________________1~ 10 Thse Champione Milten, Oet., Wed.. September 13, 1972 * HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED tracter opte- trr, must be sabie te pow. 076- 2161. 8c20.2743 EXPERIENCEG huadrester, 2051s~- Appit B.i. 155, The 8<nioiî Chamspio. PERSON requsred for olcau iayg dsgies ait Hilrrest United Churuh. Appty 877-3750. 8u20.2783 2 MEN wsmted for smshmoom farasing. Appty at MuNaàr Msli- IM a Ptin, Hwy. 25, Sout ni Adtos. 8b13-3609 FULL race pcnoon reqssired in autumnoiste partn & geterai retasling, automoarve îssuseedge us udvuntuge. Apply iu persua, Cuoadias Tire, Milton. 8u20.2759 MEN and worrmmteam $175 a month plus $25hbonut for 15 hrs. a scuik. Train uutt for Sep- toaher schot bus routes. Cati tuglit Bus Liait 854-2171. 8c20-2764 FUJLL time superintendent ai ove uf Mition's besser upuri- aras huildings. Ideat worhing conditions. Phease uppily ta ri tiOf su Bos 160, Caoadiun Cha- mspios. 8c20-2750 OENFRAL icihorer raquirid for bouta uunstruction ( preter- ably oldir muas). Apply ou job ste, Mittoovieso Hetghts. os Lsosar Basc Lite haisseat 8 o. m. t 12 a.m. 8u2717.tf BROKERS - OWNER OPERATORS Waictd bolore Seissuabur 25 Tadeus diesel requiruf Apply Box No. 159 Canadian Champion MILTON, ONT. 8u20 Immediate Opening FOR LUBRICATION MAN Ail usuci cumpcuy hinefits. Permanent position su aight Apply SERVICE MANAGER MILTON MOTOR SALES 878-2355 &20 Rate Clerk Trainee For large transport rampanyl 5-aperiencu sus neusury. Must i gouf otht figures. Teliphunu for appointment 8 HELP WANTED CLEANING LADIES RBOUIiRED IfdFXATBLY Tu worh on uostructions ode sn Milton. $00 sccully tu stant. PHIONE COLLECT Rt.TWEEN 1 andl 4 pu. Port Crodit 278-3682 5020 MEN FOR PART-TIME HELP On cunstruction site in Mbilton. Must ho atahiions and willing to work. FOR INTERVIEW PHONE 878-6764 Maintenance Man Maintenance ot Touit, Oies, Machineaund Building Otario Ilealth Services, Lite tanroonce and Stut, Oeciit Plan paid hy Comspny Apply Box 592 Acton Fret Press 8h11l Tool and Die Maker Tuot unf Die -Muhir, quutificd in ail phoas ut Tout and DiSe ak- itf and repuir, capable of surhitsg frous hloc prisis Io hoîtd cuoouise parts, fias. Hospist, Madicat, Lita bnuc ance prcusiums company paid- Cut ut liing aloltsatue BOX 593 Acton Fret Press 0h11 Appltinsm for the position of BOOKKEEPER for thse Twp. of EBquesing miii ho reoniaset in wrtiing, aie- ing Ol detaits aïf education ex- perienco and date et avattabit- tty hy the undeatigned ntil 4.30 p.m., Sepleaster 18, 1972. Appîtuanto mont have agmou- riting hsedieha. ISelmar Farench, A2MC.T., CL-rk - Treamswr RIR. t, Georgetown. 8bl11 878-4144 Ex. 126 8c2 Floor Inspector FULL TIME CAR WASH ATTENDANT Ssac uschasisat cbîty hals- fut. Appty: BELL BROS. LTD. 405 Martis St.. billon. 8c20 To isiecu maerial mi perchas- ed. in prurusu asf fiuisbef. Ont. Heulith Services, Lite In- suacccanf Suds Buocfi Plan puif by Company Appis PERSONNEL DEPT. 8 HELP WANTED 113 FOR RIENT 17 REAL ESTiTE 17 REAL ESTATE 117 REAL ESTATE 17 M ETATE Sheridan College Milton Campus REOIJIRE A CLERK GENERAL To pertorso aî vai.y oi ras- poosîble and sauspios cluricat tontsious. The incomibent susO hoe invoived ta the lireparuttun of stutisticai raepures and pusa- chaning cif supplies aud coord- ination o? isvmttory contrat 00 aut si ork in close Sdaisos trieS che Caaa Manpnsuer Centre in the regirarat!'u o? tudents and maintesnne ai reuordt. Mate appticuntt whtb teverni yeort' office etpeeience Iypitif wnuld hoe un asset) shonid, cotact hy phone ftR. W. FOUSRNIER 9703577 or MsR. G. R. MASSEY, Oahviite 643-9630. 0480 50201 P. L. ROBERTSON MFG. CO. LTID. 97 Brante St. MILTON, ONT. SECRETARY Wi haveianpeig for a Seureiary, tu a Depurtmest Man- uar. Thetsuuuetehd applhcaut wiii bc masure suith prier esperies- ce ut a comparatile etecutive T-ha position reqoi res mini- mouni grade 12 eduattun with upard ouf auray in typino. nhorthaad and transcription aud un uhiitsy to honfle admin- istrutive dolait. Sulury su ha disrassed. For ou Iterviewe contact 878-2861 Ex. 126 8u20 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTES SEWING dose ait hume. 878- 9196. 9c20.2806 LADY wuuld like hanuse clean- iag aferdays auweek infNitito. 878.41'14. 9480.2728 WILL baby sit la my atmu home unytime, nuri expia- tienue. 878.4962. 9c20.2767 PIANOS MOVED AND DISMsANTLRD . alse - Cumpieii Moviog Service BLAKELOCK CARTAGE 878-5M 50-t? 13 FOR RIENT MuCLARY frig., gond codit. tua. 878-6810. 13c20.2748 HOUSE ta reat, hydro, $50.00 mus. Phone 878.2095. 13020.2802 COMsMERCIAL. epace, 1,600 sq. fI., un Mill Si., Milios. 878. 3512. 13c21-2716 STANDARD PRODUCTS pîu2BEROMaarm6; tAp (CANADA)LD Miltonu. 13c20.25t3 Georgusmn isosu 1IN Milton, 3-hedrooa bosse, 346 Guetlh Su. Geriso actbuSept. 15. Ruot $165. h1[Cati 519-855-4512. 13c20-2776 17"4 lis PERSONAL CLEAN 3 hedrnnm busngalow, mec. room. 'Phone 87"-930 or 293-1911 Toronto. 13e202726 MODERN t - bednomr spart- ment, halcony, frlg., stuve, et- euiriu heat. 870-4569. 13u25-2568 ELECTRIC HOT WATERi IIEATERS srith frce scrviue Phuo Milton Hydra 870-2345. 150165-os 3 - BEIDROOM hungalowa, re- trigeratur & stove, on 10 actet, Hornhy urm, Oui. t. 1-765-6128. 13u20.2725 CENTRALLY iuuated, space fur reusoitahie fur office or neure wih ail coovesionues. Cuti 878-2755. 13c20.2755 t - BEDROOM apurimeet, brmadiown air conditioned, drapes, frig. & stote, ln Milton. Oukoilto 827-1202. 13u20.2762 SUBLET 2 - hednoom spart- ment for 9mos.,hhfler, Gien Eden, $170 a mus., immediate possession. 87784. 13ce02565 t SELF CONTAINED 3-hed- rouan apurimeet ta duplex, Sa- ply S. A. Puy & Sont, 146 Mua St.. Milton, 878-6533 or 878- 9585. 15u20.273I Th GOLDEN GATE Apis., t and 2 hedrooras, iacuding frig., stuve, drapes, heat, iight and tuater, frmrn $130. Phono Autos 853-lt103. 13u20.2629 NICELY foraished self.- con- tuined 3-raom uparimont. toit. G ahle for oduits, convenirai lu- uation, uvailahie imaediately. Phone 878-90886. 13u21.2753 3 -ROOM self -uunainrd ap- artment ta private huma, desir- otite locauon, private estrace,R uduits usty. Reply Bus 154, The Casudian Champion. l3c19-2686 560W RENTIOO - Glen Ed- enCourt Apt., BrunIe St., Mil- ton. Yuu are inviicd ta aloew tht futly feirnithed modet suit- et by oppuituneat. Immediale posessiue. Rentai agents, ttost Reaity & tatorance Ltd., Milton phone 878-4118. 13c2260-tf i AND 2 BEI>ROOM- APARTMENTS AVAILABLE From. $130. and $145. mott- iy, in ACTON. Ahuve inctudet ai utilities, uoiored applinsces, drapen and haiaony. Acton 853-2197 . and - Acton 853-0272 13c-td THE MAYFAIR fiiltua's finent upurtmnerrt ho- ilding scitti separato adsf t fOn. Feuturit inciode: sana bath, reorcotion noom, hobhy noom, uuiared opplitutet.E There areafes tuor 2hced-E tom upurimens avuiluble ow Appiy SUPERINTENDENT 28 Ontari Stret Nur Phone 878-3180 13c-tf 14 WANTEO TO RENT B FARM housu wiihouseufhstrn, close su Milton. 878-9485. 14o20.2789 161 FINANCE NEW LOW RATES ist and 2nd MORTGAGES Service With Integrity 0.30.B.A. Memnber 91/4% - Cumhine It and 2nd. - Puy ail yuur hbis. - Comnstte dehîts. - Buiid a honte. - Add a runm. 2nd Morigoges frein 12% CALL: 20E REYNOLDS INCOME MORTGAGE SERVICES 639-1043 (Evenings) or 527-4557 Hamilton (9 arn. - 5 p.m.) tOtu-If Hire theuuuuuiy's top persan- cel-fiadea: The Champion. is pressy 40 acres has 1002' Imatage on 401 and 1088 fomtage onagoud sideroad. Snug and contentent. the warny pani- etled 7-rooumed home usith hright sue porcb and rSnmy doubile garage mahes pleatant cuntry living, as meit ns goud husinets. Priued teu mît ai $49,500. Cati Ont Gaoro- ski 878.4191, Halton Real Estate Ltd., Breker. 73 ACRES - PUSLINCH ly 7 miles from 40, prfect home si-te ont20aces,Poenmes- dous plus 53 acres hardscood hsh with ponds and open loggia0 traits fur thîdosin. Pricod ta selI ut $39.000. Cati Elizaheth Nstat 878-4191. Haltua Real EssaIe Led., Bruhe . CAMPBELLVILLE AREA tmhliog Geurgian atone cottage on 99 ucres, spaciaut living, dining ruoms, goud hiluhea, huth, 3 hadnooms, honus 734 sq. fs utdsasshed torte rear seetion, 10 mies. ta 401. CatI Jean Harcourt 878-4191, Haltua Real Ettate Ltd., Broker. HALTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 181 Maio St., Seontd FIne. l7c20 B CROSS B REAL ESTATE &S INSURANCE LTD 68 MAIN ST. MILTON 5tBrokerý" LMWOOD CRESCENT T-he curear uftihis brick 3-hedrosus bungalow bas accept- cf a position ssitb uts outuf-tosan firm und is Iherefnre setliog Ibis fine hume whtch bas masy feainres nuch as brauficu bruout, builtit ftshscushea, carpot, pas- cf frive, faocad yard, trucs esc. Thbis one it sure pricid ri gbi ut $27.000 ssiih escellent tersos. IELL STREET 3-hufroom spulitete hume ssilh finished roc. roa, large living cnd fituing roa combtouiion, famity sice Sitchen wtsîhnaurati finshef cupusards, hardwoodffluurslhro- ghut, iasefutty fecurasef, carport and paed drive. 6!4% mortgage. Hurry, hurry, or youl missthis on. :OMMERCIAL STREET 4-hufroua surcy and a hait famiiy home wtîh nothing ta du but mute in. Gise us a rai if yu amn iosking for the living cnf fiasng roua coatouion, faaily oti Sitchet 4-pc. buth tcitb sansip, bruudtoumed living and ftntng roua. mod roua.t rlssed front purrh, den or seaing roua. amples cuphoards, fuit baisement wtb tauodep and seoukshup, toodscaping ail donc, garage, close t0 duan- tusen and schouts. Gond terns. Avaitohie at $37,900 IORNBY Cus tombuiltihome uder construction ont aactuced tut afd ssi ho roufy fou yu ts mure in befori Christ- mas. Clay brick and tono bugaow, 3 hedruoos, largt hutches. seporate fining roua, family tcom with fire- place, 4-pc. uaihroua. 2-eu. ausafer mnm. hroudlosm, 2 car garage. Nuu is the ltime lu chouse ytar uvtirolai scbeae atnd stiti hie intlime fou atour pertonat aittrat 4ILLSIDE DRIVE i andf 2 hefauom aparumecînts i he "Noble Tottirs" apauL. aen ossvussuderotrucion. Cati or drap in ttdoy to toS user fesaits and put youroname doss e lu esenoe an aRartament of your hoice There are oer 20reservt toris ints l date, FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE C A L 878-2888 15 PERSONAL 117 REAL ESTATE SQUARE DANCE JOIN THE FUN " BEGINNER'S CLASSES SAVINGS STARTINO SEPTEMBR 12 AND 14 UP TO $3,000 Fuecision tngiseered homm, OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 3 A50S erected on Youc foundsllan 46 OAKVILE AD MILION REASta chenis faone or masterm dis- GARVLLE ND ILTO ARES sgntd. Gel SIt tie faces. Frank T. Finfotd f home conesltant), For Information Phone Beavr taambar Ca., 570 Hlar- rap Dr.. fahton, Ont,, phono M79 6123 oc niait Beaver Luanita 844-0906 or 827-1631 or 634-4403 fr.bnectlge , flic s oe lalgso te FOR AIL VOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone- MAURICE BEATY - 878-6418 Representing CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17"4 A. E. L EPAG EI 37 YEARS' CONTINUO8JS SERVICE Member af -dis Tornto, Ontario and Oakvieli ThdWim~r ReIal saise Beardâ SMALL FARM 10 aucres, 3-ruoo hute ver double garafe, large postry taying boeute, alto haro suituhie for tivetck, sorgi etc, Nicety ircef lot. Listef ai $W0,000. GO FARMING 122 acres of goof producivte, oandy ioam soit, 9-rooso farm huma in nica setting of erees and shrahs, large heef anSé hog haros inciuding large silo and paved yard with self Onedin0 mangers. Thesi sceru ait new store 1967. Many istras go with ibis faon. Phease caitl for appointiment. FOR ACTION AND SERVICE Cail DENZIL LAWRENCE 878-9543 OAKVILLE - 845-4267 @n1wur 17480 LOTS IN NASSAGAWEYA If acres with 65'x24' aement wit sbfoor and wellon pmn peuty. List prise $24,500. Tn' ynur offr witti: Ray Bell. 14.92 ucres, foiiy treed rufttsg land. Open ta oRfers. Catis tCay MILTON Spaost 3-hedrosa brick bungalowe, raseeftly decorattd ttnogb- uttctth watsot paoteiling walltt woati bradtnom, sut Stone firepiace and etyosat chandier le tht L-shoped liing nom, dising rosse, large fumity sire kiechen setth cupheards galure atnd a finithed rec. noom, ws66 bar plus a 1 cou farage, asphail driae, newty feoced yard. For the pleasore uf vtewtng, please catt: Les Bunker. CAMPBELLVILLE AREA On tteacly 2 actes of land, close Io 401, it Ot tpless 3-bedrooso bungalow. Tise seainut paneltedl living nuom bat a brick fitepiace, the kilches is cony and pravides tpoct foc ditt sf. Tu mraito yuur contsry living cumptete, there la a hare and a shed te provide chetter for animalsu All for the fuit ashing petit of $38.000. Cati: Itene Foies. FOUR SEASON CHALET On 26 acres uf butS pespecly, a sesely ratntructi Pour Seasun Chalet is staitiof for pour finttbtng touches, The large living nomi costales a monte fireplare. Tht Mofche s Itle arrive shuitly and odd to constoiesce and looks. Tht 3 hednoomt have large atosets and are watt laid out. A utility roes lsarge enoug tle umd a a 4th broose Fuit batement satt garage. Foc moire information, pmsose tati: trece Pries. CUSTOM BUILT fl 3-bednom zraeehrstyeY]dhome,oiviîg coem wtttfieflete fuI epace, lacge master hedruora wtcis 3 doublse dtoss, bath ensuite, bruadiona throughuut, famity roomi ln base menot witýh ficepiace and bac, umersized 2 cor garage atnd bctresaay, tasdseoped prapery, bosti and lag Pond, 2 niher osethuildingt on 10 acces. Cati: Dec Oowand Brethour Realty Services (1961) Ltd. Realtor TORONTO 826-3085 MILTON 878-4121 19620 I IWIMPEYI NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesman in Attendance from 10.30 arn. Daily Cali 878-5364 Collect *BESTr f3k ReaIty and 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO 128,9W0 - This teait 3-bedmamn clay brick bangalow ils sltuated on a quiet Street, close ta the centre of Milton. feéatures a combmnatian L-ahaped living and diniag mains, watt te walt 'brnadloom, kitchen with breakfast area, smart aplti- level entrance, cerasmc tiled 4-pc. batnvdm, tli divided hasement with ltt of possihiitiies, redecorated innide and out, Immediate poesession. Lot aite 66 x 132, Teron av- aiable. $31900 - With gond ternis avaiabte newr sptt-tevet home. at- uated on a fstly serviced Street, ail undergroand nervices, sidewalks, on a 66 x 140 lot, large living ronmi, separale dining room, kitchen wits breakfast ares, 3 gond. nia bedroses, 4-pc. bathriom, gond hasemaent. Fall down paymont 16,900. 896% N.H.A. mortgage. S29,900 - Modern bangalow on a 30 s 132 lot, spaclona living rom wtcih dining ares, watt Io watt broadnoo. modemn kitotten, paontted watts, plenty of monrter and cuphna-d space. 3 bedroomo, 194 baehmoms, finioshed recreation runt, tandsy rontfesrnace ruem and warksop, F.A. ail Iteatin. 1VA car detactted garage, paved drlveway. A gond home aI a reasonabtie prite. CUSTOM BUILT BUNGALOW - Situated on ýtht Guelph ]lanc, souîh of Camphellvitle, on a lavety, wett tandcaped lot 99 s 231, spacians living nomi, large kitchen and dining arn ea 12 s 155, 4 large beddnoms witb the master hodeono heing 10 s 15, 4-pc. bath, otitity nom, ail F.A. heating. gaad waîer suppy. Aahing $33300. FOR RENT -361and 2hedroom suitesin the beurtfulal- etectric "Glen Eden Court", 122 Branle St., Milton' To date, 126 suiles have heen rented. Do net hoe dioappoiÏnte - reserve yoar saile îoday wtsile they tat. t-bedmom sutas fromt $145; 2 - hednoom anites fromt $163 mnntbly. For Service and Satisfaction - Consuit the Best Art Peacock 878-6447IMike Ledwith 878-4873 Stan Thompson 878-24551 Bob McCuaig 878-2894 Jim Baiîey 878-65061 Brian Best 878-4118 Memhers of the Oakvitle Resl gosse Boërd 17c20 17 Ml WANTBD (90 3000,MO 25, 1972. Cai FRIVATE hsaiis 5 hede kitcher, tivît 2 huthis, dotf sttadod lot. p.m far apo: DC REAL CE mi 35 Acre pal, nrated 8 r fuît basse the iloor. Don't vois 674-2051. Exceller Spattinat 3 quiet orna chen, love day with , CHRISTI REAL, BS 189 Main St T Ju Enrîy poitte bungalow, and dinia cd, tiaish hedruom, er, 2 reli miih prop 'Fat Strass lnvestni Apartmeni., Ashing $2 purticistar Christie, O Campl hiatiso roua, 4 t surrosofi Asking 53 Commeurcia roa, brt t monoi enoise 51' 5 Rouam Co ci. 3 p modCidilar $39,500. Fol ltiig an( ssiih fis, alto pow Rolling ar Ashîog 1. 10 su 20 Tuuuohi staff, we1 listiîngs foi 878-605 STELI Real1 398 0fE Mil Lutey uts living us ruum, k iiy rouan fluor, s alte sua ed on 1 tussa. J Sturey an ry kitut, buard s ing rus nw4-p nity. $24,'500. For apps si, E