Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1972, p. 5

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Bantams. am sf111 Trou nce Preston club 10 - 0, In cotention Mitchell brilliant on mound On. 7Moda.Da Thomson batffedfleofse leading Geakoille fa, o 6-6 ie., aid Dan Bayoton gave op one ru on foourbhits inea -1 viltory ocer Sîreetoville. Thomon scottered 12 bita bot gave op only f00 esred ron in the Ilie wilb Oakville. Campbell- ville scoreil Ivoe rom I the f frs1 lui lobte tbe lead on a walk ta Roberto, Boynfon'n oingle and a dojble by Colie. By the thl listig Oahoille bad polled abeed ollb o ron i Oie necond and ueo more in tbeir Ibird Ilseever, Campbellvitle rngainnd tie lead wilb o single con i their tbird on singleis by Cilerie and Gadd and Eorl y; aod a walb to Roberta followed by singles by Corrde and Godil plafnd Oie go abnad riin in tbe foorth. Tio mode tie mocre 4- 3. Gabville onol abead elb a rn in theliftbsnd fwooitheofllb Causpholleille scored twouce i tie osth. Charles Cornie lodthIe l0.it Causphel 1011e affacb oft ab double and thee siogles, Scott Godil doubleil and vingled toile, Scott Early bad f00o singles and Dan Thomson oingled once. Thomson ioiproved bia personal seaslo record ta, fou oins fo lussles, and a fIe for filn of Causpholîville's 13 pofits. Streetsile Gaone Don Bayifon earned bis finIl -ân ofthe sessionvil a four'hf, eigbt ofribroot performante( gaetSrefavotille. Bayoton On Safurday, Aog. 5, Camp- le ey one vielli and bis hfilville weil f0 Preston sot on feammnaten played flnolensly by a coivinring If-f score. babild hM. Garief Mitchell tiilenf alI Oie way for Cacophoilville aid rame Campbieilville jomped ifto a 2-0 up oeith a brilliaif effort. Ho lead i Oie lirsf wbei Rtobertu scalferedflreebhiloasobe srucb singled, Cornie wolivei, aid outl14 anomufsalkedovl Earlyand Gadd both siogîrd. The fOr tfie nmo' inouvgs thero gaine Oieî settlot osto a pif cher's wece only fo halls l out ouf the duel, wifb Slreelovlle gelling isf telil. George Moose for their lomeriuninthe foorfb, and Prestonîlso wet iflltheoay and Campbellvillti adding anofber toao large exten if ho av vtic- run of OiiroClint he holom of tmuaotbybhis oiwnildiess and, Oie fourOi innmng. Nursing a 3-1 shoddy support by bis feam- fond infu Oie sxtb imning Oie moles. He alloonil 10 rois off V fiaor naIly puf the gaine mine bits sebile slribing ouf 110r, ooyvftbree rone onu a w1k fi wulbosg nie and biffing oie Roebinson, Bertanusî's double baller. ond a inwerlog triple off Oie left Campbellvîlle scored tbree field flore by 'Ti Roberto. buses in Oie second. Faggiusn Rfoberta sSeothOe sisfb rus on siglot, siole second andl Oieî on infiel groonider. llit lb noîei. Bof b runners advanceilon a weild pifcb and Oieî 7oi Robertl lthOe Campbell- Faggioî scored aid BSith oeil vllt. afacbifO a aingle, dooble lu Ibird on another oild pitcb. aid friple, aid Ted Fuller, Smitfh scorel after Mont- Ciarles Corrie, Scoff Early, Scott gousery's sacrifice lly wbicb also Gadd and Don Bapif on aIl advanced Evans, wbo bail singled and Gary Berfaîson walhed. il second. Mifchell's dooblot. double then scoreil Evans. Bruce hvv eri. is ain ING Inquie nfto rai practice ,d drainage Sa drainage fîfitaties a mon, oeil n Ait' In se Drainage giraisband piviov of the s assoîiatnd ; dividal or f T 15. 1912f Si attend the n tfns andl ne and pface Il ail persseS vd Drainage fourth rus in Oie foarfb mnning oben ho oalbed agiain, oeil 10 second on an inlielil ouf aid scoreil on Houris', single. Campbelleilie scoreil 100 more i the fifth litmak ilf-0. dndrews singleil. menl 10 seonîd os a passeil bail aid Faggion oalhod. Snsib' infield it fuloile the bases andl Ihen tuo couis causei oben Oie short stop erreil on Montgomery's griseder. To rions Tsno more omns crossed Oie plate for Causphoilvîlle in Oie eîgblb. Boy Evuss siîgleil andl Midgets defeat OukviIIe Milfon Asuto Body Mîdgols sroreil a 9-0 viltr over Dabvîle aI Daksîlle park on Aug. 3. f<erry Close oeil the distance on the mounil for Milton; ho struck out soven Galteilie ballers otolo hoe gave up firee bita atd fou free passes. '1he 100 pîlchors Brait Hatton and Mîke Forci for Gabville struck outlsrcrs of Millos's baflrs andgave upîivrhitsanid nune lice pusses ta lirst. Brait Hatton mas cborged ihth slorss. Audy Hall led Multon's altack ali a big triple aid a single; ote oingles more by Ken t dsrnng. Sfeve McCatn aid Deug Timbers, Our min andilossa record to dole s 11 oins andl seveo losses aid bave tbree gantes loft looil se oar shedue for ibis seaoo. Brampton wiii ho in toms 'flursday aI 6.30 pus. for 000 final meet with hem. i LTON TELEPHONE AMSWERIIO SERVICE 0 CONFfGCDNTIAL * COUROTEDUS le aa PERSONALIZED t_878-2020 osent f0 secood on Foggion was safeonianerror. Faggioîn sou 0f second aid Evans advanced f0i Ibid on Chester's fielder'S choice. Chester stofe second and the both Evansand he sred on Smîl's siogle. aîjiufflsoe il SOeur tnliusi he ti)i of the iuth Michell tas lot by the pilcher aund venil lsecondil a vild pif.b aid Iben 10 tbid on on, iffielil out. Rîch Mitcbell osalbot and fbel; Roy Evans' single scoreil Gariel Mitcell aodto Bîch Mitchell aroid f0 fbld fromssherehe scored on apassed bail. Micro friplot .Maoure Iluir aid singlot for Pile anod (.tssario svgled. i Oic [uorus lio aed Si," unhfi all,îtglcd tufuce foc iuuctubcillulc. Garoci Mitchell doubied usd Dos Hearis, Bicb Miltchell and Pefer iAdrews ail sigled. Four f0 play in ail star Augusi f Causphellville fefeatail Preston for fbe necondl loy on a ow. This buse Oie score oas 6-.2 andl Bay Tînelli oas Oie inner over BîckODrtotos. Toîrili orîf f0e roule for Camripbelieille ailoousg bu iouns off sis bita. Ho oalbot fitre andl ilruc . Xoutfeiglsf.firfoeigave up sxrois off il bita. Ho slrscb out one, oalhed oie usd bif 100 botters. In the second Preston went info a 2-1 lead as they scored gain. George Morre mas sale on us erroroownt totird onîsuccessive ifielil outs aid scoreil on Casarons double. Cainpbellville came back in the botfom of Oie Ibid 10 score toîco and thus tabe a 3-2 lead. KensMuoo as safeon anorror. Heooenlto second on Clemois singe andscoreduon Faggioi's double Ibaf also ebaseil Ciemeîl arouîd tou lird frous obero ho semeil on as game The score remamnei 32 uîfi the ottoîn of Oie sevenOi obo Causpheilcîlle scoreil three. Hearos opesoil the bail iîiîg oulo a long bouse run over Oie rîghl centre fieldl feoce. Moore stîgleil bol oas calleil ouI slOOliso. Don Hearîs lodthOe C.ainpbeivu allack oîi a homo ruts aid two singles. Loris Faggioi aid Boy Eas boOi doableil aid sitiglot aid Bick leueslsîîgled toico. Ken Moore andl Bay Toielli eacb siogleil. 'ibere atîfi ho oo Senior gaine os Lauspeilille îeîf Sunday because tbal is the dole of the league Aîîual Abt-Ofar gaine The gaine oi 0ie in Guidas aI 4.30p.m. agaînot Oie Dooando Tfraveilers front Neo York Blale. From Campbollville. Pefer Aidreas, Khmer Drotge, Don Heorîs. and Gariol Mifcell oll ail probably s00 action oiOi Oie ASl-Staor. The Champiov, Milton, ont. Wednasdayý Aogoie 9, 19725 Moffat girls advance ta ORSA second round Moff 5 ndunfe gils gaine of Oie OBSA plaoufs Fridtr nstîb Sandra luglis but tie uuili cime eun ouf the gaine for Asth 1e score idicates, ail Oie Mollal girls wece btttiisg Oie hall oeil. 1mbd Deonis and Bar Thbomson sharot pitcbing dufies. Acususpanieil by a busload of pareils, Oie girls fravelleil f0 Oietila Satarday affernoon obece Oiey oui Oie second gainte easfly 35-4. Slandra Iggis, Km Henderson aid Lîîda Doînin eacb bit bamers for Moffat. Bue Tbomson pîtcheil the obole gainte. Moffa 0foili play eiOiec Erie or Soeahsrg ini fhe oeil round. Leagornenles In a leagar playîff lame lesf Wedîesday Ilhf tbe girls souîdiy boas Morrisfoî 35-5. Moflal bouse rami oece plestifui. Sbelley lsmoîd usd Clna Demuis bellt 100 eacb. Laurie Pierce, Sandra lîglis aid Bar Tinmson lt oie apieco. Michelle llibolowski mode us oulutaidifg catcb of a lino drive for Moffat. Second gante if iis sectes us scbedulot for Morristun tonigbl i Wedoesdayf. Moffat 12 and onder girls beat Pomsoîby 14-5 lin Oie firsf gaine if Ohir playoff socles Tbursday migbt. Tommny Hendecoon oas Oie oosiriig pitcher. The girls wece hîfbosg slidly, bot oece nil us sharp defeîîtvoly lollooig a too oecb layofI. Moffa 1f9I aid onder girls oululugged Poiseiby 15-Il i Ohic firsl playoll gaine lasI Tuesday ighf, Iben played toi us - I il-fi1 sos amning lie in the second four onings of the series opener game Monday might. foi Moffaf and Sharon fi- Uonda Denmus îlcbed the first. Careock hurled tlsfhee ILS AUT BODY USED CARS Complet.Iy recondltloned and safety checked 12,000 MILE POWER TRAIN 1970 MAVERICK 2 DOOR Filîhe in Indian ire fhis enomira gos sauer six coivos milS radio, mhite vous wheni counos. its a one omoos car outh 32.001 miles and tuas soid ne oeil sesuicoil Se Traflar. Lie 1,1590 Crnce 1795. 1970 FORD CUSTOM 500 2 DOOR An attractive medaum browmetliic exterbor, i's eupped uith VO8, aalsooic, pnweesteelooradoioweelcoers. duother oeeomsser car, ils cuorth ah ool i Le N8098. Clearance Q 196 SPIN WASHERS GARDEN TOOLS 1 159"9 164" 5/ OFF Lit BIG SAVINGS ON ELECTRIC, GAS OR RIDING LAWNMOWERS r Room Dividers 1 Grl Patervis with cose ievt UNITED CO-OPERATIVES 0F ONTARIO lelescping pifes Ston ce 000 for invesSani 878-2391 M0oday, Auguslt21 Bronfe Stf Muedan Shrougb Frîday S 5.30 MilIon Mfi il1 10 ie So co ilaturday 8i 5 Feed Service 8 MUSTANG 2 DOOR HARDTOP raloRngon ed h colsbioblackhtuvil f ansd uhoviel buchnt sls. douiped ith iconsole, V8, omatîc, radio, uhule cuafis aed cuveef coturs Lic. 52252. Clearance 9 0 Price 2195. îîshed ina b-ol eefIlic tis Cases eqaippnd wlth V-8, ouvatiu, power steovg powr brakes aend radio. It's a eowner cartoo anddon'lIlo ethrepower train warsl Clearanc Prîce c13 5 Trafalgar Motis vil1 close at 1 p.m. on Safordap tommencing Aogusî 12 through Seplember 2 to allous oui emplopees longer iceebends ZT IA4ML A tAIN ST. MILTON 078-230 FOM DEPENDABLI SERVICE 878-6380 Your Shell Dealer Campbellville's next home gaine oWli e this Sunday lifer- mone lit 3.30 p.m. oben they boit Bochongton. People discover, especially affer o usove thaf their refrigerator bas a particolarly musty imel thisansneil can hoe counteracteil by placing a ha1f of a lmm or icone apple slices imide the apphiafce. ND 'round, f0 d6 nck + - short OFF 12.00 $Si .0 10 gallons of gasollne AN î FREE GREASE JOB WITH EVERY OIL CHANGE THAT INCLUDES OIL FILTER B@NIN'FS ESSO SERVICE à Mail. K.. (et Broute St.) 878-33 OPEN 7 BATS A WEEK (7 Il ta 11 PM.) FoEso Gaand OlPodus sTes Mootepa tsf, 25 arvl ugIl Totao, ce Croes Oread, Soi Dril Confectionery FOOTr TROUBLES? ! s lti much pressure ATTENTION!! onatrvan n h nevs systeo on t ha boffoin of pour foot if can tause maffuncf ion for t ho falfowing: Feofl Tired? Bathache? Sore Fef? Painfulfilital Caf cases? Arlhrific Pain? Rheumafic Pain? Potir Circuation? Bafance and Co-ordination? Numbiesti or Cramps (foot aod leg) Aiznor National Arch Supports ... coalil ho pour answof - as they have bien for lheusands and fhoasands of athers in Canada and the'Unifod States. They are scienfîficalfp designed! f0 match the contours tif pour faa - makes wafking a ploasure agaf n. Recommended by doctors. FREE DEMONSTRATION AT Acton Shoe Store & Shoe Repair 81 Mill St. E.-Acîon Ploaso do net mise this opportunily FOR YOUR HEALTH'S SAU 0

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