a 7h.i Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednuday, Augont 9, 1972 14 WANTED TO MENT 17 REAL ESTATE 17 MA4L ESTATIE 1 R2 bedroom apaolment, 10 8TUOENT JOB 13 FOR RENt Moironor Oahville orea ommat ry, by Oct Phooe 878-4M. 111 13 Y&it CM1 boy Iookooç for 2 - DEDROOM opartosool, 1442125.=52~If job. Aythiog. Michael Bond- aol services, ooderoever part- RESPONSIBLE foooily of 4 ing lites for offices or hoomes. stoc, frig. $115 per monoîf io- O 00 o 4clb,23-14 iiiiiiiiiililli Coli 878-3919 and ask for BS'o s1ue ei yrao tv.1111111111 M[ 111101 : 'Jn C,11,,, 'equteroom 5 SEARS' CONIINU.IIS SERVICE 4BEDROOSI,\ brick hecer, 3 hd in Milton -oea. Reply Loi for Hel o? e .'- ,0 fee Boxae 1eSe 45, The Canadian Champ- Meober eft he Toronto, Otario and QOkile -Trafolgar bealrd fsriogle faros copiopye. ion or Phoe 1-753-7611 Brnt- Real Estote Boards * FA305 HF 878-9)742 eveofogs ooly. lod. t4of 7-2349 _______________ *GRASS CUTTING 13e15-2383fo AVLE - 8546 *BABY SITTING 1 - BEDROOM oportotool, 161 FINANCE OAVILE - 84-46 *BASEMiENT CLEANING meaino fio,; 1 serood floor; pri __________ d *CAR WASHING vtt entraoce, immediate pot- *ANY JOB - AP1Y SIZE session0, centrol Milton. 844- N EW For girls ood boys. 9340. 13sf 5-385 2 ERO b.mn p LOW RATES aeotc-aoc ood drivewoy, av- 1 st and 2nd o Summer Student oabie Sept. 16. Liosst of 2 cbil- Employment dren welofere. 878-3000. aiTG GE 13sf 5-2358 ORGA E Setrire Wif b Iofegrify Milton Recreation APARTMENT, coOOploefey fu- O.M.BA. Meosher MOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS 8782442 seir oofb, setlocation, On Ibis farge 6roorn 11% oforey brick borne, fu1f boserno, oicefy 878-244 cued 2vi adhirs segf Ropoytai- Ce 9io1/f oo 2d.odscaped fl of wihrivole side drive, close to off co- IOC-i nd, vaiabl Au. RplyBox- Cmbie It ad 2d. eoieoces. To viese, caff Rose Cescoo 878-9)511 or 878-2755. f41. Cooadioe Cbhampioo. - Poc off vor bilfs. f 3c1 5-21 72 - Cornbine dehfs. ilLOST OR STRAYED ___- Boifd o bouse. ACTON NOXV RENTING -Gfeo Rd- -Add areem. Smsart 3-hedroon 'brick boogow, broodloorn in fiving rora, 4- SMALL grey aod swhite ffoffy e,, Court Apfs., Broole St., Mil- 2nd Merfgeges Ire,, 12% pe. bafb, forge kilcbeo, finiofed roc. cool, rnitb ber, kitfro. fost on the vicioîty et tee. Yeo ore ,ovifrd le viesoAL okhpudr eahddul aagalo hsat Ledocfb's parkiog 10f o Sat, tho foffy furoished otodef soif- ALE EYerbsftopt ondlre reeelot. dobForogniei, ffoflid Roff- Aog. 5. 878-2520. f 1c15-2378 es oy ppeoltrno Irnosdiae 30RENL> Ceston 878-9511 or 878-2755. possessioo. Roofof ogeots, lest INCOME MORTGAGE ______________________Reoffy & Insoraoco Lfd., Miton 12 FUO phoe 8784118. f 3c2288-ff SERVICES FOR THE LARGE FAMILY AND 2 BstSfO 639-1043 (Evenings) or 9-roomn 2Vî-storey terni red brick bomne, 2od floor broadooroed 1 AN 2 EI)OOl1ftrogbeot, oovr coforei 4-pc. botb, fi ni obos roc rooso, 2 PON rnars, f2 haods, one APARTMENTS 527-4557 Hamilton forge hitcer, double goroge and rny, olooy eolras. To black, ot black and wteon VIAL 9an , viesc. coîf Hefeo Boros 878-9511 or 878-3997. Seoday oigb o the Guelphs Frern L (139 o,,d 14.rob - 5 îc. 17cl5 Lee. Cotact Mrs. W. Vooi Fen 1 a~nd Abev. iofolie ________________________ chîboîco 854-2422 12sf5-237 off oinCoî, c oeinplooes _____________drapes ood bofcoy. 17 REAL ESTATE HA T N R L ES TE TD 13 FOR RIENT Acton 853-2197 A T N R L ES T TD anod- BROKER f BEOROOM ape 01,1t, Acton 853-0272 Milfton Court Apto, 155 Octario 13c-t1 S, 87qe.seee. î scl5.2380 ____________ 3- BEDROOM lieuse, centralf locatieon, ocoîfahie fresse Aoguol 15. Cali 878-2097. 15615-2483 MODERN f helireem epart- ment, baoee lcig., st10,cr, ecîrce bai. 87M4569. 13e15-2390 2-B ROOM hoouse in Mil- ton, includes sloerand Srig, heef andi hydre. 878.694. 13c15-2393 ONE bedroo, apacîmeol,un fenishei. Os Moto Street. Suit- able lot- couple. 878-6818. RLRCTRIC HOT WATER HEXTERS osirb free service. Photo Milton Hydre 878-2345. 1561 65-ff FURNISHED t-em, ceoît-af location, cohiogfalcilitiesavl fable, gentleman eciy. 878-3461. f513c5.239f1 FI5RISHES Reot fer gentle- ma.Lceesand toccls p- pliel. Cecfraliy focaîrd. 878- 2563. 15614-2294 FURNISHED hachefer hase- mentlapactosect, siceps f. meat- 0re respessie pet-ses eeiy. 878-2579. f el 5.2372 14308MENT borbofet- apocl- mseot, aîfablle eey titor. $75 a mses. leciedes heat and hydre, simili ft-îg. and stoe. Rey les 125, Milton Champi-r f 561925-cl THE MAYFAIR EA ET3" APARTMENTS ONE ANID WO BEDROOM APARTIMENTS AVAILABLE EDSA ? Sauna bath. cecreotie, tromar, NEED SA C UE N celoeol appliances. Ail seorv- TWA O cs ioldolin o cot. LOOKINO FOR Apply Soporiotcodoot his e, f s pe bedoomOOtoiScr N. bhndkeo, l or Phono 878-3180 lot oS c ro lipose, oarg VILGE0hAMeLL L 156-If bhedl oemerdli vnsoomroan VILA EOFeosELV bromd ean osm 0 eai 6-nrnroorr conaowcwithlbog bongfirepoceo, one inb rooelirnoy b mo flitn roumi ood lb. otber onrbe ooffoisboi bosemert fa- 7i100., Ur Wei rcdelo close Ioscow rilyront,foageor-tgge, smalllosoopeyment,goed tw.Owceo muso alt ex- o sice lot wiîb single car garoge. Asking $27,900. Coli Os BACHELOR <(>ME & TVtO coln Sinafbcing. Piced riofhf Gouounoi. BEDRtM AI3ARTMENTS a$20f - 50 BEAUTIFUL ACRES Acte,, just10 miles ortObof Locterd2omiles t 401, 40 aces nffîong workabfe land, blance Miltfoc, hraetiffu Si rt-n Commercial boiflding wifh fiviog bosS, picloresqoo building elocotoss ovocookiog, 2 pondi halcoor, forge reircort-e qootIr in deeofnown oreo. silos, adjoins passive conervaon land oboondiog ost ms teve, lrtg., drapes, bol, Exeentelfocations. Coulli ho lr andi ortlifo. Farensot- ctfalobe bock 1sf osmorîgoge. oseli for scofdiog, etc. Asking Asking $1,000 pet- ar-r Caflf Bt-sa,, Gouounki. hydre, parhing. $32,000. Excellent tens cen 853-2043 (Acton) ho arrngei. 30 IDEAL ACRES 13e15 8 acres poofore, boaaeesfleoobosb lar-ge 2f.iaceepondiseitbltig Countr-y living, 2 - sloroy brick t-elfi,,1 huIs te provîde xo osooy tert-Otitg buoildinog sf1- _______and__ oofram o emotîhbarnoni es. Afoely ceountry property to compfoîe etofîmen fat-go fol soif sîreoos elog. and rbeSrecoetnlonfoyfthe uc-ocded open space wdl 13V VACATION GUIDE side oS property. Ail buifld- teteffy evpeffotrd oir. Askîog $1,000 pe- aere with gond ingsin excelleol condition teroc . Farmer will fae bacblier ortipage.Cali ohno SAUBLE Beach, 2 asd 3 boli- Aoking 36,000. - Harcourt. r cencttageo, toside cseot- URS3ENTLY REQUIRED IN MILTON roses, flffy eqeippeli, sandy STELLA PARTON Large old-Sosbio,,od Sornify home, aI foost 4 bodronoms. Cosh ,cach, Asg. 26 le Sept. 4. 422- Milo 7-75 byr 0f18 Hepoth. l3Vrf7-23l8 1lo 7- 7 boer IWIMPEYI NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOMES IN MILTON DORSET PARK LOCATION ONTARIO ST. (Hwy. 25) 300 YARDS NORTH 0F MAIN ST. Salesmnan in Attendance frorn 10.30 arn. Daily Cail 878-5364 Collect 170d CadI 0o-q1uyu1 HALTON REAL ESTATE LIMITED - BROKER 181 MAIN ST. E. - SECOND FLOOR 1701 5 Iljrelwar Just a Fow of the Reasons Why il is toi Your Advantage fa Buy or Sell thraugh a Large WeII Esfablished Firm Wr have lb offices in Port Credif, Milleon, Georgetown, Bram.- pien. Kifebhener, Berfingles, Gebriffe, Wiffoscdele, Ajax, Have- loh, Rosdofe rand Tereefe's Ooocovsoay, St. Cfoi r, Doofertb aod Srerborecgb. scfh o safles staff oS 198 worbiog fer yoo. Oer own orrgage deperrni soitb reesooabfe rates, o Firt-s and Secend Mertgages. A Gearanc plan bhat mraes Bretheor sciff gstereolee lbe safeeof yourhoee if "useeprcasig aoth o me,rnoo,,,d re threegh Brrîheer. Likr,,i-,e î he psocboser oS yoor borne will bo geeroofeed the saef bic. We aisehave a cast te coast service whic ensif you ef yourbemýrncegBrtr andere o,vfflg anywe n a.~ ada we W'i1ffeord yu eerdste anAgerhat bel,0ifmeey onarrisai and help yoselcits yorneo berne. WITH SERVICES LIKE THIS, WHY NOT GIVE BRETHOUR A CALI AT: 878-4121 or 826-3085 and Ask For Kay Bell - "Dot" Gowîand - Les Bunker, Manager Irene Pries Brethour Realty Services (1961) Ltd. Realtor 8 MARTIN ST. MILTON - 878-4121 i7ols 17 REAL ESTATE 17 REAL. ESTATE 310 MAIN STREET - MILTON, ONTARIO "JUST LISTRO" - 2-&toroy brick homo on a qoiet str n t hie centre of Milton. Tbis older borne features n living rotant old * ro cOnein"Y loel lag1 uh. gond sizeli booomo I bbrnm, olbinFA o heat- ig. Friel 10sl Ps36,108.Tenoaoal.C Mike Ledwef 1 for an oppofololent "GEORGE ST.' - A confortable 3-beinoo modembnglw sitoateli close to sobools, chorolsos andi shopping, opa. cous living andi dhioig noom, w.f f plooneli kftolie, foIly finisbed bosemeof ositb recreolhon mnm, lioosaculate fhnougbooî and loodeli witb eotras, garag, povei driv. seoy. Pricoli tigbl af 329,900. Ternis con ho arrangei. Cafl Mibe Ledvritb for furtber dertalo, "BEEF OPERATION" - lot efost 280 oct-e Sensa0000 OGuelph on e good noad. 265 oct-es workoble, 150 acnes vile draineait excelet bn br 62' x70' atjoiorngonew oosdg ,, 165' s 62, T-sopeli feedet- born 75' s 30', Polo automatlo feederr, 24' s 80' ronerelo silo with ooloode-, cncrofe mo- ntepi, ooew drtvtog sbhed 32' s 98', smart 4 - bedm j brick boose witb living rosom, dining nomr, lorge kitchen, 4-pc. beîbono, fol hbotemen, F.A. oif heating, gooli ss- toc ooppfy. AfIl builditgs poiofed whbite andi black. Tbis is o Sorn yoa nots o. Oscoor open Io seller et $275,000. SHORT LIST. 119,900, 2-bodrorom bungalose in Milton, M6 o 1321 lot. $35,000, duoplet in Mil toit, welI renfei, idea hovestsoont. 131,900, 3-bolinot 'bungolowt on Meadosebnok Dr., ganag. Open, te effe-, s1000 12-nomr bourse, 1.9 acres cornoercial pro- poty, Milton.- Ideel investirnt centre of Mil toc, forge 12-nomr bourse, 346,500. Couotcy. homo, omet 4-bednoom bungolow, 99' o 231' lot, 333,580, eOOlom, baiff. 129,50, ideel comrnocial pnoperty, 25 andi 401, 2-becinoos bon gaos, fol 150' s 150' Nort h Bot-fiogton, specios 8-noom spli-fevof, open to setter et 338,000, Acîon, MiII St., ceortcial prope-ty, 12 mons plus store, lot 44' t 132», S49,000. $84,000, 61 acre contry cataire. custom btsib 9-noom bouse, bon- tnoesfofe, petds, trees. 50 ocre Ions, Rsqoesing, 3-belinoomi brick hoose, Askiog $55,00. 85 ast-e forot, Cempbo8lville, close to Mobawek Raceseay. Aoklog For First Cîass Rosulîs It Pays To Buy and SeIl Through BEST REALIY LIST NOW FOR ADVERTISING IN OUR SEPTEMBER MONTHLY MARKET REPORT CALI 878-4118 TODAY Art PoaCoCk 878-64471 Mike Ledwitl, 878-4873 Stan TIompson 878-2455]Jim Baîey - 878-6506 Bob McCuaiq 87@2Q94trîan B4st, ý,e fQ Mernhors of the Oakviile Real Rsaae Board A CRO)SS B REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LTD. 17.1 68 MAIN ST MILTON "Broker" 82,18 DOWN Modem3-bodrorni bricb boogolowe on oicely flond.- 12aped folN Mo,, qoiet streel. Tbis borne bol rny odded fooltperes oeb as geroge, povod drive, res. rment, firepf ose etc. Listed i e onf y $26,900. TWO TO GO: Vos, Ire bae 2 2-bedroon bornes loooled close t0 daosn. Wby pop reol wee yoo roolli possibly boe beying one of Ibeso bernes et opprsfrnaiely Ibe sotin. aon o0f moee yo ore poyiog for rool. Askiog $24,988 for one ond 119,900 for tb. other., 15 YOUR MAN I4ANDY? If se, drive 00t f010 tbe coootry ood look eser -bis hoame bern fecord 6 rniles ot of Mil- t1n0. Asbiog $21,00f ond opeo Io ooy reosoooble 0.1er $135 FRoMONrI: bAparîrmmncîs l5Noble fTfers befresos 135 cfoding heteo, hydo, fn0., stovo, drapes e. f NSURANCE POOR? Gid yoe reefize you, ould be over insarei? Moybo yee arr ... So fee free 10 call f to diocaso yoor eoisli,,g Itoficies. FOR PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE C ALIL 878-2888 17lS FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS Phone: MAURICE BEAIY - 878-6418 Represonting CANADA TRUST REALTOR HALTON and PEEL DIVISION 17o« 17 MUAI. ESTATE SAVINGS UP TO $3,000 t.irrociSonhmered homo. erecled on. yosir foihasrnio. 40 le eoose S rom or utornt d- s, ned. Ge l ff lb. . Frank T. Piofoli f(home cososftout). Beover leombor G., S73 lia- rop Dr., Milon, On., phione V&8 4m2 'or elsit Beaver Lianler for o home catafogue, 81.01, CHRISTIE &WOODS AL EMEA1 LIMITBD 189 Main Streas MILTRI TOWN Fiee Bedror eleveled roncs borne, on quiet shoded sîree, L-sboped lieing roor n d dlin- ing roornt, forge sifchrn arn- pl e csopoerd spece, beooîifss lorgao fIloors, llroadlooos Ibrugoot, 2 5-pc. botis, fou- ndrî rosnt, double gorag. Tbis is o roomy loeoolifil borne, sutoble for a forge Iornily. CeIli Myrf e 58.01.11- os 8785198 or 878-2M9. COU NTRY 100 ACRE FARM near Campbeîîviîîe Seody forn, 75 ocres rnorkable, f0 acres postore, 15 ocres of bots, spriogs, ponds, batik baorns, foofiog born, impe- osent sbedi. Sevon roorn a1- troolive berne. Colif Myrtle S4d2fellan 87g-5198 or 878-2095. Nassagaweya 42 ocres, boeoîtifl, scenis, wo lied, creek, 15 ocres rnorkoftle, beoikborn, 2 welfs, rencstyle buongalow, 3 bedroosos, slsidy, Hollywrooi kitcee, dboong mont, laoodry roon, 3 etra forge bedrors, SoIf boso- otelil, finioeli rec. coern, Po- ios, boootflolly fandsroped. Tis ie ou eltoive typle borne. Colt Pet Slnaw 878-2095 or 878-3772. Esquesing MNf ocre locos oeor Hwy. 25, soedyfIrsai, idealflor nrsery goclie operaioI. Floose, frerne, giogetbreeli style, 4 boliroornt, living rnm, kileh- e, study, boîbesoos & base- ments. Tbis aIn bas o batik horn, olso o vers' gooli work- abf. popery. Coali Fol Straw 878-2895 or 878-377. 2 boiling lots. Cali Myrtle Mc- Ciellos 878-198 or 878-2M95 CALI 878-2095 878-6057 1l7e18 20 AUCTION SALES ALRRIDIS AUCTION SALE for M.&M. Herbert flullod AI 105 Josepb st., Gfeo Wi- liarns Ittror Knitlio8 Mill) on Saturda', Au"uo 12, 1972 Af 130. Miss Canoda Mollest 3ï' ef- ectris steve; Westingouose cross top rofrigerotor; 5-pc. kit- cbeo cbhrome set: stop, stooI: e- ry gond 5-pc. tiinitg roorn site witb molebing hotcb; plolforos rocker; 2-pc. chesterfie 4: pole lornp; wolf oloek; Siosplicity squaore wosbiog macbitne; 0f ily caibinet; debetriliier olot oern: Looy Boy choir rnith otl; cedor shoot: 8-pc li- romsuite, in goond condition; ol4 pieloce fromes; off foooP; S-pc. seofnut bolinoos suite, ins gooli ontlion; forge word- robo; 3 tnunks; f stearner troook soilb rtound top: crrl table; bai- rmlornps; obesl ef droseen: boseboorlibeeter; Hoover v- cuum steuser; ORE. lotor poliols. er: telephoie toble: White oew- fng moochitne; 2 onid neking cbairs; quooistity of gooli Hioms, towefs and olber testiles; orn- meols; oppro. 20copsoand seosers; ohbet glosses; eigbl ploce setig of disties, glaoses etc., etc. TOffS - Aluminium stop laddr nown roller; whelbaîhr- rose; cross cut ion and othor hoodysoos tools; gordeni tono; bes, t-oem, pick etc.: Laoos Boy faon mioIer Mosoy 3 b.p. 24" riduisg faon mowcr; 38' - tension lolider; 2 large wooies botroIls, M0 gel.; fable with oni- broSo:a ot'borife desk; ctolfec tobles bird soge; boby btgy; ofsypoo: ondi offse- baby eqoip- Mr. andi Mes. Bof bob have solli tlteir homc. This maîcriol ba off ho geai condition Loeh booth« aI sale. OIroer or ouctioneer nt ra- mosible for accoidents on pro- mises doy of sale. AIORSI R. SpPECE Auctioneer. 2dM6 RLt, S Georgeton., 17 REAL ESTATE