Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1972, p. 3

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Planning Board sh@cIoed Discover Hydro maip has Esquesing powercorridor 100 M. îra o Matlnee Set. 19 Shnaîd lieamare "Cilioems Ibaald hae omare of thua North-Sout corridor mbicb wil go tbrasgb many Esqmesing feoma and praparias, Craig nidl, taaadering simaltanmlasy tahethar Ontario Hydr liadt parposely tait hel the infarmation ta avoid tae ind of prablima tey hava encamntered an tae Picharing ta Nonticobe tranmission lina. TIse Soanda Cammission la preseatly coasîdarisg the implications of tha Picharing ta Nonticohe 5M0 km transmission lie. The coalition of Coacarnaif Citizn o rcedtha issu wita briet accompoaed hy acer 5,000 signatures ta Ontario Premier Bi11 Davis. Mr. Craig naid ta nmd tae infarnatiaagleaedfromLbitaria Hydra's suaission ta the Slandt Commission taere tae ail naurres of information acadlable ta planning bard." 00e are trylaf ta find oat mare lram Ontario Hydro about the proposai," ha nid, but ap ta trams aime bod boan ansar- cegaf ai. Il te North-Soauth corridor fllatas tae apprasimata lines on te map tare la na daabt tat taownship rosidans taili ho cancernad, Craig maintains, ipecially la telight af tae loch aI infarmation about tha ase ond bpoer af tha prapased lina or luis Meautahile Onaorio Hydro sahasîissian ta the Bolonda Commission confirma tat tae Holton Arna transformer station tall ha connected ta tae mois corridor, bat of lacs little mare information. Ilydro defeada Hydra deleada thair chaire af route foc the Pickering ta Nantîcoha as haing hmsed an sourd, praclical reots inclading enviconasantal factors i t confortas ta goosi caasmuaily planning thi it casses the least disruption ta praperly ataseri and the larniing commmîity, consistant it tae aecessîty of building lunes rcaonahly close ta population centres eic itncolcaslfemer river crsigi and (di affects tams taoadlot acreago. A North raate tracersing tae Esarpaseat in tha Mana Mils area mnd crassing Hightap 400 ort of Hallad Marah mos enaminas lot loand ta ha mach lass dasirabla than the route chasea, retorred tanas tae Middle A Sout Ronte, tabicb crassas tae Escarpasent narth of- Spaysîda, posses south of Gorgeowtn, nart of Brampton, and bomos a course loameen Klamhacug and acrans Highay il hatmaea GOak Ridgas and Rich- mand Hill mas alan considered. According ta tha repart it mas tamd ta ha mare disruptive tan tae Middle Raute hacanse a larger aamhar oI baildinga iroald ha allected mnd mare people waald ha diilacaled. Il tanals alan, croala a second artificial ancerance bernier rieur tae Parki- il Boîl la Vaaghan andi Marhham townsahips. Seond part of the Hydro saaission doscrihas HYDRO'S ECOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FRAC- TICES "mnd ita commilasent la antais tae rigt ut oay aI a lsgh standard alter tae lia s bidI." Hydra nays lt siatm as a spocial carmmitasent ta pracide special treatasant in sensitive Save irle Hydra contntsd tat anly treas sich affect tae construction and nife aperation ot te lino milI hae removed and as manicipaliaies tahece waod Iota are acarce mIll andactahe ta relarest an ocre of land ehatahere lac every acre of. lions tahîc are rat along tae raute. Neta trons tad ha planted ohere neceîsary la icrean certain essentiol loctties, Hydro deauil and ecery consîdaralion gisan ta the protection ot taildlila mnd ais habitat. ta addition, Hydra nays tahen lener possihle Ibey tailI open Hion aWentarh I P C ancldate I Oal "0 isk For Zeit 71510 While tae spatlight bas hean an ltae praposedi Pickering ta Nanticake pomer carridar, meashars of Esqoasing township planinsg bonard are apprehaenaive tat Ontlario ifydro is gaing aheaif sitis plans for hydro corridor tlsat will. aplia the twlseap' Foiirth Concession, andi llnk: p eiti tae main 00 kw Uines. Planning hocards firat inldln taï; Hydro had plana far a Nor-th-Sout corridor was receipt of a map showing the proposaif transmisaion lâne coanaectlng transformer stations neai- BaWinafad and tae Halon airas transformer station betweea Druimqiin and Streetaville. "Thsis NortWsSoutti lina bas nover bean mentioned hafara. The finit mer mare aware of f0 was ait ltae last planning board meeting on Jaly 31," saidhboard memiber David Craig. "Wathaveatolhave a brief raady on thepropoais y tae ana of Aagast andi certainly don't feel lit gives ns enongh lime ta inveatigate aIl tise ramifications," Craig saildi. Tie in Dundas Aug. 3 CasphalciBe piayed la Dundas lac the second aime tis yaar mnd for the second lime camer out cilti a aie an tae to lamo eaded up alfler sevea uningsino a 2-2 dram. Dandas AIl Star pîtchor Bill Bogie tan aclaaiiy oal-pitcbed hy Campheiciie's roahia Ray 'Toreli altlough naîtier gaI a drcisîan. Bogie atiamed o rans aIl saven laits. Ha mathad so anc mnd structi out to. Taneili ailoed tii Imo trams att tour bita. He maitird tino and itrarti out taoar. CoasphaOlvilO t at1-f laad la te lirai. Hlearan slagled, ment to second talon Jordan tas put an luIr lhraugh the catcher's inter- lerence and scored taben tae rîght lielder dopped Dcedge's Bly all Salvation Armyl I PICK-UP TRUCK EVERY TUESDAVI 877-852L1 The score hacame 2-t for Camptielinîlie in the Ihird. Ciemani sasgied, oent ta second on Faggios's single mnd seored otima the Dundas infield lotchered Dradga's double play hlt. Dandan tiad the score aI 2-2 in Oua baituas oI the laurt. Quigley singled, oent ta second an LeaO- brîdge's single mnd bot mon advnced an a wld pitch. Dredge Ours caaght Quîglcy oIl third as Kciegas grunder but hae lhreo lodiy ta the plate and Quigiey scoreif. Amas thea squeeoe la L.ethhridge. Lethhridge bit Ima singles for Dindes and Qaigiey mnd Evans ecct singied once. The Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdaey, Aagaat 9, 1972 2 At Ihaîr regalar meetiag Monday, Jaty 3, Esqaasîng Caanrcil deall wîth Utae following items of buaîaass: -tiunil indicated an iterest il itant ciiat>ng in an tOntario lousing Corporationosurney cnacernag the needfor'aother senior cilinrs' hoosinai proiect as Hailoo coaaty. Esqaeaing already s hares part af the operating dot cil of te Gearge- taown iestar citiarni' homne. --Council tearned the Ontario Manicipal Board has dismisaard an appea by David and Mailn Muîrhead of a townihit comasillea oI adjaalinent refasal ofla request ta sonar 25 acres tranma93 acre parcel ofland on the ost hait oI Lait 6, Con. 7. The 0MB decisiodi statasi il oad hae pramatare ta consent ta tae severanca, ohîla tae loonsipis prnpnsedl official plan lis heloro te Minislerlfor his approval and miodifications. --Coniil romanvd a latter trainuparatars of Toronta Inter- national Dragway informing teas tey mutl matie every effort ta allaviate te trattie lie ap prnlilemn an the Iîl Lina nieur the itcagway. -Casni appraved sapplemantary raad espea- itars for ii yoar in tae aicand: of $69,000. $67,000 lis ta ha aied forimaintenaniceand 2,000 for bridgesandcolverts. -l.unireceiedua lteri thunktin Hornby BaI Clab for teir donation and the aie of a innow lance for the annaa Harahy gardon party. -Casanti roceived an invitation ta toar facditios of tae Grand River Connservation Aautority, Satarday, Aagait 19. -Ronce Tom HiIl sid tae tawnship tailI sol ha able to andertahe any major road improvements Ibis year la tae aae were tae 1004 taternational Plowing match wBl ha hetd an tae Eight Lise, snar Nerval. -AI the saggestion oI Cuncillor Dîci Howiîl, cnasicil dacided ta îand a roproientaivo ta meal mt the Salandl Com- mission, achicti han heen appointed ta slady tae propoied Ontario Hydro transmission corridnr lrom Pickering la Nanlicoha. The corridor may passlthroagh Esqaosmng. "l may selm liha a narrosn-minded rigtt of way lac a variely of uses, incladisg partis and racreatian. Saggestins tat Hydro woald avoid mach of the flocti generated hy opprimata of tae propsaid ino if lil mais installed anderground han haaa answered hy tae staloasoat abat tere la no evîdence in Canada oraottir porta af Oua wnrld taitther or or de andergrousd transmissian is Isartlratile for a power lina sacti ai tat halmeen Nanticatie and Pickearing. Meanohile, tae Coalition of Concecoed Citiaaas and nOuer groapi mlend ta present tiriefs nf teir Otan ta the Saladl Cannasssion, taaig issae mth Hydro statamonst. CCC spotiesman Lee Symmes af Terra Calta saiB hae coalif mat revealtao cantents oI teir oppoitionat Hpdro prnposais btis aspromadi the slow tat the CCC woald ha going, a litale farltier Ibhal eore in thair sahasissin ta tae commission. He said it la tae IJCC vieta tat Ontario Hydra tiasn'tcrrecly deveoped moîghted criteria for destigning a systata mad chaire of routes. No charg e "Iread Hydro's tif ta tae commission," ha said "and mas sairpriied Ihot Hydro tias mIt chmnged ita plans in any may abtie of tarm in the lait awo yaars plan." Synanai said Iharo li a shgtit change la thal the oldîti of theo propaaed power corridar has Sean pulled Sort a FINAL SUMMER ITwikscoi /I .1 BRE J baoar meeting wîtb al tremblera af caiatgil prmaient. Always do rîflit; Ouas ma g'aSlfy ane peapia aad astanish tie rasa. ~~~"DSPENSNGOP ICIANS S005ulst Prnsstondss Fillet e Contact Lass H0805- 30Pm1HOU RS - MneFri9a.m. -530. Mo. &Wed. :30 a.m. Thamrs.i9a.m. 0.0. *6 p.m. Cîosed Satardap Friday 9:30 arn.- 6 p.m. 175 Laheshore Rd. E. 70 MAIN ST. 845-3621 878-5151 OAKVILLE MILTON 610 leel tram tie original proposai anar 700 taet lot tae ane namhar af tamars mnd ailier rtiaractrristicm are planaad. As hae sons il Hydro desiganer tae corridar and nota ara stuci taittitl, agnoring neta davelopmants la transmission linos sacti as have been developed la the Uniîted Kingdam mnd the United States. "'lhay hava dose a bail of o gond jah ta givre as choap alec- S'iraI anergy la poil yoars," Symmes admala, "hat la tae prvies aI oortimg tait tae systen tae oorld bas gante hy." Ha saîd the public's raqaîrementa are ditterent; not ta tae cheap elaectrical onergy syndrome Hydro han en taortiag ot. He bonIs the CCC loi gaI ta gîve teon a neta sel of guidelinea su Hydra cast design a rationa syîleas smloed ta presant day candtins. Mc. Symmes said ho mai anpressadowilh the tact tat the Solandt Commission and Dr. Satandl hiaielftt la een ta roneivo tiriets an tce propasid corridar froa individuals as moUe as inlerealed groupe, and srged residenlultosead in theirataa taaghta. They cm hae on any particular aspect ofthe praposed corridor mnd nonda ha any mare Ibmn a leater ta gain recognition, ha amphasîaed. 'Aftea ail," ho concladed, "Ouas sasmeting tat is galag ta affectai] ut Sautern Ontario, na laîl a Ina idividuels." DONIT miss TaEi OUTSTANDEHO ýf r M OMORE FOR THE *DRESS PANTS *MEN'S CASUALS *SWIM SUITS *WINDBREAKERS * SHORT SLEEVE SI * WALKING SHORT! LOOK FOR THE 1/ 200 MAIN ST. FREE PARKING AT R O ROUP OF i MEN'S SPORT '19.95 PRICE MEN iIRTS SPECIAL CROUP 0F LADIES' DRESSES $5-1$ i$10 FOR THE BOTS JACKETS SWIM SUITS T SHIRTS SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS WALKING SHORTS MANY MORE ITEMS 2 PuICE TABLE WITH DRESS AND CASUAL WEAR DEP T MENT STORE to 6nDad. Tha rs Fruday MILTON 878-9261 ni EAR 0F STORE 9 p.m. attitudeafarsnat ta mont it ta go thraagh the tawnahip, aaid Caaaicilloir Hawitt 'bat Imput bere ta loah nOter Esqaeaiag people's iatereaa. TIte rast cant laok alter tbemselves. , Reeve Hill1 presided for tae V46 For Qua1iý and Friendly Service FLOWER e SHOP MILTON PLAZA Weddhg Delgns Annýver"ries E 878-2881 Hopl A,,.,g,ý,ht, ::: :', I, te, Come to Whore The Action Is MILLGROVE SWAP METEE LdaCanada's LagestSa tu e p Trl bUyer's and seller's Paradise. Open Every S he ne daMySn 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.'ad s c T re also 8 00 0 r , y u y wIt 60 - 85 Dealers, Antiques, Crafts, Leather, Pine, Lea v ry T'u n q es' aWr Brass, Coins, Fish, Vegefaables, Guns, l t Sun60 85 Dea 1 er A. bu y t - C g P Upholstery Goods, etc. etc. Thee Big BB aa r nn s aa re a Is. open 9 - 5 p.m. every Friday and Saturday with u t s r' P 0 T Dargains Galore. da and Sat rda h l rn I ' t 1 ' ' 1 ' MILLGROVE SWAP SHOP ted ig rs 689-1051 Waterdown 549-3864 Hamilton G so ýwh....Yý ProP. 2112 Miles North of Clappison's Corners on Hwy. 6. ao. Mawhinney, Prop. THROW THAT KID OUT# MOTHER! Just use SLCIairt Latex Eggsel Finish torall your intenarls Ah the playfulnssofnv.,aren o alngn'î,ea 11j lough The lnysof see ng hem wre ail -.!ct [nfa c vla n 1oll over yourallaS The uge Io Adei ýS hie.s fan h. s3 101 SI s c' tatriaiurge fora noment Ca, s Latex Eggsheil Fvsn - And ead aui St. Cia, SLatex ta.e van 'a,yscubbhvgs.- Hee1ag san e v.sv ' ofyucr e yu al own wallIpotect 0 Il snasyto apply With p.,. nu Theos'...st 7 95 a a iouodou r It 'snunlablenvwhite galo ut 5 it r C iln and rh olos Andai olyraa lied tîtan ho-i 'theakndo, se SogP Oa ai, oa celv p ah Iltg.eiayoaaalls a sot and :nua,,, ~: SClair The paint and paper people Now 20 Stores ta solve your decorating problemrs andi save yoa mioney MILTON PLAZA 878-2629 'loronta Lino (416) 826-1518 -i K THE FOLLOWING AUTOMOTIVE DEALERS WILL BE CLOSED SAT. AUG.12 AT 1 P.M. AND EACH SATURDAY AFTERNOON THROUGH SEPTEMBER 2nd FOR THEf CONVENIENCE 0F OUR STAFF DURING THE SAME PERIOO " Richardson Chov-Olds " Gallingor Motors Ltd. " Trafalgar Ford Lid. " Milton Chryilr Badge à stoni

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