ESATE trials home, st- mini t-etc loaI lItes, 7lee thaont lits ta ws oler homnes; cesloced. Resk: ait 8299. Va- s. Please ei OUINTRY- tee 'sniSe Ms-go , dieu and fiat, esti suant bel-, Il baSe on 2sd sans and sed, t tole éamt ëfOl 0 Excellent O LIVE IN LAGE S filante butog- sigist ont cee. Se lots or ssap- ot e large liv- Ad big famity mins anal a trucs ncer onSe ait- ils, pilasse nall 'ARTOeJ 178-705 ulp of AWEYA IONS- cf Nasesagarwe.- ionsaeiass vontif Tsesday, Sepse- -oneniion miSe eg endc mines aeret- nf tise, ans, ne flem, - contiact: nistratet- îip of 3weya Offices pbshivilie 854-2206 ERS 3 p-m., EIDS. t-uber 5, 1972 i-TON CAB ASSIS mat- bu alttai- -office. 'E. SALES wnridge mUante ivoutonl Silo. 8-6730 An Tyou 4 SALE t. Georgetown 51/50004, et 5,30 pin. (e gaod ose), le siet-te, M8sf- tssae, Lassant ., hlutlaey 2 ec, Len"t voc. rons, Sonhecon 40" prujenses -lacs msser, l barrons, 0' x miSe typsewsit- fbdu iz bad mattress and 50cr chest est t-, ebesierfieid chroenm kiloS- te- cofRes lab- skis, camping 1 tuis, chut-. Ileemon dm5h- tenuis. CASH cnt-t reurin WNRIDGE, ter. 8714730. 1 l I. Thte Chanspies, Miltos, Ont., Wtt., Aognst 22, 1972 il 20 AUCTION SALIS 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FtOR» TEACToR, PARU BIftEuMM, HOUSEHOL» lUt» NIUE, ANTQUES, GLASS, CHINA, LAWN AN» GASIJEN AN» UPHER HAN» TOOIS i Mt tise fsrm, tocated on Lot 15, Con. 3, Pool Coooty, n tise di Ltoe, ftrst fanc s th of Stee0t-s Avce. ESR ib issisu For Mrs. HAROLD KERNEY SATURDAY, AUGUST 26 aI 1 p.m. Ford N8 traclor cith 4 nec HOUSEHOUj GO005 ood tires, ecelleot conditioo; gant. ANTIQU0ES - Wicher settet entraclor wilth plots, coîtîvat- tsith motdteieg rocker aod ore- or ad moiver 13-un .choir; nursingeockcer; (plot) or od tecr; 3-tnogrole glass door top of an otd flot. drili; 2-farrxow Deaeisoen plots; hock;- Waltham gotd-ploted pu. 3-section drog coltivotor; 3 pis. ciset catch- othler wntist catch. doubedisegond as oew; farts et; sealer jars; roc-k; seoli wagon aed racke, on nahiser; 4- reset-cible table; cheticct toc- stn set of har-ses; 32 eo- ]et; elecîrie flr grole; Smith- tension Iadder; iseam scolles; Cet-oea typessriîer oetd chairs; NO gaI. sos tanks aod peenp; kitchen tahle and 4 chairst; Laay powe lawn trimere;large trot-h Boy chair mcal campant coah tat-palin; steet fesse post; 2 stone; seaple dt-ep-lcaf tahbt- mails ni sen feose; 6 large est- aod 4 chairs; 3-pc. hedroanc se- side light shades; tasslng choies ite, gond ose; Christmas decer- roe; chseliatrets; and aIl ations; glass and china; bed- omatil bond tests; mils sans. ding; qocîts; cedat-ahest ec. TERMS ARE CASH. No reset-ses. Fat-m le seld. Osseer or onctionee- ot sesponsihle for accidents. Anctionrer: CHEIS A. SCHOIITEN, 20h17 878-2576. AUCTION SALE For Mr. and Mrs. ALLAN TYRELI At the ýfat-m. 1473 Bot-loch Die (Tocs Lise, Osheitîs and Bartiegteel. Fret intersention ef No. 25 and O.E.W, toise, Nor-th Service Readcwest fat- t ente, tarn right fer t mile, on SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, et 12 Noon IISACTOR and lfnB5LEgn-- more fdig.; Kentenre t-letsia RNiS - Cote '300' gais trocter stase; Thot- crisser casher %viril enly 1350 boes, 12 specdt, cîîh romp; Frigidaire dryct-; 3 p.h. and hydrasîlo systcm; Sllsertone 23', TV OK. Note Case 3-fort-s plots, 12' scfety cli ahane appîlances at-c la fit-st tripe, 3 ph.; Case dotuble dise, clans cnt-bing at-des. Trait hydranlin coenta; Pet- sonoced cltinotor; Ianosce 9-c antdiigro u pont boit- digger, 16" aager-- Co- iet-c ralgodCnio;4 stieel shrcdder, 5' cut; Case gochr ond condition;ol 4u 3-section dragnolinat-; 2 Fr1- fls- otd mabogany sidehoard; enddrcbc-d sP t-eraytbO î ah stabds c rp-af troilcers,PTO drivn; tandem chice- large nid ock armair- atle taile-, 12'ptfetet l-i om is d hbî dump; sorsl]farm trailer, good glast anal ctbing dcsk; mod- one. ecestlcfdacnro; sveai MISCELLANEOUO Rotary scal chices cnd chairs; scaîl pompcwithkhalf h.p. matar set bcrncslctablepille;3aiiamps; of Courier scles; set ofi2oncpcchuiler; 2crock chat-s, lbs. scolet; cooden spray tank, compltc; anosoci crimping nîr 80 gel.; rototiller; t-ct tace n; Bcrd's Epc capte chet cf rùe;sie3" atoccenem dranners; cherry ahent et droaw- pipe, ct-s; ct-lb liront; Wclsbh ceigbc cloch; 2 marel alonhs; sheti FIIRNITUR3- and ANTIQUES ltock, blankai bas; 2 hcli t-ces; - Frigidaire fciýg.; Frigidcie ai- senoral od pccct-re fccmen; naît-la slave; Vichie0 opright band panccd piccore; tots nof treczer; Bendin aotomcîic ce idý bocks; caep etore nscill il- sher - dcyer comhiscd; Ken-leeee ,- TERMSc CASH. No rescencs. Fat-m solci for Bt-ente Creck Provncial Fat-k, Nat T-enponcibte fat- acedents. MAX OTOEEY, Aoatienecr, 2O 17 Ron wond. AUCTION SALE For ths Estafo of ERNEST BATTY 197 Mill Street, Miltes. SATURDAY, AUGUST 26th cfil 1am. REOTORED STATtONASI cie. ccank cisccng, lcrge oscit- ENGINES - Leceard borizon- lacing en0ine, t cciedec, smncll cal angine. S" strake, b- bacc, rcstora-hictlionecroohcc;nver slide nclve, ciqippdsnich gav. icl huilerc24 x38 125 -l1inchi ct-ots and oilcrs; Bor-ail loti lobas cn e aci- rabubin0, sas nso choizonal engle, 6"01 oicc-crd ceci hcs nons basc and ntokeO7"brecsidcccalvnccqocc sta erticaiolr 12il2.2 ipped cich flanots and oit- 36-I loich labo-. compiaca les ct-o; vcrtical egieb6st-oka,ctop; natical baiot-2 x60; 6' bacc. pistce vclno, cocippaci csoca pciston steam ccngine,wcc wihgvrosan ies ik nch gect-andnorccirive,tseei unkiasme; Dckesquarec pistas cestac'd. angine. woinchi dram, feat-dracon ccd cslocppcd cctb oior steats NtSC. STEtiN EQUIPMENT eontncamntcdcondtics, 5 -l20cochanical labricators ich bore6 inch sinoka, in cîccon-, occicis i co b; 15 sceac show cocdicion; setait oscillai cindoc- Ibricalo-n Dtroit Oc- ing 2 eylîner angine, cake un- ilt ec.; 20 col30 iarge- olean; 30 keece; muontnteamîturbineo -I raelbiaos 0sailb ectrlf'gncrtor 10 vlt. ricaiers; 60 ocacliot- grease -RESTOREI iBOILERS - caips, 25 glana gaage vaines; bas Maoil orecra fit-ad baller 48 x90, of gango glann nananus dccc,. prcsure 120 lbs, Corticaîe No. net-ct unec; 5bancs cf cneoted 184029 complece cîtti higb ced pro'aoca gaogeao; 13 sceats chia- lmn pt-essore contents; vertical tienc, ltusI inch; I bac cf houler 30 tekh by St tekh prcs- sabisile chais; claecccy ot brans aire 100 hos. Certilicace No., 13- colks and itciegn; Il Fenýbonchp 8,201; vcrtical bailer-24ox32 i105c5r;l1tigh pressre lest inch, pestsar- 95 i-bn. Cerîclicaît- pocp, 10 lobe etpanders Ici Ne. 062525, complaît- cuti ceg- ta 3 inch; 13 goeanocs 2 i sie- stt-am lct-d pomp, I inch inc, 4.1inch2,l1inchab, dcschage,nvericaîboîer 20x37 l ic cilh tha balance op iech, dry ficehan type, no Cer t04 cncb; 3-ilogi cylieder elficate - an tond pnop;'iin.,l1in., SSESTOR-ABLEO - ýH. W. Pet- 6 2-cpi. ncats fecd pocpn; 2- rie t-opine, horizontal alida val- I on, 2-lýicno & 2-l2c la. Oct- ne,Sl nch stre,gclibor-erelclsncceit-cedl 1l 2cvben- qaires uitile cet-k, no gant-ent-n der t-mnle typc band pocp; or allers; Listawel driltieg en- 13 baller relief veines frots gise, vetrical clida naine 7 loch ta iter loch; 4 anhonder t-chef nîenke 61/z tekh bore rt-et-noible, naines; boat flond lighi 1000 ne govene-ot-so- allers; Listocci watts TYPE' DCX -18 bait 320; drillIit engine petp raniarcd, ce geiediog scane 35 inch dia- cytinder and stide rebaced, acier 4ï c c Oi ceont-e; i ici-go pat lae n ane;vr-selwelý2'oe rc ile engise 7 loch seroka !i cear ends; 3 oilbat-net-;4cwa- loch bore, -slide valve, rcncc- lt-r cotocns; hon ni calking cible, ne gansas or nilers, onts; boc ai pipa cciding flan- maise enkesens; Merise con- gen; misa. sicare piecoesn clod- poond engins, 10 inch neenke 12 ieg naines, sippies, uciions, ra- inch bot-e end 10 inch stenke 7iV4 nef naines, athoco, petit-ps, laps inchs bore, Fisetan naine rt-yen- occkecs. sîcain angine pcckîegn, sihît-; sotail 2 cyliode- hsciliat- madpoci glands, pet caike, ing egine, maie saeknecn, sicam basa, flexnle bcgh prets- nmati ancillaîisg t cylinder t-s- aire hase, ec., ec. Maaeeto utocrnlrsosbefracdnssl day. Inspection of Ibis nalsiceding offarng Aagant 23, 24, feon 6 la 9 p.m. and for fat-th-t informtion co Mr. G. B. Hast-mli chose 410-878-9393. Lnch availohie. TERMO; CASH. WARD BROWNRIDGE, Aontieseer, Phase 878-6730, Macg Bt-ocntidge, lacis Lentes, Clers, 2Dn17 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE O F MiODERN HOUSEHIOL» tUENITUE, GLASS AN» CINA (50ME 01,»>, APPLIANCES ETC. te ACTON, 337 rige iseside the BFP, gos ctaties, Incated on H-te. 7 East, opposite the Bt-t-ct-r Etait Store. For Mrs, Kuysr FRIDAY EVEN)NG, AUGUST 25, cf 6.30 p.m. 'Leather îîphoisered, blacks chesi nI dranners; -hedeon aht-tterfi-id and choi-, lise e-; dressec and mirroc; 2 lat-ge Chene-thtid cnd choir, exsel- table lemps; 2 smcit table iamps lent condition; large Iethe- e- square coffre table; odd smnall helslered ocnasiosol chair; tee- lettes; douhle site hed ept-isg, tht-r opbolst-ted rociig chair; nec; ophost-ted -foolsîent; soc 3-pc. bedresent salle cieh isxn cd bt-est esake stand, aid; odd spring, maîtrese, tilke st-; con- chairs; saime piceoren; ceffe- tinet-naI -bcd, single; bot spdsng table andi end table; glass and and matît-t-st; double matît-est, china iscicding disnet-s-t for i (somte nid china);- 36' 4-bot- «lItches cabinet,' giats front; t-r electria slave; t-lt-net- cafe- 3 headboa-ds for cingle iseds; pet-c.; htele tt.; girl's bicycle smrait chese ai dracers; mopie regolar sice. TERMO ARE CASH. Ne rese-ct-c Ocsntrieaniefooldncontyl wtissfllownig sldMy. AecIioer-'t Naît-c Most of the- larger foraientt cas batalcî oiy 3 moneht age. Ocenterraconent-ot-egoniblt-ort-ccidt-s. CHRIS SCPIIIITEN, Aeclîeseer, 20h17 878-2376 Milles, 19 LEGAL 19 LEsAI. Tht Csrperaionoflthe Towmship of Nmsgasepa Ep-lawNo. 1-72 TaeeNoticeiimat: Tise Coonefi of tise Cnt-portsoe of tise Towsnshsip of Nossagomepa jropnsmi tapaas os a hp-bmw pussht ta seties 459 ni tise munic-ipal atlircetppingappond per-saently losng1the ioBlowlngc Firtlp Seat psties oiesn uopesed t-ont oliowonce iselmeen coescessiess B and 6 St-nu Iota 6, 7, 8, and pot ni 9, Townshsip ni Nosoagomepa mot-e paealrlp dest-tiie sowsn ASl insinguledotceota-lin part-el or trat-t ni land situois lplng and iseing le She Toenshsip of Noaam ya Coesty ofiHaton, Province ni Ontat-io, ont biseng entPpame of She sepesed madl ollonce heicceen concessies toand g in the taid Tawship tises Iota 6, 7, 8 esd pot sf9 esd miini said! pst-sel mey ha more potieulot-ly desect-iied os iolloenc Commencingoal a point la She cSe tsnwstet-lplniia ofiSeesait-esdalloweese iselmees cncessions B and 6, keing aisethe notS eanlet-lp lissil of lots 6, concessin B, distant 17.15Bfetmesard owest-eryt-lere slang froreSehe eastrly ongle of She nid lt 6, concession B, and sehichis nid polet ni commecemet le She nerSelp ongle of She tonds desct-istd le misrellanmisus pies Ne. THENCE Notiste-lp eloeg She SouSeesle-lp hontu of Stni Raad Alleonce betsteen Concessions B and 6, h thas e NtSeroslerlp Oimit ai the nid Lot 6, Concession 5, a distane ni 1,962.85 fret moe ot- less, M She Nn-thnt-lp angle ni lise nfidi LoI 6, Concession S; THENCE monlleaing PSotSestet-lp aloeg She SnaSheste-lp Omit ai She rond alloone helseen Concessions 5 and 6, end heing She NnrSeeastet-tp timil ni LoI 7, Concession B, o distance of 1,900 fret, se leet% tSe NotSelp angle ni Sheesaid Loti7; THENCE cntnloing NotSest-rlp along lise SooSecrestrly Oimit ef te enati allomane helmees Concessins B and g, and ht-eg She Nntleastet-tp lissil ni LotS lei Concession 0,0a distance ni 1,980, fret mot-e or lens, t She NotSert- angle ni She nidl Lot 8; -lENCE eninuies Northwest-rlp Mlong the SoesSeemte-ly bruit ni Se nid rood aiocane belte Concessine Seant 6, and teg She Notemsttt-lp timil of Lot S le Concession 5,oa distance of 1,430,82 lent In a Standard Ires Bat-piantedlat a pointSeherele; TSSKNCS NetSeatterly et rîgisl angltes ta the SoisSewet-rl hot ai l4se rnad aBeewnece hateren Concessions B and 6, a distane aI 00.00 fret Ia aBtandar-d lt-on Bar plantad le the Nt-thete-lp tOmi ai Se nid rond allosanse halseete Cescessions O and 6, and hteg aiete lSalthtstl-y juraio Lot 9 le Concession g; THENCE Sooihet-lt Shet-sleng a distance of 1,423.27 fret te Se ISauthtt-p angle-of the- nid Lot S, Concessione6; flIENCE roetleomng Sotatarlp Mlong Se Netetettetlp lii nI Se said rocd etîoneece heteen Consessiant 5Bond 6, and haeg eise Ste oSthetlt- limil of Lot 8, Concesson 0, a distance ni 1,980.0 fret mot-et-rltets, b She Snathtrlp angletoflthesai LoI S; THNUS ronlleoleg OooShemstarlp alnng She NtSersttrlp limât of Se mri aliewnce htbt-cen Concessions B and 6, ami hteg alto te Soulhwtserlp lirat cf Lot 7, Concessien g, a distane ai 1,9110.0 fret, met-en trest, taSte otht-lpoangle of the nidl Lois7; THENCE centlesleg SooSheste-ip aieeg She NsrShesttcl limnil nI te ea read ellesrnnce bete Concessions Boand 6, haieg oIo She Sosthtsese-lp hsaui of Lot g, Concession 6, e distance ni 1,962.85 fret more ot- Ies toa opolet dintant 17,10 fel mneonaired Nnrlheneste-lp St-esg Imnr the Sntiselp ongle ai She nid Lot 6, Concession 6; THE74CE Soellsweselpa distance aiS6 iegg, more or tesoi ta She point of cmmnenement. îht- haremn desselisedpot-cells sJecl toat-igislofiwoy otr, aoeg ont apon a parcet ofilandmor-eparlictlarlp dest-lhas foilows: Çaoenencing aI o point le lise Saathweste-lp lhsi of She Sont Allestnce halseets Concessions Boandi6, distont 17,10 fret measared Nnrtismtste-iy Sheceélog t-smi the Sose-ly ongle of She nid! Lot 0, Concessin B; THENCE Natltsteleti esng She BShetletimit of Se road a0eenanse haleesn Concessions B and g, haeg alo She NtesterttI kaset of LotO6, Concession B, e distance cf 147.85Biret In a point Seerein; THENCE Northeeshtt-lp pst-aSi totha Notheste-lp imeteof the read allecanse halceren LoIn Boand g,0a distance 96 Iel, mot-t en ltets, aa polet le the NorSteste-lp Usd1 ni the eond allosne bete Concessions Boand t, and haeg aisoe Sthsvterlp, tissit 0f Loto6, conctession 6; THENCE oncSeast-tlp thtreeloeg e distane ni 147,85 fett, more et- lessta Ia point, dostant 17,10 feel measored NerSeeestrly Sherealeng f-rte SosSertp angle 088the nid LotO6, Concession 6; THENCE Sonthtsestrlp parallelhtSte rond elleence bIet-een Lots O and i, a distance ai 66 ftet, mor- et- ltet, le the Peint of rommienct-mtet. OECONIJLY, e Efontromdestehllshed ispBp-tawnumort-Sin 1981, fen Se Townsthip et Nassagaeen-p, liscongi Lobs g, 7Sent S, Concession 5, Towship of Nattagassepa, more pet-ticnlartp dt-tctihed on felleens; ALL ANDOSINGULARSehat certtain part-et et- lt-oct of lasd stbatntping and haeg le the Towshiip ef Nassagase-a, Coestp of Boîtas, Pt-avarce of Ontario, and ht-Mg cempsd nI Part ai Lots 0, 7 ced S cn Se BIh Concession of She nid Tawnshsip, and tshlch nid parcel is a slrip of tend havssg a pot-peedicat tddSe sf9 66 fet and lping 33 fret onsîthtt-side oflthe ht-ttin dtscrihadccenste Coesmtnclng et a point lenSet- Ooutheaatt-lp hessit of She nid Lot O distant 409.92 fret, 17 chalet, 12 hin) mtasactd Southetly Seceeeteeg lt-sm She Este-ip angleof Shet-nid Lot 6; THESOCE Netl 54 degrees, 20 minutas Wet-s, 959.64 fet ( 14 chalet, 54 links); THENCE Norths 18 degrees, 12 minutes West, 227.00 fret (3 chalet, O0 liks); THENCE Netl 33 degrees, 17 minuIes West, 196g02 fret (2 chalet, 97 liks); THENCE Norîte lB degt-ces, 22 ressutes West, 208.56 feet (3 chalet, 10 liros); THENCE Netli 43 degrees, 49 minuotet Rt-st, 400,00 fret (7 chiels, 10 listes), ta a point le She lmit-hateen Loin 8 and 7; THENCE NorSe 32 degrees, 29 minotes West, a distance ni 1,196,58 fret (18 chtmns, 13 hin); THENCE Northe 47 degrees, 47 minutes West, 826,98 iet (12 chalet, 68 links)Mteapointin theelimlt teeen Lots 7ondt; THENCE Sotl 47 degrero, 47 minetes West (ISeuSe 47 degrees, 47iminotesWetinBY-latsl; 332ieel (50links). T .HENCE Nerth 42 degreres 30 minettes Eost, (Soats 42 degrees, 30 minuMes Est in Bp-Mew) 1,109.46ifet (18 choie, 81 links), mare o- lms aoa pomnt in theNotSeste-up liamnt Sete ald LoIS8, haing aise, She n. -4 - I FRKOH PEACHES ce-ereemng lbe reny prodoctsavaitable et hllltess Fat-mers Market Sctittdey. Credo aI She met-Set continus ta groweach eeS and fer mauy She markset bas hacme pot of She shopping rtOal. (Phote byEB. Biatt) 19 LEGAL 19 LEGAL Sonthtsttrtp timllt of Se omiginal rsed ellesanne hateen Concessions 5 and 6, and ctach palet le the- end ai She nid rod st cul in Bp-Ions Nuroher 7. 2. Bt-tor- paesing lbuc Bp-lac, CooncOl et-a Commitire Seceegf, eil ht-or in pt-rsac r h Innounnel, solicitor, or agent, ose' pt-retnte niaient Seat bis bonds cili bc prejodinialle' effettntb te eh-lac enho oppi-c Mab heard, prndided Seat tonte pot-ce makles applicahion le tsing to thesonettsigne oetfsrethSet-lRh dap f efOtmhar, 1972. 003-KO tht- 151h day nI Oogcst, 1972. C. Thempete, CLERK-OtiMINIOTRATOR-TREAOURER aI She Teoenship of Nonnagaesa, Rural Rote 1, Compteelliîlle, Ontario. THBE EXPROPIATIONS ACT NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR APPROVAI, TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MOTTER 0F an application tip THE HAITON REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY fat- approac le t propriat- bond hteg Part Ot loi 14, Concession 2, Nets Ocrnep, in Se 3-n ef billon, in te Coonte' of Halles, fatSe put-pose aI sireans caoneitiloe lo- flond coentrai. NOTICE 10 HEREEY GýVEN thai applîct-ain ban ben nse for appt-anal ett-nipropciais that part of lot 14, onth Sec onad Cosncsion, Nec tSures, ine StTacs cf Midton, thoc n pt-opocnd Exproppiation Pions A and B dot the 27Se day of Jonc., 1972 ond pt-tpst-ni hy Fred G. Cunenghans 0.1.5. ond etc pathtculasip dsrieed in tbe ochedide tet-. Amy ontsr of landas respect aI cnoalt-ce s givn cho ceinsres an înqoîrp into wether She bking aI saab bond es lai-, sonciand reacenakie eneetar en She enhienemeni of She objctines ni tbc etpatig antnortp shalle salO o tc h appravnng acautoi0 mn wriig, a) in Secnase of a t-egîsinrsd nenner snmned pt-retolip or ho t-egîsierni mail entiSn Seirie' daps ait-bn c st-eved tb tbe eotine, or, chce he îc set-ned tep poublication, ciSela Seicît- davn after ite fîcet poublination of She eotice; ch) insthescasesofiano et ho is not-agie ed ons aithîn Seirtp dapn efter Se firt-n publicaion cf She enoice. 3te eppronîng coSearite' e lise Mit-asies ni Nalomat Rtcet-, Qot-en Park, 3-Tosto, 'tfie Houasn tîtgion Coesernvaion Aothascly B. O. Honsph-ms. Chaîrenes I. THE EXPROPRIATIONS ACT pt-acides Seet, (ai cbnt-eaensiqni-pis rqelted, oi het-bc oednred bh a cnquîcp offît-en appoied hy te Mbatstec aI Jusice aed Allortet Ct-strai; chu the cnqucry offices, ilci chou gîne cet-py pett a Se inqery ce oppotlnity la precriteinccand argumentuand ta exanend ct-ans ecane ccitss-n sitr pet-ceelin os kýscouanse on aenlt. asnd i ns apt-comncedita eappongoto-tin Seca pniy la theccnqoopy bc paîd abncxd amont fort-bc costs ofthe inqoît-c ot ta eat-rd F100 and the approning anibocdpy manseibdcrtn ot-cir ltecsp-opriatieg autoict ta pop sot-b anstsfotSecîg 2i. inierend*recist-red ne aret-defiaednectas feiines -oceer' et-iodes a motigene, tesnn. etecohion et-editet-, c pesst senilcd Ina ionfilsd entait-or interet en lad, c consmilcee ai She entate ai c mcntflpy incompetent pt-res ani eo percen inapable ai mnngisg hin cifanr, cnd c gocrdoe, cxco adirmiiniccint- or trsteie sn chon land is vsctcd; -rcgtcninc ainer~ nscos an ownc o aibnd chas nt ces mn the landis dcinedcecansu na s spciini si an insnt-rment 11c the propes nsgcnlrcx landl um s osrff's offis, ced icctdrn a pst-sansthnasea tentnof landn Ste st-mnisni esscsscc-nl 1.3b Theqntopncloing eutoi, eca oceer enba notifestihe appravng coSeorîlp iteal bc deoires e hnarng le rsct ai the- lands încend la bc cnpt-opit-il and cep os-er cddcd as a parip b te in cqoce offît-er arc parties M She ieqculrp This notice tîstpuuînbcd an She Slnd dcp nI Acgt, 1977. SCHEOULE Potb 1,2,,4,O,6,,89,10, and li on propossi pion of Expr-oprateon O Parts 1,,,4,,6,7,8,9, en propoed pion of Expronprition B. The-propottd Exupropriation Plant A ond B a-t on foce inSthe afice aI Se Hatn Rt-gin Ccnernetioe Aotheritp, 225 Men Stett. Multon, Ontarîo and cas ha baspeclsd doring est-mai husiese hors - Esqueslng Council At She regulas meting, Tussdap, OAgett 15, Enqccsng Coonicîl deMt cîtb She foilncnsg itets ai business- O -et-ded la hane buldng nspectnt- Tom MeLoo eabn o n invsntigatin and ring hank a fou rt-pot lfnllwng a enreplaiel tep SitS fianc rcsîdenî Peler BownieeaISere are ckt-hd celItles n Se pcnpet-ct ai ose ai hîn nnighhtct. -Mode official th- epponrt-et ni H. W. Roches as assistant nocds nnpcrîetendseî fart-Se towsrohip. Mr. Rncher is la he n charge 0bssnsvr-madlstope-ietdeiC. E.--Bu od-50 aw0 y. -Fniloing a qocrp tep Oepotp-rrens Russell Miller, aosuil decidt-d thet cors cul lices hetangiag ta insdiniduel basehodes may be tasen ta She township dosp, bot Seat trockloade of lires as large nocîhers irons plaets of busns cillenot ha ancepisd. tistecncvd copies of inîtessent ba Minîttes of Transpotateion and Connoicatioe Gardon Carte hp Haltes Rt-et M.P.P. Hall. James bnc supportief She benship's reqet-t lo- addiiioeal moade steids. -Rceîncd satice b-raa insuranne enmpsey t-tpt-ele0n Kar H. Hodgoe Serat the tonshiMp mayb ha isd reeponsihie for a motor accident bsco nas nvobnd in ugost g, on h SeenthS Licne ust t of Horthy. Oice She tad ea ondes tsounl mncidfistin, couonnl de-dded le cedt She nohice Ma roonlp coceccil. OAppconcd in prnnple a reqos tee rt-preset-nbi-t- of Care Sendsloncn Qoaccies, Loi 28, Con. 10, ta qetr-y seelim 50 feni cf on uonnd raad eiineonce seart- Iis pesent site. Appt-anal con tcanetd sobisci tb chrahilibiioe ronditînsn laid demi b te esip ond notjic la She eppsnnel of the Ot-patmeel cf Miscs ond NetSe-n -Passed oah bonsa ta autho-izte tonshtip tat-atse $55000 ta aid cr the construcctioe aI draînage ccrk nen Se 3-île Dranage Oct. -Rceîncd ltlt-rt cf ihatten fat-donations secnined isore the tilte Wiliamets Minas Sofîtecil Assoniain and Pieniens Olpmpics Sonner Club. tOt-ceinec cnnnn applicatiîons las She position of townshiap pain hînctccn 3-bnp cic et aecnncronir efet-tmahin Iwith tihe pu rchase of a I UCKET o BARREL a deloeclous 16oz. container of Crsamy * SLAW <this woeksnd only) Kentucky Fwâ CM4y,* CHICKEN VILLA Mass asd Camercial MILTON ..878-4171-2 HOaen MON. THUR. 11.30àm.lest 1111 SONDSY-eOooe, i-p.m. - à