, pinane Screplace, fa.» neafosa amesn citent, bath elnt Ia bote 2 cor gacoge Sandi mrg Dec Gecian ) Ltd. I 878-4121 19520 17 MAJL ESTATE WANTRD. benne fa ton, $30e 000 - 033,0110, potsesnin by Dat. 25, 1972. Cash sice. 284M. 17ag22$$ PRFVATE SALE- - Castie bult S hedron home. Large kitchon, liing & dtering Molles. 2 huchas, double garage, un large niaadod loi. 8703644 alite 4 prn. for appointient- 72-9 D. GODDARD REAL ESTATE LIMITED Mini Form M5 Acre pareO niit ntecip dec- ncaand 8 ronm borne. 2 boitas, Pull baisement. Seboni ban at the diur. OoIy $15,00f doan. Don't mita iti CatI Annette «M02051. Excellent Opportunity Spocinan 3 bodromt -brnl h quiet aunes. Coud bcigba bit ohou, loncly yard. Sec la ta- day miib Atnenie, 870200. i7c20 CHRISTIE & WOODS REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROICER 189 Main Sireet MtLTON TO0W N Junt Linted Eariy possession, 3 bedcenM btuagaloc, ticepilace, living and dioieg romroadlom- cd, tinishcd buseraint, eatra bedruorn. ssosc, casbcc, dry- er, 2 roinigeraturs inciuded milbI proprrtp. Tenisa. Celi 'Pas Slroc 878-'3772 ur 878-209 Invesoment Property Aparsoseet Buailding, 20 ani-ts. Asbing 3290,000. Pur furaber purticeiars.contact Yvone Christie, 878-2095. Country Campbellville Area Oidcr tyye 7 moira boute,con btnasen living and dining ret, 4 tadrocoan, bath, situ- lird un 2:1î arct, picturesque surreundings, partiy coodnd. Asb:ng 135,000. Commeorcial huilding 30 a 50, modern 3 bcdraens hoe, fis- ishcd ra-ririieo cuent, liing roum, breadouroad, ficcptacc, ecletlocation on Higb- ses 7. Veodor ci saire barfi t mertaggr Cati Rots Bail- etie 519 - Ï53-2000. 5 Route Cettago, mouid conatra- ctieon 3 pc. bath, mtecicic heai- ing o ta rouverd Cadi Myrdle Mbleilan 870-5190 or 878-2095 $39.500. Fuit Prico. 3 hedruoms living anddiningromi,flitcb un. bath, recceolion or scitb ficeplsace in baeent aise pecder rouan, garage. 35 Acres Roling acres citb stenO btnb Asflîng 335,000. Cati Mycita MoCiciten 878-5190 or 878-2095 WANTED 10 se 20 Acres, Naosagaceyý Teocoship tur cash slient. Duc te expansion of our sale staff, ce urgrottp ccauuiee ses listings toc oui cuenta citb et celent cash nqtaity. CALL 878-6057 878-209; f17c2 STELLA PARTON Real Estate Broker 398 BELL ST., MILTON. MILTON AREA Leey eider hume citb laq living rouas, sepacase dinien roet, kiachet, dam aed fon ilycoom, 3 goodsiocd be rouane and fstl bath ut 2n liner, ama0l har and tht: alto saine fruis irees, sita edu n tiacce, 1lmile toa tacs. Ashing $36,900. MOFFAT Stncny aed e hall tramo ban alac ciib a bcigba and cho my kiîcbee ciefi lts of on; huard space and a large 0l tsg route anai big fami room, 3bedrcnmnsand aah nom 4-pc. basflmam miih n stp. A reai nice one t $24,500. Fer eppoieterenta, please cal STELILA PA2kTON 878-6705 17t 17 RAL ESTATE LOWVILLE EXECUTIVE (Braacitoul custom huilat, brick liridsiene & h,îked aleroint eplia. Sauce of the ficatores indaude Iuxuinus boadlont, ttroagbott, 4 bedronana, 145 boabti, Tador conte, famity tseacoing f iceae andi male oui an tnne pahia, ommemo mli carpnted Tncreatien contea mlab padded bac, comoumeial nartped anily kiioben witb ranim caphoarda, boita -tan btreakfat nooe, orn andt range, tabapei tiving aenn & dining rouen, indirect ligting, Italian nantie foyer' doobte garage Ut tannai i acte et tceed prapnnty %ktt atone- mwach accents. S59,000. Cy Andernon 632-6900 or tna. e52-4330 Thomas Dowling &Associates Ltd. Realtor 17c20 Family Country Living Ai ahe saue yna need in tNs 4 - bedcnurn home, living ruif a5 f3 sniib fireplaco, dining ron2f5c1 ndkit- cben13txf2 ludycromn& 2-pc. bath ou mule flor, cen- peted brugbnat. Pur yur appoie-lmrinaa ton ib tis borne ratil Jechie Beniot f878-951-1 or 878-4319. Try $3 '500- Down Weil hepa 2 - hedcnoa borne mitb aiiaobfed gacage uni Par- aially ecloed brerssuay, pe- ocd dricey & foncdr!bach- yard for rbildren. Cali Jaeck- de Beeton 878-9511 or $704310. Country T-bis 3tbedroumn 7-saorey bornoie cailou toc TOUR final fini- uhung uch. Good fhouecing. $704319. 4 acre tut, corer prupcrty, un- c-er000 fruotuge, eurancy storck. Pur more information eal] 'Rota Ccacoe 878-9SiI or 876-2755. Actoni 3 - bodreunt brick bungulowe, -broadion on living com,4- pac. 'bath, hoiabced 10.1. citb bar, cucbohop undor dotach- cd double gacane aod maoy cslrat. Fureppoln caull Rues Coscen 078-9SII or 878- 2755. Commercial Building Lot Primc pcopcrty, ccntcaliy loea- ted. Asflîng prise $24,000. Tcy yeerutffcrtceb Anne Chuch- mach 878-9511. t7c2t 19 LEGAL -1, Garant -Paran, 120 Main st., Miltun, mUtl nea ta e pentalale for ap adats ha- carmait bpe mîE Sanntte PoIae after ibis dose, Sep- toaster 13, 1972. Sig. CARNET M. PORAP 19C20 L ! R. 723 Ontario Municipal Board 1NHEW MAÎTR OF Reciaon 80 et Mmo Paleming Act (R&t 0- 19ME e. 31f, - and - Iai STE MATTRR 0F an appt80 cation bp Thne Carparaitan of lthe Tan,, ar tin for Sp pannai af Iio Raaieied Sra Sp-ast $149, pased tne 4iln day ni Scpiembeo, ilS- APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING THlE ONTARIO MUNOICIPAL, BOARD1 bettly appointa miap, theo 22ai day nf Septembor, 197, ait tae bone cf tnt ucluefi in tbo fuencon .tlccal sime) at the Couecil Chanteras ainth TomeT adi MuScsn su, her onr pbrcaaiun fouetcnsiua et cb tempncary appeorat gronted bechia octiltche 22ad day et Sepatembor, 1972, au Bp-lac 6-70 chiOts bydaw amtenda Sp-Ion 31- 69. .Loi dl persona intmreatnd thon andi tare attend. DATIED ai Torontu thia 17th day ai Anagasi, 1972. K. C. Andres, Secretacy. Explanatory Note toi By-Law No. 6-70 TOWN OP MILTON iy-iac Nu. 6-70 ufthafi Cana- oraîteio finh Townc ut Miltoun ia Oy.lac desigoasiag certain ceeus in the Tccn ut Mison os Ptedi Zonesandesnends Ibm originad Zoning Optas Nu. 31- h9in: ibis respect. cl as îonedcd that Bp tac Ne. 6-70 seuld ta a tempormp By-i untal certain remediat cocha on 16 Mate Creeh andithe West Braoeh of thc Crec efi carideoutand il as,hme- 'fore, approec by the Ontariu bMuoicipal Board su epie on tbc lis day cif Februacy, 1971. Farthor Ctrdrrs ut the Dnar- ie Municipal Huard cseendodl tho perioid aI the Bp-tac su the 3Ois day etl June, 1971 and fur- aber t c ihe SOth day of Joue, 1972. and tucahir au Sepsomber 22, 1972. Sioce abh- ccmediul ssochs hiave oui bceo sodriakco, tbe Corporation of the Toswn of Milton arc toakiog application fuor a luribo: extcnsion to Bp- las Ne. 60, a. totrachic, Cleca, 251 Mate Sa. E. Muscsn, Ont. 19s20 20 AUCTION SALES Gebi Hi-Tbrac biocnr cith XISC. andi SMALL TOOLS - 50'olpipes;2 lslf-a Steelisatncsrougb; 10Ost1 d:ogsragons; taroyard scrp- prabe gainey; uppros. 600 18 TENDERS AUCTION SALE er; Athndc snac biacer; lot. Nu. ser rois; otd cocon binder; 37 hedrautiec deutle dite; Ina. 8- elai Case pias, 3itorrow; single FOR turrow pl 3 ph., are bot- eailing piont; quuotiay oflsteed Town of Milton RIBBOPI RIDGE PARAIS LT». ton; 3-lurcc hydratli plaw; ricttin andi regular tooce posîs; Oit1 -31d Linc Claheille. Prom 3tfurrac John Daee bydroulie Nattoin steel bug cari; sces TENDERS iaiceNmo ghccasaty Ite ,ùh21lgt ev;Trcoganv" lmnmbr eog Forcs Wieig n ies ohai theocernoef3rdro; sef-ecdeccwagon,20, on biock uad saehte; setiofbarnt For idenng Ldioe aoai Nerth Sersiec Roui. rutihor; 10' Triple E callunalor; seles; uluntinute choolbar- portable saisit ciller; 20' bute scia, 2 1/a h.p. cleairia oes Reconstruction of PRIDAT, SEPIEMBER it elevator siah uedercarciagn; AI-.,Iiher cteclric mults; 2 24' Higlway 25 Connecting ai I fi. liu aie steocker c,îh S h.p .oudcn ladaira; 2 b-p. cia-caria Lik MAHiER -aîd raoBoocas & Strasiot eogion; 50' sciar, 2,000 cal. calte tanh; LinkMACINEY -DvidBrownPamtr hale ceaatec andt usai- M.F. aircular sec. Seeedcoer, paitycafi1200 Diesel Tracter, s-ith 12nerarriagc; 74' andl18' cbn Seale tedes, lanlymak-sperd:, pecer sta-reitf hvaireal- tope baic olcouters Turc pacer lame macer; cgg cde s teconteots,.cilt breci_ lias 3 PHonly 80tirs.one n giaaiing macinet; elcaric broe- sod bytheClec, Tow-netof M i19i. Neirý HoIiaod su'per 717 60etofeurhcad baie transpor- der; t bus. eseasore scoop; 2 ton ail251Main StreeE., inîl'rage barasercih 2 roerchi¾b pm tor and6oo beac c ippers and- -Miltun, Onario,.up enlil t3 pc. corn houai, oec i 19 71, bas cua airop-cilsonly usci 'fer t crup, borner, set et Cures slcigha; E;D.S.T., THURSOAT, SEPTE- 40 aare,. Nec Hiilanai Ne 717 Eberaci baie sbrodaier, Weodu I suce steel reutiog, 3 roua of 4BrR 28, 1972. forage harvssersaiah single cai reilcr anaimcac; pcrtablets ofean; beasy barnojack; Fer theciaieniog and ai o coro heudio gond condition. grainodryer; Cyetunt 3ph grs spray pstp andibarre]; 2barn strocîtus of Steeles Avenu Nuc Hoilonai Mudel 469 Hep- scaier; Fleury Bisseil 10' double uine;, 2 eatsîde saulr bocîs; front Machsn Sarnes Ic Oniuruoibis.1 tteo 1971. New77olltd ras ocliipaaher; 2 taon; wagus 2msi ieuîe;2harai Stceet and inoiudueg ohantnei-avlnrMdl23PTO boir anai 16' cachesn roteber; apriog cîlicdra, 3 b.p. gasoocine; ation of lhtse termioal ontre îith ieaaiing choie, ninv i 1971 tOt outhl aulîaacr, 10', un choda;: sa-lftrter pemp fer catie 3 secticns. Thte eîh cifri-d Ceckhutî diarroa 3 P.H. Hesto 12- swather; 50' 6'iarps;i1targeariupprt.O0 suvissapprenicaitetS5200 iotoieouuhshh 16hinchbtriphbot graiouaugr; 2 4grain augers 'Oý; quantityeof2nx$8panb; andithesceri itaiudcs reotloess. Wesert12 h. ingeslinhclcrs. 2-eas Ici. corne iig and to.igchitalas;ijet aiecaain gretiatg, sorm gang lanai paher. lita oiesTr planirr; 7id farelvy soafe w01b 16 cntrair rssrn prp sewes, urls, ganuar asia:e f-ac traiter lih8x1 hbr; 2 fiaelrrtwaobteo3.16 pua nel giesr huatsi asphalt avig ben fa rck; Tandem trouler ssiihbhala- ahi-cr rccha Outri bru-le me r face iaes; power take-oif ceaicecretcaict~nt flat~ ru ach. Grain Ourater citb sy data front eand lcader aouh shuft; vise; Ram boocb ucuid-, ctae ocleu rts a edmuridg e r bucehesohohase cer satr ccainsi,ft TRUCKS -1969 Ford Raog- Iand grandl huckci; Nu. 105 Iti b24, cire lence sareacher;4 -Plans anai specifications fur or 8 catiaiter, aeîoesai heu - Cuh Cadet cardcn tracter aod 1Hotlstein Cosehead aiges; S bus. ibis cent map be ebaaioditonopiaupsoihtaieboxsandotcpls smlcari; 2 -tee lui mixcai gras s-d; Grht pc- troc, the ofcebof uth hcuonsola biash 1cr ooseoe-h traiter, ira. 1962 truck, onip 19,000 il chice grieder; 2 traatoc unobrel- ing eeguocecron paycuoi of 1964 Fordh600cab ow roee ihsokrcs-I9Frols heai hcaser; pipenisc; nhe semaif Tcenty Dollars, ftehodcp truck.sih20ich truck, 75,000 miles, 'gcodaeondc Mot - ýPoser eectria drill;-ract- wc i neot reftuedable. riras ent 12 fi. piaileres Their leo;- 1966 Bel Aie car, 6 cylîod- io:: bar, bils coy 3 p.h. tracter; sa 6uli. vt fo r lu boacc r uoaeccic; lac cdeuage;j13sixnsonaeaddnc; scrappile Theclacnaransescrl tene rol schio goaicodtion. selliogcwithcerdhfcae; Courn- ec.a,etc. nus aecesaocdy fie accepteai andt Tbcre cill be a sall eiter- an asard esap be subjeet tucthe ing of pesas ehains. cyclone TERMS ARE CASH. oppronul eftla,o ýMieisiry of s-der, tires. iomes, ec> csiibithe Ne resorvo,. Fart is solai. Transpursesion anai Cosmmuci- larpe equipmnn sclhing ut 1.30 Ocnetrnoing in laeFaitsaoh husebold sale to fula. ationt. pc.sap. Ocncruoraucsiuneoceot respiniblttoacccidentsadapof Ms. B. Besi, Mayor. Mianagemsent or auctioncaîr suie. !Mr. J. McGeachic, Clorfi. no iespensible cer accideon Auaaioeer's Remucha; Gtlemen, plan su be cisb un for sale d. sts sale, asaos fhe eqipment iieceletn condiin.Te Ducan Hopper &Assca- Trts-Cash. turger matnecisaauosthhckno, forcisbasnuulytaenoted nt in Entineca WARD BROWNRIDOE, une teasnun or test. ConultngEngnees, Auctionr, Phone 084î730 Sciiing hp bid ouain. Lunchbhouaitl anaitabie. -1805 Wilson Anc., M;îrg Braceiiga CHEIS SCHOUTEN, Atatiannser, Wasteo, Quai. i8e20 loch Lacaun, Cloche 20c20 20h20 5701-2576. IO AUCTION SAMIS 20 AUCTION SALES For Complote AUCION SALE Auctlon Service 8ATVAllw , giranna 1t i p-rn. fam Chris A Schouten AisAsi niilionfA- AUCTIONRBR ceifoyle, 6 miles scuth ut Gu- cipi: ce Ne. 6 Hsry. Sale, E au types. Cosistieg oil e goosi atouts Sale, rontdarted mnychere. lino utf hontebold tarnithinga, 93telieeort, antiqpuet. etascoilan- Tel, 878-2576 nous item, -Wesinghuse dt- R.. . ilon Ot. er, lnena, antectioa et glana Mo.3dPua Ot citina pionna. osai mtant table, __________________23" Admirai TV, garden trots etce AIl itemst are dlean anda in Ward Brownrid ge odcnio. liAI McCARTNEY, Llganaed Autoiic Aactionee, Ptis - Litek 28c2u 66M778. Phone 878-6730 uaYCA40 AMasb- An t'e»« liantAd AUCTION SALE For GEORGE PIVKA Ai thefarmsitaedoenhe t ie n Nagaaya Tnp, 6OmileacnaoftNo.7Hsey. antdt1mileenrtbeof 15 Sidernoad (Speyside ns Mottai coadi on SATURDAY, MORNING, SEPT. 16, et 9.30 arn, TROUCKS, t7aPLEI5ENTS sion iuddec; 200 gai, gois tanki; ETC - 1954 Dodge -tracs, ut lis Tau-fat-socpe: 2 bnuny steel iauod tirns); Circuler eem; Tee- cbimony flues; Ouaetity cf cotrmer, 3 P.H., 7' coi; Per- cose. taire flance and puais; tiianr drill, Il rue; Steel airnat Ceder posta andt poins; 3 gardien fai wagon- Octý cif slcight; gaies, Large amount etf tomber, gond unes; Cernent mitr citb asaercd aient; Lota ni trois, ouor; 2 sets of piuttncrr aintl gardcn nquipmnnt, etc.; Wailk- Potacu moider. iag piont and 2 bursn pice; Latg choie, 30-; Lots ni dours; sortc MtSCELI.SNEOUS - 2 Etee- field Icle Pi-lc cf sccap; Chîchon trie drilla, 4W0 nat !40; Lcaabec tenders and marrc; Eull 0f drine tala; Shîli biosanr; Mufur chais linb fence andcuseemiro and grindnc; No. ni niecaricton, Cemnt bteckl muid, chain sac; tecoibatun; Ouao- tîty cf teindosa sashet andt fra- PiJENITISRE andt ANTIQUES ies; Largn pressurctii; Cen- - nie fiosered crorb, Ham- prosaur and muior; Liqut toc- ilton; Sesocai uther crochsancd citer; Heai lamp; Ouaetiay of iugs; Pine hicnet hua; Drop steel buildingtcnrs; Seerta cOif tabln; Stoec cith chimocy huay boites; Pcic cfl 30x34î tiret bote, lac longs; Placer boa; aod cheels, oror nets; Ettea- 1f89 hou and nabers. TER.MS; CASH. Nouceeon. Pcopecyauoldcaoernuning. Pieuse ote: 9.30 c.m. Nut rnsponsihte fur accidenta. 20h11 -MAX STOREY, Ruccoud, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE 0F PARAI RQUIPM0PT, 2 SELF-PItOPELLRD COMBINES, 3 TRACTORa, TRUCK, CAR, aSLP-FEDR ANaD WAGONS, GEOL aHOP-ALL HARVESTER, RAT AN'D aTRAW, BARN CLEAPaER, aILO I3NLOADRR, aWATHER ETC. Atthenfaim, Lotst5andh,Co. 4,frfaimr nauct cf the tocs ut Omegh, on thc Otb Lie, brîscren Britannia and Onccp Rd., epprus. S miles Southb-East ufiJdiin. for ELMER McDOWELL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1601, et 10.30 arn, -M.P.* No. 300 self - pcopetied ilel stale ciener ciîbh 350' ut combie 10' cicb pick-up; MYP. chein; Sud gnc silouunleuder for Nu. 300 scif'pcopeited combhito, ý14 sueo; 2 stecl Oudgar feed 10' sritscband quicb chage caria. bead & pib-up; 'M.F. 175 diesel tracler ctth rab. onis 848 bcs. MILEING EQUIPAIENT --3 lot. 074 bydrostatic diesel trac- Sccgc rnilbng units; stailcss ;îur.onis360lthrs.; lot. 434 die- steel paîl, strainor and doeble soi trecior cith oely 533 hcs.; sink; Viiiiggcinctriccerantsep- toIt. Ne. 40 hay huior cith baie erator; sucne miil sens, Ourgc ibreteer; M.F. Ne. 10 bay haler; racuum pemp, and pipieg for Corfishets No. Il 18-mar groin 35 coca. and i-rfiier drill on Imbenro îîss-.14îx,47meit euih grass sonder; tnt. No. 150 fol ofsioge, ibis ycar,'soqp, 3-belor manture sprcedcr; tien- prox. 2,000 baies of cican fuscr 12' pus: talc digger; cals strass; appreu. 2,000 baies Gchi Sbop -Ail hersester citbi ei misnd bey, sonne- straigbî Red corn and bey bned. Cioee bey; 3 anit-iceders, lé'. il Y l, Brie Siot MILTON FIGURE SKATING CLUB MEMBER C.F.5.A. Sponnarei bp Milt Rotary Cloub Figure Skating Classes TUESDAYS and THURSDAYS Juniors4:30 to 6:15 ToBeVrie Seniors 6:15 to 8:00 At Amena STARTING TUES., OCTOBER 3rd PROFESSIONAL STAFF: NANCY NELSON LIZ ARNOLD MEMBERSHIP FEES - '25.00 Pamiip Ratces Anaiiabfc EXECUTIVE Pees. Mca. Fa-Sbock Seccetacotees. aune Bartoar Teos Mes. Lîllian Rusnsell Fees payable in tuil on registration BEFORE September 27th PLEASE TO aý Mca. Liflian Rassell, 356 unit st., MAIL Multan, Ontaria. APP L ICAT ION Namne Pa__________ _ e,.cras initial Mailing Addrnaa AOc Telephone o . _______ Pricote Lenaan s __________ Lant Badae lNo. ________ Pro Preferred Pnluate Lettone Analahie 13.00o tamiclnutes __________ I -I COME AND MEUT BOB ANDRAS & RUD WHITING For Transportation Telephone 818-6604 For Free Bus Ride Cali 818-2501 The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wed., Saptember 13, 1972 f Ask merchants, council finance Iights Miltan merchanfa and ton droppet. Wedon'twantto ahane pooe reaafa. Atathe anne meetng maUncil watt bc ed t aire te bis aian anyhodyns tiaroat," Taeaaiay membera appointei a mataof Cttriatmas atreet fightiog, directar Don St aiti. If hai- two-an conanittee ta conaider a Milton Ctaatber of Commerce auffacient taads are raiaed, aporte oagba that mîgbt be agreted aiadrectuira meeting rneyotill brreturned tu te arrengrd forlateorintccor eaiy Iursdayetflauaurcek. donnes sprmng eorif rown and Dion Aite cosidcrehl discussion A schecc te reecabtefnds by Smith acre eppotced te aitet donecters egccnd te anhathe tome nclltng drawcktsabasametrahîoa infattee. for $1,000 and the merctaats f or $ 2,000. Cliamber prendount andt Renne Faon Harris taggeatnd fitln chaonce eniatet tor recniing a $1,000 grant tramn thte tone nd membera agrenat tbat if a G G N I sizeable donation ba receivedtG G N I coafat mabe ap a portion. Wat't farce fa 1 If merchanta don get bebinat LIBERAL KELLY the project andt of fer finoncial nappera tbe projeet null be SMALL ATLANTIC GOOSE MYDIE Aeilcuisby Qouadian NOMINATION MEETING Wiie nita and lne Ateerican atatan ahtan aat the Atlantic nran, a amtiri ana gnae, may be dymng ont.' Only 25,0a0 bîrdo tare T s been aigbted ibia pear an Tus.ay, September * mn cnmpared ta 200,t00 oely a fent peaca ago. Scientata feac abaet the bird may bo aaftnrang a food atartage and toeeding probtemes. 8 P.m. Hontener, sone eperts fenlthae court ws iaccratebecusetheClub 707 Oalaxy bird may banc cbaeged its migration roines. North Service Rd. CANADIAN TAX WRITE-OFF OAK VILLE The Accnterated Capital Cot Aflontanre (ACCAi progrant of Eeriroemeea Canada permits a straigat fine tan cciae-off for HALTON LISERAIS will select capital epeeditoces on0 pollutin cntrol eqoîpmeet rnver o priod uf aco yeace. Honcrer, tan th0 Wînnîng Candidate for the reductioni an otaailablebt ficea abat nperate a service for ahe October 30 - Federal Election dlimieatioe of pollutionrcauet by nabere. MILTON GUEST SPEAKERS TELEPHONE HN OETADA ANSWERIMIHN RBR ADA S SERVICE Minister, Corp. & Cons. Attairs O CONFIDrNTIAL * CO Trous RUD WHITING, M.P. 878-2020 Halton