Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Aug 1972, p. 12

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T he Champion, Mitton, Ont. Wednesdoy, Augaît 9, 1972 #opn*flcs ouis know Ansang tise mainp noise contrlbutors tb our noise pollutions muait surelp be ilttded rock muic wich some parents tink thep have tai endure ta airdertai be "mlth iIt"'. Butat deor parents, poat need ns longer potheticotty put up mith tsait tond soid froos pour children's radio, sterco, air rock group. If youtre felt an ismard revialsion be it, poor sensitivity hais now been srientficatty praiven saiund. A serles ait esperiments cairried ot ovcr the past toa peairs by Temple Bell College, Denver, hais reveaIted Usait threle hoors ait rock musaic a day' "shisrvcllcd yaiaiag squash plaints, flattoocil philodendron ami crumplcd crn", ail is lesi thon a month. Es- periments mith hundredai of plants fros geraniums be beains showed thse plaints trled locecaipe tir Iisharmonlouis saisisi by teainng amap fromn IL Petuitas and zinnsias retuaied lai bloom, teaned amay trom the radio blaring rock moisir, and tiaay dled. Other petaias "tlsirnlngt tai sesl-clamical or crh musir hlaissamed aind zinnias taking part in the experiment grcw Tir phrase "truc farts" sets a joaroaiaitai leeth on edge--as if' there are amy aither bond ait "farts". Perhaps there are degrei Mf fair- ltair, in mih rase Use faiuaimtag commniataion from The Kentuickp Formner magazine makes sense. The eaisay mas draitted ta ansmer ta heats faddiaits mio bave becs aisrribing ail masser Mf dire physirat aifflicaitinita Use eatlng ait eggs. <Presumabty Usese "truc farts" mccc written hp an egg rodaicer:u Picklesai mll kiW p ou, sapo thse article. EverypîeklcYeu eot briigs pou nearer toi dcaith. Amaringtp the ttslskmg mas bas failed tai grasp tir signifiranre ail tir tors "ta a pickle." Althoaigb leaitg hairtlcultuists have long salid the Curaimis sativus possesses mndeiscent papta, tir pirble indostry rostinuesa ta expaind.. (l>Nearly att sicti peoiple have caten pickles: tirrefaire tise effocts aire aibviouslp cumulative. Il's hordip ema trac doais mbcn yoig peaiple gel "tiasted" for droga, and lo Use jodgei mhai sentence tir attenders the rases are gettosg tb be routine. The drug aicene is happening ta atmmst every itp lin tir mirtld, and Mrs. Chartes Ladin Mf 323 Wellingtoin Creairent haippaned ta be ta Main, Florida resetly mhen a 17-pear-old boy maai sentenreil lai a peur ta Use Comîty Starbade fair a dmug Mffencc. Wisal made Ibis porticulur rase Mf ostereait. arcordiaig be Mrs. Ladin - mndl1 agree with ber - mas Use lerture gtves by Judge Alfonso, Sepa durtsg tir seslosrisg be the boy andl bis purenti aibo were present. Fairbnairlp, Mrai. Ladin bad sacci mml Mf Use jaidgc's direct qotatîom, and I Usinti tisey are mcll mairtt repaating ta tis rataimais Tisis taaat tic said ta tir bey: "Do0 yoow om mit gailng be serve UsaI pear? Nait pou: pour mother mnd fatoer mit) serve that peur. Tisat 15 mhat's mrong. They gel senirnred. Thrp gel aientencd for o lfetime. Yaiu serve a pear, pour hodp is ta Use atockade for a peur, bot their seuts aire tarmestedl for Use mail Mf Uscir laves. Whp? tierasse paou are a aietflsb, spolled boy, thatai mbp. You Ibloti pou're amarter Usan cverpbndp cIse." Tir judge caintinaici: "There ta ns punlshnenî i thUe maid that t cmud MinlcI on pou Usait rouli tan mpap caisaai foc mirt posa aire daing be pour sother aind fatirr. t have nait spent titre rente raising pou, t dida't knoutpou from Adam. Bat pour mother and foUser have pot Useir titres, Useir ierns, thir smcot, Uscir mouep, mnd everptsing cIsc Usep have itt bringisg pou up. Nose Usep have be ait ta titis courtrous aind lisirn ba botat stranger who héad nothing tb do mlUs poils spbriigng acotd pou and put pou in straight and tati, In every caise rock music proved harmful. Sonme Urne agai a sludp undertaken bp tise Goodyear Tire and Rubir Compainy showed Usait ai 90 docibota Mf moise, tise humant blond circulation derreases, tir flow Mf saliva and gaistrir juilces lis reduced, and thc adrenain flow tarreases, prepairing Use hody for "lemergenry. " 90 deribots is tir levet ait kitchen noise ai its peak wich is presaimahly saimeisat lomer thmn the vlbrational impact Mf rock maisir. Needlesi b saiy thls level Mf moise ta destructive ltirth haiman body and saibjctio lai tis klnd Mf soaind is boand tai rantribute ta ainreait, tursol aind violence that breaks out periodiratip in sairiety. Parents would ir dolng their rhildren, tisemselves, and tir mairld a gond turn by "turnlng off" rock muisir. This lis 0ne instance misere parents siraitd furget about bing "wlth 10" and taike toc lead ta proterting rhlldrei who haven't tise sense be prolort Uesselves f romn des- tructive infleoenres in tir "nom" (2) 0f ail tir peaipir mha die from, cancer, 99 par cent bave cabon pickles. (3) 100 par cent Mfati saildiers have caten pickles: tirrefaire pickles must be related lai mars. (4) 90.8 par cent Mf ail] Commonist sympatiaers bave caten pickles. (5) 99.7 par cent Mf ail tir peaiple tavolved in air and auto accidents air pirbclsai mlob 14 daps preredlng the tragedp. (g! 93.1 par cent Mf aSl juvenile delinquents corne trom homes sehere Pickles aire served treqaienttp. Maireaitcr, ail] pirkle caitero born bettanen 1tU0 aind 1900 have mrinkted ain, brittle haines, bave lent mois Mf their iretb and are afficted mith allng epesigst. Rats force-ted mlts 20 paundi Mf pickles par day developed butgiisg abdomens and their appetite for misalesaime foaod mas destraipei. -Tir tiroken Arraim (Okla.( Letiger jal. "Tis is ai a lime mhen phonp kdai yeuxr aige aire pelllng 'Yaiu peaiple have pour ailcohait, me maint our drugai', and 'yaia have pailioteil our air and mater and pou have pallared this and trI' and ail Use test Mf tisait garirge tisait raimes ouI Mf pour moots. Mcainwbile, Yaiu Put pourselvei above everpbody dure. t feel sairrp for pou. I maint pou ta Uslak airait is for aine pear amd the maisons mbp I aiay if." Tir Jodge Sepa added: "If pou are ailck a doctar mI lmatpoaiai aM irman't be on draigai. The lamyer mbai represents yaiu maint be 10gb on drogi, mnd tir peoiple in mbaiae cuaitodp yoa'l botmaint bo on drig. Yoair astrainauts are notais drogs, and pour president lis not and poar legilattrs are nait. Anid Use engliceers mio bild Use bridgei Usait pou drive arrosi and tise tunnels paou drive tbroaigb are nait ais diogai. Antd Usaise misa boiild Use planes Usat poo flp os and the cars yaou drive ta are nait. "NeUser are thaise misa tiuild tir irtoroomai Usait pais stnk op mltb paiar routes, looaiy drogi. Naine Mf Uses bas ireîi drogi, and tisis taicame Mf peoiple bie poos' mather and father," aid tise jaidge. Then he sadlp raisrloded by statiig: "Buttan the morld Mf the ftuoe Use saime may nait ir troc, Teacheri, doclori, lamperi, legiliators - prndairts Mf tir ocos drog'airieailed geseratiain - map mell b igb as birai. You mont knom mhom lai send yaomr citd be or mhaim ta trust pour lIftela." Jaist as Jaidge Sepa rlaiseil Use book on Use case ir taild tir boy before bis, "let's sec misat mairtd pou leave lai pour ridren irtore pou talt about tir morld UsaI mie left ta ours." IP'rom Gene Tetpner'ai Col. - Tir W'minipag Tribune), CLINGINO TO0 THE EDGE Mf tir encarprnent tike a spider's otircil fromn tir air. It inlocated ait Use base Mf tise ensrpmenC sncb rtings bea watt, Green HIs Form, borne Mf ibis peors jrnt wesaoffS{lgmap2, northofMitsa (Phoo bpJ. Quain plate mlaner Vicboria Song, ta impresaive and eaisitp Jenningi) I've soddeoly discovered trIt my mite osnt sorti o lay tisas atter ait, and trIt mai01 wmrn airen't appreciatel by their boshands. taot meei t mrole an idytUrc coain airait boos pcacetol and iraîdt Il m as aI Grandadi, sout ta Use counitry, aiverbmbiaig the boy, quîi, cesîfol and aSt thol gMtf. 15 maso'! golf ait Use lisse, bail il ta mim. Il's neither peaetot or quiet aroaisd heme, thoogb lt'o stait iroolifot. l'es, mccce ail bere. On Use evc oft our depacloce, my silly otld oman steppd aout of thUe cor, tmîstcd tac sitty aitd anise andl soie the silIp oll Iblig. I hope Dor Leemai, asother old trimnd, iad bis breakfast UsaI maritg, becoose ir ccctoaily dîdo't bave aoy luinch. Here's os bodian girl mllb a sickbaby. Hece's 0 12 year atd boy bitg cacried ta hy a mocried folirr. Thie boy bas col bis teg badty. Tooriste. Hece's a yoaiog bld osho bas borscd bis bond tadiy. Hece's a yoaiog telloos mitb bis bond att rnangled. Hece cornes a vecy pregssant lady. 1se the durs Uste office, a csp of rofler ir's tryag lo sact betd ta aine bond, pion ta the other. t bom it'sai ad ose, ircasse irai bost bis toiai, jouiat, permona moiooec and bobks grave. irppog on aine fmot. Wbol a dittercaice froos Use ispersoaaity, anid evn loetficimrcy o ailes faiaiad tna obig City bospital. There toi, there anc dedicalod people doig Useir besl, bot thece's a massito papcrworb, o coldaieso, a loch afit ilacy Ibot li caUsler otf-poltbog. Weil, I've digressed, bot tir bospitl scSne lmpresscd me decply. Il's the may o bospitl sbaold bot fricodly, cosceraed, anid oslth a minimum ait red tape. Aaiymay, tir atd girl ta5 1yMIg mi tir cbestcrticld witb irr leg roiqc Il feeling forioos adfraistrated. Sbc's the type aibo docai evecythtag ta Use boome ait airait 8oi mites as boar, andl tir speed aI mhlrb t do Uses, airaI ose-tenUs ait that, is dclvtag ber Evecy lisse obe remeobshecai UsaIaiea goosg loi b obblîsg for sin meebai, coolt go sovuiaig or play golf, coolt gel al bor osasbîsg, obte gelsangcitr. 1try lai cheerher sp by sayiaig sbe'slocby abe is' in a faIt tcg rosI, os traction lor ais montia. Il dos't seem lai belp. To ber, tassoblty lis anathema. Taisa arderlies and Use medicat stodent me didait bom il mîtl sois dey. t tsar doms Use ballit thUe directioni oit the Meastisse, l'os ic'teacaisg o lait ait tir Usoogbt il mas probably a bail aprata. Bol as ambance garage. Ranisslg, Slot ouit. Sure thing t osed Io da ohenthUe bids mce lte, Use soroos il mas the saope and rotour ait a esoaigb, il lis a liai aine. Plaise crash jut a butthave aiboigbed off, ever se cassatly, aincr bOly maitore bcd, se off loi Use bospitat foc 1cm. miles outî oit toms. Use yeari. X-rayai. 'Thal mas qoilo an especiesce. Bt osose ait those dripposg bail daypa, and aise a tiatocday. Normally, a amati-tamn bospilt os a pcelly qoiet place. Bol os a Sailardoy ottectoos is mad'aiammer, lin loorîst country, the caiecgeocy mord os a bit oft a mail-boose. meoicce loctiy. The girl aI Use deait bail gone te aichool moUs my mde and baid ose mimes milles doms Mlore I coaitd openi my mooth. Asother ccool friedts a rse,mad Usoogb off doily, came lin ansd belped tn any mapai. 'iTic dur cml' loave. sic bm lo read X. Cootaog. Laimngbt forcdtaaier, sinoît aica rayai, bandage momnd andi detivec a boby. ptstoc, biîed ta their shis, baitirred Butl tic phones for bels ai the accident arome yomng caccots and iroos, aIisi steak asd and gorigh b achI me orb. Heai disîsred, aialad. Tosigbt, saosage, braiccili speors asd ircaosc beai o flymng hoff blmaicîf. osholover claie tarais oy. Bol be docan't sowo il. sic gei rigbt os Hoosemocti. l'vesmaderny bcd, atter mtly lodîsg math adosng bosorn, iobisoi, catig Uscee dapai, vocoosel the rug and dose Uses by their list noses, doosg aix taigi about 000 dishei. JosI finiibedi mmbtag oust at once, t Ltelec tic ld me there mccc 1mai a bcassicrr and smc surbai killed, latier and sais, os Use crash.) s i îatty 000a1loo aI my mite's X'ray, cbeerfotly bold ber yep, it mas broben, and aiflly mnd aibititstiy mode and saopped os a mathose cosî. Thece mas ose durlor and aine medicot isodeol os Use lob. lIn pooiced tbe patients, 'fisc torses, Usoogb connisg ta ail and t cooldolt bclp adslrag Use may the directions, taimd lise to pot bier ta a saffot coped, i0 the appotimg beot. miretchoîr, gel os ouI bo Use car, and ltoaoed as a maither, a tbtag Pao posb abead ait aou, Comment in briefly Tirreai a saive atout ta Burlngtia te gel some signai erecteil on tir Quecai Elizabeth lgbmap and Hlghmap 401 ta show Use boirdiersofM tir bais Mf tuionglon anid promette tir tomais comiaig rentenniot praigrasn. We con sec the valoe ait belting QEW maibristi bom mben Ibep're emlcrimg ansd beaviaig tuioton, bat mby Higismay 401 ? Il docin't paais Ibrough tuiabtos, matter Mf fart iti metail m dloser Usan abouti 1mai mites frais tir lomais nortbern tip. We tedl Usere are enoogb signai on Use 401 distremmwap naiw, withoat adding maire te point the moy be timnai vssing ta capitalze on their nearnesi lai Use roadt. Noimber aine sommertise tapir ta Mottas thIs pear, tir Mais SI. recon- strortions program, lis fast boaiisg gromnd leai o eos opir. Il's railel Hobiday Ooc-Upmnanaibip. Everpaine me've talkeil lobas becs beaaiting aboot Useir trip, Useir mleage, their tans or Usear bfildap troobles. Had ynurs pel? Tiere is one verp large turie inhabting MitIon's stît pond ai Conirnnal Park. Severat people have repocteil aigbting it smimmtsg araiund Use pond, bat be date Use piano has elaided our paraiig phaitogrops. If maine spots Use mooster, pirase pitre our office a cati. Measmie, smail rldren aboobld be marmed bte ep amap tin case il furs ouI tai b lIse smappiaig varietp. Polire Cie Rap Asidreais tells os tbie theftta are gettimg lo be a praibtes ta tamn, andl ail cyctisti are urgei ta bock Up Ibeir vebirles, eaipariabp mben parking tocs in poublie areas. Il dein't coolstic for a podiocheil chain, asd it may belp Usmart as expansive Usd1t. In Use pasi four mosa tiere bave been 20 bUses stobra ina Milton and six Mf Ibm (ail tbe tai-speei varirtyt ore stil1 mlssiog. Inseainem cilies, sirotisg bites for resabe is a bhriving bosinseas. tic rarefu! Emecoive and staff members Mf tir Quaisset Hait Coiffe Homse sbaitdd be comgratulatcd aon Useir intentioin be botd sign langnoge courses ail Useir raiffee bouse. Juaitine Filipomaiki exptaincil np Mf Use OSD poaimgaters enjopcd goimg ta the raitfee house but rommuicatini mere oflen a probirs. "Tbep arc just ais metraime as aspbodp ebie amdif Ilwe ram romn- municato better mapir mc mIl sec more Mf Usem." . l'Il copie. Homever, il mdll ira lopboit day oshes tir lady ofthUe bouse cmn gel off bec bochaido mnd gel tact o doîsg att thaise Uingai Usat lobe ber ai short, and me se lonig. Hioosemîvei of Use morlil, I saltail yaia. l'i neyer agais asti, "0 t lin Use moctd do aou do ail day, oshen l'os at osort?" Neyer. Nom t bom. We viem mIto a greatdes]t of intereait a tibf satimitted be George Kerr Haibai Wcest AlPP aind Miniter Mf Cobtegei amnd Unlversitiai bp Haillon Contp tioard of 'Élducation Triustee Vero Conneti. Caimdti suggests Brure St. Scheool shaiatd be kept as a isibricat building and smse mse aither thon a aichoul be faimil for il. The goose Ihat mas lent tai tir vsioge ail tiolton be add cotair tai tir temais craitensiat bas becs sent barti ta Use tacs ti crame fmom. Iteason? The big feiaim baoked s0 mairh in Use eomtp rours of thse tning tigbtaitepam ob- jertel ta Use toms fatheri. Nom he s a gaine l'aime. Our seighbir tlls os Usat tir irait coca' formwaterais Use kmec js ta pitre tir baby bock tb the mother. Mas ail the boom-Usé aine mhose mite lobd hlm tb mail a minute. Visitairs aaid potentiat porhasers ai Wispap's Doirset Park Subdivision ta Milton sbaotld take rare tai prevent paimg ridren frais betag baimed bp light irtir pbugged Into eloctia soibt josl above flour taveL. In variou caoorfi shades, Use bIs protide a natural attraction to pouagaitero and fcer quite, a bomn if taairhed. Pages of the Past Frait Ctsttnon Filtas 20 years 090 Takeailcoos theiseofatle Cassdlss Chrampion, Thorsady, Ausaga7,19552. W.A qolnmiag bridge mssa i tirI omai W.A MoDasotU, driver bifo rsapr Mf Waiodslock Us.l 1w and Use 5-tes frotter troUer mnd eaU Mf tisse Uc mans bosllig marc indageraofptasgag 15ftacta Use eraeb bai Mf Use Sitleai Mle Crack lin Para ouicm mâlesa ioclb Mf Milton. Mcfliaod aid 1w gove 'or Use gas" basi t ime 10 rcdi sa elybcare Use 30-tai slndl fromne bridge bockled sud tepplad toone aide. Police ald lirh béad sol .ccorotsd wee be tait thc bridge breab beneUs bis truicb Usa vebile moatd banc crasbed, borpiig bim bencoth rubble. fluird reodita 10 bp-tam graslling Ford Ca. ait Coanada permison te itae a mater- osais mnd stors semaer tramn 1s ropcrtp damai the Ninth Lise te Lobe Otaris mas gtveai by Trofolgar Towmshbip esoatcîl DOkvilte 1mbk Use Holteai Cep as Uscy dofeoted Compbettnlille 4-3 tna o Usd5 pacbed tome aI Cotnpirttnillc on Wcdoesao, Jalp 30. Coospbetlille mir mare laoisg 4-1 et sac lime baid 11w tietag camain second mlUs aSbp mie ouit ta the test Mf Bhe ainat bot teilcU te racre Use cbncbtag raai.. Milton Coastil epproncd pla for rast route prainided for is o bastasat frem Uic P. -L. Roerton estae. flac naecap a weeaalboriiad b pracure UsMe irasUs opprovaothe11 enecuos Mf the altaI. M. A. Campbell, A. Zimmermas mnd M Elles Claepmn, Omagh, ami Mr. mnd Mca. Rap Cailer ollandad Use inserlal service tac Johne A. Madama, piaseer in Use folk scirot movemmlt ta Canada et Unias- tille. 501'yeors 090 Takeatirm th sue oaf TheCamailiaa Champio, Tardap, Augast 10, tlI, Actons rote tac 1922 ta 47 tailla. Branle's aiem otlelo parh ta jat ast Mf Use village, on tIse norlb aide ai the Toroate- Haloton ltigbmoy. Tlsere are sevn aces of aotley tevet tond, mlUs o "sbiataid" diaomd. There ta o cluobase, miUs a rrosmeit ramIter mnd Uscre are plenilpoM sealo. Thse Moul mnd Empire bas ismed o splendid boIt c eaiury number, giving partlars ait soial, idstriot, oduatias, ogcicuail an d commaercial denetaiotiant looim 18i72 ta 1922. Loil Soiodap Ciet Constable Cmonep Mof Adtos, baiaigbt C. H. Percy Mf Erie,' Pennsplvanie 10 jol. Pcrp ta masne et Erie tac non-support ait bis mile ami as escortil! cesse torhis. lise rbiMf did sasse rcor mach, ta gcotting thc mas. At Use Juniac Formera' gordon porlp aI Use teir gromids os Salordop evatat Ushe Miltaon sccer teste bleui CredOt Vole 21 t . John Ba, ait El Pao Texas, ta vboitiig aId triendo et Hacnby mnd Miltoin. Mr. and Mca. Adore Chitaboir, Mf tcb- part, Nes Yack, iUs Uscir chldrcas, are nualting retlaniesi thUe nctgbboraied. 100 years 090 Toben Irans Uh ssse oflTheCasadoau Champpion,Thorsdap, Aagaast , 1872. A M. Jobs Nem Brunsmick paper ilotes UsaI lre mccc o tess tUsas 90applications lroo Ontarioi atone toc the 100 pirls broogis out by Miss Bye. The steamer "Peran" braigi ouI an ber presesl trip 100 or more and Mass Bye mill maet Usemn mi Ieir arrinai. mie banc beord o rineir, mbicb me gin e fac waibt il as mains, Ibal Sberiff Meisdsey, feeding caUser ossecure ta bis candidature boas resolned be relis bis sBire, and dlom Use Han. J. Hl. Cameras miose dotalt taPeet os Theodoy nex aliciniderel airaIt crtain, tormni ti tcoumtp. Tflict of Mr. Cornerait holitdng a meeting ta Oabaile Usis eenaing, opparenily te pane bis mop, calt gins sine rolactag of troUs t btUe ruiner. Thme mal l. lise Minsleristists are mobtng greal eftICI ldeteal Mc. White mnd are boogping oif Useir slcenglb, bat me sec no caises te itiohl Mc. mhilo's retoire bp 10e aid uoilp. Thotîbe mIl continue te bo ftalb 10 bis Refaien prisciples o aine doubia, aUd ose roait onceive ofaionp triend of gaicd gocerimeat aI Ubs moment vaiag for adih o monoas Sheriti McKindsep, mit a o dped- os-tbe-mioi Tory, mnd mil nener banc o Usougbt tadependen Mf Sir Johnr A. Mie- Doald. A meeting Mf the Milton Totel Abstinence Society anal ir beld ta Use Temporanre Hall os Wcdoesdap, Aug. 14. 01 TH E CANADIAN CHAMPION Pu t . tb aoat ttacc ttOaa a ta'S PR tN O fN AN PULSHN -ia. o5sc'nattaCO5 -, moche Hoirai mutfera lnA year-ot Korear destb Ciso mtly o surv is itestro! Unves w bis t0a Kys Y, Gastari osto th Whi bord h sicton pleasa bis rei Thse 1928 lin At tsa otooy lter, osemb tathea robot mnagt Hast1 ltier War soya Use M9 tisai,!1 really betwie adopité froin t Use 2 Ti mbicb Cori retlaté tht ai cîty- Kairea Tro tronc! their enitéi caogb Pusas Corn retait' siter taggc: mblcb army milita tsaic Osai daime 700 os totos Comc allies "01 Recl bîm Abg li addît The dan, c ri te Facts cnd'truth

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