MaILTON', ON'TARI-O, WEONEROAY, AUGURT 9, 1972 t-aRt--t t- nt-e t .te Three year old girl and her puppy sleep whlle 700 people look for her 790 Dz. Phg. 29C Dz. Tnse 530 89B bS69C 24 Oz ,tlainer TARA HCOLEIsAN andr ht-r dot- Clady as a t-ryitt tice. Rire an lest t-t-t sent-rai st-ut-h t-t--tt-ht-r t-ht-t-ath what wiii ie ht-u-s Thursdt-y ait-ht. remecirer hy tire thrt-t-ar-old yt-utgst-er (Phot-oiry B. Burtt) Buffer strip for offices subject of 0MB hearing Daffet-estes ut- t-paien t-ver tht- widt t-f a plat-Rt- t-t-hai t-tt rip t-tut-t t-ht- ct-st toendary ut- a pet-pose t-tfie t-td t-part-cent buldia-i tO Ht-a B. la Miltas fut-t-a a ht-aritg t-f tht- Ontariou Hunit-ipal huard in Miltun Countiti Chambers Toeaday ct-mie ut- ibis ccir. Aller hearcng evidesite t-tr over en Raur, OHa mecta- Bt-t-ty E. thesiR reset-veri iris rit--lit-s t-t lire appeal. HMit-s Count-il t-nil se-et-ai t-t-ghtors nirjeciei t-o a Hiltan Coccitte- ut- Aijantcest det-isit-n hicr grasiai ht-R Ct-ss pet-t-ssît-s t-oi et-et t- H6 y H0 fout, cu trt--tty biltding Maicct tt- t-itcs ntire ctarn fier mnd t-mu apariccras apsaies, aoi tht- t-roueds tht- l0 t-et plant-cg at-ripsaitt tht- t-ct- mnd e-t sîde ui tie pt-uperty ce-e tai ta t-iut-t in t-t atn tand Six t-tet t-eapetively. Oarcng tht- het-at-n Tht-day, Ht-. Chues droppei iris plat-a tu t-ait-t-ttht-r-tr plat-Rt ut-rip irai esttouai lu pt-t-c t-ut a sis t-et plit- nt- at-tip t-i t-ie cet-r taendary ut- tht- pt-tpety. Tht- toffet- et-aid ta t-la t-est aide t-t-t tht- depth ut- tht- propuat-il cmmcecial birlding tad la t-ci aide froc iret dmt attr-- ltt at.Hlau aronet iy-lae ct-all t-t-t a 10 t-et Ratfer cires t-ucmer-ial pt-tpety t-ht-t- resîdenfiai ltaria. Ecideste ut-t-te- Ht-. Cross t-aur tht- pt-tperty t 70 Ht-Rt Rt. t-et-tpied Ry t- rrss airtp, t- t-lab ut-t-lte taid en ptanetrisi tad emnata toitri a t-te building t-t tht- est aide t-t tht- lut cith parking at-t iretar. Ris t-t-lt-ml isupoml itaRler t-trt-1 otutt-ide ri-vecay sep-rt-t-ut tire t-et buitiligu et-ch ct-aid tant- aluc a t- ifo-t pitlatn ttp ai theweat aide of tht-ltt -ht-taa decidI ta k c t-hat drivect-y 14 fericîide ta ailt a-er at-ess in tire rt-at- paringt. This ct-aid cne iRe pt-tpt-aa t-ct att-t-ty building t-t-r t-teti thie ceai tad ett-t-r t-en off the airit taRfer. ht-th Ht-. Chocs tad Hiltans buldint- lt-tpt-tt--t Rt-y Oit-m tortlt-ed t-lit eider drivecay ct-aid pt-malt marier t--at-lt- I tht- paringt ait-ire ht-t-ht-ttht-ltltaid et-aid ladoce tctmers 10 ose at-e parking lot lau-cri t-t patrt-n us tht- Main Rt-. At use pait in the- taarct- Hiltns solit-itur D. A. Ht-Ct-a-thie pt-tpoea t o fcu t set-p"-R- aut-geuitri a 12 fImt ri-ttet-y eu-tr have tht- ut-ce t-Rt-ct mnd ct-t-d t-Ut-c tan egRt t-et Rut-tt-t st-rip. Rt-dat-e buildiat-? Next doot- ttit-htort-amity Chîstaom t-R Htarn Rt-., et-s t-ne ut- th- uhiectars. "I thchk t-Rt 1otUe platt-t st-tip shoud Rt- cntaiai,' Rt- tairi iRe heRt--tct. 'WRtt- tht-t-set-f pacRtng Rt- lt-eu if tht-y art- mi gulat- tt ta cet-talaai" Ht- weutrit--a ey theawidth ut-tht- Rbuirdingt mri eot ta rerit-e. Hi'. Ct-uc îi a t-art-oct-r builing o W iad t-tt ta petattti t-s ta plat-s tu uplît tht- rt-cattairs rit-e tht- t-estte iut t-eu t-tt-tt-ts mnd are upotairs ust-t-rt- lit- t-eu t-part-cett. Redaclat- th- 2I ltet et-dth hy four t-te ct-aid ct-t-t et-t- oft-tlt-t tand aparticeat et-ui unit- Rt- lit-t-et eîde. His sollt-itet- Geort-e Goadtat-g sai- ettri u-th t-trt-uc t-part-ctt eu-d nt-t ct-et ct-rtn sattdards ut- lit-lt-t mnd eu-d at-pose a tordip un t-ta ot- cupants. Thteut-t-r tari tht-OMS tht il tht-building- Rt-dit-ta raisce inR ritr ht-ct-t-tr pt-t-tett put-up t- ut-et-tor-y, merett bloch stare ciar t- fit-t t-et- mnd lt-t-e platt gioss candoac t--t-u tht- front, mnd r-p fiis planao tut-tpt-taira t-pt-tt-cts. Tht- pt-upused butiding, Rt- malatainai, cta derîgneri to t-cpt-mest tRt esîstînt- t-rt-Rîtet-tut-e in iRe riei-brt-h-od t-nd Rienr in c ia tht- Chtiruolc hume t-td set-eh- torit- propetit-s. It eau ht-lt ta-k 17 feei t-t-u t-ht- att-est la utrit-r ta pt-etv at-uc ut- ct-pie tt-et-s at-t-uc tht- t-ot-n ut- tht- pet-pety, Rt-de t -rdi "This building- ix tut- matt- lu stattuttingtitdueulasize,"ad Ct-uc. Eust-t-ai mat ut- tht- cmptes is St-Rt-e. Tact- suliit-tott Ht-Cua-hit- art-t-a tht- taeu' Rt--lt-s Rave ttali caismaed anri chere tht-y t-t-l lt--t il1 fmit pt-nt-it rt-rip it stoaid tae pr-v-ded. Ht- îid are ou Ruli Rt- us ire dent-l-p-t tai pt-ave tl cm a "hardahip" tt- mat-ut-c ta Hiltns Rt--lacs Rat thteut rad cit sarmitiai uuch t-vident-e. Ht-. Crosa' solitort Ht-. i.t-dtatg cîidl in sSomct-tion tht- Ctashahî toast cas 25 t-ct irucn tht-lottîn- mnd ire idaI t-et-I a uix t-et buRt-r cuir pt-tset et- R-r'dsirip ont-hae at-eirtar. Il ct-s ponteri t-ut a simil frae building t-t t-ht- a- t-t-th- lut, peseatlt- ureri iy Mr. Ct-t-ss an t- t-tat tte mnd isRa-a-te t-tfit-e, cutr ta mat-t-Gai toa t to-tar t-art-te cires tht- ste buildit- opens. Ht- plat-s lu rt-lot-ate Ris ufit-r-t in tht- t-t-e Ruilding-. Ot-it t-th-t o t-RtR ai tht- Rearlat- eau Chartes Fa- uf t-1 Hart-St., eho lit-es t-et-t tht- t-tat- t-i tht- pruperit-. Ht- t-Rtelinl tht-redutit-nulf thtet-t- t-t-d aide t-trd Rt-ltet-s. Wires t-t cas mnutie tht- 10 t-art Rutfer et-t- rt-ct-m ai tire t-et-r ot- th- yard, Mr-. Fat- t-id ie SUÉl obiriter toa t redut-tit- ta tire aide t-trd piautcng st-rip. A et-it-en dt-cliuin un tht- appt-ait-s et-petla citha t- -t- webu. Dairy Princess compotes HaIt-e's 1972 Ot-iry Ptrit-essthuae t-mai unît-at ci ta ht-id us KarenMarshall ut- Milt-us lt-t-mai Aut- 31l tci ct-tk sire cdll tae empeiat cn tht- Ontarit-o t-iry Pt-atecs If Hattiss Kar-n Mat-shall t-cpeitin t-I t-ht- Ct-t-tdita ît-to atAt-t. 23 uite et-i tt--o t-oi Rtioat- Euiititon us Weril- tht- CNE t-ucpettrun t-ttht-r Aat-. nsat evnt-rlat, Aut-. 23. 29-t ort t-t-nd lt-sire la t-se t-tares t-f ARt-ut t-t prinees fracn tht- [t-e t-Iais-t-R ta Rt-t-h t-t-t-o mehtes mnd ritit-t t-t-t-t- tire Aue. 31 t-t-stt. Tire Ontario t-rt- at-t-t-att tht- 1922 t-tut rumpet-itian t-atlt-rit- as sari 10 ptri-t-losy cesta; ct-i isnt-ee, speeches tand t- ta stagai. Tht- 10l ciaiera ut-th- cilan- cestt. Et-th mot-s pe-tht-Rtrit-s cll et-a-tr th- t-eu ii ta ht-id in t-ie CNE's sect-ut-is us Aut-. Btaid 3taid Cotraeoc st-atat- t--l p. t-rla baril st retursoi, Rt- lt-t-ira t-t--t-td Ris and st-ighharisg pet-petb t ot-tad st-t lot-t-t hia t-tht-r daaght-t. Rot-s tRtr Rt- plat-eria lte, tthe-OPP. Arido anr il t-a atar frac, the Ot-hylit- rittat-Rmt-t ct-st lit- tht- fit-irs anri rit-s-t hh Reir t-ta Mc Coleman Rt-ct ami st-art-tar tht- t-tet-R Rt-atdat-les for th- cRItr. Relp t-tme Wortd aprt-ad ltast atout the t-assi-g girl anri st-on t- large t-t-acrbaigathetrt-dt-roerithe- Ht-Colt-ct-n Race. Tht- amiooa t-t-t-cdait-d fat-tht-poetit-itg ta t-acplete Ris st-a-t- Refore etfgag lna t-atar-h ut- tht-fr t-ct. Rt-t-et ramn and a socher t-f t-rat-ho caie Rt- pet-pie tafore petitct-wr- catit-r Rampe-er th- se-t-t-. Th- ritg sat-hi th- ar-a tahari Fine Ridereri tand at-ag tht- t-t-ch t-rat. One the ritgema flaishei there tl cest at-rt-c tht- t-tadl ta tht- t-r-y fat-c chere t-Rt girl rot-c-ttes ct-tt tt- plat-. At tht tlcne a ct-t-ive st-ar-h party ciarluiag t-Ruit 46 OFF froc Milton, Qataile mnd harllagtas and t-t 0 t-ites ct-st lit- th- rit-tse Rot. Fear t-t-tpt thrtough th- t-cri tad affit-ers cira bail taee an t-Radar hanta tafat-t. Rt-vert-i et-pest-ai t-t-t-trn t-Rt-t tht- pt-t-mit- t-f t-e t-rt-t-. Whilth ae caler la th- t-rteh can lac, btlc marte Rai pt-tvidai t-t-ct- here th- httotcost-trt tae st-t-t. St. John's Ambulan-e ct-tht-ts jacine the st-ar-h et-ny la the t-venintg. WRhieone tffleer notait-ast-t-m about tht- t-rteh t-t-tth-t st-id t-ht-des of Ht-ty Ast-t at-ht-ttt". That yaaagster car the sahjet afacmassîve Rert t-ht-t lt-st-ai fat- set-r-i dayr and t-the cas a mnvestîgatod fat- months after ht tht-girl c as se-e- fosari. Tht-lat-r s-tt-th in thîr t-t-m fourni a yamngstor ritad cn the tf Hile Ct-ch se-t Milt-as Diatrit-t HigR Retoal atout tea years aga. Cha-t-rit-i Tara taril tayai ot-tlide ciar tar dut- chen tht- yt-asger girl ct-tt cn. RRe Rt-tart-e lt-st chen t-ta cet-t t-ver th- t-rt-st t-f th- ravne t-t the Rt-t- t-f th- lt-t ta ret-itve a bail aRe t-td th- do- ct-te piaycng with. ROte ct-t-rit--a a lit-l- at-er filaig tht-t- t-t-ad tht-s lt-st ht-r itrto. It cm ltt eveslag tafare t-ht- spot-ai tRt lit-ht t-f th- fat-chat-se and Readeri fat- sheiter. Fcnding safety the yung fai tort-a in co ft-he t-ltht. Aahai t-Rt t-t-lieg day if t-ht- bad! htes ft-ight-esai Ry th- hR-tt-it-g et-pt-rient-e Tara dint anseer ht-t chen anhai if Cindy baril tahes t-are t-f ht-t, she crird iaietR a shy t-ri-. Sta.mfiold is wokcomod but <musàme no exditontemt t H -y st-ct- t- Bot- at-pc t- nuctar t-f nosta tht the res ofdu- th jksw ii Beaf tid, tht-feaia Pt-tt-teau- ut-w Stt-tft-tr t-tut- Art-os t-th-t luctotns. WRile sn HMisaion- ***~jit nve Cont-ernatine leader sai Georgtet-oct- Miltas anri Okit-e Rt- Rt-sited Haitus Centenna a qu t-tly tas irt popperi lta ht-ad Tut-t-y. At-t-t-runt-th-ritl- ft-r Heur anri tht- mffe bouse. 0N F ABOUT 40 Ont-arao Provincial PaRt-e Offit-err is ýovert the metert- ttht- effe- tar shaca searciat t-ar Tat-a Ht-Cuit-ma-. Th- girl et-s rtRmai cn tht- Qat-set Hol Coffet- Ht-as- tai Rt-r Race sat-riy ater-Rt- cas fu-t-ai -tarm a mile ami a Tht-ay ct-ht quarter t-ety fracn ht-r hume. potanit-d was rt-ce vediryt a (PRais hy Rt-R Burtti teenagers darla- fila ct-Rt- bt-uas- iit. Th- P.C. tocs candritra througR the t-aRc ht-are sthkt- tonds clth pt-etty ct-h enery-ne and ct-t-g ciar ct-at. fiRa vlit cta st-ct-hat unhhe tht-t t-f a niritînt- politltian tacat--se ent-er taook tht- stage ta speak t-t-tt-t-tgelan a qut-stion- t-tset perînri buai impiy mit-tlai ciar th- t-rad tand chat-tadinl scail t-rtopa anri socetices a t-st ta t-se htais. No escliemeal Whlt Rt- c t-tt ht-chiai ai at-y point-dararg the 25cminutenaiit he fartai ta asait-te t-ty excite- ct-st. White Rtasfieid ct-rit Ris rounds t-rit vIt-l-tts and sorti yamngators rimet-sai tht- ct-s and hos t-Rt-tt-t-a n tht- stt -Ht- riessi ttiRe ce as a leader-I t-e't cee hi t-et-cg tht- meutty," t-se obtaerver at-ted and a second cho ahvioaaly hari vt-ry rit-ast PC leasings metotreri hy sat-t-ctmg a prime mnt-rt ahoaldat ta t-tact- Ry tas ot-a-arri appot-rat-ce t-lot-e mnd ledict-t-ar tat for arase cha t-tad Hassareri (tht- lt-it-t- favnsent's rtet-rd t-f speet-Res mnd happenlat-s cn tae htose t-f Cmosn il la plais t-oi seet-at Btanfi-iri ltt Rrithiant inidai. Wtt-e he t-rt-aiatod t-tout tht- builing issfied cms quet-ahate aboat t-tha Huart-' t-t-t-t-tn etat-t-tct-t-t abot-t lessesin- the penalty ft-r r-ut- a rt- firai alfende-s, aothn lacs arid are t-Rt-ct Paol Hellyet-'s rit--lit-s ta tac athe PC party wmild ht-c on Att-l Ctarida at-r mare t-eserlly tht- ptt-t-imact ut- th- mont-. Samne stand WRIte tr'yct- hard stt lt-ake t ceud liRe Rt- cs mon- t-rataiR ut- eves est-dut-ltg lâbîta at-tion an th- rtg lt-es ta audit-tted thtet-t-cet-tcet-tt foileit-l-sely a stand Ris pt-tty taril taRes a year t-mittoitat a. Ht- ladicatai ht-cms pleosai ta tant- Hellye-, a formetr ltat-al t-ablaet clalotor mnd t-at-dit-te for- pt-mmit-chlte-, la tRt PC ra-ht. Ht- t-tted a t-ticct-ndtl- tari ires ct-de tht AGtios Cet-rit richa-r tad ta et-plateri iris party ct-s rt-ct-pt-e ta tht- ides ut- Atht- Canada cectara set-ki-t cam' dit-t-y as as a PC t-lt-htt. Ht-cent-r tht- lt-tritr ct-s t-et--R ta sote it ct-aido't-ta a1trty ethar a porty ait-uat-sn air t-tt- thre DPton-thepr-ovncial lèel Rt Onhttari-. Th- effe ht-use etas the ltast Report increase in bicycle thefts Bict-ytle t-Rts at-t îvt-teaaîvg in Hilton. t-t-mrdngt- tstatstt-a t-tlt-axai iRis ct-t- Rt- Hilton Polît-e iiipat-tment. Rt tht-lt-tr mat-th- endet- Jiait 31. th-t-t e- 20i t-tporiai bke tht-tlt cn Hilton. Pt-li-t et- 14 t-t ihe RiRes Rt-t-t Rt-en rt-t--t-trai Rat ais oi tht-m a-t atîll missi-t- MI th- misai-t RiRes t-r- th- seet--t it-apeei t-tritt. la th- ame t-ar math t-tri-a a t-et-r at-t, tht-r- at-r- I hîke thet-ls t-ni t-lt Rt-t tavt t-i tht-ii Rave tat-s rt-t--t--t-- a. P-li-t ay tact- RiRes are taht-shv lt-tridera" ebuateala kt ta t-et lt-tm at-t placte ta tat-tht-r. t-Rtn lt-at-et-t at-trat-a. CteR-s ma- Rt- taken t-cty Rt- t-rt-at-t-ai riags ai RiRe th-tveu t-h- t-exsport tht-m ta t-tht-r mmatîipaltta lt-r rt-mie. Of- lit-tai- a- Rhot" RiRes t-m ta t-t-t Rta-tevn $1t-t-and $500 eRen tht- t- wre t-t-. t-ts ht- te aba- ta ina t-set-R stigtst Pt-li-t Chiel Rt-y tar-t- Chamber rea :hes ail k r PIERRE ELLIOT may have the sha~ Parliament H-l but ht-il have (t- go StanfilIrs ced stylei t-je. Sant-ld visite andi made stops la Milton aud Acton. (PI time hgqh rnieînLbeushi Accardatg ta p-eatdent Ron- meetting-s lo- the- 1972 etections. Hatrrts Miton Chambe- of ThRe Chamber agre-ri t a atte Commuerce is at ant atil tant- Rt-h Si t- to the- aton Ret-tan Con- wttamenhe-shap of 1,77 Inhis '.î'rtattaa Authitaty in arder tai r-epaort ta the membe-s the- p-aý o lt-hos ta bat awa-ded at prt-sidtaoutlited attuîitt-of the ltit-gitrd competttntale e activtîtes ndt-rwayai ana inîtldaiKt-lstAuig. Il. ahaut tabegia. Trh at-at ten-ta meting of He nated an etiataatd lit-t the- ihbomber mii ta heii Rt-pt, tt pet-sans hail vtaîted th- Patinera tai at-t- aithe Chat-tes Hatet. Har-ket Ratara and the et- ht-fat-e tn hîs manthty atewslette- ahe pt-eatdeat nates canstrutioa ai Main Rt. ia the t-ate oft th- Grant loan businessse-tion mnay ht- t-acpiett-hy Aag. 15 and aaggeat t te ac ay tt-it-t-erto P l n t-tlt-htat- tht- t-aatitn. forPln Tht- $100- dt-at ta Rt- ht-ta Raug had ta ta delayei ht-t a-lt Rt- ht-id inthetrie-ratuaur. Meawhl-th- Haltaît HP Rad Whttng Chache- has asked Miltan at-at-tatt- t--eatiy that Milton * t2uat-d ta aathatrize a Rthe stand t-at-d Rat-t fican-ta assitane- fat- as- ta th- buaness dist-it-t. oth et-att-ala ta st-mage treat- Witt rt-t-mmend t-a-tt aae ande- t-anstrut-iotn at Ex-t-ttit- mectar Dan Smith Faltaa Rt. t- and pt-estdeat Rt-a Har-is ct-lt l Ratit- t-tthJat-k MeGeadle cake a t-t-t-mmt-datiaa t-aa- exptaiat-d assistat-e ctas hased at tht-t-ext exect-atve met-ttng. t-t-c t ta likt-iy th- t-t-nainde- Ot- Dst-tag th- meettng tht- th- $1,270.000t pt-oit wouid ire t-t-t--ie paxat-d a t-tst-tuît- t-lit-tRie fat' tht- sahsidy bat sot pt-st carnation an asucg that a t-ttcct-adatiaab R t ii net-t yta-. ;orne to ireat Bob tr-tght [ot at-th- at-st metintg Uade- th- te-ms t-f t-ta CMHC riatsa tant etk mat-et-ng a fond t-aisasg proje-t t-a-t tco thiris of the projet fat- tire Chacta-. mati ct-aid tae flsat-ed tand 25 per toiy.0Rt-llly) Tht- bady aisa agt-eed to t-est t-f tht-t is forglvearle. hoob D ' posso- ct-tt t-ht- t-andidate VOL. 113 - Na. 15 A five hoatr aearc h t-iai arvoivei about 100 pt-tpie esded t-n a happy reuile t-f a t-ht-e- yt-ar-oid girl and irer dog wit ir- pot-es and ht--ier asd siator t-at-l- Friday ct-t-it-g. Tat-a Ht-Cnt-t-as t-t Fine Riilt-rad Esqueoisg cor reporteal ct-saint- t-t 7.45 Thuraday evesise. Rtartly aft-ttr t o. Friday, Toc Nei t-flit-e Foorlir Une fautri tht- girl ceud asle-p cn a sheri tahiori fia home. Whes Reilt cci tai pick tire gi up, ie rt-a t-t-e opposition frocn tire dsg, Cindy. Rt-ll haril ta lot-t tire carlat- rtg ouothe ct-y ht-fort- ire esulil rtht- tht- sleetping girl ta ht-r xtous pt-rens t-t tht-fr tome abot a mile at-doa quarter t-cty. Tht- hantat- ritg latoght Rt-iil ta-k tai th- rhed ta rt-e chat cas ahrt--t. Polit-e baril t-ht-t-ed tht- rshed and tht- Rt-dl property at 9.30 TIhorodat- tvesisg but tire girl todo't-made ht-r cty 0ho~ th- rit-ts- ht-ah at ttat t-ht-e. Ht-Colt-cas fit-t-st-t-led tht- chiti mrinsg a- abot 7.45. Tara andher youeger sitr Lersbail taen play-sg Rt t-ta ta-i yard clar t-ta dog and Mt-. McCaIt-can cas rt-arintg la the- living rt-t-c Tht- lt-tht-r tail thtoght tath girla badl gase cin tht- bose areut-r 7.30 cht-s Ltara t-art-t in andr cent ta tht- rt-trt-atlas mc au tht- basect-nt. 'arcs ho reahat-ri latar bth .Oz. jare 83 c 19 Oz. 'Tan 18 c t-oz BtHies ,Oz. Tin 49C I. Dz. Jar 68c Oz. Tins 55c