-2 Th. Champion, Milton, Ont., Wad., August 23, 1972 IOUR RIADIRS-W RITI:J FAIRY DANCE CAUSES MFUSHDOOMS Dear Skc Regardimg the cartje of maubroomos on the front page of The Chiampion Ibis meek. Wban I wat litiie my mother toit me that wben mutirm frais in such acirciejtislabecauseltie latries (litliepeople) dasced there tbe ight battre. Yours truly, Name wilteld. WANTS AJIENA HEATED (Editor's Note-A copy tf Ibis latter la Bruca McKarr, Secretary ot Millan Armna Board, mas famwardad la ibis paper as a letter la the edilar. Dear Broce: I wiob la dram yaur attentios la the situalts coscacsiiig a e tresai lhis lama. il seasss qaila apparent Ihal due la avsiilabilily or the lack of suitable property aithe time, he prospectof buldintga ew arena bafora tisa te bive yeas trnms improhable. This wauid appty also la the consnusity centre praject. la ibis cane, il seems osiy resemble la niake tbe secesnary improvemetits la aur anistisg arasa in ardar la facilitala maximum mse ami comfort ftrparticipas,msppoarters and spectatr. I soi, ami bave almayo been mont avid in my mupport and iterest in misor hocbey mn Ibis lama. il te ciaarly evidmet Ibat the armna aboutld b tealed, forthe comfort of both players and spectalarn. ltae coffne sbop isbardiy theplace 10, cangragala wban a gaine or oIbar minlar sport te mn progress, but the spactalar stands are usbaarahiy raid for masy of the tans. You mill nala Ibat ail tne aranas n te neighberlg commaoîties ara baatadi. fI masd ba mn Iba bent teterent of tbe cammnity la praceed niIb intallatios of Ibe oecassary baateg aqnipmmnt prier la commence- ment of miolar sparts for ibis neasas. la clmteng I ansure dit an aon an laad te available tba Miltos Cammoaily Service Clab willnmain avcry andeavar ta asstet Ibe Acena Boardlaeraisathe raquiredlfondsl mucmpiete tba building. Yours teuly, Dava Brusb, Pranidanl Milles Cammunity Service Clubs. FEEL5 ST0RY MISLEADING Gear Sar, 1am mriting in regards tu the arile Ibat mas prinlad in Ibis meebos Champion concerning tba bleguard compelition bield aI Kelso Parb on Augont 11. Actmng in capacîty of manager of tba Milaon Pool leami Ibat mas enteced I teel batthemambarsofIbe teamn nbonid ba rommended for Ibeir fine performance. fi mas Iba birat yaar Ibat Milton Comaosaily Swimoonog Pool badt eslared the competitias, and atIougb campetteg agamolt oucb leamo an lin Burbongton Birds mina have over 90 lifegoardo to cboooe a 6aman teamnfrom. Milot ttoi piacadîlst mn osiy oeof tbe six evenis. i migbt also add Ibil neyeraI of ose teais membars mere the yonngast compeling tissi day. Wben a local sens reporter pradacas as article sucb an Ibis, il noI ooly serves te discotrage the lam from fusture attempt ai competillon, batîit coaid prove tei ba misiaadiag lai wosid-be patrons of te pool. 1siscerely bope Ibat in the future lhe lime miS bae taben 10 itriworstaff, instead of peitbaf informastion coscrrang Millan Pool, mtecb mas obtained framn Ibe ntaff of asotbar pool. Parbaps Ibis wIll dicouraga Iba use of srh anaeceanary comissnts; as mare found in Ibis partirl9far article. Otter Iban thi incident, I teel Sont coverage of Ibe Millan Pool bis tees excellent Ibis sommer. Yourn veryltrly, Aime RubI, Sepervisor, Milton Cammusity Smtesming Pool BOTANICAL GARDENt PARTLY IN HALTON tlear Sir: A page tcom the April 19 issue of "Tbe Champion" mas snts 10 me noise uie ago. Tbe old probiem of place danignalion for Royal Botasmcal Gardens wan raised in Ibe coluin Commantef Brietly". Thece lin eany solution te Ibis bacanne the Royal Botasical Gardens lieu alibinsneyeraI jurisdictiams iudisg Toma ai Burliagios, Haltes Cously, Ibe Toma of Dondas ami West Flamborougb Tomaship is Wesloorlb Coanly. as meSl an mitaisthe limilo of Ibe City of Hamilton. Tbeuimportant point for pour raderotle uiat Ibe asteromoil part of RoyaI Bolanical Gardais including RBG Headquarters, the gardeno of Hendrie Park and ite beanlifsl natuel valley, ami of course Ibe tamous Sprisg Gardes, ail lie wiIbin Haltes Cosaty. In recesi pearo, sIc an support lomards the maintenance Board Of the Gurdens Ibat itallon Counly and other supporting juriscdirtios, labe pride in ili participation and sabe mse of Ibe tart Ibat RBG te itbin tac teunduries ofthIeir larîndictions. For tbe remaîier of the gromiof neason ose ot RBG bigîîligbts the Trial Gardes for Annual Flomers, located arrois trois Head- quarters is Hendrie Park (alosg Plains ttaad Weot, Burliagton - Hsgbmay No. 2). This le as outslasding dispiay isbicb is bota istruclional and eslreisely attractive, and moudd isabe a gmod pîcterial subleci for a laIe Auganl isoue. RBG ban oîanp friends in Haltes Counlp, particniary in Ibe Miltes êtrea, and lais certain tbey would appreriate neeieg anmethimg about RBG is pour excellent oeeblp. Yours sincerelp, Le-slie tabing, Directir Royal Botetecal Gardens: Ses 399, Hamilton, Milaons obare of tbe county apporlionnsent could rine con- sidaral trais the 2.979 per cent an calculated by coasty depoty rlerli treanarer James MeQuees, if a more hy Georgetoma Reeve Nîck Morron receivan provinci approval. Marron saggested and received support for a metaad Ibat moald mse the previoan peur's annesaniant figaranfo tea calcalation of the amount manîcîpalîties conleihate ta coanty cotters. Cureently the figures used are tisa yeurs nid and accoeding la Marrais, tbay do set reclecl giroith in any urea of te coanty. NoureBarctias Marrais nolad that eves wshite Mitas esperenced eosidarahie eteniai, industel and rani- marcial gramthtlpese.r te 1972 apparliiaamcstmdoma tram 2.029 per cent la 2.979. Ha paited ast tat Georgetownscsperlesced grosta in 1971 but Ibat groort tspored ott in 1972. He said Georgetoma's apporîiosmesl miSl go up under the current systain 1973, eves though aie prevîous peur prodored hItle groista in Georgetowno Morron îsdîrated Milton slaald pay a greater tare tais peur and Georgetoma a lesser share. Coancîl pasad a rasolubion anhing tac Ministep oI Economîrs and Isteegaveen- mental Affaîrs ta give special cosîderalion 10 Haltol ndao ten ta mait uani asseosment figures for Ibis pear ara in infore calcoltttg lin apportinment. Deailse Currently the deadise for comsata ralcutete apportion- ment laOct. I. Morre asl lic h faireut may ta calculata appartioament is as tac previaus peur's figures." Me. McQueen saîd lie dîd sot Warden Jaimanborougb saîd CO T G DEsd.'A*V.RR. 1 bine thie exîslisg legîslalion but theresolutions aagood ose and C TA Eu~~~mam calruialvd figures on the basîs of siould tie sent te ACRO for Iheîv 193 Main, Milton, 878-6539 taecesingicgistation. Reeve of codororment. Naosagaweya Mes. A . MacArthur oaîd Milten-s gronti mas considered mie lie The Germon Cadian Club of Hoiton Countv distribution otrustecti on tae inie Iut t board of fed uralios masintepafis calculated and il sbould lie son KO E F SIU IT N NO IA N U Il September 2nd 1972 from 8 P.M. - 1 A.M. = n in the Milton Amena in cosetectian mîith the Steani Era Weehend a l J.R. Crde,.D.Masichp Nick Osbelt and theRHYTHMIC F IVE plus their yodelliag and singing sisters Elsa and Annemnarie OPTOM TRIS ite avre aise featuring I ~ Advaece tickets $2.00 avaiable ait a BURLINGTON 5 in Actin: in Milton: in Georgetowen: a rl MAILL i Acn Deiicatcssen Stopp's Cleaners Earo Ment and Miltan Dcl icatassen Delicatessen TEEHN S-78McCualg losarance Ltd. Karan's Planter Shop M CAL TENDER STEAK and succulent cars mare Norvol and fadersi PC candidate Tcrry tae testured menu ut tac Young Progressive O'Connior mere aniong tanne enjoying thse Conservative porty barbiecue aitie home of est. (Phoato by . Bartl) MPP Jico Bom. Jim Smon, Gmen Brander af va Ata meeing of Ballon Catsady Counril asd the maricus comnilllas of cousicl Wed- sasday, conel: -Learsed a patillas frais Ibe Social ami Famiiy Services fid stf ter an iscreane te isileage ailomance frais 14 cents par mile tu ssW a masIb and saeees rens par maille liadt hees defered pesdteg a fartiner repart -LearedHaIlas mas the thtrd iamest te a lisI of acae rerevbag maifare assasce arons Ibe province. Cessparlsg Fehrinr of 1971 and the samne monIb lis 1972 pointe ont a redartlas of 22.5 par cent in Hlais. la Fehruary 1971 .7 of Halasu' 190,230 people waraenrereipt ofgainerai wefaca assistasce wehite that figura afrapped te .0 Ibis February. PIescot and Russell Casaty Unit ressaisad hlgh aI 5.8 par cest tibm yeur whiieIhey hit neyes par cest test yesr. Feweraunemployables -Notait the sumber af = beprosrereving enpd fro 109 te Jane la lIt te Jniy and the sambar aI anemployahies n th. rais drapped from 2f0 la 185 te Iba ane ssesth. -AuIberized ail messhes af Ibe Board of Hestb la attesnd the Ontario Heailh Units Association annuel meeting te Waterloo April f. -Appaisled Miss Darathy t>aig an Dirertar af Neusfr the Ballas Caanty Heaita Un-it. She mili replace Mine Grace Leavey in Septemiier. - Acceptaid refignabams tram Baltea Heailh Unit emplayes Mn. A. Rnggieroanmd Mes. C. csei. commTEUII bailioe addlng adihitianai tend la tac cousty's tarent administration agreemient ustîl fuether information is availabe. Atconventin -Autatrhaed ail niainers of coit mcei la attend tac 1972 annual convention of the Association Of Counte s Regis ofaftlsari, Oct. 223ta Ot -Ageeed sat la support a resalutios tramn the Erie Feruniei Caanl asking the provincil gaversnient 15 continue Ibetr grant of $34,M t la eseh of 10 emnannlr devaiapinnt coanrils in. Ontario fo seh porpose of citizen participation an aspatial hase in esrh of the 19 suh.pravterila arean. -Agreca conci maald meet /ong. 31 la ranatder a repart anl rerammendalias tram consianta Urmich and Corte mncorslng Ibeir slndy as Data -Prsesntg. On the saine day aniâ miii laur coasty-omaed buldings as an aniuei tesper- tian. -.earsed Ras Bealtie mas orgamnizn pearatima eegesry plani for variaan isrpite ite e msay. fi wan aise notaid EMO baid pravided six ienihars nI REACT lai assist OPP te a seareblfor Tara MrColienaî Ang. 4 in Esquesg. -AaItrized Ima members of the Mante Baard of Management la attend Ibe OAllA conventian Sept. la la Sept. 1. Action delayed LONG UINES of people waitetf fer tasty tae boise of Jini Snam. Chef Peter Sbamman steakn and cors Satan-day nogint aI lin Yosssg servesup one of bis masterpieces. (Phota bY Progressive Coniervutîve barbecue lseld aI B. BarIl) County takes close look at widening Steeles Ave. Milten's plans for mîdeniof Sîrelco Ave. frois Martin St. casl te 3100 teel beponil Otario St. caanrd somr concern a an ad- ministration meeting of Haltes coonlyrcouneil Wednesdap. Plano rail foc tbe road te lie idened tu four laoes feois Martin Si. coîeodig east bail ray past tbe cousty admini- stration properîy, la the proceso a oamher ofthe Irees in front of the building mîlI te cul doma. Wbev thc coLinty entends the reot of therosit to the Thrd Lie te four lanes, other treen nul bie reisovei. Fearrbollenech Members ai coanty councîl cspressedl the tear that a boîtleneck may lie hrosgbt about hy trisgisg four lanes of trattir isto tiso in front ni the ad- inistration building. Darîng a coaic il meeting Wednsnday tbey passed a resolution asking Milton to replant Irees tbey destroy. county garage Haltas County's Raa Comnittbasalledactionasn a sem marhn garage for the masnty mails departisent. At a conmdttee mieeting Wedsesdity, menihars agreail la malt for H aimnt theee manthe hafore H Anflo nsakeng a decisias rascarnng tac acreptance of tenders for the rv garage. E fo S A number of factorsfo S arlivcly parsuteg mark as thea garage aI taecrrent time. PLEi Serasse tac mark liad basa f squeaied out of the 1972 r estimalas, asy mach dane ibis 8 year maald sal; te eligihia for sahsîdy. Coasty angineer Jach Corbaît estimatcdl a total of $7t,000 of tac $157,800 job matSd te spent in 1912.s Regiosal Oah ile Reeve Allant Massas isasdcecd ishat ighjt happes la the garage in a reglanai goveesiment set-up. Georgelama Deputy Reeve Art Speîght isosdarad il the locaias af tac garage mauld te sustahie. It l lantalively gared op far a site as tac Stanies Ave. tma milan as af Waeden Jîm Sisasharaagh t mndiratedl taecounty engiaeering departniantnhoald havesno marte staff. -This isatgspl, bst is asatter Bly in tac ainimant, Smanteosogh ssid. BIL KMPLI1 .CCanddae l 7832 DiOs 1O0l Ank F r I Z nith 71510 iloiam 1 1 1 Pr. a -The Championsa mast-ad sambar te 978-2341 Cat in yaar mada"y. Reed ejects surveyos te a latter la Ballas Connty Ronds Cammittee rend aI a meeting Wedniesday, Jaisco Beed of Narval reilarated a stand taen esebarr iherehythe refusedt narveyars admittance la, hiu praparty in Narva. mhe rmmlty te builing a naew bidge in Narval and la do an, ces bave la do sanie sureeylng on Rend's tend. At the meeting Wednpsday rosnty engInear D. J. Corbett explited the sarvey ereis froma the raemly had basa anhad telave the prtperty a second limes. provisionuinart Ha said sncepas manid do an mach an Ibey mouid ithoat goieg on bispraparty and if lIm as loaid Ibeyrmiild nmtgoanashprperty mithoul permission, Ontario land Sarveyses masl tenant te. mere te provisionsi tehe art for Olntario Lasd Sarveyars la ga onla proparty pricalely onsed. te las letter Reed sald sonne trans hava tees deufraycd and inftedade manid bil Ibe mssnty for Ibat ami any ather damnaga dinSe. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Aassarined as Second Clanse Mail Pastal angînaratlon s Nurilar-013 ne who couId de accommodation team-Ero Visitos &SE PHONE 78-3205 'tos -Pop Change in county apportionment would make Milton puy more