We raseuir tb a suggestion isy Milton Commaoity Service Clubs ta bave improvamens made at Milton Mena Wo provide maximum use aud comfort for participantsand spectators at thse rink. In a letter ta Milton Aresa Board <publised in tisis issue) MCSC preaideot Dave Brush urgea tisat isapravementa inctuding iseating tise alis be tuaertakes for tise comning Pli group speariseaded an effort ta bave a sew risis bufit in tihe taseat Judg¶s fram tise support for tisat prajeet, no great deal of intereat ta a second riais exista ta tise ases at chia tinse. Improving tise exiatisg faciiity ta a point whiere it Wa comforcaisla ta ait and eaci a gamne of hsocksey or a figure alcatisg show seems ta, te a mura manageable project, tbas building a nae rinis witis ail the trimmiagu. Anyasse seio is atcesded isockey gamnes or otter seinter sports avents at tise riais ta tise post wiil te se aseare Use rock ta ual cery comtortable, ucclesa yau ga cisare busdted up for warmth, Wiie ttere is a great demarnd for prime ira Urne, ttere is stiil ire Urne teing ranced ta out-of-towo graupa, seiicis indicates the second arasa may sot te due far a tima yat, It is logical tai assume Usera seul avestuaily te a need for a second riais, once ternes teing blt nase tecame eccupiad and che population af the tosen increasas. At chat Urne a second riais seill bave ta te conuidarati. Wich a larger population che con of building a second riok seui te spraad avec the encire, commanity, ratter tn billing tae xisting rasidents for a rins made nacaasary isy nae rasidants. Evas ifs aerink is isuilt, the aid ana seill stiil hava ta RU ut Ieast port of the damand. Whihe it is casceivabia the propasad impravamens may sot te possibla titis year due ta budgets slraady estaisaed, canaideratios atcauld tie givas ta tisa haating project anailsar yesr. -e Tisanauspopar us accusad 0f bisaig biased, dsring a meeting at Nasssgauaya Townsisip Cousicil iast seeek. Tua raprasentativas framn a .Campteilviile ssud and gravai tirm Wold couttcillors 'chara's a lac of feeling againat pits and quarries intaichi ara sud tise nauspapar aisa expresses chat feeling. 1 Wa'd Sica ta assura tisa quurry mes am ARE hiasad, seten it cames ta gravai pits asataose quarrias uhicis ravage tha landucapa isy tearisg grat isolas la tha earth and laavisg gapig scars la tisa teautifai aacarpment. And su ARE biasad chas these pi and quarry people creata a publie nuisanca seitis duat, noise. biasttag and visuaI probtems. But su'd ica Wo point out chat any hias shows in che nauspaper seili te fonnd on Use editorial page, utera aur apinios tetang, anti sot ta Usa naes coiumm. che dan't lie ugly pits and Tisa prasanit mathad af calcutating caunty apportiosmeats cuy ba ta nead af changesaos racammantieti iy Georgatawn Daputy Reava RieS Morrou, but Milton shauld nat have ta tear tise brunt us a result ut any chaonges contemplacai. Marrase daims tisa current machad ot dacermisisg hau mucis eues municipality paya cacarda county aspannas is ufair tecause tise figures osed do sot raflect tte asseasmant 0f Use pravirus year. Assesamant figuras used for apportiosmanta ara nase tua yeas old. By uay 0f exampia, Morrau sotad Geargatous had aspecianed conaidarabta grouts in 1971 but considerabty lesa ta 1P72. Houaver tise apportiosmant foar Georgatown in 1973I lt incrase train .5 ta 6.9 per cent at Use caunty total, ratiectisg Use grauts ta thac tacs ta 1971. For camporison, tisa Georgatoswn Reave tadcated Miltas expariancati great residantiol, induatrial asti commercial groeci in 1972. Marrau fait ciai groset should ta reflectet int Usa 1973 apportiosmant, ratiear tin A reader coileti ta agrar bicycta tonde i tha dauntun anti plaza aras wouiti te a gond idea, but auggeats Usay sisould te plocati on MUS asti Mary Sts. sud sot ont an cha Mata St. Meanuhile Milton Chambar 0f commerca, utacs seants ta pravida the bUse stands, is discussing variaus brcations for the racks wich counicil, A pzzllng ancry cas tintadint Milton Cauels accaunts utacs cr appravati for paymest Manday aveniag. Oakvcilae Hamana Society ebargatheUs tocs $28 ta impousti s cal. Tisera musc te a stan' Usera semai- soherat Cbamter presidant Ras Marris quarries, and su don't'mid cailisg yau a. That's aur apinion and the editarial page is the asly place tise popar ere su tarI justitied int preacig about quarries. Tisa sacs catumas are resarcati for NEWS, as it happons sud as tf is prasanted ta, us. Apparaatly thare cas an errer in as Auguat 2 naes stary about a Nassagauaya Caustil meettag. Tisa nacapaper puisliashed infarmation it aistaioad ut tisa council meeting, seiicis latar proved ta ba incorrect. cf su coabe an anaor caSH te isappy ta correct it, but suris isuacuotis arrars sisauliast prompt compaoy afficiols ta eaul us isiasati. If atticials ut Campisalîvilla GravaI Sopply Ltd, cant ta raad aur aditarial page, ttey'li sec hou biasad se ara agalnst must sah pits and qurries ta Hallon Caunty. Thara are a couple 0f notable exceptias, but aniy a couple. cuitcng usd1l 1974. la tas carda, l'Il ttisa thanly talc cay."- Osa migist quastian juat ruactly cisa lt tanafit if Uhesa yaam is cisagri. Morrau's suggestian moy bava cacclati caca caigbt if hae hati catie ic tact yaar chas tl wac hia acs muolcipality tisat caulti have bars taceti citi acrared paymrnts tafara Usa curceat ratas ufthes game cailati tac Usa increacati contributian ta the causty caNfera. Maccou's suggestian rcciveti support ut tisa cousty causcil lavai. If tcan asi s cottraguas are sccractil ta rceiving provincial approaa for tisa change la cules, su isape comachae along tha lise tisa Uhesa ama seaue af 'uairnsc" thot urgai Marmuw ta asti toc tha cula change lt sc tam taclut un an equatizatian paymant. Thia unl hae talc ta Miltas anti athier cammuuitias cisics caulti bava matie lasser paymasts ta Usa causty caftera Uhic yaar. Otrie tl migst ta caiti tisat Hersa Murrau cimpiy tiecitird Usa ulti culas cee n aly gaad uhan bic tacs stooi ta hesafit frac Usem. icatird an appral chia crac ta hava aryanetirerscapinuttituisined claUses for Usa luisoc day crakeansd Steam-Era rausian. The 12Us ansual cerinta dîtl hae tagati Friday, Sotoctiay anti Mantiay, Sept. S, 2 anti 4 ut the Miltas Fair Grounsti and Otti Faconati Daya bac bars isaltinl conjoniction lots the reunlon for most ut tis 12 yaarc. Dig aut tis alti dutis mcw! Philosobits Bp Rdith Sharpe You cat calais boppinecu by runsung aftar il Itruomen la yau anacores whte Yeu arehlpîog otar. fitiaa naî depenti opan a fl tans huaS, but apan a bntull aIfu rich Usougisan uta haurt tallaif riais emuloons i dea nul tiepenti upon abat isappens on lise outaîide, bat cacher un chat bupperis inside ch yu, ad by tae spiri ta cnrse yoa cult Ilt. .s .. . . . - - e~iettn A NARROW WINItNG ROM) chrougs che huash eus te a coud roatiside is Third Sideraad jaatwest af the Oua a huodred miles fromn sautera or astchia ana is, osly a fe by t. Jenaingat miles tramt home. Thsis particular scratch 0f Nasaagaseeyas VOL. tt3 -Na. 17 MILTON, ONTARIO, WtDNESDAY, AUGUIST 23, 1972 Thare as a cosîr cuileti "Sutidenly Osa suce cocus tiscre andti a lItstalndardi Somamer", somatang tisa chat. Thic is mare chut aboutan't bure herschera, i cas sutiti ortroc heacay1 l tlaard theandatf lis brick. ta coda a boomerang ai cy hacb osa. bumplir. Thara cent anucher ismirri hucha. Foc ana Usîng, tha cealisar ban tues ganarally ratten. My bad tas arbeti for tise campera, tisa lealeca, as leuperasure drcups, tarauids bloc, usd1I tors up the thermostat on lise tornace. Au I crice, tc more lise Iota Orloher lisas Augual. Butlchacacsnochisg mucs 1cou do aout Lui, dt'a happening ta auaryhady. Hucever, sucesady na detînitaly out ta get ce. I den't beau cisetiser it's tise Lard, lace, or cthe deit. Suc lt'a ao abvians ta hae mecety coincidentat. il, or chey, atarltid cita my cr. Almoat sim moocha 0g00,0 gentlean bacse itt tise tronc t ofi. Hse'sa cachai anti proinisei ta have cl tîati, rocher chus pay lise aimsoua astacisîtort casoranca rote. Iftla alilI nul miard. Nul bis taull. Wr matie a data toc July 31ac anti cy cita buntei bar anst and Usa thronfusion, I torgul. Bol it'a utill nul tarti. Neat, I cas aI a pubic oalbartag, cisara tare carra lt ofu cors pachati. Socehudy, and ha cas sot a genleman, snuggled up Loo close tcome *Theronlycallng cactibetleft cas a deep indentation in cy tatI tront tiaur. 'tiet. Ant ial uascmy cUra' tauis, aut mine, lshe cas yahhing aI toIt steam, sacruhal lite an argon cits aIl tise atops oul I hoppasati aI a bigbuuy motet chaca cati sati lunch. I bacsat up, hnocung Ibece Ocre's chaca l'Il go along cis Ralps Rader anti cacpany. Tise humplica thay put on cors codoy arr nul isumpera, bal jaskera. A generanion aga, a bumper bucopei and itnt gise an taris. The ling chol cas bumpati fave. Totiay, liscy crac ta tae a rumbialon ut platie anti spaghetti. l'cn cooriccat ialt ifyuu ras inca an oduit cale bucnomngbicd ut 5u miles par aour you'ti lune yur $100 daductîbla un your humper. Wetl loalu a short slory long, 0hcr c prrlly mcri ot a diasar ora. Froal grill tashe i n. Chrcome alcipa buciste mnd rippati off. Bacs humper o hurmr. Molor ccitt gcaat, bal choIr calorIe aoc in cloasctcadstiuaon asa "hudycoanas special". Au, ce ail boc, accidents coca in chrerra Watt I bai my Uscer mnd lisougsl corser cas out ta gec ce sisouti rIla toc a cUile. Nul au, Au tmrnîunad, my cite iscube bar antia mndiaweabtlaterl1isrotrcmy tAse gruans and hobis acomdino a calhcng ranI. I gcmn and hobie orousti I necar cealie iseloce jouI hou important a bsig lue ta incise procesa ut ambultion. Aocalbiog tube a hish lcyîog lu cdm cuts bis ladt cul off. Gis, lt'a a toIts, tîcely placeaoromid our eIn tause. Wr shoold ibe out aI cise beach, dulsg atfancy cracl sroe,calng ccarully t each aller about hou territir Use cater la luday. losteati, care sucb ta tisa tasa, dung atancy crawluop anddocnaloirand callcng isaletully ataut suris cherry Uscngs as gaîbing lise garbage out, doîog tise caushisg, pcaparing dinmar. Do you bouc chat isappenu co a coupla ut toue hards cn a cage chu atarI getting on cacs other's nerses" Ose ufthec pecta lise aiear co deats. Tises ealo han, or bar. Watt, lum pcatcy tender and uy cite is vecy lougisu lun beapng aclose eye onisar. I gace bacr a ig isug Use oliser day. fis ber lf aniste, cy cîgit tue, they collided, ce loch yalpad andti iere caca manuai rcrccmnalcons. Nasccusme, l'I hugt ber frum iselonti, or scdrcays, or souetiug. BuI lis is ailtlrccca. t uai. cagiag, tise third accoidetontherscond sris. Aud it ucîl peoisahly ta on 0cr ptane aay minute.o lieasiiotieenoagisloltend my car ta daugster Kim andier husbani. They louok off an lise peur olti isaîlarat bruIr a couple ut louas ugo, toc lise cily, chara lisay have ta apply toc uludantltoas, ragcslrr toc collage land a place lu byve, and aIl suris. They bails drice lise chicopanuran cisoca hadti hrea Tiser cight jusl masa c. BuI if thay de, ayuoabireecdlisnap in atranditcrashs oay nigsisu's roo. Or, l'il gel a hrnia care1inguouîthercpîy brcrag alls. Or my cite uill slip ou bier ganpy leg goang îluiaoiaiea anti break iser chr une. lics iii usaI l'ii cupersliiouu. Il's jusl Usai I bacc chic amualt huscis chat Aucurbutia op lisece, or docu lisera, sa ccyiug tlopuociuclu fr a m paut sinu, all aonce. Andivuu, if ou'l accuse m, l'a goang tlocoak ioi tctuinicecwater and si,bouliecs hsuchei o aiting for 0cr next bloc. No stuffed shirts in smcill towns Carrying chamber music to the people i Ecistor' cNote. Wr Usaugist reatiers migsl enjuy Ibis alary about Eticati Oscapalla mnte Us 'acaian Chaciser Playera.:oi uacasubciltrd asa prescceaaacaroc the Accrearu ut Stalo's Dapactacant. The Playaru isat pectoccati aI Mîlton District Illgi Acisml cartiar lis yeur anti Mr. ciscaprîla au lise gructicon ut lau Gacapattu ut 328 Mounlausîruw Dr., Milton.) KENGIIA, Ontariou TisaI iani-cada -Frac Musir" nign oulcîda a urbout gym duor brr mcml lise Canadia Gaucher Pllayers care acide îohing the clulîrd atarI label off cisacbar munir once agalo. About 70 peuple - cuatly mile agai Icîcistri colo the gym chile tis ix giclsanmd saaegayaainthe gcuup cocuafll cacmri up on lise cultai-lna stage. ci as a lypîcat arma man a typicat performance tac lis graup, chics bac haro onotherondicncaiJuaal1bîcgnutheaprcae mnd antricate baroque ottacungc ut Hasiet, Bacbdch dohr arc theusimlioos -man s inabgunes -uofOntario. Raprclailp cassaIt 'The carcup cms su cacuat sucne ut tisa youltu players Uste oga range n truc 20 ta 27 -gut up troc chair gym choirsandi uabei arounti cOta tuning up lhiscr ontruments. Fiatty Eticord Gacapalta, Usa lUsyer- aId pîant chu pal Use show an lise ruai ucch a $11,469 trieraI Oppurcunitias tac Vouts poant, cotisai autos lise gym, ttaur, nuiti a tac curin tisaI memnt "laI's go" and disappeorati. copatla'a sait locheaIndt tir daspîla Use rampîrd laaki- pruriiedtie Usacu torma olc oni uth0c eranng. The ptoyrc cura 0cr jeama, etc. style ufthUs day. Thare cas nu directar. Ose ut the crîlcs uausce the namburs, oI srry outiibly bt tf dataIt matter. fuet' gat a staniag ovation aith 0crnd., Thiscperformance cas ana ut cserai ta a quida cîsit lu ibis Nortistrrn iOntario coaocooity ut 12,00Uspeopte. Auutiser cas un a localtcruis boat. Tbrn i'uoftautse ite,cinsmotscgym or cburrisor purina auoyuucuy necerihave haarlof. Enthiasic respeaca Il mus hae bord lu enscage cisachar music bibcig cUbher a large or enthsusisi rapoace inul-oftha-cay places. But tai hsappening, accurdcng lu Gsaupettu. chose iscainili il oas, Tse peuple caceice itcvery ccli", isuid, 'ulîbsugs tbey auceloaca clup iscluren tisa Drapîte lis dayarlure truc suphisticatei aura. Gsaupeîtu raya cherras a rut ne toc ttu Uini outscr an tise aminntowbau He assrais scaanotuntyuon lise acue and respanar ufthlie audiences, bsut choc Usay ctlim auater pertormances. Mmny telt hic, ut conmections tisay base an lise clusaicat mscuetid a relabsve atuiyiogruscca mscor a brotsac-cn-tuc ptaycsg ta a sy'cpony orchestra. Wtata tise players, att ut choc are studi ng cusir tiscug tbe Uiversity ut Toronto, tubk tîbe youc aserage cash-short collage suuent, aise artîsî's temperacant i rcgba lisee, ap Iront, au the), say. -Wrihave a lt ofargmets, oI ont> an asic, bol un acer>'licg etar", Gucuprîtu soya. "ts> arr cary teaupiamentaI peupla' Playa pian, iflonertsre Occapella bonites ail tise adinitraion, tubas aller aicusce publtîrca ni pcally cr11 rms lise stop. About asacy second pertormance, belli aud a nec domnsion isy addung has piano outilt ta tisa strings -if Usera's a piano sn aise hall. Thes don't play ta che baut placesu Oscpallu, aqaty adapt at procuScng a tour or ptaycng in osa, tohiad isard ta gel che Oppacluciais toc YouUs grant chiais t lorgrly tuacung lise tour. Hic appication cvas ut tacst turned isuit. bulbhe cent lu bis istriib', of t'ai iaucut and gut therua'icg ru'i'rsei. tic musa buse onierci about isu couscuusas ert on the tsar aises the cleout racrfllc aroundins a scsoul bus tisai as curier", ie sai. 'Tise bmipccg ucer burt ruais Tises arc a terrible cide. Thie buscw uiceiusadsth gruup nuc gets acouni uny a it cas pla, bas, car, trais, ecen itri isig. me ciet qalbisication toc trasport o is cupnss. Morecoeycissacribyucucidiugihsand autels, uni sleeping cn prîcate houmes ut stupucer puinss Oscapellu, hersaL Struifori, soc lices i Oshaa cils hic pareots, but bera sol ufta home scauce ises in pluces isc Renuca, Milton, laieet, Neccstle uni tRid ia brîogcsg cisumber musîc ta tisa peuple. Philosobits B> Etits Aharpe Purerîty a isstag cnasy ocquatatances, mnd aut bnaunng un> ut taec. t'usai cs ain su caoy cloches chat You"isarcn't got ata.agut cerc- Poscrty os alg su catI you Usuisk about goiag ona iat t'osrrty i abosngccy pilau gnablerta cura yu body's Ita, heauar you "ranIt aftard ta hae airs." t'osery is parants chu kerp thisr ciarniage logaliar toc youu sube. t'asrrlyiatattun oadddouncth loyn at birbdayc anti Chaiatmas anti then hetag bacul aiy hecouar tisra'c sotaug ta du. t'arrrtr ta haugR Issu cors, Ibrer TVa, a diasseashar, than "caagtang il" by gutat camping ta gel auay tram icail. t'urerty cs day allar day guug tramn ana buiding ta usoîher mnd serar ifapptag ta car Use heauty uftIhe cad autaitie. 50 years ago Takea Iran therissae ai TheaCanaiens Chnampiun,'flursday, tAugasc24, 1922. "Tisa t'rince ut Wales Durbar", the grandsami spectacle ul tisa Cusadian National Exibition, cuIt boa appcacîmatety 1,200 partoccers. Tisa ccesecy ait h l8 terl long. O. A. Wetish, latrly angagati us petacipal ut Butfington's sec logs schout, casi town os furcday. Ha sai bae couli bore bic clauses an Usa puie fbary asti tisa Otit tattous' ha utilthe acisml building cs rroiy toc occupation. On account ufths Musica Tottuo ta the Agrîcullurat Focs tocaccua tFrîduyl asrnag, Usace cdll he co bamd concert ut Victorua PuSk chic rasisg. The bond cill play an tisa Pars ort Wadnscay erantae autra aI Tisucsday. Mss Bertha Clreets,cbho basceen o us actaudedti p Iheougs tae arR asti ta Vancouver. retucnrd home tact ceeS. Vt. Cischuhe, Bagîccrar, got home tramn tac rîcut ta Prectan tact Musday. Relsun's tac rate tac 192 19 tmdc. GeorgeC. Boums, of Montra, hou tues saissig hua parants, Mr. uni Mcc. Boules. On Tuautayasaniog a Nelsonsfrmer, Normas B- cua bcougst lu lail truc tOurtingtos. Ha isait bars cunsictati ut caductios by t'olice Mogisale Sielrds and arntnîccr ta sot tacs tisas thee bar mura chus rigisters oats in Use Ontorio trtuormory. 100 years ago Tahen tram thissuro ul hCanadien Champion, maurciay, Aogant 22, 1871. t us uocuutaclory ta notice chat tse cuicacoucs a u trouice on clos contunent tise iacorubalig prartca ut pciua-tigbtsg, ucUs Ucs rutfamly uccumpuscruts as duscati ta taiurr. 'Tsa mîeable tiasco caris dia- tunguciscd lise tact gra catch in Eogîmid, cisco tisa lau comatants taine lu coma ta Uhsace, catln tisa malter au toc us the Unîite Rungioc ic coscaruai: anti a corndor incident cs tikrty ta ulcanata lise sol vry aîccntrast iayei by the peupla ai chisconutinent on Usa parpatuain uftchia relieoofsarborîsc. 'fle St. John's Cisucs, RaIson, ailer bing paie uni taaltuty redtorai, cill bu upeoci tac Diviar Serice us Smday. A maso Camp Meeting cuitll he ad as the turc ut Mr. T. Poster, Nara, cacmenrtag as liscay, Sept. 12. t'ersas cistaig ta sarura trots abouti uppty ascoadiacrly ta Mr. Apears or Mr. t'acter. 'Tsa baIla cs tugs uni the rirtary ta gaîsci. Notcctisabisg tise btacing briser> iy aise Mc'ttinsy parly, ond the matignusi sîars ut anaccupuous tues and rasaguir tRtuormers, tisa Refrtocîs ut Hulas remembrîog Mr. Wisite'c long and ftuiuservice tuibispueiu'ndusicouty, haveragaîs ptaceiison at thetleioftchepol by tise isosdome cuaerity ut 162. 1H E CANADIAN CHAMPION ast Snosebal wsea ancthe Pachsand Il ait W. 1. biais t show ring, sans ait a sesollen bail. ) by J. Jennlssgs) Pages of the Past 20 years ago Takeafran thissue aflTheCanaiean Champion, Tharsday, Augast2,19ami Ataut 250 attended tise Harsisy BaSl Club' corn eoast aI tha holl pars, Homisy, se Tuesday, Auguat t9. A hal gace hecceen cacced and smngle mes louis place. Marriei mes tant tise game and boid ta huask tsa coco. Tise assaut acisiecemeal day tue 1We cemisers ut Hallun Cuunly Gardes Cluis wsheld cn lise loua hall mn Milton an Frday. A record numiser ut girls parbiccpaced mn gardes club acccvitiea titis oer. Ffty gcrls from Asisgcoce, Scotch Block, Hurnhy, Ocags and Nelson tuais q' " Campbise ce hall ceam oceechrese sealertiaun 4-lu is te tunai game uftche serles Wedaesday evesung to uca Use Intermediale C Champiunshcp ut Naton Caunty. CanspisetIsle won tour gamnes and Watar- duOn oneaiemts estoaacen seres. Tise Club h iii continue untc 005 playotta. cmvin completed a musc caccesutul session lat. forwes on epeandO etildren atase 10 spent a muaI cnoable vacaion under lise supervision uftlraaced iphsUn. (Pisots, peuple. ta place ufthUe regular Rotary club meeting balt urei a ladces' ncgit casseli at tse tacling green. Abter lunch lise ______ meciera, chair acres and trenda touis part ina game ofttals. Second Section AI a special meeing 0f tise Nalson Townsip Scisoul Area Board No. I held as Monday, August 11 il uas decideta luopen tse NaIson Village uchoul on iSept. t. .......... choline, It no>w?, Why 'h