Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Aug 1972, p. 22

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nuu inne Cnunpîon, Minain, Ont. mot. August 23, 17 Lowville Paris and Insbruck highlight of tour Bp 5irsit R . Esanregoi lcieads on Loaniale ta niait Uiern favoit iotie.fiThot Gamtet Cnliog and Mis Mpt-tlu ait Uieir nea bome at M6dmhap, lu Ratioa acre not as Collitg aelcorned Uicir moults netacb Uiey ail tae mtnlng luto at Uic tUicr cauntries.¶ Mr. and Mci. Rap Duncan front thc cnoa Septombor. acre qite reitrlct Placrido ont Mr. Jahn Duntcan Scheeltrip certain places caner and MisSallp Kittaser af Detroit. Mis Jean Postma nisitet oith aflaaed. fie Doormis atoo noitad ti tac line i lu i Belleville toit anTdbitayti Ibeir nîbor relatives lu the neek. rinmdchdettad coaautol. Esther Mabaotcom bas joit benvstn hi Mr. soi Mca. Arnait Rabisof retorted bome ftrama sctatt tri relativesig thir to Sarsia visited a lue days oli Uiat itarted on Jit 20. Sta ftea 601.fnrhmw Mc. and Mci. F. O. Colbng. la Euope sigbtaeulug Holoant, ino a. rhm Roc. and Mca. W. R. Lobe have Belgoone, France, Rassla NrhBy taon nisobang neaU Mr. and Mcs. Garmasp and Aostcia. tnstricb Mci. N. Laogtans B. Oooby aid neoitd lkc thoir and Paria neere tino afilber tac the Augont mae Omagh Visit to Alaska is interesting By Mci. Cecl Pottocuen Mr. and Mci. Deîbert Down and Uder bratar Geratd Carton celactcd rccstly troua a amUits boiday tbroagb Uic necit and ta Alasba. Barane abane Uic Airetle circle ua O faocintiog place toi niait, Uie parsy neas loos i ams ail Uic supplieo tor Ibis sorîbers cotooonitp. There ù;na populton ai 2,300 persoos . Tbcre arc two toteto. otlp alue ccis and aoie luses, and jasi a public rbol. lhe Eskimos are ait neil dresuet and bsause it oener Uianes Uicp muai anar portai Uic- ycar roosd. It neao carlp dAgoit nebes Uic groop ocre Uierc aod t neau 32 degrees otifide. Hanc bytro The bates are iet oa posta aifthUi gromnd, moit banc bydro. ficre la ta grootb ot mny blut. The looriots aerecenlcrtaued inua large bail aod enjayed doorea and muosic by the Eskimosu, wo mostly spcab Etgitab. Tbep demoolratcd mabiog Moblocio and oUinr bandicrait. fin vîsitars also samptcd obole, caribouandl reluteer meuao. Suai oit Wlsle ai Daweson City aI Uic Klondike Mins, Uiey paoscd for gold and acre plcased ta fid a al naggct for o souvenir. The groop oas otoard a trots aIes earibqiobe pounet Uicttgb ont brobc a cooplîng til Oecaoîlalaed bacbig Uic train Uicoogb Uic mouritaiot ta Lobe Bconîetao avec Inea milco, and remavlug Uie deiabtot oU tanker. fliyneere osaneare ai tbe qake osto ic hlrain brobe. Os Uicir mtre trip ta home Uiyhieto Uic Edmonton Animsal y Farmd Uierc lbey met and got asquaond aîi tabtday vsltan wo acre oInt tram MUltas. Os Uic trop tbe party travelled ity car, train, boat and aeroplaoe. Along tise bigbaays Uiep solicet tcblokeri by Uh icdtase, attea alone or in nambers. Tbcy acre atoated at Uie neop tbcso ytttg peopln neec uleeping aomg Uie roadneay. Maoy Urnes scry claie la Uic traffic, and tbey onty an mne accident on thse tour ofaioot 8-9,00t miles. Fircidamoge Fore teotrtycd Uie large steel bars as tbo farua ai Lee Wilkinson, flirt Utc os Smndoy cvcnitg, aimalu inaide acre frent but tact sapptles acre testrayot. Iiu lu a great Inas. Congratlions ant aUl gtod aitai lu Mr. & Mcu. Stapbcn Doltap aho ance maermcd on Satorday Aag. 19 lu Paterma United Cborcb. fie pamng cauple mill resite on Higba 25 at Uie topse. We netrme Shirley ta Uhi commatitp. Mc. and Mci. Caoia Kelly ont childrest ai Guelpb acre Smtday citrs aith Uhir gratdmtier Mci. George Peacocb. Mr. and Mi. Bit Praad, Att and Ken ai Moorcbield acre Siotiay niiors mi tbo CocUl Palleriat tamily. Seccral homes in Uiis area bacc beco braban 3636 by bigbt hongeret cluitara. Police are an Uic look ot toc aoytbitg Uiat loo aospicîaaî. Birtbday alitais go tai Rd Deboer, Ghis Hadticld, Joamtc Jarnia, EeiUi Lericbe, KotncUi Lyncb and Davit Fort. Congratulations tai Mr. ont Mci. Will McFaddet oelebratlng Uheo- 47Ui aeddlug omnivcrary ai Aag. 26. Goadalabes la Mr. mil Mci. Shahf Coirtias Uicth 33rt oeddisg ataineraary Aag. 27. Congratulations la Mc. and Mcu. Jack Hehsos, FaarUi Ut os Uiir Slstneeddaosincaapa yAio. 21. Moiter ilaayie and Demn Nerbanne ai Gabsille are balidapiog ailb ibeir grand- porenstheUi Hesoot tamlly os Uic Faurtb Utce. Get nel ishtoes go ta Mcu. CoUicy Nortoose abolis a patient an tiabvlle Hospital tollaaltg iargecy. Dru mqu in W.I. visits Bronte on lakeshore tour Bp Mci. Cern! Puotecio The Aolloit meeoing ai Uie Droumi W-men'slsiituta oas taitl.osug. 9l wimsxmembers and one cisitor gaUieciag ai Uic Holiday Ian Gabsille for a noms meai. TItis uas inunauld iy os cnîoyatlc drive ta itroîle and la Clarboon toc a scenîn tais alosg te lattesitoce. Tis uas connned ity tbe presîdeal Mci. R. Fcalliecsîoo lion-y bo lare ltai Mci. Leila Hugites is qoîuit iln SI. Joseph's Hospitaîl. Hamilion. Hec bloends iui bec a npeedy renonerp. Mcs. Perey Merry tad a 10iday OitdaY in comPoai ihth im MeDOogail tanly and Mci. Rot Melioigai ait Uic tamilp cottage at Suditury. Birthdap gcccssgis go to Raids mne Mci. Ena Tcs, Gaire Nort t sain d Cathe Neelaodo. Salvation Armyl PICK-UP TRUCK en Milton & A;rea EERY TUESAY 877-5221 Fine Furniture AT FAGyoes- TO VOL PRîTES MILTON PLAZA o days spent pîcosaut os lie itodeoto ed and in ai onre sot ovnete Lydlo friendand mity and oa tow noar cas bouteai Montaia Union W.!I. ftheir gfl. - - .a't2 speaker oou Roua Segtwortti wbo utnooed tua pictorat ai Auotrolio mnd New Zeatood. Entait uymputkp Thn commoolty lu oaddooed ta ot toar ofthe dtof aDas Wrigbt 'î ' t~i atm oas o fricot and insuaoce agnt for mocy people in Uic aireo. Siocere oympotby lu not ta fils nette and tnity. flic commrnoity lu tbtoklag of!r Bfl thoir frieutu Mro. George Faite COMMEMORATtNG CLOBED sCooîs in ochoto notet on the colru' pltoUne aBond, wdi. Lhe W.te Coolos dne tise Drcoqoan ora irs a cairn croctoit by Omoagb, McCturdy, TenUsLnSxtsLnhn ollithnobote tcatt. Danqiqui Women'o tootitate in 1970. Six Bîsyno sebanlu, (Phontoby B. Bnrt) Hornby 55 attend fourth annual reunion A MYSTE5CJOUS HGL corne ta ligist anc day mill ond tise baie may hase bccn a dcellvery lait aeck atas aarkrn acre ripping op tise sbatc. Warbmcs arc planinsg ta but a sidcawalb 10 front ai Mlton Pmst Office rctainisg al tancats tise batttm stop (and prcparing ta loy a oca nealis. Tise bale, about ceane the bolc tbint it) ai tbey cont complte smite lent square and tiorce test deep, aas Uic job. Officiais Mf Mectrsicb-Rankcin, tise discoscrcd beocaits thse main front stos ni tbc caooaty ni Haltoo's cnntting cisginccci, arc Pmst Officc building. Nabaty konais fer sore sbaat ispccting Uic stratgc talc with ton tisa long its becs thcre, or atsy, altisoagi sonrits saporlntcotcnt Brucc McKcrr. <Pisota sonmcaidtimcrs rcport tesiteawas noces a cci by R. Dons> -Wise bayera abap toc bargaîns os Cbampion claifieds. Corne to Where The Action la; MILLGROvE SWAP MIEl Canata's Largost Tcoly a iboycrs ont setier's Paradiîc. Open Encry' WSaotay 8:00l a.m. - 5:00 p.n 60 U 5 Dcalcri, Antiquei, traits, Leaiber, Pito, Brais, Coins, Pub., Vegotailsic, Gais Gia,: Upbaisîcry Goods, etc. etc. The Big Bores arc ouao Pargais Gaore. MILLGROVE SWAP SHOP t89-1051 Waterteae 549-2864 Hlamilton V/2a Mites North ai CiappItens Corneri an Hmy. 6. Geo. Maahienep. Prep. r-----------------I- i ALTON COUNTY SEPARATE SCIIOOLS F dvanoo Rogistration M iii Tubre Place at ai Schools I on Tuesday August 29th Retacen the Meurs ef i 10:00 AIM. and 12:00 Usa. i 1:30 F.M. and 3:30 F. B ua routes pasted at main i ntranos of ail sohools L. Braita, ph. D., C. G. Byrees 1Chairman Superintentont uKcutr beSCE ALL.OT deA secret ballot by couocllors oU t emd te appoint Uic ueo teot clerk Uic towof Milton lu corrcntly adncrtisng toc. Coancillars hune ogrtcd the persontel comolittos and cterk alt revtea aIl applicatiao toc Uie job, Uian ailect Uicee to tinof Uic mois pramlilug ait ail coosdlil mcmbors al interniew Uicue applicoots. fie finai decluios aitl ta b teret ballot. VIKW NdEW POOL Theloerbu ctrmittee ai Milleu Courd vieat aut ta viea a saatmiig pool as Toeuday ai- lamait, itlltaltg rercipt ai o lelter ai camplalut frtm o scigb- tor. P. Callaby ai Moottanvica Dr. asbul coosdcll's asslutance as tae tears a osa pool, garage, orcmaisry bilting ant auphalt in a teigbr'i yard at cause llaading ai bis laots. The comîniter derited ta go and coca tbe pi-apcrty. NO MOKE, NO LP2SS Milton ratepayero will hast ta ocoe and no tee reprecunato os Uic Moitas Caanty Board ai Edocaton att the Haltan Separote Scbool Board lu 1972-74. fie ton aill itill bave oce rcpreasttic on the 2t-toanbcr public ait bigh uchool board and will continte ta abare ose repreaentatine aitb Acton, Etojiiig mnd Namsagaacya os Uic 14-member aiporato nchool board, accortîng ta laeo rercoet ai Mostay's couaicil meeting. flot Gutoo-Conspbe an bcd tuclr fourth taaoty tauleo os Sootay, Aog. 2u, ot theo home ai Mrt. Mid Mns. droie Goten ut Actai, wli aoeai 55 nuembern attatlaw. Fofloolog a buffet tunck tht yoaoger cbltren mjytpcuy ridas oblch oaa htadby a goot gaine ut bouchait. A pemtat nccombtc oun bld and a nack rcca enjoyed by fil, Tie oct tata ocre treotet ta nasM tittle fapocn. Mhr. ont Mrs. Donald Campbell coopte atttndug. The copt OsOciedthe lungetnee M. m Mmi. Jluit Haomilton oficnp flue youngeot cid neou ltti CatUisOote. A buffet nappecouns aojoyod intae Uieniug and o delcoo cake ous tecorated wli t yen of 1972 eni IL Fricods ottended trin Haomlton, Bartiogton, Woodntock, Janeteile, Loonitte, Brampijton, Georgetown, Htrnby, Actai ait Guelph. Kator Haomitton ai Uic NiIIUi Lino. Hornby, cuye t om hlaya olth Mr. ait Mrm. Kmn Suth of Georgetowt. Annlvccuocy erectingo arc estadet ta Mr. ait bicu, Barry Little, orbi wil ceteaiata thota ~tnanniverary ou Mtntuy, 0-If you'rs are Iooklng ta ini LsS.Jb t e Uieath 0f or taer Mcn FÙGetrgc Moctan Ma thint o Fday ait Uic Mltas Distict Hosptlul. Birtbtap grectiogu ace axtadet ta John Bcattey, Cathy May and Pool Raoato on Aag. X~ Mn, Deug t.eole on Aag. 3t andt taiJoho Pltnd Leuse Planaio Mug. 2, and ta Herb Ramilones Aag.30. ALCOHOLU ANONYMOUS MEETs EVERY TtOC5DAYPp.a, Gruco Anuticat Paisi flu HAVING A PROBLcM? DROP IN for a VW or have a VW that needs Iooklng at LOOK NO FURTNIR Na Down Papeocet (If you qoallipi Froc ccertesy car by appointment Froe pîckop and telinery le town (Service Dopt. Open Tharsday titi 9 p.m.) H IGHEST TRADE- N ALLOWANCE BIG SAVIý4GS ON DEMOS FO V jKSAFNCMET 1972 -i1M J.£rR1- 1~ J > SIERIDAN SOLLESE 0F APPLIEI ARTS ANI TEOHNOLOSY ANNOUNCES Places areotlIl anaîtuble fut 03,0 ilion and futoi tînudoeuts sn the fhllnoitg tantînto prnuramo ut Sherilta's Brampton Schoul ut Business and Secretariat Studios Business Administration, thren puar Eaecutivn, Logal andl Mudical Socretaial, to-ea Busintess, to.ya Intesive Secntarial, ne-year Schuol ot Applied and Liboral Studies Goadn Centre Merchandisintg, anc pear Marina Operatins, oeyear Geeral Arts andi Sine, to ear -CAntal Arts Option Animial tare Attendant Eturtivu Hotel and Restaurant Admnistration, topeu, Schuul ut Visuai Arts Crcativn Ar-t, tino yeon -Gennri option -Printmaiing Option Tochnnlugy Division Engineering Tnchnclngp, threepont -Chentisal -Elontrîsal tindironin -Mosttninal Production Cbnnical Labo-atone Tenltniclnn, tino non, Construction Tentttniin totyoar -Civil Option -Monitancal Option Elentînnins Tusbnisian, topuar Engineering Otattint Tesbnislutt, toyuar For forther ltformuation and appttcattoo fol-m Contact the admin itàttn nffines ut tht Bramptun nompus, nu Chaech Sf. E. ut f459-7433; 026-4360 or 364.7091. Or contact thn Ruutstiuots Office, Ouboiltu campus, 1430 Trufalgar Rd. ut 8fi-e43u, 362-U061 or 823-2110. For utnus toqolrtos tait ent, 192 - 194. L. 1

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