2 Thse Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednasday, Augont 9, 1972 Milton without hydro power following Oakville accident Office esspioyees and late ming iog'serns ere forcedte, haiii a nd bceod nsicad ai tieîcsui breakfast afteruacac actient in Nnrtit Oabvitie discsptedpaaier service la Milon Wednsday moring. Hydca pauser usas off tran, about 8 arn. tr 9 ain. and durisg that peniasi inany of Oie services aie tubse for grasted usere usaaiiable. 'Witen there la no eiertricity you can't piug la a bottie, aabo a piece of toast, or fill your car usith gos," reaiai 0. L. tladiey, manager of Miltan Hydrn Hadiey ays Milton receives its hydro powser uioag tain tees i es fota transformier station in Orose. One lise traveis neur Oie CNR lune, ushile tUn second ose flInas along Highusay 25. Bath âns aie labo a feedlag station Milton Hydro inaintais os Bronite St. Murit of Miltn'n pauser la supptied titraugh lte tise travelling sear Nlghsnay 25. t usas thua line ushih usas disrupted. Paoser break Accardisg la Hadiey a car strurb a paie along this lies aI Bhitansia Rd. and FoocOi Lise in Oabvie. Tise paie usasat hrohes bul the bine bad becs îanoncd enougb to break off pauser. aecause of Oie cor accident maay haines and stores usere deprived of pauser, bot aone industries, nacit os Oie F. L. Robertson Co. asd North Assericas Racbsveii Lid. had ns prsbiern. "fluase indantries an, serviceif y thliste whach couresaslang Oie CNR tracla - Oii la usby hydra service usas soi broben," Hadiey exptlas.m Power restored Hydra pauser uase reatrred ta Mdltrn ity 9tan. and masy people usay haove thaugit Oie defect in Oie pauser service bad itees carcecled. Hausever Oie hydro btreab usas not casspieteiy repaired ostit lter in the morning. Tie etectricily Msillet came bacb laf Miltos ot sin, o'ciocb casse traint Oie Une ushich fotios Oie CNR riiuay tracbo. Mdlton Hydro hadt allde a "susitcb" , bal Unfare daiag se Oiey had la oblala, periaSsi fraint a castrat station laCaabn- citle. nie castrol t ationsinaais an laslantoaeoons syatein ushich usaras of asy change or hreak la hydro pauser. Befare Milton Hydra csuid inalle lthe susitch officielsaltboh contrai saaion bad la Une sure ibere usoutd Uen uo danger frsm overadlag, Hadtey clis. -Afier a carefut stody Oie Cooboville statios gove us Oie go- abeadi ta minte Oie susitrh." Hydro usas reslared la Miltsn about 9 ain. About 10.30thOe break la Oie icst lise bad iteen repaîred. Miltas Hydro ltes susitrited itac t t aat Uine and o balance usla restrired Unluseen boOh feeding Uines. Wites Milton Cuscit aind ather North Halasn Muaicipat Coancila ment i Miltan tigit Oiey usuti diseuss their opinioms and deaires for Oie future of Halllan County la a regianai set-up. At a meeting of Aug. 2 Milton Couscit discussed tite TECO repart and their ai repart on Oie reslcscturing of county goversisent. Mayor Brias Beat suid Milton couricîl bad reucited saute ssnclusions and agreeint on a suinbor of issues ivolitg Oie distribution of pauser and resposnsîitîties in regionai gaverssseni. He îsdîcatrd there usere morie ureas suait as ptanning, usaler and seusers titat TECO recomssesOed as regîosui Milton Casiti fet Unsi itandied aIt Oie local tevel. He suggestrd Oie regiosat tenet sbouid handie eîtbor ait licenslag fonctions or nase a ait all Te mayar fel dag tanin sbouid mIt bouturoai reapansibity if usinai centrai such as fox bounlties and oilier siiiar oreas of respassihiities usere 10 ite regisutl. Regieatanature la Oie ruse of visater andf seusers ofoly those liaat are of o regionai suture aitautd he bandted by Oie regias ushite othens Oioutd Un itandied iuraiiy. Tihe TECO recomansedation ta bave na ssanly rada ceu met usith tUn appravai of Oie Mayor. ThaI isan ares aihere duplication ai staRf con Un prevestrdl. If there are asy ssvings la Un bad in u regionai ne up thul ix usUnre Oiey'ti itave lu Une. Tosîit ( Wednesday'sî meeting wtii Un s prprtios for uat cul eeta ePI ust Oie causty ivîtrif la attend. It asi Une Oie second of ila bind Oi yeur. Hinton named vicesscha irma n H. H. (Bert) Hlaton, vice- chaussas of Oie Shteridan Coltege Bard of Gaversors, usas eiected nice-presîdenl ai Oie Association ai Colleges of Applied Acts and Trrotogy of Onnio As ueinUnr of Oie ACAATC) executive und vice-presidext Mr. Hinlas wmli sitare i Oie respan- uiiiities of Oie Association la ressssind la Oie Ministry of Colleges and tlmversities and ta Oie Miter, tbe adoption and ospiemenlation of plicy ushicit ACAATO Uniteves is desuhibe for the coassas gusd ut aIl Oie Ontario coiieges and society. Charter member A citarte' sessUnr of Oie Sheridan Bourd of Gocervors, Mc. Hiltnas a appausted ta Oie Ointario Croit Foundation on Oie adaîce of Oie Board as liaison Untusees Oie coliege and tUn Crafi Foundatîsa. Fariner reeve ai Acta,, anîd formîer usuides ni Haitos coosiy, Mr. Huston bas served os the Credit Valley Con- servation Authority Board, Oie Haiton Governe.nt Study trqusry Commsission and Oie Ointario Coanties Assuios of.- Oie Provnce ut Ontario. nie neus presîdeni for ACAATO is Jean Watson, citairsant of Oie Board of Govecoors, Fashause Courege, tandon wide C.C. Lloyd, presîdent ni George Bruan Colege, Toront was eiectethe nwsecretary treasurer of THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Aaiiis ced os Second CoistrMon 00MUE wpIq VOUA HOSTESS moy not bave ths aiorid n a sting, it ste knais your cormuunîfy inside ouf. ifyoare neai n muse, cati her foday 1 Mrs, 8ev Gibson Phone 878-3447 ACAATOD. nie esecutive if ACAATO is compesied if lusa gavessurs froin sscb ai Oie four regianal coiiege districts la Ontario, plus tais pFesidests appoinird ity tie Caranitýee of Presidenls. FALL PA1R TIME Faor duys are just uramnd Oie corner-Milton's annuai tati Fuir ssiI Un heid Friduy and Saturduy, Sept. 22 and 22 aothOe loir groundas. Codce Oie dates on Tour cuiendor nous, you uson't want ta miss il. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS EoEaY TifES DAY Sp. Graca AniiUO HAVîNG A PROtu.Ean DROP IN . Corne dine with us ait the new SMIL TON INN Surf 'n Turf Steak Ho use Relax in our fully licensed Sulky Lounge Your Innktieper Ted Jaskuia MILTON INN Surf 'n Turf Steak House Milton, Ont. Choose (coin soc Steak Selectise Club Steak 3.10 oaealess Red Br'and S,in Steak 2.95 File Mino 4.95 (fsà Bar BOSporeRils 3.75 SPECIALTY OF THE HOiSE Surf andi Toi-t (Steak, and LobteFtii 6.25 Arove nedeirs seicei aiuh Chef Saiod. Osonil Pofaoo Gnion Rings, Dri'ii Bread anid Beverage Difuer iservodeei ..o 9p.m. MsiidAY IoThsday Spa. ta lien.Frtdoaod baîorday BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCHEON Uni'ondi2enoe To2pu. t1.25 Rockwell wiII seII marine division Nortih Aonerlca Raibuseli Car- poratian bave agreed tai oeil lhe Mariae t3ivlimof the fi (NR) ta AMF for an andietoeed amuant ot cas. Nantih AmerIra, Rocitaeti is tIai saint finis tuel Unught Ontario Steel tain years ago. Ttc Marine GDuvis consistesot Osree troat lies. Htutteras Yacht, Crestliner and Whttrft. Approvelrtarlèioa Tise boardsa of direetara of bath companibes have approved la priicipe tise transaction aihich la Rain hampers convention Notoce's aiatrr ittes aiere lassed on inediera of the Miltont tire Departasent and thter arn, tireinen in Moant Forest over the aieekend. The Annoel Convenio ofthOe ire FigMuers Association usas Uensg Untd la titat train, but the aieened's iteavy rainfail sst octivities sitort, reports Fire iet A. E. Ciement. ttsaever Milttans torce usas ablie tr inaite a good sbauslag la saine ofthOe events aihicit acre ssinpteted. Tse Ladies' Auxitiary captured second. prise la a tesater Unit gaine csntest antd Oie men of Oie bigande caine la third for Oie George Weaver tropity for Oie Ut oppeaclag group an parade. A relars aisdup suet viri Un Unld la Moaint Forent on Sanday Asg. 27. Seaa itets, rirat otfered on Northt Ansericas cars la 1955, octoaiiy pre-date autsoobiles. A patentusas granted laint t86oc top iteila to prevent people tros boancusng out of tast buggies. Tise Ontacio Safely Leagan says Oie ides fousd teai taiert. exe td 1 e Un ospleted 1oah .0 il la estiasated that sain, of North American Rurkweti'a Marine Division for isafiscat year anding Sept. 30,19072, wili exceed $3W illion. In aanouscing the saie, Rock- oeil saîd -the business ofthOe division is nnt as comipatuitle ali Nortt dAiericas Rochaietis losg- range business strategy os other business atrass gabere oar oeca- spore tecbnaitgy asd ailher resoarres cas he nmsre et- teetivety appied." Hatteras la a iedlttg inu- torturer of lisoy flhergtasa croisers and yachts ranging la site frot, 31 tant las 70 feét. tf principal tacitities are tocated ut thigh Psint and Neus Bers, Northt Caroliaa. Boots Crestiiner, usitit tacitities toaated at Little Faits, Minnesota, produces bath fihergiass and attaiin booats. ThuefiborgiasstIme of sports hoailla ranges froint 14feet tu 23 tant. The aisuvuin Une cnstats of bathî sparts boots and tishisg boots aiith iesigtha of 12 feet tr 19 tant. Wltetraft, iocoad at Winona, Minnesata, mnanufactures tuso types of detaxe basseboats. Bath are of liberglau o structioa ali 45 lst and H0 feet iengtiss. NR, a major taul.tittat sssapanty, la a indlag meanu- facturer in four principal mnarket ura :arspace autrmotive, eiecieonicn ond industriai prodacis. AMF is a worl'iwide praducer ut teisure tisse and indsstcia productif. la a separala ananancetnant North Asserican Rorbwei of Canada (NRC) said it aill phase solt operatioms at its 53-ynr-oid Oshawsa, Ontario, enechanicai sprlag plant sver the nest 12 lai18 inanths, John R. Green, Jr., vice president-aparations for NRC's Astraintive Produets Division, ansoanced. He said operatians Sait Un ssoved t a seai todern faciiity in Canada. A site hasnot Uen setected. Gresn saîd Oie canipany la mieeting uîith the union ta deternte Oie satan of Oie tan houriy peope crrely nnpayed ai Oie Osawua faclity. There is a toali of 137 people enspfoyed ut the plant, lactsding sotory and inanageinent personnel. Vano Mauro Wishes ta thank ail his customers for their patronage, during the 12 years of his association with ...FASHION BEAUTY LOUNGE STARTS THURSDAY - 10 DAYS ONLY APPLIANCES ... SavingYou More! FtEZ AAAY FOOtSIAT THEIt SEASONOL ttST els TIIEN EAT tOTTEt ALI VEut 'ROUND' ZENITH 8 CU. FT. FREEZER PlaIlts for sosills familie, aPanvent, coags, mobile hues. Fiai,,,..i Sc l nde Spceing id l s aObOS H44 293 040et3 sîMiv oi ENITH 123 CU. FT. FREEZER 0 sk af thèes ZENiTH feat-siss * Siay un" iueuiei0airsed Silent.s0a theotutinsmnislu gàtket aFd nudise s rn 0fwý 'sgnllgt id os Vil. Ily una food Ilg M hligbses iie REG. 249.95silat'e CONTINENTAL DRYHER ys ai, ' Oaidye FI DRE VEN KIT . ai,,, f i Tiub E ZEN TOCo'î,r,îlaor îSpir l "ad WsinU FiiîIiduitii ct~ion Msi u lar Perm.Pr ua ao thidiVetiKtiîqt 625 Press Supras t yces L F . di niite i l ois, ai. J 'i Fuiif,,talo lis,, i0,1,v, m to' iiH45fi9102t C N INEALnad uîa. Vi si tDiolyn Consider Hatons. future tonight d2 ROYAL CANADIAN LESION Brancs 136, Hilton DANCE J.C. & THE SQUIRES At nhe Legian Hall (Air Conditioned) Saturdoy, Akugust l2th Refteshess DANCING t i1 A.M. S3.0 Pair Couple STHE WINNER ofth ' OPTIMIST CLUB of Milton 50 - 50 DRAW For the Monnis of July, 1972 F. Harris 6378 Trafalgar Roud MILTON, ONTARIO D El Nanti piann aitead kw lis p North propo The i meet uf At inve ..Ci, Win g tarin, sa,d, ushet purpi infori on üi traits Titi prest usnpi Nanti Ine. CitizE briet signa Bill t Mr intior Hyde oniy anoît are t Onta ceust If folios un ti speci inter usAi Unes ME intor Hy roua Nant incle prop cent Cro 1 Z E N 1 T H ý