TATE GS 3,000 ored homnes, oundation. 40 r custom, de- fatFrank cootottant), kt., sdson V&8 aver Lumoe L70o46 WOODS KILTOO iN mvated ransch diaded street. cour and dlin- Ititubets arn- are. beautiflui , moadlocom. )c. haths, lau- Lubie garage. oy beautifut for a large irtle MoClelI- 18-211l". TRY FARM beliville te wrkble, ,15 acres of ponds. baok >ara, impie- CatI Myrtle 0 or 870-2095. 1s co i c, ..n 0- me orkable, s, ranchvstyle ronts tudy, hmn, diniog Ouma, 3 extra folt boue- C. roit, pas. laodscaped. moutive ~te traw 870-2095 ng eor Huwy. 25, 1for nsursery ton. Honte, rad style, 4 routa, kitcb- aon &- base- bas a bank t gond mork- dll Pot Straw 72. l Myrte Mc- or 876-2M9. 878-6057 iALES SALE art Buflasi Gten Wil- *g Mill) on O 12, 1972 uOtal 30ï' et- Arestiisgouse or; 5-pc. kit. lisp stont; ta- g roomuite ch; platfori rtield; pote Sirnplicity chine; atiiy lifier. alsost chair. rnth 4,pc. bed- ai condition; ; oillaunp; misuite, is large mord- marner truk ^d table; bed. of drawers; Honver va- SIon polios- White ew- nId rocbitag gond lines, estiles; orna- li0 caps and toutes; eigbl ibes, glastes inta stop r; mlsenîbar- o and other tonton touts; etc.; Lamo dousey 3 h.p. amer; 30'es arge moodets île out uI- esk, ctnttee baby bugy; baoy equip- ultonk bave bis materla idition. sole. tata an Pr& PENCE, utoneer. Georgetown. Tel. 878-2576 R.R. 3, Milton, Des. Ward Brownridge Licensed Auctioncer Parta - Livestoctu Puraltare Sales Phone 878-6730 Appraisals - AIl Types 20-tf AUCTION SALE for HENRY p0EL58 Lot 7, Cois. 2, on the 3rd Liai othEraoroa Twp.2miles west ut Rockmaod, ou SATSISDAY, AUGUST 821h At 10 am'. PARTIAL LIST - Omutouna 35 SiP. smather, 10' ont; 2 Nsuf- field 4-d0 diesel tructors; Nut- field 342 diesel tractoarmwi; iris- der and a Pipan huthhoe; ALC. WJD. 45 trctor;MMht4 - frrost and -MM 3 - farrhowmonomted ploms Oliver 4-rom tara plan- ter; Goebi flail hareester, 6' ci, rernom; GebI blower, Hi- Tbmo, 70' pipes; NiN. No. 67 ha- ler; liquid rnannure tank; 2 Bad- ger silo unloadrs 18' and 16'; Badger manger fender, W0; Bn- dger siable cleaner, 300' non chain; about 200 cernent titi, op ta 36"; lnrge qsaanlity 09 tamn- ber, noioting, boîts, electricnomn- tors, shon euuiprnt, melders, reiistocistrd; 3cernent mi- ers, 2setsoff ilo uas. 'FI3RNITURE and ANTII2U ES - A very large otteritl. tdisettaneus mills tirai uit 10 a.Tracturs and Impternents ut 2 p.m. Phease refister tipon arrivai for a Bid Niatber. TERMSt CASH. Farti sotd. 'Lunch available. Owneruorauctioisr not res, pontibte toc accidents. MIAX STOREY, Euckmaod, lOb6 Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE SAT¶ISDAY. AUGUST 12 12.30 p.m., for 5888. A. MURRSAY Locnied rorner of 2 Hmy. & Goudroa Dr., Barlinigin, tiE- may hetmecis Appteby and Wutk- cr's Lite. Cuissisling ut antiques, bouse- bold and mnise. items (partial tit attlyi - 10-pc. maînui ditting rotatuite; tipine cuptuints chairs; 5-pc. nak hitchen suite: mine chair; mult secrietury desh; cottee table and 2 end tables; chikd's rocker; 4-pc. heal- roa stie; Dancaut Phyte droit tînt table; dram tables; chester- field ansd chair; 9 s 12 greoet roo; firelacc otenttis; 2 rouisd uak tables, teed reéinishino; 4- &hetif carin; 2 large tests; doub- le murdrclha; adai hads &- dreta- ers; 2 sinsgle ponter beds, Ad- mirai coisibitution rodio - rec- ord ployer; set ni china tuir 12; huit table; heaty plants; qua- nity uf painlings; 6-pc. glaît cruet set; qonntiîy cd glass and china pueces; 5-pc. chin math basin set; ObaviTeg colps etc. hund touts; thovels etc.; tabrel' barrom; qoattity ni heatina supplies; Steveta parnp; single barrot ibotaun; electrin mulors etc.; taany more items ot in- 1963 Corvair, atotunatic, gooci condition, selliag suehoul cerf- iticate. Hlonse sold. Owneruoruuctionerrnot ras ponsible for any accidents. 30-t McCARTNEY. Atuctionrer, 20cl5 6@9-1778 Waterdumn Research is nom finding metisode of helping oves tise severely handicapped ta achieve hth0erw unexpected levais of selt- belli COMPLET E ELECTRIC SERVICE INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE *ELECTRICAL CONTRACTI NG *ELECTRIC HEATING W ATER HEATER R EN TA L 818-204 FREE ESTIMATES For Mr. and Mrs. HARRY DAVIS For FRED W. SHORTIII chncaclee andi peroonaltty 'Itis true-laite qmcz bits ooly stme of SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 et 12.30 p.m. MONDAY EVENING, AUGUIST 14 at 6 O'clock te retolîs and mitl give you a 2 chestedield~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~caic suts10 a lcs E aumccnr hoekice al;Ce-odpcuefae;q cac o second-guets tbe 2 chttefiel suies mth sa- tacb; G. vununiclener; Chrmo hchetlcte; hes-tia picore rams. ofoti expeexprs. tcbittg choirs; 7-pc. cturome kit- Nordimmde terco and radio ex- iettield; 3 rachis8 chairs; cane old honhs; botter bmt and lad- ches toite and a 5-pc. chrome tabination; portable rcrdpa ocin chi;1dodcor;ls nesuc as as . Tie tost dangeruo drivers hitcheis suite; childus table and yer and stand; Oon ecrs ak libracy - boobcase cossbin- bottom chairs; bcdroom dress- are youngstars betmees 16and 17, 2 chairs; 2 ccsltee tabtes; 2 ensd atin captaiiss chair; steel bed er mtb ovni mirror; nid manol min baven't hemn driving very tables; large leaiher bassoob; tdlSC., To20(7 ETC. - OT. aisd mattrets; steel hnd wtoti dckn; hedronm dishet; hovel; long, aisd get a big titrill ont of TV tables; Oat: ditiiag room su D. f hp. riding latex motter, bruts obt; solidi brots lied, iu large aisd smali pitchers aod heing bhind the mheel. ite 7-pc. retininheal- odd choira' istw; leett seeper, 36', tson; eiscellent conditin, double; chamber, gond set; mulsiat 2. Women show lest bigb chairs; 6' folding tabtle; isibilee power laten motter; ta- mail mirror; bruts tight fionue- sminsg mirror; 2 trondie semtog consideratian for otiter drivers largo pinblanket box; 5-pc. bletum.,7"with /4h.p mtOr; et; bruts oit lump hracket; machines; bartei buttechuro; tlsan mendo. bedrouta suite; hedside table; 7l/ in. skill satu; sauder; 4 in. cuodle bnlders; oùt lump, elci- uit lump mith niro ohade. pite Dieawooesa et cloîbes bumper; pote lamp; tri- electi drill; garden nheelbar- ritied; 2 Oak math stands -and tccrciury: Ooebec henter; Brat- a-«Dieswouesa et a baller eduratoal titan tbate light; hedromn lamps; pair cil rom; grass and tertilizer sprea- dressers; pioo math stand. ly retrtocratur; mrioccr math- Wba dont. mutching table lanmps; Oll der; meed spryr 2 - sectiois iine httcbentble; 2 teoîber iog machine; gints and china; netto nelintppe lump; large malt mirrar 24xirivato tenta 4 s 8; 20' extens- tirbs; nid commode- cnmmode beddtog; omnil clectric niptliuo- drive The st itlietpol 36 ln.; qunlrity dl hedding;,io ladder; 6' stop ladder; 4 ronhiop chair; large aisd smal ces etc. v et large and ornait picoures;- glass foliaug tresuie legs; TV head, AI4SwRS and chiisa; Oak armuhair, rotin- ék non; 10'lait pote new; 8' TERMS ARE CASH. 1. FALGE-Driver studies ishcd; unb mritiarg dek, retin- picole table; lotun chairs; 2 No reterces. Houte is sotd. show that crnlcary ta popular isbed. - tires aisd riras, 14',; 2 ritas, 14"; Omre ne nuctionsernlot rapootible fnr accidents opinion, teenagers in 0-e 16 ta 17 1tire and rita, 14'; quanuity ofCRSSHUE, aiuer ya babtdie mr APPLIANCES - 13 eu. fi. red roof shiagles; aliotinutaHISSHOTN Muiner 87-57 atioosty ndve eme c Roy retrigeraor; Inglit autota- mindom 24 s 48; appros. 150' go- 20hl5 Mlo87-7 caidenta 0an d a d mrare utic masher; 4.tioraer naturel rdesi bote; tomne lunther; aisd rcieyonsr. gas slore; detturidif. ier; base- ail regwaar lama and gardies 2.ctce oangsM-ter c hourd heller 3 elelric bitchex tonte. tarveys show 0-ait men once TEItMS ARE CASH. are lges osiertae taue No reserve. Honte i5 totld. Oser movitsg. mia n e id n r e t oeacdeys Seîinig by number. impatientl ihtafcdly Ommer or auciioneer not remponsible for accidents. Don Nears ta lenchug the Haltan Cososty Semior Busebail rnore ap1 ta 'bit the hao' mhrn Auctioseer's Remarbst Plan tu attend this stoe. Ali goods are beague in battorsng hatluug averuges lutlung out a bot .470. In anuter dirver's actioirita insesceptionatty gond condition, tome non and unearly non. 12 gantes with Cataphetrsille Merchants ho han heen to bat 42 0-on. 210-15 Arctioner CH-REIS A. SCHOIITEIN. âmSes anSd hot sufely on 20 occaos. _11 .. r.% *r..31 SMALI, ATLAN4TIC GOOSE MAY DIE years ago. scienitla tear M-at Aerial coanla by Canadian thse bord may bue sufferlng a fond Witdlite units asd mace Americait siartage and breedlsg problesss. States show tlsat the Atlanltbc However, some experts f eei tise brant, a smolai sea grotte, may be coatas inacearate becauso tihe dying eut. Ossly 25,000 birds have bird may have changed lis b een sighted ibis year as ssigration routes. comparesi tai 200,011 osty a test Elmer Drodge anal Loris Faggion are othor Cutupbellville ~ sluggers in the tap 10. Dredge a coteran of tany seosn mith à tho Caniphollvillo club stands fourth i the loîgoo otth a.8 average. Feaie d e a fa, While Cusxsiuellville hurler Garney Mitchell stands scnds in tIse oarned rn average colusiu milh a 2.»9 average, h b appeared in more gaes tsan any other league pitcher. Ho bas UW est r thon i il ganses ansd 8 and one thG K A PErügs precision cut to lengthl 201 MAIN ST. MILTON ONT. AUG. 9 SALE TO CONTINUE DAILV AUG. l9th aAdmirai Col TV. Lawn Furniture Fridges At Lost FrnchtProv. Reg. $889. Stvs Possible 6L 3039 759 %O Dishwashers WEDARE YOU TO COMPARE Gond Quality Dr. Fuller Reg. $186.00 IMattress & "Pair" Box Spring 1 4988 5 Piece Dinette 5788An I Oislp Reg $699 005 4 25",Col.T.V.54 1 Ossly AdmiatR .$89 25, usRe T.V. '6791 Mad. 6L 21 t Only Reg. $199 Symphonic SONi 147 State Stereo A? Foi_ Up f I OnIy gh eR,,. $269.95 w omdae St er Lamps Galore Frarn Slid WStingoue Stre,47i New Shipesent Reg. $69s OnIy Reg. >549.oI *Paîtins 388 3 Piee Bedroom 25988 Painings 37 Nte tbleavaiable Na. 891 1.Many Outstanding Values and Savings i WE NE M THE SP C YGLU NEED Ir SSAE FIBREGLAS 2ý crugt ont Forest greetutadligt gret26" n8 tour Homo Impr peMadyContre Oe odyto FridaYIl , Satarday 8 arn. t hello but are aiso more likeiy to à anc tlm.' TELEPHONE 62-7798 Corne toi you deaIeri for 1V@LKSWAINS (St doue ratretty enesciltel Guaranteed twice an long as aey other ecornmy car - 2 years or 24,000 talles marranty, Alsa stn ns, lins ot futl reonutsoeas 100 per cet gnat'aseednusaiteams. Voîkismagen Service aod Warraoty Repair Service Dept. open Thurs. to9 p.mn. Freeotsesycar byappiîmens Baz Om us'o tr 4iTiW U Red Cedar STARSE completeÛ and genuine beautyl BiendS mcii n-th todats mode- hume esterars 1 tOttOg coetpiete croate, Ocuone .t the cenctstac culet t s aed ucîturtem ident tor tee do itecar seitert Each rateqs ofo I aprai mateto n1 - wdth O estc s-rtace on bute face aed bacc ot oeriotve ýestere cedar 5 t' hith a sectite tettades t~ palitSHs, 4s and post - 6' bigh sectin $24,0 gesi, VersatileÀ loor-Outduur MITE PANELS te tome or cottagek t takes a finish l. tlty t : S4" Be uttil, Ait Ste e.c '3,55 GJARDEN SHED rancis or munil Casy t0 assemble, autoumnttne fiith Geat For Patio tor extra stoaen Carport 6,tde > clep>8"h Fencing 574,95 [ Olortut, 5maIh ulver mudets ic stuckt acd Long laslting oei attettet ANELS [ 4« ovomont "TRU-SEAL' Asphait Shinglos .M. Go 6 p.m.- cHoosE FROM 6 9 POPUt.Ae cOLOR S 99 o 1 p. M. toinsîzi No.1 ualtît 0 er~~,nn00r 2172 Mains St. E. MILTON oeoe m R EDci 878-2351u~ Rag ASPEI beut -q pf P ý SAUCION ALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES 20 AUCTION SALES TeOapo.titn n, eledy aut917 For Comploe AUCTION SALE Your handfjng of car r AuctionService AUCTION S A L E O OSHL UNT SUE _ GS AICH&FJ.R. Currie o». Chris A. Sckouten 0 FO .L 0FNTUR GARDE ASEHOLOMM PIJOIURESOEGASAISCIAC.ettui AUCTIONEI TOOtS, SOIE ANTIQUIES, APFI[APOCIES, CLAMS AND __ shows true character OP MERTI CHINA, MISC ETC At its residence, laceted in the Village ni GALLINAPAD, liat- -PO ERS Gales ni elI types. may beimnen Georgetown and Hmy. 24, n the 7th Lune, tint Necent driver surveyn indicaue 3. ONiUE-Stadies condarcted I Slsrnutdnyhre In MILTON, ai thatr osidee 90 Bronte St. South, boume right hehinai te Generul Store. t0te muy a man bastdles a car show tbat 0-otrse math a togher prvie iURsighTt -nohslvlo opltdeuanae= These Prices and Quality CASE RF Y@U RA vaI D CR1051 Op YOgI WART fi à r neww îïîàlw Ctr fil R 12'0891,