Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Aug 1972, p. 17

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Th. Champion, Miltan, Ont. Wed. August 23, 1972 15II Otro=and.Atiu "The Horse'Nobody W ants"o theL:anrm"I ni Oie Stara relai b inds temp rary) home 2.The annual reunianparade teil finds (temp rary) home slart a11.30a m. and procmd to, Dof Oakvllle s-lgsel lte lie weIl as te laIton Region itbority. Tbey oSt.budag, .rant io oked pies de rails le pastirlest% corne s, BanquetsII 3atherings.% Il [v4UI --------- PUPPIES WERE one of tie favorit and Debbie Hamiton of Milton get acquaintei attracins for yoongsters at thie former. wmth two pups, wbicit oere for sale. maurket Saturday. Bever Coutts of Oakvdie (Photoby B. Burtt) fOUR RIADERS WRITE:j Dear Sic: May 011 viaie an appeai t0 y0ur readers for saine missing documenta? lThe Hisiorical Brandi ofthOe Cit y of Edmnitoon Parko and Recreation Departient has heen researchiog information about tie Hudson's Bay Company Fort Edonton as t Oas during te i8B0s, in lrparatoo for ao auliirotic recoosiruction of lte post. Mort of our itnwe eoftis fortinhe 9lhcentuy is derived from Fort Ed- monilon Journats of Daily Occurrences winhi are noin nlte Hudson's Bay Company Arrhives. Untoriunaiely, ail of the Journal. itetoeen te years 1034 and 1054 are missiof, but il is possible tai lbey 0101l exiol someohere, perhaps in a privale collection. If any readlers bave informnation concerning Oie ohereaitouls of tbese missing joinnals, ne would siocerely appreclale hearing froin titeos at: Theel0storiral Exiit Building, llll05-2Avenue, HALTON COUNTY BOA EDMONTON, Albterta, TOI Advanoe Ri aovrvsrncsv - (For fhose notprevi A ounos New Neahig Mlti Subllstance: George Acte Shrinks Piles Nassaga Excluosv voalols substance pr05eri t. shrink vvvro,ods and epa7ir Esque A 1,1100710 rrsarcv institue vos Plus Sniders, Fairvieva toofldeuni.oe veaingsobntance 0,7v Kilitride Scitool, wiii fake the ohbilit 70 sInrink vvvorvuossc dî pair71e0510I reiievees .lovoug nd following ceue discevtort in minutes and sperds up 711,Ot.d, 1171 Froin Monday ta F ..v case alle, case, ovhil gento Aag. 28 ta Seplemit ishrokage) look plce am t 43 p1 Mast important oftl-eut r M0 thorugh th27 this ,,7lrocvenri 00as 7anta,neclovera 7117.000 ofvary Cti leren who mmli fie fi. morthsbefore lthe last day af Fnb Th ls025 accovelisheo 00,77 a o 71121,7 substance (ino i 70> iht for kindergarlen. oucl0 l7ps hffl inoced ceis and snalates gro0077of n 75551 Georgetown, Acton and Now no Dyne is t-redno.77,ven and 5151105,70c or y ,7, calied Scitools miii accept regis Preparation H. AU0 90r t ail u1 mio i ntated a stores Satisfaction o' 2 710770y h dnt ten a refu9de0. Monday August 28,1t0 Fr1, NOW'S THE TIME la order your adverlisîng giv&.ainays toc Milton Fali Fair. Contact Dominion-Ad Producîs mn Milton for poires on pens. pencils, italloons, culier., yard. sticbs, bey chains etc., ai onprinted iti yuur adt- certisinf messag e. Caîl ROY DOWNS Milon 878-2133 RD 0F EDUCATION ;gist rat ion usly regisleredl tome sing -P. W. Merry and place according te the riday er tnt inclasive e years of age on or muary, 1973 are eligibie Milton District Higit fralions from stodenfs ton County schna, day September 1, 1972. "The Horse lit Nohody Waols" oas otfered for sale at a .ndli dt ae p u ublic auctin held aBruvleWednesday. Butino buyers bowed np, and lthe perky bltle borse tuait c nlgd ta the inoman wbn itas or u hont for Oie past titrms mnari fTe boias, a to or Itrie-pesr- nId stailion about 13 bands igt oandm'ed ta Oie tarin ut Mc. an Mos. W. van Riebtbutan t aIlte cmner ut Guelpht Lis and là Sideroad on May 7.110111s ruoler wild, loobed lte il needed a cdean-up, and aeted hangry. 'lite Richtbotens train Oioroughhreds for racisg and bave a large stable ai tacir Nassagaoeya taris, so they 1mbk Oie litIle hormein and notltied lte tawnship dlent about lthe stray. Clerit Thompten aise sernes as Oie tonship's officiai "Pound teeper" in addition ta bis nther daties. Espenaes ung He advectised the borse as a stoay and Oie Riebtbntens chechedacoand tbe migborbood ta tee if someone bad lost blin, soaOi in ceulta. Aemordisg ta Oie Pound Act, if lthe animal ta mIt claimed olithin a certais tisse l bas ta ta mold by auctian ta pay expenses. And Oie expenues teere inomiting up-nadvecllisg oas $60, ils daly biB toc tmep ait Oie Bicitanfen stable tatalied $250 mnd legal coatsadded asnther $50 ta Oie bill. On Wednesday, oben Oie publie auctinn oas due ta be held, the isnocent lmoiig littIe stailion bad ran ut n $365.10 bill and bath the towsnship and Mos. RicbOioten oece bopisg 10 gel ail or part ot their espenneo bacs. But nohody came 10 lthe mile. Onie tamliy gcoup sbowed ip bail an bour tatore mile lime, lmised aI mnd adosired Oie horse, tamn doe ott. A reporter tromt tatis neospaper wan Oie oniy eligible, bayer on Oie grounds niten Cleris 'l'hoipson arrived ta conduet Oie sale--and lthe reporter waumI in the inarket for a hnrse, fain a story. Sn thte dent did lthe next best Oiing. He cossigneid Oie bomnelein tarte 10 Mos. Richtoinen, is OKAY WATERM5AIN Final Ontario Municipal Buard approval for a $100,000 oatermain mnd nanitary tewer onloaction poograin an Ataance Rd. oas received tais omis by Milton Coancil. WON'T CUT TREES A ratepayer's roquent ta bave tae ton cul morie trees on Kingsleigit Cl. bas taon turned doon ity Millon Coancil. C. Viozini made lthe roquent bat Oie ton's partis hoard ht a tree enpect inspert Oie toes and ite tetOey are itealtay and sbould mta reut doon, il oas reporied. Coanrcol concurred and sent a enpy of the enpert's report lu Mr. Vizzini. returo toc the care and foodl site had giveomn lithn12duys inoas a "isarder" aI Oie larta. Dld uite plan ta beep il? Not ruyMrs. Ricithnsen aid. Il onldmalle a noce citildrm'n pot ba thOes don't bave any yonng ailidren aromnd and ail taeir goandcildren lîne far aoay. 'We bave groon attacbad ta hlm," site admitled, btut lte tamily's basiness is training oace tarses mnd Oie little stallion is ot a ' tinksi 1 ,1)lc ty tu oeil hit priaely," site said. Will site gel tac $255 lodging espennes hart' No, site didn'l hins a. "I tini t odi unit $100 for luxe. I'd bise lu sen hIn go ta a good home." So toc no, lthe little horse is stoil "in cesîdence" ait Oie Ricit- toinen tarin, only il'. officel n00. Thne nein oner sa left holding a ity huard bill, and Oie townshtip is leit oita over $100 ta legal and advertisg contas. And smenne, sameoitere, is oitaout a htorse. WANNA BUTY A HORSE? Nobods' 010 lasi Wedsesday, so Namsagaoeya Towshbip Clecis Campbtell Ttsompo had ta aigri it nner ta Mirs. W. Von Bilcistoten, to wose farno tise animsal oirayed oner flirte montas aitgo. Tht herue oan pst up for sale ait as asciion, ta defras' the costa of iseepisg i, bot o itayers sitooed op se bIcs. Von Richthofen got tise herse ta reluiretor iter expeses. Site says site wstes nil il an shu and her hband train racing titorotzghlsites and taeyihave no need for apony arosnd thtefarm. (Phtoaiy R. Dows RECALL TRUCK BIS bilon Council plans ta issue a second rail for tenders on a e deporbuneni, Bids were calied earlier but tae low bodder a anable ta nupply Oie vebicle, se Oie bown os calling tenders again. ~Ji~-The Payoff O 'y!SjPower Game M M - 49 is Profit Farmn keop humming wilh ode- quole wîring. Equipmenî runs more eficîenîly, lime and labor cools are cul. Deal yoursolf in for profit. Call us for expert work. For Fr..l Estimates Cali 878-4111 Set lte Display Of Fiotares Nete In la Our Showroom- NADAI BLCTI Wvdoîesday's ýsale +originally offered nul one, bt IIOREE tarses for sale. But tartanatl' for lthe uoier 100, Oieir ooner claimedOihei 100 dayn before Oie sale, lThe niber 100 itorses strayed ontu lthe Ricitbaten tarin anditad spent 10 days aI lte tarin tafore a neigitbacisg tarn oner came ta claire tins. NEW GRADSER The present rosidgrader ued its iloln inorta departnint creos la gettisg old and needa troquent repoîrs, Mayor Brion Bst tld felo membars of Million Coancol on Munday. flne oortaenommittee plans ta dinena the nmd for a neoer grader at Oie Oieir enmmittee mneeing sent omit, Ug S gppro I g IAL E. BAR 87 41 - I BOB McCIlM examines osions uit Alex 01915 stalln nf fruit and vegetables for sale ilhéi4ff s standt. SIsetiff Oas ilmmg inans eacb oeis utMbUbon'sFartners Maciset, (photonby B. Boctt) PUBLIC NOTICE SELECT COMMITTEE 0F THE LEGISLATURE ON THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD INVITATION TO SUSMIT WRITTEN BRIEFS On, Jure à47h. 1972, the1 Ontario Legisiatore appointeda Select Commivtîee to exaie,. Inquie into and report upon the Ontario Municipal Board dOtoi oake omedato,,s o:(a) the1 pupose, object an functionso ut9h1 Ontario Municipal oard. <b) thte juriscliction of the1 Otntario Muonicipal Board. ici the strutend orgaiatinoft he Ontario Mun~icipal Board. (dl) the procedoires and pradîices of the Ontaro Mnicipal Board, (e) the Procedures.by way of app121 from, the order and ruIings of the 002,10 Mu' ictpal Board including appeals bi' ay7 Of petitins 90 the Leutant Gave,-r oiti Cotsil (i the reiationshlp of the DOntarjo MunicipaZ Board in the dilscha,'ge o1f lis responsibiit1s iih 9he1 Provincial GoO11I'7011,7, local governent and the rdivid ul citizen. The1 COoelttme invites viritten briefs frotn l.dividuais and organivatonswh ay ish to premt nforato, opinions o suggestins regarding any of the absoe matte,'s relai21g 70 th11 Ontario Mutnicipal Board. Bîlrefs must. ha suhmiOO led hin Setqmber 1551, 1972 te the C kri of the Comnttee, Boxn 133. Main Parliamnt Building. Tosronto 182, Ontario1. Johtn P. MacBeth, QOC.. M.P.P., Alex MeFadrtes, Otairteas. Clerk. There's a better way to wash the dishes. Av eieclric dishwasher wiii clean up the dishos belle, ihan you cao-bp washing and rinsing lhem in fresit ciean 0001er, far houter ihan pour hands cosid stand. Todup's disismashers are bollor thon over, Dîshes donit hune te bo rinsed, even pois and pan. como out npurkiing cioan, Isol il limte pou lhrew in the towol and got an einclric dishonashor? milton hydro YourydroQ 25$ Main St. Phone 878 2345

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