Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Aug 1972, p. 13

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~3jj~jîon as ta the ters and asdectahisgs and aisios for hoth lire eventios ispetion greements con hie Ltions are tocateli distance (not more rural aras) of tihe cri, have adeqoate poweer to proteet tisa oveil as the extended ad condtions are aid ta provide for te ptanned future of Milton, stepa for of a municipal fire e Towen 0f Milton on at tisis lime", tise received isy Milton nd is referred ta tise aommittee. Reform in local goveroment ta sppoed ta hie emisodied ta reglonal go)veroment and talk and discusaion on thse subject has iseen plentiful. Bot there have iseen graduai changea ta local goveroiment tisat even the average citizen in not likely ta ie aware of. Often election toa local conoicil ta soufglst seiti saine ideas for change. Veterans tank at the newcanser's ideallasm and wait for the disenchant- ment ta net in. Tise fact ta, tise local counicil Contris lens and lens 0f ils course an tise years progress. 1n tact' tise involvensent of tise Province in tise local decision-malding sonsetimes seema endless buat lets loak at a recent agenda 0f Milton Council. Under tise correspondence a letter fans tise Ministry 0f Transportation and Commnicalion approves instal- lation 0f a cronswalk at O.S.D. on Ontario St; tise Ontario Municipal Board approves an extension on tise taens flond plain regulations; tise Minuslry 0f Envirooment approves tise use 0f tise sanitary land fui site; tise Departiment 0f Transportation and Comsmunication approves installation 0f trafflc signala on Steeles Ave. at Martin and Ontario; Municipal Planning Associates notes anme nese distribution 0f provincial fiuxda ta avasiaisie for updating planning ta match tise province's Design for Developnsent program; a seslsetter arrives froin tihe Central Ontario Region t)evelopnsent Council, a creatre of tise province; tise Treasarer 0f Ontario announces a nese tasis farce ta stady speciflc inspection procedures. $Jgrtilficont priessure Milton Counicil lias approved tise tirat lnk in tee flond contrai prograns. whlichis t t encompans eventaally te entire streans tisrougs Milton. Counicil lias bean tld tiare are n jalternatives and, indeed, if tisey don't j proceed tisey can face legal action b ecanse 0f cammittmenta made ta f suisdividers. Tise Conservation Autisority pressare, in tise fors 0f flood plain regulations, seas analiser factor sehicis caunicil hadt ta cansider. Dosestosn bsiness and praperty Ioseners on a 120 naine petition indicated tee serionsness 0f tiseir coocero uSout being iocated on a flond plain and proiiited fronm rehuilding in tee event T a f ire destroyed tiseir prensisea. I Construction 0f phase ose is nase in tise isands of tise Conservation Auteority. Working drasetaga have I ieen conspleted for it and assemhiy of land ta nstensihly underway. Coanicil seas assared tenders conld hae called very soon and mach seill depend n iow quickly te are now ablie ta art. Tise pressure may seem to ha lifted 4 momentarily seitis council's re- jiapproval 0f phase one buat tisaI approval docan't offer any guarantee tisat we've Seen, ta indicate completion of tise centrai section of tise ithannelizatios seul resuit in any immediate construction 0f tee flood plain deaignation. Coancil is sass seehing mapa ta determine tise effeet construction 0f sections 0f tee cisannel seill have toward reducing the flood plain areas. Tise Conservation Autisority says "ose underotand usaI on lise completion 0f the chanoclization ariseme for lise Towen of Milton tee flod plain regalations recentiy enacted wsoU o longer ha in force since the flood plan seil tes ha contained in the cisansels". Promises of second looks aI oteer phases of tee chaninelization sciseme and ta tl cas only resal t in miroir changes. The financing 0f a study on ose alternative offered was rejected isy tee province. Tise pressure 10is oand 10 ha maintained for completion 0f tee full sciseme and regardiesa otf sehat local councillors llsink asd say, or isow elli- intestîoned thay are, tee only changes permiîtted will ha teose Queens Park Tise l could hae extended bst ail tise examples are frontone single caunicil meeting. Il isecomes apparent tisat evon on tise simplest installation 0f a new stop sign somewhiere seiliin tise MUninipality, tise tasen muat have Provincial approval. Tisen tea tisere is tise latest confusing malter tif flood plain regulations; in tise tasen. Here we have tise local Conservation Autisarity and tise Provincial Conservation Authorities Brancis and tise tasen 0f Milton ail involved. Wisat. is inore frustrating is tise seeming loch 0f com- munication hetween aIl tiscee ta tise complete confusin 0f J0e Citizen. ta retrospect il seema tise province impmsed flood plain regulations artie time lise local autisarity seas preparisg ailiers wtale tise tosen seas seehing ta delay implensentation of any, heyasd tisose Olready contained in ita OMS approveli officiai plan-monfng hy-law legislaton. Thie hIfe of a coundcillor is never an easy ose but hsowing tise difficalties e have in lrying ta expiais ta readers lise camptexities of ahat is taldog place, we have considerahle synspatsy for tise eorillor seho, atale trying ta mahie changes or improvensenta, is also trying 10 follow tee red tape troUl iloroig ta succesafal completion of some project. Regional goverament is sapposedl ta reStore more of the responsihilities ta local governimenî. Il seema idealistie, tait if it CaLS down on Mome 0f lise Provsncial apprevals occessary il may have mode a significant slep. But mayise tisaIs 100 murs t0 hope for. (f Sug~ Ilumehoe i rat gel tua rarîtel tese laya about Sesator MeGonern or Bohis> Hull playssg agamast the Rassias, or us> oI tee other hysterieul enents in bise press. Trouble is. serre atayseg for a meois at eleanas, saiis s ot ronlarine 10 grtting raretel about anytsing. 'liere's a radio ald teirvisias set and a party-linr telephoor. but notaI> papa mueis attention bo as> of tisem. On tee eteer band, tere is nu roar of traffir, no paper-in> rengînut tise doue-bell ut t.0a a.m. lrrnanleng is seeha puy, no honhing of bornas or sqaealsng of tires, no ruous apatrriog of laasseosera. Noceis there any reois et exhaust fanes. lacior> seohe, meltsng asphait. ranril fias' and-chips. or pollaîrd atr. 'Ose reason s simple enoags. Grondait liv,. in a isasdsome atone hnase about 6i officiais are willing to, accepi. il hacomes more and more evidesi teat tise local Coservation Auteority isas lesa power tean tee officiais in Toconto, even teougis tee local groap isas to haar tee iscunt of lise criticism. Tise temporary mse of tise Ontario Street creek to drain tise norte'east section of tasen was licol approved in Toronto. The local aateority te oppuised il. Tisai leIt tise bawn wooderîng joot seiat was going on und aiso was running tise show_ reaily. yards rorn a quietecoutry road,awhich you cas isareir sec iroihe bouse. hidilen as tl is 1ohrni trees and hedge andl ohruhs. About foarcarsanoed maybe a coupie of fanait trucks andone traclor gohvyeach dy No blatting moturecices, snarliog huses avid grisding big truckh. The nearest uses- mower, and earest neighhors,aee 200 ,yards dow theeroad, outofsigh ad sosd. No dailY papee. s, no cheeisî paper-hoy ringing oend ringiof. 'Tise only souisis are the breeze in lise trie, the sornehosseomlorting motee ofla fariner aoseinghshay. bidsongs, the baie ofas odd fly. andl se aile tallang iscessanlly ta hec lather. Thie. oni> rniel, are res, resh-rn ha> aid ahals caohssg for ihser. Along w'ih lIeansolairhbis sidc ofiseaves. The rmail i rî'ei, Su here'sostinofasphalt Wr tini tise Auteoity's enginrer ha, harome aace of lise strong local feeling about a cement-linel chsaroe] and wili do bis olmost 10 redoce its extent. Thal', ceail> oas' only hope noa. We hope heUL ha alloseed ha ha a litle aesteetirally-mîsded aises il cornes to anmte of the scenîr stretches of tise streans. tome aili inevitahly be sacrîfîcel and tisis we genuinely regret. 'Tie bawn 10 rommitteil teo apcogcarn lis, seacesl liis-iîdciips are tour smiles aoaî riseoearest lav'loe i20miles wa. Aoidltheseareeoo'alerîsis a geisay. deep, cheas. col oail unoilluled. i' Seitting typisil Ibis ai Grandaîl' dess, iila indoa eighinifrontlolioe l.oolas out eenearestlarnagoîîniediilofroses' oe nd asile. Beyond fisait a isage siaple lree lesd il anold apple ree wth a swng ilaglig foe lise grasdicsldes Asd iseyond lise lis, seuil gren ofi ilisr lree Iookint 0outlise oliser alnouw lu rat rîgisi lisere'. a ms of iloa'ers lisen a witie broie. lises a isag' ba.u 'liell. offert aitlrsd riîfin oses e a filne ofleees andbeyoil aod iselea sisal, a iasl expasse of hiae, isloc 001er, usît white cliii,. on lise uliser side of lise ha>. l'isee isasîleil 'urd ow taslie eoud. lisere u; a col. l051'lloing seras, ails reai aerluli, Vve bises same are spa'îkied and raîhoo lroutoutloflhere. ln thsespriîîu thseraîisboo'cameup illo spaas, 11,11 aimile aa, asee lise steearn flou,. n10 lise ha> lis te rainoisu Iroul liisisg aould being Ira,', 10 lise ryra of a cily boy ah, ha, scier caugisi ae>lising bsut a peris. Hasibedof roinhoo are lahen lisere in thsprog and îllh. andlthelaisisfîoi !mîproing, becas theelocal avaler. haie fortea loi 10 peesere lise îpaasiog lemnales. ai growan ed it is aresali ahiris ha, heen soogisi foc a namber of years isy masy officiais asd citizen,. Revira lise promises asd proposais adlvansed aI nomination meetings of tic pasi fea yeues, if yoiu' rnmocy has dimmei, aisout sah;rcle liSe asocoatios. Thie ceahis of icoalis are nose 0000 as and lise oloplas saisconscîoos viras of pcogcess and groalis fade a litle as tee chasges corne abot ffechsng focevr sue h saburai tceasaces as lise Scoîes Mile Cceek. "There were ilve incidents oI violence and deaten during nsy first 24 boums in teis once lovely City, "A.C. Farreat, Editar and Puhlishar 0f tha The United Churcis Observer writes in tee carrent issue. He had gone ta Nortisern Ireland ta interview leaders af tise Catisalie and Protestant Chusrchea and found tee sitation "machwsorse teanse teougst" He was tald hy une Irins researchar, that in relation ta ils size, Belfast isas ai- sorised mare punnisment thar London duiing tha German isitz. Wlserever ie seent on his recent visit, Dr. Forreat ashedif Uit wer' a religious war and alseays seas tald that il seasn*t. A yonng prieat aaid: "Tha vaat majority 0f tise people in Ireland are oppomed! ta violence." A Cathalie weomen in a resas assop tald hlm: "Tisese fellaws Whio plant tee bomis, Cateolica or Protestants, are tise scum 0f tise earth." A more moderate view seas expressed isy tha 11ev. Eric Gallaghar, former president 0f tha Metendiat Cisarcs and chairman 0f its Mission Board. "The people wha are tisrawing Sams," ise sail, "are haing nsanipulated .. .iy people wiso are arixdous for pouitions 0f poseer, wha are cnncernad absout politicai ideologies whcs they tiis teey cas acieve irrespective of the conseqaences." Asked isy tise Observer Editor abot tise sîgnificaî.ee af tise economic promlena, Dr. tiallagiser replied: "We have ose of tise igist anemploymenl rates in tee western world. I donit bohieve tisaI il the econemie proislemt sere solved tise isole situation seold ha remirved, huit I arn eqaally convîncel tisat if the economie proislem Wrre slved you moald tahe a tremendous amoufft 0f ateas out1of it." Tise conviction that anemploynsenl waa a dehiserate manoeuvre agaimst Roman Catholies was expressed hy a woman in tee worhing clasa district 0f Corpus Chriati in Belfast. Identified only as Kathleen, ase maintained tisat tee anernployrnent waa ail on tise ose aide. "Tisere are 10,000 Protestant seorhers in tee ahipyacds and teere are 3,11W Catholie seachers. In ail the big industriea the Protestants get tise jobs," sha said. A companian nsmed Carmel said people in her commuity resented Cunsdian Orange bsands that came avec for tee July l2tis ceieisration. "In fact," ase said, "isey're not Canadian band&-thay're Iriash immigrants ta Canada." Sha tald Editar Forrest tisat tee Orange Order a alill atrong in Belfast and ai deepIy ceaented. A Protestant clergymanas vira. boarver, seas teat ahile tee Orange Order as namerically atrong, tise merniers aere ceasonahir and modecaîr men. "The difirulty about it seema be me tisat it has a liard idea of Romne and tise Roman Cisurcis ahicin many aays docan't correspond to lise lacts," said tise 11ev. James b.M. Haire. immediate paat iloderator of tee Preshyterian Cisurchisn tceland. Qasehar and Ireland Astalogy isetaren Nortisers lrelasd andl Qarbor aas seen by aellknoen Cateobie liseologian, Arthur Ryao. of St. Brigit's panish in Belfas. "Tise itiersesa teal bas iscohen out in Canada ta sornetimes iooised opton us a atruggle hetaees tise Freochs Canadiams as Cateolies againal tise rnaîority of Canadians aiso are Protestants," said Magr. Ryan. "Bol vit hos botter that il is a cultural eiaarrel. Itas as accident of historv tisaI tee majarity tof P'rencis'Canadians are Cateoties." Magr. Epan iselievea tisaI tise violence in lreiand is a political atruggle. not a religious aar. "ia' belaren lise nationaliats and lise unînsss aho ao union aits Engianil. Tise rnajoriîy of Iriash C'aîiols cs ace oatsonalists; tise mlajonrtY of Irishs Protestants are umjomsl.s." be sul. Wluule n00e of lise clergymen tisougbt tee ar aas a rrbgioaa ose, tise 11ev. James L.M. Haire sauf il has "a religions osertone." "Tse ar is really, o socîal'econornîe'reiîîîral kinif." ise explainel. "11's tee ouI Engliss aod Scolisi settiers aiso bave hemn iere for more thon tiscer centuries ogainst tee triash. Tise Brtish sere Protestant und tise Irish rrrned Cateolic so thare', a religions osectonte. But for tns, teis bail a positive ocrent. "For the first lime in hec >lrelond'sî isistory. Protestant and Romn Catisolir chrisarmen are taihing to one anoteer." -he tolf Dr. Forresi. and gave tee flloaîng example: "For tee first time in tee istory of teis isianil tee Cardinal, Use Anglican Arrhisiop, tee Metisodiat prcaident and I joistly conducteil prayero on tise migit hafore Good lido>, and prayed togeteer for tee country." ilope in maaleratioa ut charris people Ashel wao ise aooid su>' to a Canateas eharris roogregalin about lise rrent saltiion. Dr. Haire replîrd. "i aould try 10 explaio boa il as bo sonne entent a social asd rennomîeractiser tean a rciigioos fîgisi Wr nold aant teern 10, pro> foraus and as' aoald aant teem flot abandon os. Protestants and Roman Cotisolica are afrail aI haing lefI on teir oses - havisg no ceai frîroîs te support liser aisen Ibry're op againstil t. Dr. Haire sd bis mnie fer as teat bote sîdes hav ra greal mas> People aiso are inflexible, hi,. cief hope tisai tise moderate. eisorcis-gnîng Protestants and ('ateolîca aoald ba ailling 10 maite reasonale coscssions 10 reacs a stable Society. Dr. Haire confessed is puzelement abot lise sea reialionssip aits Conserva tive ibiskencisers in Westmiînster asd last Paisley. "Wr don't koa tee sifoificane ef lhis ise suif." Paisley ceceaily occuard Dr. Haste of taire ttiflg 10, con isim dloses asts hi, cor. "Tisre is snl tise stigitest word of truts in tels and it mnahes me doaîit tise reliasilit> nI almoat anyting hae Says," Dr. Haire saif. Pages of 20 years ago Taises tram theissue of Thie Cnadian Chsampion, 'ilirada>. JsI> 31, 1952. Coasecil onmotionsofS. A. Fa> and V. J. Nnrrss gave thises permisssion ta engineer RoaySmith ta go aisead asts a iaynat for tise nese sater mais irnm lise soarre 10 tise apploars of lise bonas uthUeir regular meeting os Monda>. Preaidisg over a jont meetinf of Baringlos and Nelson Township onorils in tee towenship offices as Nelson 'fliocday, Jlt 17, Dr. D. A. Berry nI tee sanitary engineering division of tise Ontario heeioprnt of Healte saîd se seas delînîlel> in tavor of a jnint seseage dispoai sciseme helsees tise lso masiripaities. Mes. Siam Morley. Milton iedaliber iseolier Maxweell Pars tais 10 hec over tee radio icnm Iasdos. F.ngiasl nn lise Jane Grey Pragrarn on CHMI. Harnibton ut 3 p.m., seeeai The pairisadnot spahenfore25 >eara ornseen rarisotser. Ia 10-5 ruaaa Milton handed lise sealeedoen inlermediate este> asoteer bass aisenîbhe> playrilon thseMiltn dsamond aest Saturilay Hall tise locab score waarisulhed p in lise lour i ete ose iseisg srored before tbal in tise oecond. Melansos. Rush., Gierva.i"a and enedy udded five cas bor Milton. 50 years ago Taies Irons tise issue of The Caînadlan Chsampion. Thsrsduy, Ouusi t, 1912. Onsbalurdax sne neibî'rs oflthe Miton laon 'cessas Club rnntored le Selon asd playel arnoon and evenîsg gainesanthe 'xcellent iclon courtsa Milton sen ail the abiernoon garntes and aost aIl lisuse as the lise iisscas aho wac, iseougist 10 lait 1frn, Kîlie as irisant,, as repocrd test isi'ci.owasreleased fastlMondav andowent to Hamnilton.I iîaalonltso licug is franc! i, soornro'at alîrclel he is qite harauleas anseiisre seeinsio be no reas foreeeping lion il c'onfinemnt. At i'rsiarrevning'armeeting ofhe teusiaunrcilMr. Praren'a resorhs onldis- odron our olreel nos tInîchi. He migist havi' ailiel tisaI iastrucion as hal> seedel in the inailer ofisrepng le tise rigsl and tisaI cor i'eeral peuple tue in sfise und taise up tise obole of tise ailenais so tisaI lisoasein have topasa tin eibiserlermront or rear is o s',10epali il, shnus ignorance asnd tail nuarncer,. tfoag tisee ray ha nn law against il. la lie malter sosie girls are olienler. -Hamibton is a seris oulisreah of infanle paralýisa Up 10 yealerlay 37 cases sail bren repartril. oiib ticer lealhs 'tao csehave beco ceporîrd frorn Ottawea, a sacbrfcon Brantford.sectisoneleat. ald soute roco oliser places Ati Alto fracero. in Bolivie, sealer lreeoes c-ir, sight of thse>ycrwie aoonday the Smaoia otineushot enougbohblisterte ils h 100 years ago Taisen tramn thissur ofThe Canadias Champin, Thuraday, Asg. t, 187. Mini bon bothers sari as Mosda> eticoing andl paaaeiliaonbe'eoflacreas he are hiappy in annoasce tise Sole arrivai hoise fasl viessg of Me. Hem>y Wilson. altehis tripto urope. uS handrel shoeaisera in lyýns Matssahusetts. are on sInise. lb, 11,, Me Bcown seul pceacs ta 1he lsiiialist iisoo brisolars und parents in lise 'sl\i' l'isaech Millon. on Suasa seat, at A lareuu boul> of harit in lise sorts of Spîa in haie liee ruor b,. lise iioveestncnl b ver> rsretisg fume of hasetali mas lIii eî ai fItlsle. on halardo> tel., Selares tee 'laocbernan" of Campbsell- ville, unI lise "Stah-asd-Tss" oI Halton- vile. 'cor "b,urnherman" rame out sic- tarions b> 23 ras Tise score stood as folws t,omheemas' n. 40 atuh.asd- twistu" I. ithe Frenî.ch AsvsembSI, il social waill he fivn cin the M.N.C. (liuch . Mitilon. on Taila, Aug fi, cor thse iineîii of Il., Sbahi beheel. bt, the yoasg ladies ai tise ariool. Beretation. eadns ald msice, etc. secl ha tee orler of lin rvessng.'i'ea srrvelet 7.30lpm. 01 THE E I CANADIAN CHAMPION C* IN A -I MS WILMER THOMPSON of Martin St. was founli sitting local horticulturahots have very heaut if and eye-catching among her fiowers recently exlractmng unwanted weeds. Many arays of greenery adorrnig lheir yards. (Photo ho Jronnugs) VOL. 113 -No. 14 MILTON, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAYý AUGUST 2, 1972 Second Section rsly 43 Ibs. iquo G.E. comfortable com fort Canadian views violence in Belfast

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